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Thread: Covid Infections

  1. #1
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    Covid Infections

    My wife and I are 70/73 respectively and we think neither have us have ever contracted the virus but it is possible that we have had it but didn't notice it. We were sort of lucky in that we were trapped in Almeria between Feb-Oct 2020 due to travel and flight restrictions when covid was really bad. Almeria had nearly one of the lowest infection rates in the EU and were also much tougher in restricting personal movement than in the UK. I hardly left my villa for 4 months. We are also fully vaccinated.

    My sons have all caught it at least twice but it was just a mild sufferance and not much worse than a common cold. My teenage grandchildren have all caught it but it hardly affected them at all. In fact it seems that kids in their teens just wanted to catch it and get it out of the way.

    I was just wondering how bad it is now and is it something we still need to worry about. I hardly see anyone wearing a mask now a days and is it now time to get back to normal life. We don't wear a mask but we still tend to keep 2 meters away if possible.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Are you in Spain or GB? I only ask cos in our area I´m seeing an increasing number of folks, generally older, taking the added precaution of masking up again when out in the streets, going to the shops and so forth...the necessity to mask in Dr´s, pharmacies , hospitals, public transport remains obligatory and is obeyed here. Given your ages, were I in your shoes I´d play it cautious, distance, mask indoors, avoid crowds, socialise outdoors weather permitting ...Our building work had to stop last week because the builders came down with a dose, both youngish, vaxed, one of them had a roughish week, though happily both fully recovered and back at work now...not today obviously though! FWIW we´ve called a halt for now on the kissy face greetings.
    Last edited by Passenger; 12th October 2022 at 12:20.

  3. #3
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    I’m 70 and so is the mrs. Neither of us are in any hurry to have the autumn booster as we don’t know how long they actually last + I’d rather a few more countries licensed it first. As far as we know we haven’t succumbed to the pestilence yet…

  4. #4
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    We had our autumn Covid booster (Pfizer) on Monday and have both had bad headaches since. I'd had a molar extraction the week before as it was infected and I seem to have had a worse reaction to the booster with aching joints, chills and generally feeling rough. Perhaps it's my immune system struggling to cope!

  5. #5
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    I don`t want to get into the debate regarding the wearing of masks, but it's worth reminding ourselves that most of the commonly worn mask designs do little to protect the wearer, their purpose is to prevent emission of droplets from the wearer to the surroundings. They may give people a sense of security but that's about it. The higher spec masks, if fitted correctly, may offer a degree of protection but I doubt whether they will stop sub-micron aerosol particles and they're the ones that disperse into the atmosphere and float around.

    It's difficult to rigidly follow a strategy of avoiding the virus whilst still leading a normal (ish) life in Britain over the winter. Probably the best position to be in is to have all the boosters and to have had Covid within the last few months, that's where Mrs W and I are at, we didn`t deliberately catch Covid but having had it I feel happier. Not much consolation to those who still haven`t had a dose, but there are no right answers to this conundrum.

    I don`t travel frequently, but I was on a crowded train last Tuesday and the atmosphere must've resembled bug soup, I don`t think I saw one mask being worn. I think another significant wave of Covid is inevitable and the chances of avoiding catching it again (for many of us) are small without virtually isolating. Maybe we should all be wearing masks again, especially in busy places, that would make sense, but it needs almost everyone to comply otherwise it becomes pointless and I don`t think we'll get that compliance in the UK.

    I`m a firm believer that vaccination remains the most sensible strategy, won't stop you catching it but is highly likely to prevent serious illness. Same argument applies to the flu vaccine, better to have it than not. I had Covid booster and flu jab last week, felt rough for 24 hrs then back to normal, Mrs W had no reaction apart from a sore arm, best to get it over and done with in my opinion.

  6. #6
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    I wouldn't worry about it if you are vaccinated. I've had 3 jabs and had covid 4 times, each time mild. I'd be more worried about flu.

  7. #7
    My sister is about 42 and had it about 4 / 5 months back. She is slim and keeps fit every day and does not smoke.

    She said it felt like a worm was in her lungs eating away at them and causing a vile pain worse than childbirth.

    But then others say they did not even notice it and then other people die or have long covid.

    Don't be fooled by people who seem to ignore that it exists anymore, its still a b@@@@@d of a chinese virus.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Are you in Spain or GB? I only ask cos in our area I´m seeing an increasing number of folks, generally older, taking the added precaution of masking up again when out in the streets, going to the shops and so forth...the necessity to mask in Dr´s, pharmacies , hospitals, public transport remains obligatory and is obeyed here. Given your ages, were I in your shoes I´d play it cautious, distance, mask indoors, avoid crowds, socialise outdoors weather permitting ...Our building work had to stop last week because the builders came down with a dose, both youngish, vaxed, one of them had a roughish week, though happily both fully recovered and back at work now...not today obviously though! FWIW we´ve called a halt for now on the kissy face greetings.
    We have been back in Spain for over ten days with another six weeks to go before we return. The Spanish have just dropped the locator form so they seem fairly relaxed.

    I take your point about still being cautious and we don't do the kissy face greetings either. We have just come back from an outdoor lunch and the tables are still spaced out but it's a popular restaurant with elderly expats so caution still applies.

    We plan to get the autumn booster when we return as we are of a generation that saw great achievements in the reduction of serious diseases thanks to vaccination.

  9. #9
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    I’m booked in a week on Saturday for winter flu jab and covid booster, I’m hoping by now it’s a single jab, but if not so be it.

    The MIL who was 94 went into hospital in Feb after a fall and after two weeks of being there, the NHS kindly gave her Covid, she was moved to a Covid ward and within a week was gone. Had she not fallen and not gone into hospital she may still be here.

    You never know, but it is still out there.

  10. #10
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    We had our booster two weeks ago also flu jab same day. I have had COVID which was mild, my wife as not had it and she works with disabled kids who all had it. Just have to get on with it

  11. #11
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741 View Post
    I wouldn't worry about it if you are vaccinated. I've had 3 jabs and had covid 4 times, each time mild. I'd be more worried about flu.
    Well, save that everyone's risk profile is different, which makes that advice sound a bit blasé.

  12. #12
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    I’d managed to avoid it up until Monday.

    I attended a work conference last week, but had a sore throat come on Sunday into Monday, so did a Covid test, which was positive.

    Carried on working at home until yesterday afternoon where I developed some pretty heavy shivers etc, so took some more paracetamol and went to bed until lunchtime today.

    I’m still positive, but feel much better today.

    Sounds like my symptoms have been lighter than some have described from having the booster!

    I’ve had my 3 jabs, not been invited for a booster, but I’d say like above that everybody’s risk profile is different, so just do what makes you feel comfortable.

  13. #13
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    Wife early forties and got it despite being triple jabbed, tested positive on Christmas day, now suffering from long Covid, she didn’t go back in to work for two over two months and she still can’t work three days in a row, two takes its toll on her.

    She works in a hospital and the number of Covid beds is rising fast at the moment.

  14. #14
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    I’m 40 with a suppressed immune system.

    Runny nose and sore throat weekend before last, tested positive last Tuesday and was prescribed the anti virals which I wouldn’t recommend! (Bad side effects for me)

    Tested negative last Saturday but still have incredibly sore lungs, shortness of breath and strange headache.

    During being positive I had shivers, few breathing problems and bad head.

    Hopefully I’ll start to feel better over coming days.

    Stay as safe as you can.

  15. #15
    Master bomberman's Avatar
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    Covid Infections

    I caught it in November 2021 and have been diagnosed as having Long Covid.

    Multiple symptoms that can’t be described easily and are so random.

    Currently undergoing exploratory tests on my immune system, heart, lungs and bloods as I’ve also had 3 blood transfusions since the beginning on 2022.

    I had the flu and all of the covid (China Virus) jabs for my age (just over 50) at the time.

    When I caught it I wasn’t too bad just was rough as if I had flu.

    Last edited by bomberman; 12th October 2022 at 20:57.

  16. #16
    Craftsman mitch1956's Avatar
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    well well ? what else have they skipped/lied about ? i have had the jabs but no booster.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitch1956 View Post
    well well ? what else have they skipped/lied about ? i have had the jabs but no booster.

    I'm sorry to say that Dr Campbell (whose healthcare experience is as a nurse, by the way - his title comes from a PhD) has a lucrative YouTube grift going on, pandering to the various conspiracy nutters and anti-vaxxers. We were told that the safety testing had been done properly. No-one stood at a podium and told us that effects on transmission had been thoroughly tested by Pfizer. But far more pertinent surely is the number of lives their product has probably saved by reducing the risk of serious illness and death for millions of people.

  18. #18
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    I think I've come to realise that anything that is ignored by MSM must be a big lie. Lol.

  19. #19
    Craftsman mitch1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    I'm sorry to say that Dr Campbell (whose healthcare experience is as a nurse, by the way - his title comes from a PhD) has a lucrative YouTube grift going on, pandering to the various conspiracy nutters and anti-vaxxers. We were told that the safety testing had been done properly. No-one stood at a podium and told us that effects on transmission had been thoroughly tested by Pfizer. But far more pertinent surely is the number of lives their product has probably saved by reducing the risk of serious illness and death for millions of people.
    i know about his background and motivations, however he is vaccinated so hardly anti vaxx himself and neither am i but ?,we were told it" would protect others" which it has not been tested to be so, we were told a lot of things inc safety test but do you believe everything you are told ? you say probally? saved millions of deaths, it probally caused some deaths too ! but the greater good and all that.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by mitch1956 View Post
    i know about his background and motivations, however he is vaccinated so hardly anti vaxx himself and neither am i but ?,we were told it" would protect others" which it has not been tested to be so, we were told a lot of things inc safety test but do you believe everything you are told ? you say probally? saved millions of deaths, it probally caused some deaths too ! but the greater good and all that.
    Does that really have to be tested?

    The vaccine reduces the likelihood of me catching Covid. If I haven't got Covid I can't pass it on. If I have I might.

  21. #21
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Does that really have to be tested?

    The vaccine reduces the likelihood of me catching Covid. If I haven't got Covid I can't pass it on. If I have I might.
    It also reduces drastically your chances of needing an ICU bed, thus freeing it for those who need one for whatever reason.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  22. #22
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Be sensible, be considerate and be vaccinated

    But, you can’t avoid it fully…. I will go to concerts and footy matches and even the boozer

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitch1956 View Post
    well well ? what else have they skipped/lied about ? i have had the jabs but no booster.
    This is the bit I just don`t understand! Even though I disagree strongly with the anti-vaxxers I accept that they won't get vaxxed. What I don`t see is the logic behind taking the vaccines then declining the boosters, the logic is grossly inconsistent. OK, the vaccine doesn`t stop you catching Covid and that's a disappointment but it shouldn't form a basis for declining the boosters on offer.

    Indeed, having 'survived' the original double dose followed by the third one I feel even more confident taking subsequent boosters.

    Some very muddled thinking going on; protection against transmission couldn't be proven at an early stage and has subsequently been found to be limited, but that doesn`t undermine the whole vaccination process or the messaging that came out initially. Flawed logic to say the least.

    Make no mistake, Covid is coming back this autumn and it'll soon be back in the headlines. Best option is to take get the boosters, give yourself the best chance of avoiding serious illness when you get Covid again, and just get on with life. Where's the flaw in MY logic!

  24. #24
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    I'd had the three jabs and came down with Covid, very unpleasant weakness and mild flu type symptoms for about ten days.

    I'm sure it would have been a lot worse had I not been jabbed.

  25. #25
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    I'm mid-50s, had 3 jabs. I had Covid Xmas 2020 - it wiped me out for a week and everything, particularly coffee (which I needed to function) tasted disgusting. This was before I'd had my first jab. i had it again recently after three jabs and wouldn't have known I had it if I hadn't done a routine test.

    My parents (78 and 80) with other complicating health issues have had all 4 jabs and dodged Covid completely until about three weeks ago. Dad was tired and had cold-like symptoms for a week. Mum hasn't fared so well and has been seriously ill for about three weeks (now slowly recovering) and still testing positive.

    Despite the above and the variety of other peoples' experiences I do think we've reached the point where we just need to take the recommended jabs and get on with life as normally as possible. It's not going away and going to extreme measures to avoid it will damage us more than the virus itself.

    (p.s. not subscribing to this thread as I know how it's likely to go and I got too drawn into the last one)

  26. #26
    Had a week off from work and had the flu jab and Covid booster at the weekend so I’d have a few days to recover (we have a vulnerable son so we all have every jab going). Sent a few happy birthday messages on the work WhatsApp - only to discover a whole bunch of my colleagues - both young and middle aged - are off sick with Covid. And here I was wondering if it was worth going through a few days feeling rough from the jabs! - glad we’ve had the boosters now and none of us felt at all unwell after having them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  27. #27
    Master Chewitt13's Avatar
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    Currently on day 8 of Covid, my third time this year!!!! still the same outcome - 4 days of heavy flu

    I've got all jags and id hate to get it without them

  28. #28
    Master ingenioren's Avatar
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    Covid vaccines....

    Just learning today, a 3rd and possibly 4th victim to Guillaime Barre syndrome, all brought on by the vaccines (understand Pfizer)
    Google this and see the MANY side effects these jabs have.

    Pfizer in particular have attempted block the release of this for some time now, and have since admitted their research was, well.....

    Can see the lawyers already rubbing their hands ! ! !
    Booster ? It's a full blown vaccine !

    We have had 3 Astra, that's it for us thanks, and have had the China Virus as well - which can occur several times...

    Moderna and Pfizer have both bragged to their shareholders what bumper years these have been, (£25/dose) whilst AZ sold at production costs (£3.85) up until recently, as now ''gone commercial''.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ingenioren View Post
    Just learning today, a 3rd and possibly 4th victim to Guillaime Barre syndrome, all brought on by the vaccines (understand Pfizer)
    Google this and see the MANY side effects these jabs have.

    Pfizer in particular have attempted block the release of this for some time now, and have since admitted their research was, well.....

    well .... what?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Well, save that everyone's risk profile is different, which makes that advice sound a bit blasé.

    He will also be doomsday prepping again soon I bet, but won’t share it with the forum this time.

  31. #31
    Master ingenioren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    well .... what?
    Do some homework....

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ingenioren View Post
    Just learning today, a 3rd and possibly 4th victim to Guillaime Barre syndrome, all brought on by the vaccines (understand Pfizer)
    Google this and see the MANY side effects these jabs have.
    The problem with your assertion is that by the Governments own numbers there are 2 people per 100k of the U.K. population suffering from Guillaime-Barré at any given time, so how do you separate that from vaccine side effects? How do you establish causality?

    There are serious side effects from catching Covid as well, interestingly I’m suffering from Covid myself right now and have mild pins and needles in my fingers and toes at times. I’ve not had any Pfizer vaccines either.

    Honestly, I don’t know why any Covid thread attracts this sort of post, it’s worth thinking before you post such stuff.

    I haven’t heard anybody call it the ‘China virus’ for quite some time, since our orange friend at any rate, but it doesn’t make your post any more credible I’m afraid.

  33. #33
    Master ingenioren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tooks View Post
    The problem with your assertion is that by the Governments own numbers there are 2 people per 100k of the U.K. population suffering from Guillaime-Barré at any given time, so how do you separate that from vaccine side effects? How do you establish causality?

    There are serious side effects from catching Covid as well, interestingly I’m suffering from Covid myself right now and have mild pins and needles in my fingers and toes at times. I’ve not had any Pfizer vaccines either.

    Honestly, I don’t know why any Covid thread attracts this sort of post, it’s worth thinking before you post such stuff.

    I haven’t heard anybody call it the ‘China virus’ for quite some time, since our orange friend at any rate, but it doesn’t make your post any more credible I’m afraid.

    I am simply referring to the risks of further vaccines, difficult ??
    From what I can gather from numerous websites, the side effects appear far worse than CV itself.....hence, for my personal sake, no more thank you.
    The G-B syndrome being brought on by the vaccine, was asserted by the medical tests taken by the relevant hospitals.

    That a problem ??
    Last edited by ingenioren; 14th October 2022 at 17:37.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by ingenioren View Post
    Do some homework....
    Clearly you haven’t!

    Plus your use of the blatantly racist term of China virus is very telling and tells me that even if you did your homework you wouldn’t understand it!

    One for ze list!

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ingenioren View Post
    I am simply referring to the risks of further vaccines, difficult ??
    From what I can gather from numerous websites, the side effects appear far worse than CV itself.....hence, for my personal sake, no more thank you.
    The G-B syndrome being brought on by the vaccine, was asserted by the medical tests taken by the relevant hospitals.

    That a problem ??
    The problem is that you haven’t actually presented anything to evidence what you appear to be claiming?

    Side effects worse than Covid? For a very few, unfortunately yes.

    I come from a place where I’ve lost 2 colleagues to Covid, one of them a serving military man with two small kids, and both of them before vaccines were available.

    I just wish you’d be better than what you wrote Peter, there’s a time and a place for proper examination of the pros and cons of Covid vaccines, but what you wrote is just anti vaccine nonsense dressed up as personal choice, with a topping of xenophobia.

    Yeah, maybe I’m grumpy as I sit here on day 5 of my first Covid infection since being triple jabbed, but otherwise tell us what you’re trying to do here?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by paw3001 View Post
    Clearly you haven’t!

    Plus your use of the blatantly racist term of China virus is very telling and tells me that even if you did your homework you wouldn’t understand it!

    One for ze list!
    Well said. I can’t believe that this term is being used here, despite this collectives differing opinions I did think that this forum would show a higher level of intelligence and decency than this.

  37. #37
    Master ingenioren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paw3001 View Post
    Clearly you haven’t!

    Plus your use of the blatantly racist term of China virus is very telling and tells me that even if you did your homework you wouldn’t understand it!

    One for ze list!
    Racist ? how ? where ? It started off being referred to as the Wuhan Virus, which was later replaced by Covid.....
    Xenophobic ? please educate me on that one.....

    My main point is, the 'value' of receiving further 'boosters' - in light of all new information being collated, even GPs are claiming the latest Omnichrom will circumvent the latest jabs....
    I didn't appreciate the 'sensitive' skin of certain members here....
    And, just a bit more info.....

    Here are 17 other diseases named after populations or places:

    • West Nile Virus

    Named after the West Nile District of Uganda discovered in 1937.

    • Guinea Worm

    Named by European explorers for the Guinea coast of West Africa in the 1600s.

    • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

    Named after the mountain range spreading across western North America first recognized first in 1896 in Idaho.

    • Lyme Disease

    Named after a large outbreak of the disease occurred in Lyme and Old Lyme, Connecticut in the 1970s.

    • Ross River Fever

    Named after a mosquito found to cause the disease in the Ross River of Queensland, Australia by the 1960s. The first major outbreak occurred in 1928.

    • Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever

    Named after its 1940s discovery in Omsk, Russia.

    • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

    Named in 1976 for the Ebola River in Zaire located in central Africa.

    • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

    Also known as “camel flu,” MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and all cases are linked to those who traveled to the Middle Eastern peninsula.

    • Valley Fever

    Valley Fever earned its nickname from a 1930s outbreak San Joaquin Valley of California, though its first case came from Argentina.

    • Marburg Virus Disease

    Named after Marburg, Germany in 1967.

    • Norovirus

    Named after Norwalk, Ohio after an outbreak in 1968.

    • Zika Fever

    First discovered in 1947 and named after the Zika Forest in Uganda.

    • Japanese Encephalitis

    Named after its first case in Japan in 1871.

    • German Measles

    Named after the German doctors who first described it in the 18th century. The disease is also sometimes referred to as “Rubella.”

    • Spanish Flu

    While the true origins of the Spanish Flu remain unknown, the disease earned its name after Spain began to report deaths from the flu in its newspapers.

    • Lassa Fever

    Named after the being found in Lassa, Nigeria in 1969.

    • Legionnaire’s Disease

    Named in 1976 following an outbreak of people contracting the lung infection after attending an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.
    Has absolutely ZERO to do with 'xenophobia'/'racism' - which appear to remain the perfect 'anecdotes' to stifle any discussion.

  38. #38
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    Apr 2009
    Has anyone else noticed how angry and frustrated people have been on the roads since covid? It's obviously a side effect of the infection or vaccine that no-one's talking about..!

  39. #39

    Covid Infections

    Quote Originally Posted by ingenioren View Post
    Racist ? how ? where ? It started off being referred to as the Wuhan Virus, which was later replaced by Covid.....
    Xenophobic ? please educate me on that one.....

    My main point is, the 'value' of receiving further 'boosters' - in light of all new information being collated, even GPs are claiming the latest Omnichrom will circumvent the latest jabs....
    I didn't appreciate the 'sensitive' skin of certain members here....
    And, just a bit more info.....

    Here are 17 other diseases named after populations or places:

    • West Nile Virus

    Named after the West Nile District of Uganda discovered in 1937.

    • Guinea Worm

    Named by European explorers for the Guinea coast of West Africa in the 1600s.

    • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

    Named after the mountain range spreading across western North America first recognized first in 1896 in Idaho.

    • Lyme Disease

    Named after a large outbreak of the disease occurred in Lyme and Old Lyme, Connecticut in the 1970s.

    • Ross River Fever

    Named after a mosquito found to cause the disease in the Ross River of Queensland, Australia by the 1960s. The first major outbreak occurred in 1928.

    • Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever

    Named after its 1940s discovery in Omsk, Russia.

    • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

    Named in 1976 for the Ebola River in Zaire located in central Africa.

    • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

    Also known as “camel flu,” MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and all cases are linked to those who traveled to the Middle Eastern peninsula.

    • Valley Fever

    Valley Fever earned its nickname from a 1930s outbreak San Joaquin Valley of California, though its first case came from Argentina.

    • Marburg Virus Disease

    Named after Marburg, Germany in 1967.

    • Norovirus

    Named after Norwalk, Ohio after an outbreak in 1968.

    • Zika Fever

    First discovered in 1947 and named after the Zika Forest in Uganda.

    • Japanese Encephalitis

    Named after its first case in Japan in 1871.

    • German Measles

    Named after the German doctors who first described it in the 18th century. The disease is also sometimes referred to as “Rubella.”

    • Spanish Flu

    While the true origins of the Spanish Flu remain unknown, the disease earned its name after Spain began to report deaths from the flu in its newspapers.

    • Lassa Fever

    Named after the being found in Lassa, Nigeria in 1969.

    • Legionnaire’s Disease

    Named in 1976 following an outbreak of people contracting the lung infection after attending an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.
    Has absolutely ZERO to do with 'xenophobia'/'racism' - which appear to remain the perfect 'anecdotes' to stifle any discussion.

    Difference is those diseases are named after places, COVID isn’t named China Virus.

  40. #40
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Difference is those diseases are named after places, COVID isn’t named China Virus.
    Since for once I can overpedant the resident pedant, Covid isn’t a virus
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by craggie View Post
    Has anyone else noticed how angry and frustrated people have been on the roads since covid? It's obviously a side effect of the infection or vaccine that no-one's talking about..!
    It's been a shit couple of years for a lot of people.. it's the only thing I can attribute the sheer anger that a lot of people seem to have these days.

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicaneuk View Post
    It's been a shit couple of years for a lot of people.. it's the only thing I can attribute the sheer anger that a lot of people seem to have these days.
    I completely agree. I was trying to make a point using irony but obviously failed.

  43. #43
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    Well, it's finally got me, I think I have done quite well all considered.
    Felt a bit weary on Saturday, totally wasted Sunday, two lines on Monday. I've had 3 jabs and ironically was booked in this Friday for number 4.
    I have a constant headache, chills and sweats, a cough and a bit of an upper chest tightness, and generally ache.
    Having rung work, it seems I'm not alone, so it would appear there is a lot of it about still.
    Regarding the vaccinate/don't vaccinate argument, my personal opinion is I'm glad I have. At 61, albeit reasonably healthy I'm happy to have all the help I can get.

  44. #44
    Craftsman mitch1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    This is the bit I just don`t understand! Even though I disagree strongly with the anti-vaxxers I accept that they won't get vaxxed. What I don`t see is the logic behind taking the vaccines then declining the boosters, the logic is grossly inconsistent. OK, the vaccine doesn`t stop you catching Covid and that's a disappointment but it shouldn't form a basis for declining the boosters on offer.

    Indeed, having 'survived' the original double dose followed by the third one I feel even more confident taking subsequent boosters.

    Some very muddled thinking going on; protection against transmission couldn't be proven at an early stage and has subsequently been found to be limited, but that doesn`t undermine the whole vaccination process or the messaging that came out initially. Flawed logic to say the least.

    Make no mistake, Covid is coming back this autumn and it'll soon be back in the headlines. Best option is to take get the boosters, give yourself the best chance of avoiding serious illness when you get Covid again, and just get on with life. Where's the flaw in MY logic!
    just get on with life. Where's the flaw in MY logic,
    people have died from having the vaccine not covid ?they wont be getting on with life unfortunately:-(,
    re boosters don't believe they will protect me any better the an the ones i have had as it mutates ( and was forced to have by the way , to protect others so we were told !!). quite clear on that.
    as they say round here , "nowt so quire as folk "
    Last edited by mitch1956; 18th October 2022 at 20:44.

  45. #45
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Just got my reminder to get my next Covid Vaccine - I've had three already!

  46. #46
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    Anti Asian hate crime and attacks increased significantly thanks to naming C19 "the China virus"
    the "but other diseases" justification is pathetic.

  47. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ingenioren View Post
    Just learning today, a 3rd and possibly 4th victim to Guillaime Barre syndrome, all brought on by the vaccines (understand Pfizer)
    Google this and see the MANY side effects these jabs have.

    Pfizer in particular have attempted block the release of this for some time now, and have since admitted their research was, well.....
    There have been 69 reports of GBS and 2 of Miller Fisher syndrome following Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination and 7 reports of GBS following Moderna vaccination. Over this time period, 24.9 million first doses and 24.1 million second doses of the AZ vaccine have been administered, 24.8 million first doses and 21.2 second doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine have been administered, and 1.5 million first doses and 1.4 million second doses of the Moderna vaccine.

    he World Health Organization has also reviewed the data, noting that increased reports have not been observed following mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines), but that the potential benefits of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and AZ vaccines continue to outweigh any potential risk of GBS.

    A causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and GBS has not been proven and there is no evidence of a higher rate of reporting of GBS following COVID-19 vaccination in individuals who have previously had GBS. Hence, the balance of risk benefit is in favour of completing the recommended COVID-19 vaccination schedule. See the Green Book for further information.



  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanie View Post

    Totally wasted Sunday, two lines on Monday.
    You want to leave the booze & drugs alone!

    Joking aside, get well soon

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  49. #49
    Craftsman Adge's Avatar
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    A few friends just got the latest version of COVID and each have now had it 3 times (along with all the vaccines) and said it was a bit rougher than the second time they had it, and you would expect your body to improve each time... So perhaps this most recent mutation/strain is a bit different and the body is having to adjust its immune response.

    Not that 2 people's personal accounts are very scientific but I thought it was interesting! Might hear of a few tough cases this winter

  50. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mj2k View Post
    You want to leave the booze & drugs alone!

    Joking aside, get well soon

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Made me laugh. Thanks, I needed it.

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