Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
Are those two racist?

I always assumed the first was meaning you'd die and the second was more a reflection on the fact that Africa was frequently in the news for famines and that food waste was a bad thing, which some people still seem to believe (maybe more so!)

One of my grandmothers often used to say "Oh damn, and that's swearing!" - I didn't like to point out that it was pretty mild swearing!

Someone mentioned about going to see a man about a dog earlier - We used to often visit my great-uncle's friends in Brighton (he was the only family member with a car, so weekend outings were him, his wife, my grandmother, my mum, dad and I in his Austin 1100 and later Marina coupe!) and one day we stopped at a park on the outskirts of Brighton after leaving there and he wandered off up a hill. I asked where he was going and the reply was 'to see a man about a dog' - I really expected him to return with a new pet!

I heard someone call someone a 'dinlo' recently - An expression I'd not heard since the early 80s! (it means an idiot, if you're not familiar with it).

Dinlo isn’t 80s necessarily but a Romany expression along with chavy and mort