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Thread: Got the Covid

  1. #1
    Master FrontierGibberish's Avatar
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    Wantage, UK

    Got the Covid

    Four years of swerving it but it's finally caught up with me.
    Here's the key question - just HOW important is the no booze rule?
    I'm thinking a medicinal brandy must be acceptable. The French would!

    Sent from my SM-A326B using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    I’d say if you’re feeling like you might enjoy a drink, then have one.

    Any particular flu like experience I’ve had I wouldn’t even consider having a drink.
    It's just a matter of time...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Leicester UK
    I had covid once, I think in 2022 but can't even remember. Was largely a nonevent for me which was lucky.
    I personally wouldn't drink whilst ill and have no medical experience to guide you!

    Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    Think I had it last weekend, floored me for 3 days.
    Hot toddy before bed, heavy on the whisky.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I had it bad thought I was going to die.

    I couldnt eat just,sips of water.

    Head felt like it was on fire in a nightmare,it was a hell that words cant convey.

    I said no to an ambulance 3 times as I didnt want to pass it on.

    Sounds like you dont have it bad,but I wouldnt drink or do anything that could stop revovery as fast as possible.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrontierGibberish View Post
    Four years of swerving it but it's finally caught up with me.
    Here's the key question - just HOW important is the no booze rule?
    I'm thinking a medicinal brandy must be acceptable. The French would!

    Sent from my SM-A326B using Tapatalk
    How do you know it’s Covid?

  7. #7
    Had it twice and have no evidence that bibbing or not made any difference. Can't remember any contraindications in any of the bits of paper I only briefly read . Don't break a longstanding habit unnecessarily... mine's a pint.

  8. #8
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrontierGibberish View Post
    Four years of swerving it but it's finally caught up with me.
    Here's the key question - just HOW important is the no booze rule?
    I'm thinking a medicinal brandy must be acceptable. The French would!

    Sent from my SM-A326B using Tapatalk
    Indeed. It may not help but if it doesn’t it will fail deliciously. If you still have your senses of smell/taste, that is. Which it seems these new strains leave well alone.
    Last edited by Saint-Just; 16th January 2024 at 15:00.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrontierGibberish View Post
    Four years of swerving it but it's finally caught up with me.
    Here's the key question - just HOW important is the no booze rule?
    I'm thinking a medicinal brandy must be acceptable. The French would!

    Sent from my SM-A326B using Tapatalk
    Take it very easy. Having had it twice myself I wouldn't add even a very mild hangover into the mix. I didn't touch the sauce myself until I felt a lot better.

  10. #10
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    Not medical advice, but If you think a small glass will help you sleep through the night, then I'd go ahead.

    Sent from my DN2103 using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Got the Covid

    The governments have swept covid all under the carpet nowadays.

    A little alcohol won’t harm imo

  12. #12
    First time got confirmed covid back in the day got it bad was just after second vaccine, my son not-vaccined got too with hardly any symptoms...
    Since then must have had it a couple of times more but never have tested again and its been like a bad cold with throat and olfactory issues.

  13. #13
    I guess I had it after Christmas as I lost smell and taste for 3 days, no other symptoms.

    That happened first time around, but with a headache. It's strange how it effects people differently.

  14. #14
    Master FrontierGibberish's Avatar
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    Fine advice chaps. Have decided to give the sauce the swerve whilst I have it. Like a very heavy flu - not bad (especially compared to what some have had) but I'm keen to be rid of the thing!

  15. #15
    First time I had it I felt awful for 2 weeks, weak for 2 more then I was fine. Had it twice since and felt absolutely fine which was weird . Our youngest son is clinically vulnerable so we are all fully jabbed, he gets tested regularly and that’s how we find out. Everyone seems to react differently tbh, I suspect a lot of people who think they’ve dodged it have had it at least once but were totally symptomless. On all 3 occasions I’ve tested positive for nearly 3 weeks too, even on the occasions I felt really fit and well! Not really a drinker so stuck to plenty of fluids but more of the fruit juice and squash varieties myself!

  16. #16
    Master dice's Avatar
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    Its doing the rounds, got it myself today as well. Not feeling too awful right now but its been less than a day of symptoms.

    For ref my mum having had chemo last year had to visit the local A&E on her consultant's advice to get a boost of anti sickness, fluids, steroids, et al as she tested positive too. Be sure to check in with anyone you might know with a serious medical history, that they're getting everything they need.

  17. #17
    I’ve had it three times. Sod’s Law, I was giving out the jabs as a volunteer for St John Ambulance for the whole pandemic!

  18. #18
    Grand Master
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    6 pints of Guinness,its a food! so will really help.

    I think......

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