Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
I can't offer the OP any specific recommendations on the places he's shortlisted, however I can offer my opinion on Turkey per se having visited there a number of times in the last few years, the last being November in Istanbul and Bursa.
For me the combination of people, hospitality, weather and cultural mix makes it's a great country to visit.
It's very affordable there and I don't see the politics of that area causing any concerns from a personal safety pov.

My personal disappointment of Turkey is the proliferation of fake stuff being sold absolutely everywhere, from back street shops up to hotels and malls. Taking watches as an example, whereas once you'd see mainly fake Chinese Rolex (and easily discernible fake ones at that) being offered there's now also every other prestige brand name - and the quality of the 'AAA' super fakes is IMO certainly good enough to fool 99% of the public (these being made in Turkey according to the sellers).

Hi Chris,
that's the best 'family holiday video' I've ever seen - and I've see far too many of them over the years!


Thanks Ralphy and awright101, it's the first time I've not taken my camera on holiday so decided to take a small drone and my iPhone for video clips. I got told off by hotel security for using the drone so most of the footage is from my phone. It's nice to be able to look back on video more than photos so looks like I'm going to be doing the same after each trip.