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Thread: IMPORTANT: Change of forum ownership

  1. #401
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Blimey O'Reilly.... I saw people wittering on in other threads, but, totally missed this....

    Eddie... You strike me as a good bloke... Sorry to hear about your wife, I'm sure you'll take good care of her...

    Phillip seems alright... Like the cut of his gib so far and the forum won't be slow to offer feedback if things go awry... Would strike me as a poor investment if their intention was to drive us self important opinionated Brits out of the door!

    Well... Onwards and upwards!

    And, Eddie... Thanks!

  2. #402
    Quote Originally Posted by java View Post
    Well that isn't really any sort of answer at all is it. It is just a silly comment. I don't have my own forum. I am a moderator on a very long established watch forum. But that is really not anything to do with what goes on here.
    Well perhaps you should start one and see how you like it. And what forum are you a mod on? I seem to remember the user ID from someplace. I guess telling people what they can and cannot say about watches is moderation. I seem to remember that at WUS when a mod there contacted at me my personal email and made threats because I proved that orange dials suck under water in the real world and posted photos of that brand of watches on a Chinese assembly line. Amazing how mods work. In fact, somehow one of the company reps was able to contact me as well despite that information being confidential or so it was claimed. Turned out not to be.

    The Rolex forum is just as bad as WUS and so is TZ. A bunch of mods get it into their heads that they have a minor bit of power and become the brown shirts of the forums. Lovely indeed.

  3. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    Thanks for all the kind words chaps, it's a bit like reading eulogies about someone you knew but can't recognise them from what's being said ;-) A good deal of thought went into making the decision to sell the forum and I changed my mind half a dozen times before finally deciding to sell. Having founded and nurtured it for 13 years you can rest assured that I have no intention of handing over to someone who might undo all the work I've done. I completely understand some feelings of trepidation at the unknown taking over from the familiar and no doubt things will be different but different doesn't mean worse, some things might actually be better.

    All I ask is that you hold fire for a while and see what happens: if you think they're getting it wrong then tell them but not in the manner you might if you were posting in The Bear Pit. Having acquired an asset, the last thing Verticalscope want to do is destroy it so bear that in mind and think before you speak. It's not about what's best for an individual, it's about what's best for the forum as a whole.

    I'll still be chipping in my two penn'orth, you can't get rid of me that easily ;-)

    Well done on putting up with us for so long!
    Thanks for a great forum, and best of luck for Mrs Swanbourne.

  4. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by seadog1408 View Post
    You certainly seem to be fixated with moderation.

    IMO it's never needed it.

    this, soundoods the same, desperate to tell people they are are or was moderators.
    Wasnt it Java used to fly into rages and ask people to meet up for fist fights

  5. #405
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    I don't get here as often as I used to, (or would like to), due to parents in their 90's taking up much time; so have only just picked up on this.

    Firstly, can I say thank you Eddie; not only for the forum, but also for the way you've run it, (read - allowed it to mostly run itself but stepping in with a firm hand when necessary). Without doubt the most enjoyable forum I belong to.

    Secondly, to wish you and Timefactors every success in the future. You design and provide excellent products at more than reasonable prices, long may that continue.

    Thirdly, and importantly, to wish Carol a speedy recovery.

    And to Philip, welcome to the best forum on the internet.
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  6. #406
    Master pacchi's Avatar
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    Thank you good luck with the important things in life: family and health!

  7. #407
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    Many thanks for all your work over the years.
    Hope we'll still see you posting on the forum and look forward to seeing more great TimeFactors treats in the future.


  8. #408
    Master RJM25R's Avatar
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    Wondering why people with no interest in watches are on a watch forum?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griswold View Post
    I don't get here as often as I used to, (or would like to), due to parents in their 90's taking up much time; so have only just picked up on this.

    Firstly, can I say thank you Eddie; not only for the forum, but also for the way you've run it, (read - allowed it to mostly run itself but stepping in with a firm hand when necessary). Without doubt the most enjoyable forum I belong to.

    Secondly, to wish you and Timefactors every success in the future. You design and provide excellent products at more than reasonable prices, long may that continue.

    Thirdly, and importantly, to wish Carol a speedy recovery.

    And to Philip, welcome to the best forum on the internet.
    You have put it better than I could have done, so I will quote this and second it!

  9. #409
    Welcome back Eddie :)

  10. #410
    Just supporting all the comments above Eddie...all the very best to you, your wife and Timefactors...many thanks for the most fantastic forum...and oh and don't forget to polish that GTO once and a while :-)

  11. #411
    Wakey wakey at the back.

  12. #412
    Master dice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Kenney View Post
    Wakey wakey at the back.

  13. #413
    Zzzzzz...who said that ?!

  14. #414
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Good luck Eddie - thanks for the advice and help.

    All the best

  15. #415
    Quote Originally Posted by Verticalscope View Post
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Philip, I am a community manager for VerticalScope, I work with a small team that will continue to manage the webmaster duties for

    We are here to help primarily with the technical end of things. I posted a real basic run down to answer common questions below. If you have more questions or concerns please feel free to post them in response.

    What are our intentions?

    We bring reliability, support and the infrastructure needed to ensure that the community will continue to be around for years to come. It’s our goal to provide the resources and required work to give this community a broader reach, to attract new members, and to better the overall knowledge shared in the community.

    Will leadership change?

    Continuity is the focus here, YOU as the membership work very hard to keep building this community; we are primarily here to make sure the lights stay on. Every community is unique and should always be respected in that regard. You all have established your own unique rules and regulations and a strong reputation that is carried by all of this. For us it’s paramount to maintain this level of integrity and enthusiasm.

    What am I here for?

    Our primary role is to be the technical contact; you all contributed to building the strong foundation the site was built on. Moving forward we will all work together to keep the momentum and the community growing. We will be on the forum checking in daily to make sure regular maintenance is taken care of and keeping things running smoothly from behind the scenes. We will also be setting up a help desk on the site for when you have questions or issues with the site or your account and need assistance.

    Looking forward to working with you all.


    What you should say in your introduction is that

    1. A am a faceless corporation looking to make money off the back of hardworking people who have struggled to build a solid community.

    2. We will set rules and regulations but completely ignore them if it makes us money.

    3. We will force you eventually to move to our pointless autoglide application if you want to use your phone because we want to drain as much money from you as possible.

    4. Be prepared to deal with spammers and plenty of adverts because........ well it makes us money.

    Eddie I don't know you or your circumstances but I have been part of forums that have been taken over by Verticalscope and frankly ruined by their greed and poor management.

  16. #416
    Master Blueboy1's Avatar
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    Sorry Eddie I got on this late but thanks for the Forum, the work and effort you put into it and good luck with the missus and the future.


  17. #417
    Craftsman bagman's Avatar
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    I've only just seen this thread today, must have been asleep?

    All the best to Eddie and his good lady and thanks for the forum

  18. #418
    Grand Master number2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagman View Post
    I've only just seen this thread today, must have been asleep?

    All the best to Eddie and his good lady and thanks for the forum
    Indeed, you still haven't fully woken up either,

  19. #419
    Master village's Avatar
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    Any further south and i would have wet feet

  20. #420
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    I must be truly the last member to realise that Eddie has handed over the forum to new ownership.

    To you, Eddie: thanks a lot for starting the forum in the first place, for spending all your time to make it the place that it has become for many of us. Even if I haven't done much posting lately due to family enlargement, I still come here almost every day and browse around - just not seen this very post. Thanks a lot and all the best to your wife, hope she recovers swiftly.


  21. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raffe View Post
    I must be truly the last member to realise that Eddie has handed over the forum to new ownership.

    To you, Eddie: thanks a lot for starting the forum in the first place, for spending all your time to make it the place that it has become for many of us. Even if I haven't done much posting lately due to family enlargement, I still come here almost every day and browse around - just not seen this very post. Thanks a lot and all the best to your wife, hope she recovers swiftly.


  22. #422
    Grand Master Raffe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seadog1408 View Post
    Oh my god, just read some more and realised I am making a complete fool out of myself.

    Sale never went through, sounds good to me (as long as Eddie keeps running it). I'll get my coat and shall in the future only post on matters which I am sufficiently informed about (which probably means I simply have nothing to post about).

    If anyone is looking for me, I am in the basement.

  23. #423
    Master Inspector71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raffe View Post
    Oh my god, just read some more and realised I am making a complete fool out of myself.

    Sale never went through, sounds good to me (as long as Eddie keeps running it). I'll get my coat and shall in the future only post on matters which I am sufficiently informed about (which probably means I simply have nothing to post about).

    If anyone is looking for me, I am in the basement.
    You mentioned a "family enlargement". That can have an effect on one's observational and memory powers - you should be forgiven as a result.

  24. #424
    Craftsman hyl1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seadog1408 View Post
    Oops. I've just seen this..... better late than never?!!?

    I wonder how's the forum has moved on after a year away from Eddie??

  25. #425
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyl1987 View Post
    Oops. I've just seen this..... better late than never?!!?

    I wonder how's the forum has moved on after a year away from Eddie??
    You'd be surprised - it's almost like he never went away......

  26. #426
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Binsull View Post
    You'd be surprised - it's almost like he never went away......

  27. #427
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyl1987 View Post
    Oops. I've just seen this..... better late than never?!!?

    I wonder how's the forum has moved on after a year away from Eddie??
    I think it's much better now.

  28. #428
    Craftsman hyl1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurmot View Post
    I think it's much better now.
    Yea, I think this takes alot less of Eddie's time now given other of his priorities!

    I do recall seeing him posting a fair bit less and never really in a "moderator" role compared to before.

  29. #429
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyl1987 View Post
    Yea, I think this takes alot less of Eddie's time now given other of his priorities!

    I do recall seeing him posting a fair bit less and never really in a "moderator" role compared to before.
    You should probably read this:

  30. #430
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Have I missed something?

    Who's running the forum now?

    Who is Philip?

    Will we be having bingo later on?

    We always have bingo on Thursdays don't we?

    Matron! Matron!

  31. #431
    Grand Master number2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hyl1987 View Post
    Oops. I've just seen this..... better late than never?!!?

    I wonder how's the forum has moved on after a year away from Eddie??
    We've missed you.

  32. #432
    Craftsman hyl1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Binsull View Post
    Ah. My bad. I'm just crawling out from behind a rock...

    It's for the better then.

  33. #433
    Quote Originally Posted by Binsull View Post
    You'd be surprised - it's almost like he never went away......

  34. #434
    Master bigbaddes's Avatar
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    so long and thanks for all the fish - hope mrs eddie does ok too !

    thats it i'm out of here .................

  35. #435
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    I, like others, suspect the potential owners walked away due to the bollocks, bitching and fighting (and yes I'll say it, bullying) that goes on and didn't fancy their name being associated with a school playground. If they've popped back to have a look in recent weeks there will have been a collective PHEW at their place.

  36. #436
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    Maybe they didn’t want to be associated with a place constantly featuring used womens clothing members seem to offer?

    Or maybe the whinging from the same old same old, the swearing in Watch Talk posts, the list goes on...

  37. #437
    Craftsman hyl1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnsey66 View Post
    Maybe they didn’t want to be associated with a place constantly featuring used womens clothing members seem to offer?

    Or maybe the whinging from the same old same old, the swearing in Watch Talk posts, the list goes on...
    lol I did remember a phase last year where lots of used clothing articles went on sale...

    Probably from you I presume?

    If you give people nothingness, they can ponder what can be achieved from that nothingness.
    Sent from my iPhone

  38. #438
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaketheCannoli View Post
    I, like others, suspect the potential owners walked away due to the bollocks, bitching and fighting (and yes I'll say it, bullying) that goes on and didn't fancy their name being associated with a school playground. If they've popped back to have a look in recent weeks there will have been a collective PHEW at their place.
    If anyone regrets missing out on being part of the happy Vertical Scope family then there's always WUS available. No shortage of enthusiastic moderation going on there, and often a page can complete loading within a minute or so.

  39. #439
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der Amf View Post
    If anyone regrets missing out on being part of the happy Vertical Scope family then there's always WUS available. No shortage of enthusiastic moderation going on there, and often a page can complete loading within a minute or so.
    I don't regret the change of ownership not taking place, I never wanted it in the first place, I love the format and lack of advertising and moderation. My point is that they won't be regretting pulling out.

  40. #440
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaketheCannoli View Post
    I don't regret the change of ownership not taking place, I never wanted it in the first place, I love the format and lack of advertising and moderation. My point is that they won't be regretting pulling out.
    And my point is that not being wanted by a character-demolishing corporate monster is not something anyone in their right mind should beat themselves up for.

  41. #441
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der Amf View Post
    And my point is that not being wanted by a character-demolishing corporate monster is not something anyone in their right mind should beat themselves up for.
    Good point Sir

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