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Thread: Garden room

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Garden room

    Wonder if anyone could help

    I plan to have built a garden room for my wife to do her crafts etc in.

    The size will be 3.6x4m approx.

    Will be stone built with a wooden frame inside, a concrete pad floor with a pent style roof.

    I was wondering if this was a permitted development or needed some type of building permissions?


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  2. #2

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  3. #3
    I looked into this recently, there are some restrictions but generally should be within permitted development and not require building regs either:

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  4. #4
    Everyone knows how to Google. That answer can be found in two seconds, and significantly faster than to type a new post asking someone to spoon feed them.

  5. #5
    Master PhilipK's Avatar
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    Hampshire, UK
    OP is in Scotland, so I assume that everybody giving confident answers is fully aware of the planning regulations there?!

    We recently replaced a dilapidated conservatory with a garden room with much the same footprint, and we did have to get Planning Permission. (But we are in a listed building and situated within a conservation zone).

  6. #6
    Then perhaps the OP should have stated where he is based (as TZers always are).

    Anyway, height matters.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by mk1974 View Post

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    Lol…nice one …thanks

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  8. #8
    Master Maysie's Avatar
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    Without more detail, you will not get an appropriate answer. Just speak to the planners as part of their pre-app advice service. That way you will have a definitive answer.

    Some properties have permitted development rights removed as part of their planning approval nowadays, so it is best to check 'from the horses mouth' as it were.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
    Everyone knows how to Google. That answer can be found in two seconds, and significantly faster than to type a new post asking someone to spoon feed them.
    Yes they would appear some folk also know how to be a dick….

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  10. #10
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    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Maysie View Post
    Without more detail, you will not get an appropriate answer. Just speak to the planners as part of their pre-app advice service. That way you will have a definitive answer.

    Some properties have permitted development rights removed as part of their planning approval nowadays, so it is best to check 'from the horses mouth' as it were.
    If only it were that simple.

    Almost a month I’ve waited called no idea who to be told that service is quite busy they think.

    The three companies who quoted won’t say with any certainty as I guess they don’t want the responsibility should in need permission and need ripping down.

    If it were not so close to a boundary or made only of wood( no idea why than sits better with me) then I would be a bit more confident in it all.

    Thanks anyway just wondered if anyone had done it and had no bother.

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  11. #11
    Don’t build it out of bricks and don’t go above 2.5m ,then I think you’ll be ok ,it’s only a shed at the end of the day .
    Speak to the neighbours and see if they are ok with it,everyone is doing it and I doubt the majority have asked for permission.

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by mk1974 View Post
    Don’t build it out of bricks and don’t go above 2.5m ,then I think you’ll be ok ,it’s only a shed at the end of the day .
    Speak to the neighbours and see if they are ok with it,everyone is doing it and I doubt the majority have asked for permission.

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    Yeah all true and I would but wife wants bricks and at £25k I am at the point of pissed off as no one who I have contacted either knows or is getting back to me.

    So either it’s good to go and no money in it for them or it’s too small a job and no money in it for them.

    Thanks for the reply’s

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    still says check with your local planning though

  14. #14
    Looks like similar rules to the uk. We recently had a gazebo Installed and it needed planning. It was over 2.5m tall and within 2 metres of the boundary. Same applied for our greenhouse. It was very straight forward and cost about £250. Building regs were not needed as there was no sleeping area. Yours is less than 15sqm so should be ok in that respect.

  15. #15
    Depends where you are and if it is a temporary or permanent building

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    SE UK

    This is the UK planning guidance - not sure if Scotland varies, but presumably there is similar available to review.

    Like others have said it depends on :-
    Conservation Area
    If PD Rights have been removed as part of a previous planning consent.
    Overall height of building.
    Eaves height / roof type.
    Height restrictions are more relaxed if you are not within 2m of the boundary.

    I wouldn't bother with pre-app advice - a waste of time / money & the planners reserve the right to change their mind!

  17. #17
    As frustrating as it is, get a professional answer from a local authority in writing. Either contact local building control or submit your plans on a planning portal and they'll have a set time to respond.

    It's best to have evidence in writing should you ever need it, rather than "someone on a watch forum said it should be OK".

    Often it's never an issue at the time, but when you come to sell a property and your buyers solicitor asks for documentation to any changes to the property its worth having a definitive answer to avoid slowing up the sale process, or giving someone a reason to ask for a reduction or back out.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    There is a very good series of videos (26 in total) on YouTube by a chap called Ali Dymock on building garden rooms. I'd strongly recommend watching the whole lot before embarking on your project.

    Companies that specialise in garden rooms are typically very expensive, about double what it might cost if you were prepared to learn how to project manage, source materials and pay, say, a carpenter on day rate to actually construct it for you (or do it yourself if you are competent DIYer).

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    SE UK
    Even if you determine that planning permission is not required, then I would still submit an application for a Lawful Development Certificate to the LA Planning Dept.
    This gives you peace of mind & documentary evidence that planning approval was not required to construct your building.- which may / will be important when you sell your property.

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