Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
BLIMEY that's impressive, feeding 4 for a week on 40 quid or so, good on you.
The kids have school dinners so it's not that hard - £40 does a basic shop in Aldi for a weeks worth of evening meals, then a few fresh bits (bread and milk really) that we have to buy a couple of times through the week. We used to spend twice that shopping in Tesco, although that often included a few beers and a couple of bottles of wine and we've almost given up drinking at home now (part of the weight loss kick rather than any sort of abstinence).
I wish I'd discovered budget supermarkets sooner though, we were right snobs about lidl and aldi but definitely a convert now, for fresh stuff I genuinely think they are better quality than the big boys.

A couple of weeks ago Nectar did an offer to swap your points for an extra 50% of sainsburys vouchers, so I swapped £40 of points for £60 of sainsburys credit. Did my shop as usual but adding a few extra bits in case I hadn't quite spent enough, got to the till at the end and a fairly modest trolley of stuff was £85 (mostly on fresh meat, I have to say). Long live Aldi.