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Thread: TZ Gym Rat Thread

  1. #1
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    TZ Gym Rat Thread

    Do we have many gym goers on here?

    I’m super excited about going the gym in the morning.

    I’ve tried to stay in shape through the various lockdowns over the last year or so. (I’m just on the cusp of Dad bod now)

    Limited home weights and running for the last year hasn’t been much fun.

    Looking forward to getting into some semblance of shape over Spring\summer.

    Is anyone starting any good programmes?

  2. #2
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    I take a few supplements for running such as chondroitin and glucosamine.

    Hoping to get back into the gym at some point. As I'll be back at square one (almost) after 18 months or so, are there any strength-specific supplements worth considering? Or would it better to just keep to the intermittent fasting higher protein food balance...

  3. #3
    I used to virtually live in the gym in my youth.

    I’ll be looking forward to getting back in the, hopefully very soon. We are still on lockdown for at least another week or two :(

    The only supplement for the gym that probably worth adding is creatine. Ives tried everything in the past, from Beta-Alanine, citrulline malate, acetyl L carnatine, and pantothenic acid. Currently trying out L-DMAE bitartrate. But none have had any real improving effect on a work out - some you know you are taking as they give effects - like prickly skin or pins and needles.

    I take some other bits and pieces, but only precautionary and they may or may not help. NovaSol Curcumin for joint pain, as I can’t live on ibuprofen or diclofenic. A timed released multivitamin, Vit E and Vit D3, and some additional Omega 3’s.
    It's just a matter of time...

  4. #4
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    ^Thanks. Do you ever have trouble with creatine causing you to gain fat? I'm trying to lose lockdown timber.

  5. #5
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    Here's a slightly off-the-wall answer; watch 'Game Changers' on Netflix; loads of ultra-high level athletes discussing diet; I've been trying the recommended diet changes for 7 weeks now and I'm 60% convinced, but keeping an open mind... I watched it as a sceptic, with a my first degree in Biological Sciences and, since then, an unrelated thirty+ years blowing things up for Her Majesty (my point being - in relation to the documentary's content- I'm not an uninformed hippy!), but still came away thinking 'there could be something to that'.
    Last edited by Brauner Hund; 12th April 2021 at 07:55.

  6. #6
    im a regular gym goer (most of my life) , everybody uses creatine right up to the point they run out of it :) , the only tip i've found to be true over the years is that no amount of gym will make any difference with a bad diet - the only thing i use these days is a flavoured BCAA drink that i drink as im working out.

    *diet is everything when trying to loose weight - unless you want to go pharma and use T3's or stimulants (and you still need a good diet)
    Last edited by pugster; 12th April 2021 at 08:05.

  7. #7
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    Yup booked in a few times this week. The gym is the thing I've missed the most during lockdown. Haven’t put any wight on really but going soft in places where I wasn't before😁 Can't wait!

  8. #8
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    Gym was mega this morning! was quite busy by 6.30am but loads of happy faces about.

    My strength is pathetic but it will be 90% back within a month hopefully.

    I can only echo the statements above. Diet is key. I do supplement vitamins and a couple of other bits.

    My current supplementation is:

    A decent multivitamin
    Omega 3
    Vit D
    Vit C
    Glucosamine sulphate
    Tumeric & black pepper.

    The Vits are likely overkill as my diet is ok. (although I don't eat enough fish)

    The glucosamine and Tumeric stop me from feeling like a bag of spanners.

    Creatine is great if you are training hard but I do retain a lot of water when on it.

    I also had a full hormone screening a month or so ago as I wanted to see where my Testosterone levels were as I approach 40 and I was struggling a bit more with a lack of energy in the morning which has never been a problem for me before.
    I've never had one before so I don't know what my own normal levels are but the testing came back all within normal ranges so my lack of energy may just be the general malaise of the lockdown situation at the moment.

    I weighed myself this morning and I am dead on 100kgs. I'm not trying to be bulky anymore so going to drop a load of weight off over the next couple of months.

  9. #9
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    I'm a bit old and creaky for the gym, but Mrs B and I were going for an early morning swim 2-3 times a week until everything closed. We had booked a couple of sessions on the app, including one this morning, only to receive a phone call cancelling us as the pool heating had a fault. Looks like another 2 weeks wait for us. It's a shame as we were actually looking forward to it. My best wishes to all of you who do manage a bit of a return to "normal".

  10. #10
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    I don't think I will actually go back to the gym. Used to go everyday and while I miss deadlifting, I have increased my strength and core strength with kettlebells and pullups at home. Don't fancy returning to the hassle and waste of time of travelling to and from the gym and competing with preening personal trainers for the squat rack and weights....

    Sent from my IN2023 using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Nope, can’t stand the gym. Too many people standing around checking themselves out in the mirrors. I train outside in all weather.

  12. #12
    Love the gym and have been a gym rat since late 1991, qualified as a gym instructor in 2003....not sure I have the rugged good looks to preen though!

    It was great to get back this morning after 4 months away - also nice to see a couple of familiar faces including one guy I sometimes train with. The gym is part of the Better group so nothing fancy and the interior and equipment a bit worse for wear but perfectly fine for those who intend to train hard.

    I hit my favourite bodypart - legs. After a 20 min warm up I did (including warm up sets):

    => 5 sets of barbell walking lunges
    => 3 sets of barbell Bulgarian split squats
    => 5 sets of barbell front squats
    => 4 sets of leg press

    Finished off with banded side steps for medial glutes as they don't get worked as much (as the gluteus maximus) when doing lunges/split squats etc

    I had been doing all of the above at home apart from leg press so it was just a continuation but having people there is so much better from a motivational POV compared with training on your own, especially when doing legs.

  13. #13
    I can't wait. Might not be able to till tomorrow, but really excited. I'm primarily interested in powerlifting and strongman stuff, so have managed to assemble a few things which have let me do it at home, but I really miss the social aspect and having a bit of a destination. Our gym is a very small weight lifting place owned by friends, and most members know each other, so it's a really nice place to spend an hour or two.

    I ordered a new log for the gym just before lockdown as one of the owners and I are racing to 100kg log press, so hopefully that will arrive this week. If I never post again it probably means I've died under it.

  14. #14
    Maybe get into Hulk mode? :)

    (I have this issue somewhere I think)

    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post

    I ordered a new log for the gym just before lockdown as one of the owners and I are racing to 100kg log press, so hopefully that will arrive this week. If I never post again it probably means I've died under it.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2020
    Same as op for me - used to go fairly regularly, stuck with home weights and occasional jog for the last year or so and started to get into dad bod territory! So, looking forward to getting back.

    Have to say though, I have quite enjoyed some of the home workouts. Sometimes in the gym I got into a bit of a rut doing the same stuff, and also prioritising strength at the expense of cardio (and I’ve had far fewer shoulder niggles in the last year or so). Moving forward, I think I’ll probably go to the gym for heavier weights once or twice a week, but then mix it up with more lighter weight home exercises and jogging.

    Agree re social aspect too - although to be honest, doing anything anywhere near real people would be amazing after the last year of barely leaving the house!

  16. #16
    Me too. Looking forward to going back to the gym.
    I think loads of us are keen I feel like I’ve shrunk arms / shoulders smaller.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2015
    Another 2 weeks up here
    I’m a stone heavier than last year and 4 lbs heavier than previous highest
    Can’t wait to get back
    Will be a slow recovery on the weights no doubt.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    ^Thanks. Do you ever have trouble with creatine causing you to gain fat? I'm trying to lose lockdown timber.
    You can’t. It’s virtually calorie free, and had had no effect (positive or negative) on fat metabolism.

    In layman’s terms, it will cause intercellular water to increase within muscle fibres, which is generally a good thing, but with that can come a slight increase in size, with some might confuse with gaining fat - if your clothes tighter. It’s reversible though.

    There is no reason not to take creatine every day if you exercise, and somewhere around 3-5 grams is fine. I wouldn’t load like some protocols recommend, at up to 20-30g a day - as that could cause gastro issues for at least a few days.

    It’s about the most researched supplement ever.

  19. #19
    I'm looking forward to getting back, and will go tomorrow as have been busy today.
    Not looking forward to it as much as after the last lockdown though. The last time I went to the gym my NHS app pinged a few days later, and during this lockdown I've got more into running. I'm sure I'll get back into it in no time though.

    Re diet, after the last lockdown my wife and I did the Fast 800 diet (though I did 1k calories a day). Its essentially a keto diet and I found it really easy and lost 17lbs in just under 3 weeks. I'll prob do a modified version of it again when I get settled back in but with more calories. I'd recommend giving it a look.

    Creatine is my main supp, I find it very beneficial and I use Creapure and get no side effects. Otherwise some protein bars and powder and the off bit of caffeine or pre workout to give a bit of a boost when needed, normally on leg day!

  20. #20
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    You can’t. It’s virtually calorie free, and had had no effect (positive or negative) on fat metabolism.

    In layman’s terms, it will cause intercellular water to increase within muscle fibres, which is generally a good thing, but with that can come a slight increase in size, with some might confuse with gaining fat - if your clothes tighter. It’s reversible though.

    There is no reason not to take creatine every day if you exercise, and somewhere around 3-5 grams is fine. I wouldn’t load like some protocols recommend, at up to 20-30g a day - as that could cause gastro issues for at least a few days.

    It’s about the most researched supplement ever.
    Thanks - appreciate it.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    You can’t. It’s virtually calorie free, and had had no effect (positive or negative) on fat metabolism.

    In layman’s terms, it will cause intercellular water to increase within muscle fibres, which is generally a good thing, but with that can come a slight increase in size, with some might confuse with gaining fat - if your clothes tighter. It’s reversible though.

    There is no reason not to take creatine every day if you exercise, and somewhere around 3-5 grams is fine. I wouldn’t load like some protocols recommend, at up to 20-30g a day - as that could cause gastro issues for at least a few days.

    It’s about the most researched supplement ever.
    The water drops off within a few days when you do come off it. I've been known to put a good 2-3 kilos of water weight on with it though.

    I don't load either. Lots of studies about that show you are pretty much up to the same levels of creatine within a couple of weeks or so loading or not.

  22. #22
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    Interesting that some of you take supplementary vitamins. If you do and are a member of Which?, i'd recommend reading an article recently on the topic. You could save yourself some cash!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by rico View Post
    Interesting that some of you take supplementary vitamins. If you do and are a member of Which?, i'd recommend reading an article recently on the topic. You could save yourself some cash!
    The thing with vitamins is that it’s based/consider against the average person, but the best recommended dietary intake. Anyone training hard in a gym has a higher requirement of certain things, and no one I know gets all their RDA’s soley from their diet, so... very small price to pay to be sure imho.
    It's just a matter of time...

  24. #24
    Creatine worked well for me, especially my recovery rate, but it makes you drink a lot more liquid, which in turn makes you have to pee all the time. I got so tired of it that I stopped.

  25. #25
    Back today 😊 I work on a 5x5 type 2 day a week weights program, with progressive overload, volume and/or weight)

    I do other things also to mix training up, functional strength and fitness is my goal.

    I use maximuscle cyclone, its protein which also has 5g of creatine in every 60g serving, I switched from regular protein and feel it's made a difference.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    Creatine worked well for me, especially my recovery rate, but it makes you drink a lot more liquid, which in turn makes you have to pee all the time. I got so tired of it that I stopped.
    It shouldn’t have any real effect like that after you have reached a level. Obviously if you start drinking more, you’ll pee more - however, if you drink slightly more which is all you’d need to do, then you’ll hardly pee anymore at all. If anything, ad you will be keeping more water within the cells, you should actually pee slightly less. The old loading phase strategies stipulated drinking lots more water, but it’s just not necessary.

    Like I said above, it’s about the most researched supplement out there. It’s simply an amino acid.

    I see absolutely no down side, and some benefits in using creatine - it’s so cheap, there is no reason not to use it.
    It's just a matter of time...

  27. #27
    Been back today. Exactly the same weight and body composition as at the beginning of the last two lockdowns despite doing very little strength work in the interim. There are two ways of looking at that! Did a very light/half hearted session on everything apart from talking.

  28. #28
    I don’t think I will ever go back to the gym. Been a gym goer most of my life, but now that I have a pretty good set up at home, I no longer waste the 30 minute round commute to the gym I can not see me going back.

    Let’s see if this changes by the end of the year.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    Thanks - appreciate it.
    Just be careful with creatine, we produce a certain amount ourselves, and in certain people taking extra can cause kidney stones.

  30. #30
    i went back yesterday like many others , ive not been idle this last 4 months (doing around 1k pressups a week) but my strength and stamina has taken a dive .
    the 10 mins warmup and cooldown on the rower nearly killed me and im down about 10/15kg on plates (im finishing on plates i was warming up on 4 months ago) - currently at 103kg need to get back to around 98kg.

  31. #31
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    3rd morning at the gym and DOMs is serious

    Got running club tonight so I haven't done legs yet.

    Hoping to do 5 mornings in a row this week if the wife and kids don't get in the way.

    I know it's totally psychosomatic but I feel better and more alive all day with a bit of muscle soreness.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    The gym is probably the thing I've missed the most this lockdown. Been there twice already this week, absolutely over the moon to be back. Apparently I've only chubbed up by 3 kilos, which was a nice surprise. So glad the gyms are open again.

  33. #33
    Hopefully we will reopen on Monday, or a week Monday, and then I’m back on plan ;)
    It's just a matter of time...

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    ^Thanks. Do you ever have trouble with creatine causing you to gain fat? I'm trying to lose lockdown timber.
    Not fat, it puts water weight on you. It also gave me cramps that were not very nice. I seem to recall the advice was to drink plenty of fruit juice when using it.

    Im sure some expert will say i am totally wrong however

  35. #35
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Jun 2009
    ^Ah, ok.

    Thanks. Presumably if you took it for a while then laid off it and did more cardio for a while, you'd be stronger and lighter for a period?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    ^Ah, ok.

    Thanks. Presumably if you took it for a while then laid off it and did more cardio for a while, you'd be stronger and lighter for a period?
    If your overall more active, fit and doing lots of cardio then you should slowly lose weight, fat and be stronger and fitter.

    I just think it puts a little bit of water weight on you while your taking it but its only short term while taking it if i recall.

    This is taken from a website called Healthline. " In the first week of taking oral creatine, some people gain about 2 to 4.5 pounds, mainly due to water retention "

  37. #37
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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  38. #38
    Looks like our gyms are ready to open on Monday, if we have no new Covid cases...

    We have now had 21 days without having an unexplained/unconnected case from a previous positive test, and only 12 remaining active cases on island, all of which are in isolation.

    I have a planned 16 week diet (fat loss) phase, followed by a 16 week growth phase, and then another 16 week diet phase, which should take me perfectly to my 50th birthday and hopefully <10% body fat, and in the best shape of my life since my mid twenties :) fingers crossed.

    I just need to remember that I’m not as young as I was, and that slightly lighter, hypertrophy training is actually more efficient- I’m not entering any lifting competitions, it’s just for health and a little vanity as I age.

  39. #39
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    TZ Gym Rat Thread

    I went back in yesterday, and really didn’t enjoy it.

    Since the first post lockdown opening my local gym has had a booking system to control numbers, with 45 minute sessions followed by a 15 minute cleaning gap (not much gets cleaned!)

    Is this fairly typical?

    I had been going fairly regularly before the last lockdown and it was ok, but yesterday it was pretty packed - there’s no chance of getting on one of the 2 squat racks unless you queue up for 20 minutes before your slot time to get to it first (there seem to be plenty of couples in my gym who block out a rack each for the duration) so I just found a corner and did a kettlebell routine - and 45 minutes is pretty short for me to do a decent session. I could book 2 sessions back to back I suppose (go outside and queue between sessions).

    Maybe I just need to adjust the time I go to find a quieter slot, but to be honest my home gym is a much more pleasant place to be - just lacking a little bit of kit (and I don’t have to listen to Heart FM breakfast show at home!)

    Anyone else had similar experiences?

  40. #40
    'Better' use an app where you book a slot and although it's recommended that you keep to 50 minutes, no one checks or kicks you out. To be honest, I've found that people are doing shorter workouts anyway. I went this morning and spent an hour and a half there - more than I planned but I was hitting two big body parts.

    I'm really enjoying it this time round, as my training was much better during the winter lockdown than it was during the first. It's not too busy as there's an even split between the cardio equipment, machines and free weights. We only have one power rack but I only need to use it for squats and military press, so it's not a biggie if I cannot get on.

    I think timing on when to go will make a huge difference for you - people tend to be fairly consistent with the times they train so if you can try and book a slot where it's possible that fewer people will go (it's hard to guess though) it might be less stressful and more productive.

    Your other option is (space and funds permitting) to add more equipment at home.

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilT View Post
    I went back in yesterday, and really didn’t enjoy it.

    Since the first post lockdown opening my local gym has had a booking system to control numbers, with 45 minute sessions followed by a 15 minute cleaning gap (not much gets cleaned!)

    Is this fairly typical?

    I had been going fairly regularly before the last lockdown and it was ok, but yesterday it was pretty packed - there’s no chance of getting on one of the 2 squat racks unless you queue up for 20 minutes before your slot time to get to it first (there seem to be plenty of couples in my gym who block out a rack each for the duration) so I just found a corner and did a kettlebell routine - and 45 minutes is pretty short for me to do a decent session. I could book 2 sessions back to back I suppose (go outside and queue between sessions).

    Maybe I just need to adjust the time I go to find a quieter slot, but to be honest my home gym is a much more pleasant place to be - just lacking a little bit of kit (and I don’t have to listen to Heart FM breakfast show at home!)

    Anyone else had similar experiences?

  41. #41
    the local gym ive been using for a few years started using the same protocol and would not let me double book a slot - my workouts take around 1hr 30 mins - i just changed to another gym ( they are everywhere in my area so its pretty easy to swap around)

  42. #42
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    Back in my local since last week. Still relatively quiet. I use the app to check occupancy and it never seems super busy. It's nice to be back and makes a welcome change from my garage.

  43. #43
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    Alternative point of view - I was a 3/4 times a week minimum gym goer for 3 years until the first lockdown around a year ago.

    I haven’t returned whilst able to since, even though the 12 month membership I bought in late 2019 is still valid for now.

    I don’t have any plans to return again. I only really did cardio workouts however I’ve replaced them with walking c.80 minute 10k’s and the weight has dropped off.

    I’ll hopefully never need a gym membership again, just a good supply of trainers to walk in.

    10k a day has kept the lockdown bod at bay.

  44. #44
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    After a month or so back in I'm going to try and change it up a little bit.

    Work is a bit of a beast at the moment in our household so I am struggling to get my Cardio done when I get home.

    Still been in the Gym 5\6 times a week at 6.30am but I'm not getting the results I want.

    Going to try do something a little different.

    I'm going to try do an active 1000Kcal 6 days a week.

    So I will get in there at 6am before my weight training partner arrives and do some Cardio. Run\row\stepper and then when he arrives at 6.30 I will do my weights as normal. My elevated heart rate should mean I'm burning more calories through my weight session.

    I tried it Today by getting in there 15 mins early and jumping on the rower. at the end of my full session, I had done 650 Cals. If I can get 30 mins in before the weights it should push me to 800+

    I will then mop up the rest on a walk or something with the kids after work.

    So from next Monday I am going to try it for 30 days.

    I Will let you know the results.

    Anyone else fancy it?

  45. #45
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Jun 2009
    Hi BW,

    You can also do some beep test sprints at your house if you can't get to the gym.

    I can't think of anything else that will get you working hard faster with accurately trackable progress.

    You just need a couple of markers a certain distance apart and then use one of the free beep test apps.

  46. #46
    Join Date
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    Here and there mostly
    Back to the home gym over the last two weeks or so, lost a fair chunk of my peak performance, my own fault entirely.

    I used to to the stronglifts 5x5 program but didn't like the back squat at all, so I've modified it slightly. I figured I'd stick to it for longer if I did the things I enjoyed (relatively).

    Latest stats:

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  47. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    Hi BW,

    You can also do some beep test sprints at your house if you can't get to the gym.

    I can't think of anything else that will get you working hard faster with accurately trackable progress.

    You just need a couple of markers a certain distance apart and then use one of the free beep test apps.

    I haven’t had a go of the bleep test for years!

    If I get home from work and still have some calories left to burn I will will have a go at it and report back.

  48. #48
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    Last week was the first week back in the gym since before covid struck. It was great being back, but there seems to be a weird gravity effect going on - all the weights have got heavier!

  49. #49
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    Got 2 spin classes booked this week. Bet I'll be knackered.

  50. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    Last week was the first week back in the gym since before covid struck. It was great being back, but there seems to be a weird gravity effect going on - all the weights have got heavier!
    It's a horrible feeling. I felt like someone had changed the weight indicator stickers on everything.

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