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Thread: New job offer question...

  1. #51
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Ashford, Kent
    Once you know you are prepared to let it go, get back to them.
    Mention your current salary and your financial commitments to maintain your current standard of living.
    Say that you will accept a starting salary of £51k (or whatever), to be reviewed within x months to go to £55k (or whatever).

    Thank them for them time
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dublin, Ireland
    you say you said your salary expectation is 48.5-51.5k and there top end is 48.2k,

    if they offer you the top end are you not meeting your (min at least) expectation?

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cyrusir View Post
    you say you said your salary expectation is 48.5-51.5k and there top end is 48.2k,

    if they offer you the top end are you not meeting your (min at least) expectation?
    Issue might be no scope for pay rises if that’s the top wage.

  4. #54
    Did you see the job advert online and is it still in your history?

    I hope it all works out for you.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuno1 View Post
    Issue might be no scope for pay rises if that’s the top wage.
    And I’m not sure why I would have put £48,500 - £51,500 on the salary expectation if that was not what the advert stated on their website?

    Ah I’m going to sit tight and keep looking, I do get good time off where I am currently, ah lesson learnt for me but I feel like I’ve wasted their time now.

    Dam it…

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  6. #56
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    What about the pension too? You must be putting away some decent % into your pension at the moment, what are their contributions like?

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  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martylaa View Post
    And I’m not sure why I would have put £48,500 - £51,500 on the salary expectation if that was not what the advert stated on their website?

    Ah I’m going to sit tight and keep looking, I do get good time off where I am currently, ah lesson learnt for me but I feel like I’ve wasted their time now.

    Dam it…

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    Wouldn’t worry about that. You hoped for a wage based on what you saw and it has not materialised. Simply state that and thank them for their time.

  8. #58
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    Apr 2015
    You said early that you’re thinking you can’t take that drop. That being the case you’ve got nothing to lose by just simply being honest. A case of if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

    Why not go back to them and say you appreciate the offer, but you were sure that the level was X amount and whilst you’d love to take the job, you’re already taking a drop to make this viable and at the level offered it’s not?

    If you do it in a polite and professional way, the worst thing they can say is ‘no’.

    N.B. Just make sure you’re totally sure you did read it and aren’t getting it mixed up with another job you’ve seen.

    Anyway, best of luck :-)

  9. #59
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    Coming Straight Outer Trumpton
    Not wanting to sound like one of those folk, it’s great you got an offer in the first place.

    If it doesn’t pan out it’s a lesson learned to screen shot both role ad & any submission just in case.

    I hope this does pan out though as you sounded engaged in the role.

  10. #60
    Taking a job at the top of the range restricts any future growth. It's far better to me right at the bottom of a bigger grade.

    If this is borderline acceptable at the top end, then frankly you're only going to be disappointed at salary renewal and promotion time.

    In tech, I expect pushback on offers and usually uplift 10-20%. I don't know what you do, but I'd definitely reset their expectations.

  11. #61
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    I think I must be missing something as it seems like you were happy to take £48-51k but now it's nearer £48k you think the drop is too big.

    I'd certainly agree that if you have any 'gut' feelings it's not right then sit tight on the basis something better will come up (better is really whatever is next on the basis this wouldn't have worked out well). I'd generally agree with you having nothing to lose by asking for the higher salary you thought was on offer but if the 'gut' says it's not right then no point.

  12. #62
    Grand Master
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    Top of band is never a good place to be.

    So many flags for me with this currently, change in salary (cannot believe you dreamt that), 12 month promotion etc. I’d politely decline the offer based on salary expectation vs reality.

    If they match your higher end when they come back, then top of band at least buys you a little time with lower pay rises.

    I have worked for a company where if you’re top of band, the pay rise is a lump sum at the start of year. Frustrating but better than nothing. Amusingly they paid me this in my final 2 weeks before I left, for the year I wouldn’t be there. Forgot to mention that in my exit interview!

    Best of luck with either negotiating it, or with the hunt for future employment.

    What industry if you’re willing to share? Am sure there are many members here with contacts to help keep an ear out.

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  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Martylaa View Post
    In my application my salary expectation states ‘£48,500 to £51,500 as per the advert’

    For some reason though I definitely remember seeing an advert stating £50-£55k for the same job, anyway I can’t find that now so it’s irrelevant.
    I'm a little lost on this part. You say your salary expectation was in line with the advert, but your lowest expectation is actually £1,500 lower than the stated low end.
    Why would you pitch yourself lower than advertised?

    Are you sure the advert was for the same company/position? Maybe you can no longer find it becauase you are searching for something that is not there?

    Anyway - Move on. You'll never feel content there if you were to take the position.

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Kenney View Post
    I'm a little lost on this part. You say your salary expectation was in line with the advert, but your lowest expectation is actually £1,500 lower than the stated low end.
    Why would you pitch yourself lower than advertised?

    Are you sure the advert was for the same company/position? Maybe you can no longer find it becauase you are searching for something that is not there?

    Anyway - Move on. You'll never feel content there if you were to take the position.
    The salary expectation i put down on the application was what i am 99% sure they advertised the role at on their company website when i applied, hence saying as per the advertised rate.

    However i am also sure i saw the same role advertised somewhere else, maybe Linkedin or some Career page where it also started £50-£55, however i'd already applied by then and put down the rate as per the company website.

    They came back and said the role is £48,200 top rate hence that's what they have offered.

    It's my own fault, i should have taken evidence of the rates when i saw the role advertised, my partner is against me taking it and i'm doubting i will now, anyway i'll let them know for sure later today.

    If i don't then it's just going to make me focus more on new opportunities so i'll bide my time at my current p[lace.

  15. #65
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    An interesting thread, and reasoning for different tactics.

    I've not much experience of negotiating a salary - but if the Employer has for whatever reason, advertised the incorrect salary range, I think if you are serious about the company now or in the future - probably best not to have sent a copy of the their advert, I reckon they would take the hump.

  16. #66
    I can't work out what the issue here is as the offer received is in-line with your expectations save for a few hundred

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.chef View Post
    I can't work out what the issue here is as the offer received is in-line with your expectations save for a few hundred
    I know, it probably does not read great, my concern is the rate is different from what I saw or think I saw.
    I’m sure they advertised at £48,500 to £51,500 yet they have offered £48,200 and are now saying the rate was £37,800 - £48,200.

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  18. #68
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    You would have accepted by now if you really wanted it. Too many doubts from your side.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martylaa View Post
    I know, it probably does not read great, my concern is the rate is different from what I saw or think I saw.
    I’m sure they advertised at £48,500 to £51,500 yet they have offered £48,200 and are now saying the rate was £37,800 - £48,200.

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    Sounds like you are talking yourself out of it. For me though the take home pay diff between 51.5 and 48.2 wouldn't be that significant. Especially if I get to spend more time with my family.

    But, if you're wavering it's probably a bigger red flag. I always like it to be an easy slam dunk decision whenever I move. If you need to think about it too much, maybe better to see what else is out there without this niggling concern you have about them changing the salary.

  20. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    On slightly different tact .......
    Im in the process of being interviewed for a job. Im down to the last 3 .
    Talking away to the recruitment lady , its her agency, i asked if anyone else from my company is in for the role . The answer was no but disappointingly she did mention one person in my company and proceeded to tell me what his salary was and any bonus he gets !!

    If she does that with me what else does she tell others about me ???

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by 2ptjoe View Post
    Talking away to the recruitment lady , its her agency, i asked if anyone else from my company is in for the role . The answer was no but disappointingly she did mention one person in my company and proceeded to tell me what his salary was and any bonus he gets !!

    If she does that with me what else does she tell others about me ???
    Were that to happen to me I would send her a formal email reminding her that she must keep all personal details about me confidential as she is legally required to do.

  22. #72
    I agree with all the comments above. If you like the people you've met and the role, you should simply say that you're looking for £53k (say) and if they refuse, then just walk away. They don't value you enough.

    They seem to be trying to get you on the cheap and if that's the case, then even if you get the 'promotion' in the future, the pay rise is likely to be crap and you'll be exploited/ over-worked.

  23. #73

    New job offer question...

    Well I declined the job today, I didn't give them a value but I did say it was purely a financial decision based on my circumstances, they've accepted and thanked me for my time.

    Lesson learnt for me here and its just made me more determined to sort out my sh-t and go again so I can leave this industry if an opportunity presents itself.
    Last edited by Martylaa; 27th October 2022 at 09:26.

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