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Thread: Holiday woes

  1. #1
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Holiday woes

    Well, that didn't go as planned...

    I hadn't been away for about three and a half years, so decided that I'd push the boat out a bit and book something nice. My MiL is in a care home in Tenerife so that was always going to need to be the destination, but I booked us in at a lovely hotel called the Jardines de Nivaria in Costa Adeje for a couple of weeks as a last bit of luxury before we properly tighten our belts for the economic meltdown that's to come here in the UK.

    All was well for the first four days. The weather was - as usual for Tenerife - glorious, the hotel was perfect, and we split our time between the beach and the pool, eating out in the evenings and generally having a lovely time. I went to the gym every morning for a light workout and a couple of kilometres of easy jogging on the treadmill, and as we weren't eating or drinking to excess I felt pretty fit and in generally good shape.

    On the 5th day the weather started to change, and then the government on the island issued a weather warning, saying that we were about to face three days of cyclones. In fact, that proved to be something of an exaggeration, but what we did get was four days of rain followed by two days of cloud, and even the remaining days were a mix of sun and cloud. Bearing in mind that Tenerife normally gets two or three days of rain per year this was completely unexpected and a major pain in the arse given that September is normally perfect weather with temperatures up in the mid to high twenties (every single year).

    At the same time as we were enjoying the final day of sunshine before the storms, I started to feel a slight ache in my groin that, over the morning and early afternoon, developed into more of a pain than an ache. Unfortunately, though, I must have been compensating for the discomfort when walking/standing, because later that afternoon I got a full-on back spasm and could barely move at all. I spent that night literally not sleeping a wink, and the next morning managed to get myself over to a local walk-in doctor’s surgery where I had a painkilling shot and was given a prescription for muscle relaxants and ant-inflammatories.

    I was a bit concerned that the (rather elderly) doctor wasn’t paying much attention to my groin, but by then my back was hurting so much that I wasn’t thinking about anything else. In any event, I spent the next day in bed (fortunately it rained all day anyway), and by the following day my back pain was rapidly subsiding. In fact, by the day after it was gone completely. I did have some residual discomfort in my groin though – by now it was Wednesday and we had a serious chat about seeing if we could fly back the following day (Easyjet only fly to/from the UK on certain days of the week) but I decided that everything was easing a bit so we’d stick with our original plan and fly back on Sunday.

    The following day (Thursday), the weather broke and my groin felt much better. Bea had to meet her brother in the hotel that morning and left me by the pool and, at some point, I decided to turn my sunbed slightly so I was facing the sun. It wasn’t heavy at all – it was just a wicker frame with a thin mattress on it – but the moment I pushed it I felt something pull in my groin and I was then completely overwhelmed with pain. I won’t go into detail, but I somehow managed to get myself to our room (refusing multiple offers of help en-route) and spent the rest of the day lying on the bed, trying to find a position that eased the pain even slightly. Bea was really worried by now, but I told her I’d see if I could get through the night and then assess next steps. We got some room service dinner (which I barely touched) and eventually Bea fell asleep.

    I tried my best to let her get a night’s rest as I had a feeling I knew what was coming next, but at about 6am asked Bea to help get me a doctor as I couldn’t bear the pain any longer. I actually met her in Tenerife when she was living there, and due to the issues she’s had with her mum she knew to call a local private hospital who immediately sent out a doctor. He asked some questions, gave me some painkillers, and within minutes I was in an ambulance on the way to hospital. I had blood tests, an ECG, ultrasounds, injections in my tummy, and was put on an analgesic drip to ease the pain, and I ended up staying there until the following evening.

    It transpired that I’d damaged/inflamed the tendon (not the muscle, as I thought), and it’s likely that it was the consequence of iliopsoas bursitis. I was discharged with copious amounts of drugs and crutches, and managed to get through the final day or so before getting home last night with wheelchair assistance on both legs of the journey.

    Not quite the holiday we had planned, and I felt really sorry for Bea, who was also periodically going to visit her mum in a care home an hour’s drive away. I’ll have to now organise some treatment, which will hopefully be covered through BUPA (which comes as part of my remuneration package at work).

    One thing I’ll add – NatWest travel insurance were amazing. In fact, the hospital said that of all the insurers that Brits over there tend to use, NatWest is far and away the most efficient, with apparently never an issue for either patient or hospital.

    Edit: Oh, and at least I've now been on one of these (well, two actually)...

    Last edited by learningtofly; 3rd October 2022 at 15:23.

  2. #2
    Grand Master
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    Bloody hell, Tony! Sorry to hear that - hope they can work out why / what and get you on a swift road to recovery.

    The BUPA cover is a godsend I’m times like this. You never want to have to use it, but bloody handy to have it when you need it.

    Best of luck with the recovery & Bea deserves some flowers for being a trooper.

  3. #3
    Wow. A right nightmare
    Hope it all settles down for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Very sorry to hear that. We're off to Costa Adeje again next month. Been loads of times before but last time my wife was rushed into hospital by ambulance the 1st morning we where there (never seen somebody in so much pain).Turned out one of her ovaries had detached and twisted. One emergency operation later to remove it and she was stuck in hospital for the rest of the holiday. Had to extend it by 3 days as she wasn't allowed to fly home until stitches were out and a doctor had signed her fit to fly. We had both our young daughters with us so not much of a holiday for them having to visit their mum in hospital every day. Hospital staff were great though and Virgin Insurance couldn't have been better as I dealt with the same person every time. Hope you're on the mend mate and it doeant put you off from a lovely place👍

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Really sorry to hear, hope you recover soon. Thanks for the tip about NatWest.

  6. #6
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mj2k View Post
    Bloody hell, Tony! Sorry to hear that - hope they can work out why / what and get you on a swift road to recovery.

    The BUPA cover is a godsend I’m times like this. You never want to have to use it, but bloody handy to have it when you need it.

    Best of luck with the recovery & Bea deserves some flowers for being a trooper.
    Certainly is, Matt, and yes she does.

    Quote Originally Posted by lenlec View Post
    Wow. A right nightmare
    Hope it all settles down for you.
    Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toddy View Post
    Very sorry to hear that. We're off to Costa Adeje again next month. Been loads of times before but last time my wife was rushed into hospital by ambulance the 1st morning we where there (never seen somebody in so much pain).Turned out one of her ovaries had detached and twisted. One emergency operation later to remove it and she was stuck in hospital for the rest of the holiday. Had to extend it by 3 days as she wasn't allowed to fly home until stitches were out and a doctor had signed her fit to fly. We had both our young daughters with us so not much of a holiday for them having to visit their mum in hospital every day. Hospital staff were great though and Virgin Insurance couldn't have been better as I dealt with the same person every time. Hope you're on the mend mate and it doeant put you off from a lovely place
    Blimey, that sounds awful.

    I've been to Costa Adeje about half a dozen times (Bea worked in the Anthelia when I met her, in fact) and love the area. The hospital was fantastic, the nurses were gorgeous, the hotel was everything we'd hoped... that weather, though

    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    Really sorry to hear, hope you recover soon. Thanks for the tip about NatWest.

  7. #7
    What a nightmare turn of events. Sadly, for Bea, these things are to be expected when travelling with a much older man in perilous physical condition!

  8. #8
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdh1 View Post
    What a nightmare turn of events. Sadly, for Bea, these things are to be expected when travelling with a much older man in perilous physical condition!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    south of the river..
    what a nightmare holiday for you!

    sounded like quite an ordeal and a painful one at that,

    hope it calms down - had me googling to read up on that condition/ailment..

  10. #10
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Tony, no fun at all being ill away from home, (I speak from bitter experience). Sounds like you got good treatment out there though; and I wish you a speedy recovery now you're back home.
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  11. #11
    Craftsman skmark's Avatar
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    It wasn't brought on by wearing leather chaps was it Tony?

    Hope you're on the mend soon though mate......sounds awful.

  12. #12
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    What a real shame for you and Bea. I hope you are soon on the mend and quickly back to normal.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdh1 View Post
    What a nightmare turn of events. Sadly, for Bea, these things are to be expected when travelling with a much older man in perilous physical condition!
    That was my first thought, groin strain whilst moving a Sun lounger as well, Jesus wept. I think I'd have kept that one private or made up something a bit more rock'n'roll! If you go on them Saga holidays some strapping young thing will help you out next time.

    In all seriousness, hope the pain subsides and a full recovery is speedy.

  14. #14
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bry nylon View Post
    what a nightmare holiday for you!

    sounded like quite an ordeal and a painful one at that,

    hope it calms down - had me googling to read up on that condition/ailment..
    Thanks matey!

    Quote Originally Posted by Griswold View Post
    Sorry to hear that Tony, no fun at all being ill away from home, (I speak from bitter experience). Sounds like you got good treatment out there though; and I wish you a speedy recovery now you're back home.
    Much appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by skmark View Post
    It wasn't brought on by wearing leather chaps was it Tony?

    Hope you're on the mend soon though mate......sounds awful.
    I do have some sunburnt cheeks, for some reason...

    Quote Originally Posted by JonRA View Post
    What a real shame for you and Bea. I hope you are soon on the mend and quickly back to normal.
    Thanks John!

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisparker View Post
    That was my first thought, groin strain whilst moving a Sun lounger as well, Jesus wept. I think I'd have kept that one private or made up something a bit more rock'n'roll! If you go on them Saga holidays some strapping young thing will help you out next time.

    In all seriousness, hope the pain subsides and a full recovery is speedy.
    Oi, the groin was already on the verge from the bursitis, if you don't mind. Seriously though, thank you.

  15. #15
    Grand Master mart broad's Avatar
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    No comments re older men and younger women just wishing you all the best for both your hols getting ruined and the spuds getting stuffed recover quickly.

  16. #16
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    Could have been a lot worse, so that's a positive!

    Who is the NatWest travel policy underwritten by? Could be one to look out for.

  17. #17
    Master RJM25R's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about this and I hope you make a full recovery. Holidays and time away has been so sparse since Covid……

    In the meantime, I got the photo’s developed you asked for. This is my favourite

  18. #18
    Wow, what an end to a holiday. I wish you a speedy recovery

  19. #19
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Pff and I always thought that my toothache when on holiday in Florida was the end of the world!

    I feel for you. Hope you get well soon!


  20. #20
    Makes my case of food poisoning on the very last day of a recent Greek holiday sound like a walk in the park. Which, maybe ironically, is something you'd have trouble doing...

  21. #21
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart broad View Post
    No comments re older men and younger women just wishing you all the best for both your hols getting ruined and the spuds getting stuffed recover quickly.
    Cheers Mart (I think)!

    Quote Originally Posted by blackal View Post
    Could have been a lot worse, so that's a positive!

    Who is the NatWest travel policy underwritten by? Could be one to look out for.
    I’ll check and let you know.

    Quote Originally Posted by RJM25R View Post
    Sorry to hear about this and I hope you make a full recovery. Holidays and time away has been so sparse since Covid……

    In the meantime, I got the photo’s developed you asked for. This is my favourite


    Quote Originally Posted by awright101 View Post
    Wow, what an end to a holiday. I wish you a speedy recovery
    Appreciated, thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by thieuster View Post
    Pff and I always thought that my toothache when on holiday in Florida was the end of the world!

    I feel for you. Hope you get well soon!

    Thanks Menno, although to be fair toothache is one of the worst pains.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardShark View Post
    Makes my case of food poisoning on the very last day of a recent Greek holiday sound like a walk in the park. Which, maybe ironically, is something you'd have trouble doing...
    Haha… I would indeed!

  22. #22
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    Crikey Tony what a break...... Take it really easy buddy.

    We are just back from a week in Majorca and like you first time away since August 2019. Thankfully not so action packed.



  23. #23
    Master jukeboxs's Avatar
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    Glad you made it back safely, Tony - best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. You'll be back to the rampant hip thrusting in no time!

  24. #24
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    Sorry to hear about your woes, a trip to Tenerife in September should be a straightforward nice holiday!

    Costa Adeje is v.pleasant, I’ve been a few times. Best advice is to get back on the horse, once you’ve recovered arrange another holiday in the same hotel.........lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

    Get well soon, to quote an old clock repairer I used to know......’we’re made out of the wrong stuff’.
    A Mk II version of the human body is long overdue, it needs seriously uprating in several key areas.

  25. #25
    Master Rinaldo1711's Avatar
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    Hope you recover quickly - what a nightmare!

  26. #26
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post
    Crikey Tony what a break...... Take it really easy buddy.

    We are just back from a week in Majorca and like you first time away since August 2019. Thankfully not so action packed.


    Cheers Paul. Glad you enjoyed your break.

    Quote Originally Posted by jukeboxs View Post
    Glad you made it back safely, Tony - best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. You'll be back to the rampant hip thrusting in no time!
    Thanks. The hip thrusting may have to wait for a while, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    Sorry to hear about your woes, a trip to Tenerife in September should be a straightforward nice holiday!

    Costa Adeje is v.pleasant, I’ve been a few times. Best advice is to get back on the horse, once you’ve recovered arrange another holiday in the same hotel.........lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

    Get well soon, to quote an old clock repairer I used to know......’we’re made out of the wrong stuff’.
    A Mk II version of the human body is long overdue, it needs seriously uprating in several key areas.
    Funnily enough, Bea is saying we need a week somewhere soon to make up for the week we lost! Thanks, Paul.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rinaldo1711 View Post
    Hope you recover quickly - what a nightmare!
    It was, and thanks.

  27. #27
    Do you usually work out as I’m wondering if that might have contributed to it? Personally on holiday is the only time I don’t work out

  28. #28
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance wheel View Post
    Do you usually work out as I’m wondering if that might have contributed to it? Personally on holiday is the only time I don’t work out
    Yes, I do some stretching, light free weights, crunches, push-ups etc almost every morning and a short run (a mile or two) a couple of times per week. (I used to run hard about 50 miles per week, but that was back in the day.)

    I always use the gym on holiday (or run every day if not in a hotel), as it compensates - in my mind, at least - for lazing around all day.

  29. #29
    Hope you're on the mend, Tony - groin strains take a while to heal and can be attributed to any unfortunate movement. When I was first reading your post I thought 'possibly hernia' but thankfully it's not the case. I doubt the gym had anything to do with it; it brings you far more benefits and the only thing I can think of is that you moved awkwardly at some point.

    Best wishes for a quick recovery

  30. #30
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane View Post
    Hope you're on the mend, Tony - groin strains take a while to heal and can be attributed to any unfortunate movement. When I was first reading your post I thought 'possibly hernia' but thankfully it's not the case. I doubt the gym had anything to do with it; it brings you far more benefits and the only thing I can think of is that you moved awkwardly at some point.

    Best wishes for a quick recovery
    Thanks mate. It seems to have been caused by bursitis, so I assume it could have happened at any time.

  31. #31

    Red face

    Tony, hope you make a quick and full recovery. At least it was a memorable holiday, if for the wrong reasons. ;(

    Any idea what brought on the bursitis? The daily exercise routine? When you started describing the symptoms and the pain I was sure it was a hernia.

    Get well soon!! :)


  32. #32
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    Good lord, Lemony Snicket comes to mind..

    You mentioned Nat West - presume you need to be an existing customer?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Yes, I do some stretching, light free weights, crunches, push-ups etc almost every morning and a short run (a mile or two) a couple of times per week. (I used to run hard about 50 miles per week, but that was back in the day.)

    I always use the gym on holiday (or run every day if not in a hotel), as it compensates - in my mind, at least - for lazing around all day.
    We have said we will use the gym this year on holiday. I always seem to have a shirt style that fits at the start but too tight at the end of a break.

    I am a nightmare at breakfast. Will graze a few plates of food from around the world as my starter and then order my proper breakfast. Who doesn’t need 3000 calories to last until lunch sitting by the pool!

    Never had to, but fear at mid 40s it is an age thing, and to quote Carter, “your muscles give up, wave a little white flag and without any warning at all…’

  34. #34
    Master Thewatchbloke's Avatar
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    What a nightmare Tony, the worst time to be crocked is when away from home - get well soon mate.

    I immediately thought it must be down to maneuvering that HOG around to the back of your house after every ride!

  35. #35
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    Hope you get well soon

    On my honeymoon in the Maldives a few years back, I felt ill on day 2

    By lunchtime day 3 I was being rushed to hospital via speedboat and had my appendix removed

    Was in hospital for another 7 days due to complications during the surgery

    Got a great story but poor honeymoon out of it

    People ask if I will ever go back and I can think of nothing worse, I only have bad memories of that place

  36. #36
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hack View Post
    Tony, hope you make a quick and full recovery. At least it was a memorable holiday, if for the wrong reasons. ;(

    Any idea what brought on the bursitis? The daily exercise routine? When you started describing the symptoms and the pain I was sure it was a hernia.

    Get well soon!! :)

    Thanks Mo. No, I'm not sure what the root cause might have been, but I think I've made up my mind to switch from my running routine to an alternative of spinning + pilates. I'm 62 now, and the less wear and tear on joints/bursas/tendons/muscles the better, I imagine.

    Quote Originally Posted by gcleminson View Post
    Good lord, Lemony Snicket comes to mind..

    You mentioned Nat West - presume you need to be an existing customer?
    Yes you do, Graham, and it comes with their various paid-for accounts.

    By the way, @blackal, the underwriter is UK Insurance Limited.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mj2k View Post
    We have said we will use the gym this year on holiday. I always seem to have a shirt style that fits at the start but too tight at the end of a break.

    I am a nightmare at breakfast. Will graze a few plates of food from around the world as my starter and then order my proper breakfast. Who doesn’t need 3000 calories to last until lunch sitting by the pool!

    Never had to, but fear at mid 40s it is an age thing, and to quote Carter, “your muscles give up, wave a little white flag and without any warning at all…’
    LOL! My breakfast on holiday tends to be melon (with Serano ham if available) and then a few crusty rolls/crusty bread with whatever I fancy (this time it was smoked salmon). Salad for lunch and then a nice dinner to round the day off

    Quote Originally Posted by Thewatchbloke View Post
    What a nightmare Tony, the worst time to be crocked is when away from home - get well soon mate.

    I immediately thought it must be down to maneuvering that HOG around to the back of your house after every ride!
    Thanks Duncan! As it happens, The Beast is a piece of cake to manoeuvre round the back of the house, as both the seat and the centre of gravity are nice and low. There's only a side stand too, so no heaving it up on a centre stand either.

    Quote Originally Posted by mk2driver View Post
    Hope you get well soon

    On my honeymoon in the Maldives a few years back, I felt ill on day 2

    By lunchtime day 3 I was being rushed to hospital via speedboat and had my appendix removed

    Was in hospital for another 7 days due to complications during the surgery

    Got a great story but poor honeymoon out of it

    People ask if I will ever go back and I can think of nothing worse, I only have bad memories of that place
    Good grief, that sounds bloody awful.

  37. #37
    Grand Master Dave+63's Avatar
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    I had the wife and daughter on the floor in stitches when I pulled a groin a few years back; we had a half inch threshold between two rooms and watching me trying to get my leg up high enough to negotiate the obstacle was very funny apparently!

    It took about a week to resume any kind of normality and maybe another to feel recovered.

    I wish you a speedy recovery Tony, at least it’s the end of the biking season.

  38. #38
    That was an unfortunate end to the holiday, but fortunate you were somewhere you received good care and attention.

    Fast recovery.

  39. #39
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Still out here in USA but i 've had an attack of vertigo which put me in AR and means I'm helpless walking without assistance
    The wife fell backwards off the dock into the water and she has been in a leg brace since.
    Happy holidays!

  40. #40
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    Sorry to hear that, Tony!! Wishing you a very speedy recovery!

  41. #41
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave+63 View Post
    I had the wife and daughter on the floor in stitches when I pulled a groin a few years back; we had a half inch threshold between two rooms and watching me trying to get my leg up high enough to negotiate the obstacle was very funny apparently!

    It took about a week to resume any kind of normality and maybe another to feel recovered.

    I wish you a speedy recovery Tony, at least it’s the end of the biking season.
    That made me smile! Thanks Dave, albeit that - for me, at least - the season isn't over (I ride through the winter, at least when the weather's decent).

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanford View Post
    That was an unfortunate end to the holiday, but fortunate you were somewhere you received good care and attention.

    Fast recovery.
    Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C View Post
    Still out here in USA but i 've had an attack of vertigo which put me in AR and means I'm helpless walking without assistance
    The wife fell backwards off the dock into the water and she has been in a leg brace since.
    Happy holidays!
    Damn, Neil. So sorry, mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by RajLondon View Post
    Sorry to hear that, Tony!! Wishing you a very speedy recovery!
    Thanks very much, Raj.

  42. #42
    Eck - that made me wince reading it ! - Glad you are home safe - interesting to hear about the Natwest travel insurance!

    Take it easy - hope you recover soon !



  43. #43
    What a nightmare. Get well soon.

    Wanted - Damasko DC57

  44. #44
    Not the swollen groin you were hoping for eh? Take care and I'm sure the riding will help loosen it up, thankfully no kickstarting on the beast.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not the swollen groin you were hoping for eh? Take care and I'm sure the riding will help loosen it up, thankfully no kickstarting on the beast.

  45. #45
    Off topic I’m in Tenerife at the moment, I was a bit shocked that the golliwog is still considered ok to use? Can’t see how this hasn’t been rebranded for sure?

  46. #46
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance wheel View Post
    Off topic I’m in Tenerife at the moment, I was a bit shocked that the golliwog is still considered ok to use? Can’t see how this hasn’t been rebranded for sure?

    On Reddit, someone opines: "The brand is Portuguese you will find it everywhere in Portugal and mainland Spain, the name Carioca stems from the original Brazilian coffee farms that used slave labor way back hence the logo, all seems a bit mental really but usually passes with no comment.We have relatives that have been on the island since the early 80's, they rent a few villas out and use to stock them with this brand for guests back in the day, they stopped using it in the 90's.
    They do sell the same product but in different packaging in Belgium and the Netherlands where it is also quite popular. No one seems to care about it in Spain."

  47. #47
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    Sounds a nightmare, away from UK, and pain in a delicate place, but you got home ok and hopefully are on the mend. We were in York for a long 5 day weekend at a car club jaunt, wife had a new tablet regime started, not so good on Friday but spent all Saturday day/night in her bed (when not in the loo), home Sunday morning and eventually saw a doctor 9.45 in the evening, she had all the side effects listed in the leaflet, getting better now and yet another new tablet course to try, better luck this time.
    Sorted for Madeira in November I hope, won’t get away on my own I reckon.

  48. #48
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    Serious stuff Tony. Glad that you are on the mend.

  49. #49
    Sounds like a nightmare. Get well soon. What watch were you wearing? May be worth looking into.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  50. #50
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    Now the immediate threat to life is over..................

    Gotta say:

    If you were on your honeymoon and got that degree of groin strain................................ You'd be a hero!

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