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Thread: Mobile phone issue

  1. #1
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Mobile phone issue

    2 days ago, we had to change the MiL's phone no. due to nuisance calls.
    She is on GiffGaff (02) so I duly changed it no problem to the new number.
    We changed the number on mine and Liz's phones (we are on Lebara Sims, Vodaphone).
    Now when either of us phone the new number it rings once and cuts off the call.
    We can send texts ok but not call.
    All other family can call her no problems.
    Is this a network issue?
    We've tried deleting and re-inputting the new number to no avail.
    The MiL can call us ok
    Any ideas anyone?
    My phone is a Pixel 6a and Liz's a Pixel 4a.

  2. #2
    Master Maysie's Avatar
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    Not sure if this is relevant at all, but on an iPhone there is a 'reset all carrier settings' option, which refreshes the entire network settings of the phone. I assume you may have something similar on your MiL's phone too, so it is worth resetting that and trying again.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maysie View Post
    Not sure if this is relevant at all, but on an iPhone there is a 'reset all carrier settings' option, which refreshes the entire network settings of the phone. I assume you may have something similar on your MiL's phone too, so it is worth resetting that and trying again.
    Thanks Maysie, her phone works with the new number as it should. It's only mine and my partners phones that we have issues with.
    We can send her texts ok, but as soon as we try to ring her it cuts out.
    I've taken the SIM out of my phone and put it back and the same issue happens.
    I've taken it up with Lebara, our phone provider, and they are passing the issue on to their tech team
    As I said, everyone else in the family can ring her no problem, although they may be not on the Vodafone network that Lebara uses.
    My own feelings are that with it being a new number it's an issue with the network I use, although I'm not sure how.
    Thanks again anyhow.

  4. #4
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    That really is peculiar.

    Cannot think what would be the cause of this.

  5. #5
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    You haven’t initiated something on her phone that blocks certain numbers - you say she was receiving nuisance calls

  6. #6
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewie View Post
    You haven’t initiated something on her phone that blocks certain numbers - you say she was receiving nuisance calls
    Hi Lewis,
    No, I've checked that, all other family can ring her on the new number except us and we are her principle contacts. 😁 She wouldn't know how to block anyone.(mild dementia).
    Thanks, but that was worth mentioning.

  7. #7
    Grand Master jwg663's Avatar
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    How have you entered your MiL's number in your phone?

    Have you entered it as the normal 11-digit number (07xxx xxxxxx), or as 0044 7xxx xxxxxx, or as 44 7xxx xxxxxx?

    One of my mate has a low-level SIM/phone that only works on the 44 7xxx xxxxxx format for some reason.

    Might be worth a try...


  8. #8
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    ^^^ hi Jim, yes we've tried that too, many thanks.

  9. #9
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    It’s the same phone different sim yeh?
    So it points to the sim not the phone
    Last edited by lewie; 16th February 2023 at 18:29.

  10. #10
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    No the phones haven't changed neither any Sims.
    To change the MiL's number I did it on her GiffGaff account. GG said it would take 4hrs to change from her old number (which worked fine).
    All we've done is put the new number in our phones ( as edited) so erased the old number and replaced with her new number.
    No other contact has had any issues phoning her but Liz & I.

  11. #11
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Maybe give it a few days, meanwhile try doing “hard reset” on your phones, it sounds like some data is cached in your 2 phones that is pointing to the old network. If they were a computer I would do c:> ipconfig /flushdns

    1) As it’s a phone - try resetting your network settings on your phones - from what you say it appears an issue with your phones not MiL or others

    Let me know if that helps?

    2) try put your SIM in another phone (another family member who can ring MiL) and try again from that new phone - do you have an old one you can try on? Does the issue still happen.
    Last edited by MartynJC (UK); 16th February 2023 at 18:51.
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  12. #12
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    Is the name associated with the new number exactly the same as the old number? Try editing the name to something slightly different, the phone might be trying to find a defunct number via the name associated with it?

  13. #13
    That only you two are having this issue suggests it is either your phones (both Pixels) or something peculiar you have done to your phones.

    Has renaming her your in contacts been suggested/tried?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonM View Post
    Is the name associated with the new number exactly the same as the old number? Try editing the name to something slightly different, the phone might be trying to find a defunct number via the name associated with it?
    I think this could be the issue
    Just punch in the new number and save as a slightly different name
    So they have changed the number associated with the sim

  15. #15
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    Is anyone else who are not having the issue on Vodafone or Lebara ? Was the MILs original number ported from another network? If not and it’s only Lebara Voda numbers having an issue the number change may have done something to the routing affecting incoming calls. It usually affects incoming text as well but some networks have separate routing for them although most don’t.
    It’s a weird one for sure and you may have to contact network support to do some traces and see where the call is failing. Also doing most of the checks above including manual dial so not from contacts, trying your SIM in a different handset etc.

  16. #16
    As Jason and Lewis said, sounds like a duplicate contact issue. You may have her saved on your SIM and on the device. So then you have the same name but different numbers and it doesn't like it.

    Also maybe check VOIP calling. Turn it off and try as that can be a pain.

    Sent from my M2101K6G using Tapatalk

  17. #17
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I'll try some of your suggestions in the morning. I've just got back from the Sage in Gateshead which is why I haven't got back to you earlier.

  18. #18
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Martyn, if I reset the network etc will it delete my contacts and WiFi networks?
    As suggested, we will change the MiL contact name and check that out.
    Thank you

  19. #19
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Martyn, if I reset the network etc will it delete my contacts and WiFi networks?
    As suggested, we will change the MiL contact name and check that out.
    Thank you
    it resets your network connection - so any Wi-Fi connections will need reconnecting (so check you have your network passwords to hand). It won’t affect your contacts.

    This will reset all network settings, including those for:
    • Wi-Fi
    • Mobile data
    • Bluetooth
    Have you tried just ringing MiL number - inputting on the keypad, rather than via your contacts?

    a simple test is to try your SIM card in another phone and try ringing MiL number in that phone. If that works then something to do with your specific phone - not the network. So resetting your phones network settings should (hopefully) fix it.

    Else - backup your phone - do a factory reset and restore from backup maybe a last resort.
    Last edited by MartynJC (UK); 17th February 2023 at 12:28.
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  20. #20
    Master robcuk's Avatar
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    Do you have text messages to/from her saved on either of your phones? This might be causing the block, but if you rename her contact info with the old number to MIL - Old or similar and create a new contact MIL -New this might sort it.

  21. #21
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robcuk View Post
    Do you have text messages to/from her saved on either of your phones? This might be causing the block, but if you rename her contact info with the old number to MIL - Old or similar and create a new contact MIL -New this might sort it.
    Hi Rob
    Tried direct calling her but just get a distorted 'beep' sound.
    I've deleted all text messages too.
    I've tried a different name but that hasn't altered anything.
    I'll try Martyns suggestion of resetting the network next. 🥺

  22. #22
    Grand Master number2's Avatar
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    Check if WiFi calling is enabled, if so disable it.
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  23. #23
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number2 View Post
    Check if WiFi calling is enabled, if so disable it.
    Hi number2
    WiFi calling isn't supported by Lebara, at least not yet.

  24. #24
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Hi Rob
    Tried direct calling her but just get a distorted 'beep' sound.
    I've deleted all text messages too.
    I've tried a different name but that hasn't altered anything.
    I'll try Martyns suggestion of resetting the network next. 梁

    Did the network reset solve it? Have you tried your SIM in another phone just to check where the problem is?
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  25. #25
    Has anyone on Vodafone successfully called her new number?

  26. #26
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartynJC (UK) View Post
    Did the network reset solve it? Have you tried your SIM in another phone just to check where the problem is?
    Hi Martyn
    That's the next job, I've been out might of the afternoon sorting other people's tech issues.... rather ironic.
    I've found an old phone to try but need to locate the charger it'll be in the loft somewhere.

  27. #27
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Hi Martyn
    Tried network reset, unfortunately didn't cure the issue😐
    Thanks for the suggestion.

  28. #28
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MB2 View Post
    Has anyone on Vodafone successfully called her new number?
    Hi MB2,
    I need to ask around but so far all neer me can.

  29. #29
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Hi Martyn
    Tried network reset, unfortunately didn't cure the issue
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Cam you try your SIM in another phone (family or friend) and check calling MiL - if no error maybe you have to do a hard (factory) reset on your phone. It’s a puzzle.
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  30. #30
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    Have you tried dialling the number rather than dialling from a saved number?

    Sent from my SM-F707B using Tapatalk

  31. #31
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Hi Rob
    Tried direct calling her but just get a distorted 'beep' sound.
    I've deleted all text messages too.
    I've tried a different name but that hasn't altered anything.
    I'll try Martyns suggestion of resetting the network next. 梁
    Quote Originally Posted by bloater View Post
    Have you tried dialling the number rather than dialling from a saved number?

    Sent from my SM-F707B using Tapatalk
    “ Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.” HHGTTG

  32. #32
    Is your MIL's phone blocking your numbers?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Is your MIL's phone blocking your numbers?
    I’d mentioned that but apparently not
    Are you sure you mums phone isn’t picking your number up,as spam - what phone is it
    Some Samsungs and other androids have spam filters
    Last edited by lewie; 18th February 2023 at 10:44.

  34. #34
    Master robcuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Hi Rob
    Tried direct calling her but just get a distorted 'beep' sound.
    I've deleted all text messages too.
    I've tried a different name but that hasn't altered anything.
    I'll try Martyns suggestion of resetting the network next. 🥺
    I think it’s linked to Apple’s iMessaging setup, as you all have iPhones it uses this, it’s a PiTA when something changes such as one of the numbers .

  35. #35
    Have you tried a WhatsApp call ? Should tell you if it's a network or number issue

  36. #36
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robcuk View Post
    I think it’s linked to Apple’s iMessaging setup, as you all have iPhones it uses this, it’s a PiTA when something changes such as one of the numbers .
    Hi Rob
    The two phones we can't call her on are both a Google Pixel 6A and 4A. The MiL's is a Nokia 8110.

  37. #37
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macdaddymac View Post
    Have you tried a WhatsApp call ? Should tell you if it's a network or number issue
    Can't call her on WhatsApp as it's not available on her Nokia😐

  38. #38
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewie View Post
    I’d mentioned that but apparently not
    Are you sure you mums phone isn’t picking your number up,as spam - what phone is it
    Some Samsungs and other androids have spam filters
    Her phones not blocking all other relatives calls, just the two Google phones Liz & I have.
    I've been into the Nokia settings and there's no blocking.

  39. #39
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    It's a real mystery🤔

  40. #40
    Master petethegeek's Avatar
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    Beginning to look like you may need to divorce Liz and get a new MiL.

  41. #41
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    Might be worth a look
    Not sure if it’s been suggested to delete your contact from your mums phone

  42. #42
    Grand Master jwg663's Avatar
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    Do your calls to the MiL show in her call history?


  43. #43
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwg663 View Post
    Do your calls to the MiL show in her call history?
    Yes, she receives our texts ok. Our calls show up as a missed call.
    Guys, I'm suspending the thread until Lebara investigate and come up with an answer, but thank you all so far with your ideas and possible solutions.

  44. #44
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Yes, she receives our texts ok. Our calls show up as a missed call.
    Guys, I'm suspending the thread until Lebara investigate and come up with an answer, but thank you all so far with your ideas and possible solutions.
    I still think - try your SIM card in a different phone - to rule out it is an issue with your phone not your SIM.
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  45. #45
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartynJC (UK) View Post
    I still think - try your SIM card in a different phone - to rule out it is an issue with your phone not your SIM.
    Hi Martyn
    My daughter lent me a Motorola phone that belonged to my Grandson.
    Charged it up, eagerly put my SIM in, guess what? it was SIM locked😡
    Grandson said he never put a lock on it.
    I seem to be doomed with this issue🙄
    I'll just wait to see what Lebara have to say.
    Last resort is to wipe the phone and start over again.

  46. #46
    I assume by SIM locked it's just network locked?

  47. #47
    Grand Master jwg663's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Yes, she receives our texts ok. Our calls show up as a missed call.
    It is possible that your numbers are associated with a 'Do Not Disturb' function in the contacts list on the MiL's phone (or in Android settings) ?


  48. #48
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    We've resolved this issue now. I went to another provider 'SIM' only deal and the issue was eradicated.
    So it must have been the Lebara SIM causing the problem.
    Thank you too all who offered their help and suggestions, very grateful.

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