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Thread: The motivation weight loss thread

  1. #1201
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    The motivation weight loss thread

    Just finished listening to this podcast

    Found it very informative and interesting how a few basic lifestyle changes can have such positive effect on someone’s health. Worth a listen.
    Last edited by Essexman; 8th July 2022 at 17:55.

  2. #1202
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    ^^^ invalid address??

    The latest ZOE podcast is an interesting KETO discussion ...
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  3. #1203
    Join Date
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    The motivation weight loss thread

    Quote Originally Posted by sundial View Post
    ^^^ invalid address??

    The latest ZOE podcast is an interesting KETO discussion ...
    Oh, hang on.

    No not Keto !

    It’s about reversing type 2 diabetes
    Try this link please.
    Last edited by Essexman; 8th July 2022 at 17:57.

  4. #1204
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    For those who are counting calories, don’t forget to re workout your numbers every now and then.
    I just found my calculations from a few years back when I was 90kg.
    Recalculated for today at 74kg. Interesting to see what was calorie deficit for 90kg is close to maintenance at 74kg.

  5. #1205
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    Got back on it a week ago and I’m back to the 1 1/2 stone loss that I achieved earlier this year, so pleased with that. I definitely seem to hit a plateau at that amount and struggle. Lack of discipline is clearly part of it. Annoying but feel healthier than I did a year ago so that’s good.

  6. #1206
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    My weight is oscillating slightly between readings but staying within the 73-74kg range. I am fine with this for my height (5' 11"). More importantly, composition is gradually improving. According to the machine at my gym, my body fat was 11.7% last weekend. First time I have seen it go below 13%, let alone below 12%. While I don't look like someone with such low levels of fat and understand the real number would be higher, the fact that I have always used the same machine tells me I can at least trust that there has been a consistent improvement.

    I am not sure how much of that is due to replacing weekday lunches with Huel because now I am following a structured training plan for a race and at this point my runs are increasing in duration so that could be responsible for some of the fat loss. Having said that, the same plan has strength and conditioning sessions too which are significantly shorter and less intense than my gym workouts before I started the plan. Also, at the start of the plan my mileage went significantly down from my usual and the Huel-driven fat loss had started well before the plan.

  7. #1207
    2.7 stone loss for me since early May and feel so much better. I coped better in the hot weather, I’m sleeping better and more importantly I’ve now got such a better selection of clothes off the rail rather than asking for the XXX sizes.
    I’m never going to be twiggy and I’m trying for around 16 stone which is what I feel is about right for me at 6.3

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #1208
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    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Franky Four Fingers View Post
    2.7 stone loss for me since early May and feel so much better. I coped better in the hot weather, I’m sleeping better and more importantly I’ve now got such a better selection of clothes off the rail rather than asking for the XXX sizes.
    I’m never going to be twiggy and I’m trying for around 16 stone which is what I feel is about right for me at 6.3. Hope that after my order from buyanabolic comes I will feel much better.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I noticed that it is much easier to lose weight in hot weather because the appetite is at almost zero level. I want no food but a lot of liquid inctead and that makes the loss of weight happen almost effortlessly in my case.
    Last edited by Owren; 31st July 2022 at 18:56.

  9. #1209
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    Currently on holiday and the novelty of actually having a mirror where I can see myself has really pushed my need to lose some weight to the forefront. Covid/WFH has seen me balloon due to snacking etc.

    Using a calorie deficit calc, it's gong to take me 6 months at 1800 cal to get back into reasonable territory. Hope this is realistic, beer/wine and my daily coffee with biscuit(s) are going to be serious casualties.

  10. #1210
    Haven't checked in on this thread in a while, and work's a bit manic atm. Just curious, anyone doing any fasting?

  11. #1211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jambo View Post
    Haven't checked in on this thread in a while, and work's a bit manic atm. Just curious, anyone doing any fasting?
    Yep, every night, while I sleep.

    Joking apart, not for me. Try it and see how you get on. Like many other methods it’s just another form of being in calorie deficit.

  12. #1212
    Master Lammylee's Avatar
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    The motivation weight loss thread

    Two months ago I purchased some scales, the beer belly was becoming a bit prominent. Having not weight myself for over a decade ( I’m aged 49 ) I thought I was still around 13 stone maybe a couple more pounds thrown in for for my advanced stomach appendage.

    Unfortunately the scales brought me into the 2020s with a bang! A 14 stone 12 pounds bang.

    I do a very physical job and had always been able to eat and drink what I wanted without giving it a thought however now I am older my calorie intake appears to be bit higher than the energy I am burning. I’m 6ft 1” government BMI says 13 stone 2 is the ideal weight.

    So I changed my diet-


    Breakfast- Large Bowl of frosted flakes

    Dinner ( or luncheon for those with manners )

    Two white bread cheese sandwiches, Two large chocolate bars
    1 litre of Vimto

    Tea- Large microwave meal, chips, two rounds of bread, two chocolate bars washed down with a lager.

    Supper- Two small pork pies, cheese , bag of Crisps, two pints of lager.


    Breakfast- A Banana with fat free natural yogurt and honey

    Dinner- Feta cheese, grape, tomato, olive salad

    Tea- One bowl of home made chilli/curry/salad or rice.

    Overall Weekly beer drinking down from circa 25 pints to 12.

    Drinking 3 pints water per day.

    In two months I have now gone down to 13 stone 5 with 1 stone 7 pounds lost through dieting alone. No extra exercise as I already garden all day. I’ve reduced my weekly calorie intake by around 10,000.

    I’ll now be my ideal weight of 13 stone in a couple of weeks without starving myself or stopping drinking beer.

    *Update- now a consistent 12 stone 6-8 for the past 6 months.
    Last edited by Lammylee; 14th June 2023 at 06:49.

  13. #1213
    Quote Originally Posted by Essexman View Post
    Yep, every night, while I sleep.

    Joking apart, not for me. Try it and see how you get on. Like many other methods it’s just another form of being in calorie deficit.
    I've read up a bit on it, and tried it previously and it's worked well for me. I was thinking more the longer term than intermittent, was just curious if anyone else had tried it and had any views on their experiences.

  14. #1214
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    I haven't been on this thread for quite a bit but this year almost went the way of previous ones - started with the best intentions then slid a bit.
    Luckily I found the motivation to crack on and I've just marked 3 stone of weight loss (almost 20 kilos!)
    Muscle mass is up a bit but quite concerningly the BodiTrax machine at the gym suggests my metabolic age at 55 years old (I'm 40!). Body fat is down, stamina is up, muscle mass is up... what gives??
    I'll have to chat to someone who understands the readings I suppose, it's a worry though.

  15. #1215
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevkojak View Post
    I haven't been on this thread for quite a bit but this year almost went the way of previous ones - started with the best intentions then slid a bit.
    Luckily I found the motivation to crack on and I've just marked 3 stone of weight loss (almost 20 kilos!)
    Muscle mass is up a bit but quite concerningly the BodiTrax machine at the gym suggests my metabolic age at 55 years old (I'm 40!). Body fat is down, stamina is up, muscle mass is up... what gives??
    I'll have to chat to someone who understands the readings I suppose, it's a worry though.
    Well done on the fat loss, muscle gain and improved stamina! I have a Boditrax machine at my gym too and while I don't think it gives you accurate measures, it is great for monitoring trends over medium to long term. What did the machine tell you your metabolic age was before you started the recent weight loss? I would guess it would have been even higher than 55. I'd say keep at it and it will go down.

    For reference, I started when my chronological age was 39 and it used to show metabolic age as 52. Now aged 44, metabolic age shows as 29 and that's only because it never goes more than 15 years below actual age. It increases by 1 at every birthday. Mine has been stuck at age minus 15 for a long time now during which I know my body composition has visibly improved further and fitness has gone up. I am fine with that - I don't need it to tell me I am 20. It has a lot of other metrics which again while not accurate, are consistently improving so I am happy with that.

  16. #1216
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    With winter round the corner and knowing how hard it is to get motivated at that time of year, I got back to being disciplined a few weeks back and have dropped a reasonable amount. More exercise too and feeling much better. I’ve managed to drop into a stone bracket I’ve not seen for a decade, so I’m keen to keep going!

  17. #1217
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    Thread resurrection for my new year resolution.
    Trying something I haven’t previously done and signed up with a slimming club. No interest in the recipes but my friend and I feel the weekly public weigh-in will keep us motivated.
    Also doing dry January which should help kick-start things.
    Just returned from our first ski holiday in 22 years and the old thighs were burning within an hour on the slopes. I only fell over once - almost stationary so my skis didn’t come off - and struggled for a minute or more to get back up on my feet/skis. My son filmed the whole episode while laughing, and I’m determined to be at least a couple of stone lighter for next year’s ski holiday

  18. #1218
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    I am redoubling my efforts. I have a sedentary job but try to keep active. I am definitely finding that exercise is no longer helping me lose weight so need to reduce my calories.

    I am adopting three strategies:

    1. No breakfast
    2. No cereal in the evening- above all things this is my primary vice. I crave carbs post 9 pm.
    3. Pint of water first thing.

    Thickening. Increasing weight. Sooo frustrating!

  19. #1219
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    I’ve managed to keep off all that I lost and probably half a stone more. Been slow and steady but it’s worked. Look and feel better than I have in maybe 15 years. Ideally would like to lose another stone but happy to do that gradually.

    I try and keep it very simple. 15,000 steps a day if possible and around 2,000 calories a day most of the time. If I want to go out once or twice a week, or go on holiday, I just don’t worry about it. For me keeping the eating period to later in the day works, so I generally eat between 2pm and 8pm. I do the odd light weights a couple of times a week.

    I also follow a few ‘shredding’ people on Instagram and replicate some of their foods. Basically what I’d call ‘tasty’ take away type food done in a healthier way. Keeps it interesting and less temptation to eat crap.

  20. #1220
    Master Chukas's Avatar
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    Thought I'd bump this thread with a story myself and to see how everyone else is getting on, always a difficult time of year with BBQ's and Beer!!

    5 Weeks ago I weighed, 14.6st at 6'1".

    Now I'm 13.4st (That was a week ago, so think I'm lighter) losing a stone in my first week of changing my lifestyle, It was very quick but I was working nights and needed a real kick start and am now trying to drop a bit more slowly, I'm happy with my weight now but not distribution, change fat for muscle hopefully.

    Basically had a belly that wasn't too handy, never carried weight anywhere else, I should of took the warning 2 years ago when I got an ENG Medical and the doctor gave me a pretty severe warning as belly fat is the worst for your organs etc.

    My old man is diabetic and now has a dietician to help him manage it and my grandfather lost both his legs to diabetes back in the day, so that was playing on my mind as well.
    I've cut down on my drinking massively, used to have a bottle of a red every night and then some, some nights, I still enjoy a drink at the weekends but none during the week now.
    I'm also teetotal at work as I work away from home.

    I've started doing a bit of weight training again, log everything I eat and drink on My Fitness App, great tool to get you started and appreciate the calories in certain things.
    Batch cooking a fair bit now as well, so not tempted to eat crap, basically high protein meals and 2 litres of water/diluting juice a day as well.

    Hopefully I can keep it up, but feeling much better for it.

  21. #1221
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    Winter time here in the Falklands. 7 weeks until I fly back to the UK and jump on a cruise around the Med.

    The missus and I are both overweight - previously I would attend the gym now and then and mainly hit the weights. cardio over the years has been downgraded to hiking in the hills as I find the thought of machines utterly boring and im nursing an inflamed achilles.

    Anyhow I came back from the UK last Sept weighing at 108kg which shocked me so I got back to the gym for cardio. Last month the Mrs and I bet each other a clothes shopping spree paid by the loser if one of us does not lose 10kg by the end of July. I was strongly motivated anyhow but the thought of me splashing the plastic and the wife having bragging rights funnily enough motivated me even more :)

    Im eating clean - nothing processed (aiming for 2k calories) and already ahead of schedule. Cardio has been my main focus to get rid of upper body fat etc however weights are creeping back in with some protein shakes as I feel im losing weight a little too fast and dont want it to be muscle loss. So far I have lost 6.5kg in 5 weeks, 3.5kg remaining with 7 weeks to go etc so should be a walk in the park.

    What I forgot to mention was that I also stopped eating meat around 5 weeks ago. This is mainly due to an upcoming cholesterol test (im high) so im seeing out of curiosity if it lowers after two months of no meat and weight loss. Otherwise Doc says im on the pills.

    My energy levels are through the roof - back on the cardio machines (bikes and cross trainer due to achilles) and im slumming a good hour of cardio 5 x a week with some weights chucked in every other day.

    Gut has gone down significantly after 5 weeks so intrigued to see what happens after the next 7 before my hols. I think my fat loss is higher then my weight indicates since im also pumping iron again and my muscles growing back to the good old gym days!

    Usually I sustain these diets for a month before tailing off so this is looking good at the moment to complete another 7 weeks as I dont feel hungry and finally feels more of a lifestyle change. Ive had about two nights out on the beers in the last 5 weeks to keep some sanity but thats mainly to catch up with mates rather then requiring alcohol.

    Also using My fitness pal but sometimes lazy measuring things out. I decided to up my protein today as on the low side when I checked the apps macros for my food diary. Great app and works well with my Apple watch and scales for data.
    Last edited by kultschar; 14th June 2023 at 00:18.

  22. #1222
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    I've re-read this thread today and there's some amazing achievements - well done everyone!!

    I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it. I've never felt uncomfortable at the pool or beach until this summer. I know it's been creeping up (age, COVID, lockdown, yada yada) and now I seriously want to make a change.

    So, I'm 51 years old and of medium build. I'm 5ft 10 / 11" tall and currently weigh 13st 11lb (87.5kg) with a BMI of 26 (overweight). My ideal weight is 12st 7lb (79kg) so 18lb or 8.5kg to lose. I'm going to start some cardio regularly and some weights in the house.

    A typical day of food for me is:

    Breakfast: flat white with sugar and cereal with milk.

    Lunch: sandwich in a bun or wrap, home made. Bag of crisps.

    Tea: could be some kind of chicken with rice or chips. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: a chocolate bar every day. A couple of biscuits sometimes.

    Alcohol: One measure of spirit with a mixer every week night and three or four of those on weekends.

    I don't think I eat very much for a bloke. What do you lot think?

    I'm thinking of changing the above to:

    Breakfast: 'healthy' cereal with milk.

    Lunch: Tuna, tomato and onion salad or flavoured chicken breast.

    Tea: Chicken or fish with rice and / or veg. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: No crisps and max two chocolate bars a week.

    Alcohol: None Monday to Thursday and as I am now on weekends - I have to have something to look forward to and enjoy!

    I'd love to get your thoughts on any of this please? Am I about to set off doing the right things?


  23. #1223
    Master Maysie's Avatar
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    Don't be too hard on yourself, as any changes you make need to be able to be sustained for the longer term. In my experience, gradual weight loss through tweaks to your diet (and increased exercise routine) as you are doing are more likely to be successful that yo-yo fad diets, so you are on the right path.

    I think cutting out the snacks and reducing alcohol are a great idea - I do the same and it is working for me. I do still like a beer or three on the weekends, but can manage to do without it mid-week (and feel much better for it) but still have something to look forward to at the weekends. Realistically, we cant be too virtuous too often, as we will fail.

    I personally find it very easy to skip breakfast, so that is my easy win. I try to be sensible at lunch but then eat whatever I want (within reason) in the evening. My downfall is the weekends when I have a 'free ticket'. I don't go mad still, but do put back a lot of the weight that I had lost over the weekend.

    Good luck.

  24. #1224
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    ^^^ I’m in no position to particularly advise on what’s healthy etc, but I would suggest getting something like nutra check and logging every single thing you eat and drink. It’s amazing how much you could be eating and drinking and not really realising it, so this would certainly help. It’s about £25 a year from memory and there’s an incredible amount of info on there. I reckon once you start logging things like alcohol you’ll be shocked at the empty calories.

    I’m still slowly loosing weight but at a very slow pace. Fasting helps me so I generally eat later in the day.

    Best of luck :-)

  25. #1225
    Been following a 90% carnivore diet but adding eggs, dairy and small amounts of green veg.

    Started beginning of June this year weighing 106kg, I am currently 82kg.

    Energy levels are through the roof walk so doing lots of walking averaging 12-15 miles a day with ease.

    Have had 3 blood tests checking cholesterol etc and everything is perfect, it’s even knocked 3 years of my bio age!

    It has been the best thing I have done, never once felt hungry and just feel constantly amazing.

  26. #1226
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    I've been trying the 12hr fast method (which allows the body to start burning the body fats) - have a quick search on YouTube for "12hr fasting" -

    Basically eat breakfast a little late

    Fats are good, sugars are bad, processed foods v. bad

    - say 10am and don't eat any calories after 10pm
    - then maybe stretch that to 15hrs by not having calories after 6pm

    No calories includes water, tea without milk etc.

    Eat whole foods i.e. ditch the processed foods. Eat Veg, Meat, grains, rice etc
    Moderate alcohol

    Couple days a week - skip dinner or a salad with protein for example.

    Large breakfast. - I typically have a large bowl of mix of fresh fruit and nuts with full fat greek yogurt with granola and milk, or toast with lightly fired veg with a poached egg
    Smaller lunch - meat, fish with potatoes and seasonal veg or something the lovely Mrs cooks up from raw ingredients.
    Smaller dinner (if any). - cheese and potato sandwich or salad

    I probably drink too much which is why I can't loose weight - also its sugars are inflammatory so in many ways not good - just add water to the whisky not sugary mixers

    Don't beat yourself up though - enjoy your food! Have some meals out by all means!

    I'm 5'10'' and 11st 5lbs (72kg) - still 5lbs off my target - I only reached my target when I caught Covid and dropped nearly 1st in 3 days. Perhaps a 3d fast is needed!!
    Last edited by MartynJC (UK); 6th September 2023 at 11:16.
    “ Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.” HHGTTG

  27. #1227
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaketheCannoli View Post
    I've re-read this thread today and there's some amazing achievements - well done everyone!!

    I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it. I've never felt uncomfortable at the pool or beach until this summer. I know it's been creeping up (age, COVID, lockdown, yada yada) and now I seriously want to make a change.

    So, I'm 51 years old and of medium build. I'm 5ft 10 / 11" tall and currently weigh 13st 11lb (87.5kg) with a BMI of 26 (overweight). My ideal weight is 12st 7lb (79kg) so 18lb or 8.5kg to lose. I'm going to start some cardio regularly and some weights in the house.

    A typical day of food for me is:

    Breakfast: flat white with sugar and cereal with milk.

    Lunch: sandwich in a bun or wrap, home made. Bag of crisps.

    Tea: could be some kind of chicken with rice or chips. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: a chocolate bar every day. A couple of biscuits sometimes.

    Alcohol: One measure of spirit with a mixer every week night and three or four of those on weekends.

    I don't think I eat very much for a bloke. What do you lot think?

    I'm thinking of changing the above to:

    Breakfast: 'healthy' cereal with milk.

    Lunch: Tuna, tomato and onion salad or flavoured chicken breast.

    Tea: Chicken or fish with rice and / or veg. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: No crisps and max two chocolate bars a week.

    Alcohol: None Monday to Thursday and as I am now on weekends - I have to have something to look forward to and enjoy!

    I'd love to get your thoughts on any of this please? Am I about to set off doing the right things?

    I'm no expert or nutritionist but maybe consider how much fibre you're eating or not, most folks don't get their 28 daily gms... Could you swap the choc bars for yoghurt, fruit/ nuts or peanut butter on toast with a little jam or berries or Slices of banana. Consider porridge leastways in the cooler months for breakfast add stuff like fruits blueberries, raspberries etc and almonds, walnuts, switch to low fat milk if not already... as Martyn suggests eat whole foods, whole grains, brown bread, brown rice, nuts with the skins as little processed as possible.
    Move more. Good luck.
    Last edited by Passenger; 6th September 2023 at 11:18.

  28. #1228
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boring_sandwich View Post
    Been following a 90% carnivore diet but adding eggs, dairy and small amounts of green veg.

    Started beginning of June this year weighing 106kg, I am currently 82kg.

    Energy levels are through the roof walk so doing lots of walking averaging 12-15 miles a day with ease.

    Have had 3 blood tests checking cholesterol etc and everything is perfect, it’s even knocked 3 years of my bio age!

    It has been the best thing I have done, never once felt hungry and just feel constantly amazing.
    Had a bunch of skin/allergy issues improve since stopping making smoothies and eating much more eggs - usually 3-4 per day. Red meat once or twice a week on the bbq.

    Where are you getting the blood tests done, just a local place from google?

    I see a lot of noise about Zoe with the implant on the arm but it seems a bit cult-like for me at the minute.

  29. #1229
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Amazing advice so quickly, thanks all and keep 'em coming :)

  30. #1230
    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post

    Where are you getting the blood tests done, just a local place from google?.
    All have been done through my GP surgery. As I say everything is now perfect which wasn’t the case prior to starting it.

  31. #1231
    I think you're definitely on the right track with your plan - the hardest part will be trying to stick with it.

    There's no easy fix I'm afraid - it's just will power and consistency with the food and exercise. Drink lots of water, cut out as much refined sugar as possible (and remember that fruit still has sugar, so you need to burn it as an energy source), cut back on the alcohol, eat small meals (small portions) and walk and exercise as much as you're able to. Once you see improvements, this will spur you on to working even harder.

    Try to stay positive - you're aware of the situation and want to do something about it, so that's a good start.

    I'm not an advocate of any of these special diets or radical eating plans. You will get into shape if you eat healthily, avoid empty/bad calories and exercise as much as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by TaketheCannoli View Post
    I've re-read this thread today and there's some amazing achievements - well done everyone!!

    I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it. I've never felt uncomfortable at the pool or beach until this summer. I know it's been creeping up (age, COVID, lockdown, yada yada) and now I seriously want to make a change.

    So, I'm 51 years old and of medium build. I'm 5ft 10 / 11" tall and currently weigh 13st 11lb (87.5kg) with a BMI of 26 (overweight). My ideal weight is 12st 7lb (79kg) so 18lb or 8.5kg to lose. I'm going to start some cardio regularly and some weights in the house.

    A typical day of food for me is:

    Breakfast: flat white with sugar and cereal with milk.

    Lunch: sandwich in a bun or wrap, home made. Bag of crisps.

    Tea: could be some kind of chicken with rice or chips. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: a chocolate bar every day. A couple of biscuits sometimes.

    Alcohol: One measure of spirit with a mixer every week night and three or four of those on weekends.

    I don't think I eat very much for a bloke. What do you lot think?

    I'm thinking of changing the above to:

    Breakfast: 'healthy' cereal with milk.

    Lunch: Tuna, tomato and onion salad or flavoured chicken breast.

    Tea: Chicken or fish with rice and / or veg. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: No crisps and max two chocolate bars a week.

    Alcohol: None Monday to Thursday and as I am now on weekends - I have to have something to look forward to and enjoy!

    I'd love to get your thoughts on any of this please? Am I about to set off doing the right things?


  32. #1232
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaketheCannoli View Post
    I've re-read this thread today and there's some amazing achievements - well done everyone!!

    I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it. I've never felt uncomfortable at the pool or beach until this summer. I know it's been creeping up (age, COVID, lockdown, yada yada) and now I seriously want to make a change.

    So, I'm 51 years old and of medium build. I'm 5ft 10 / 11" tall and currently weigh 13st 11lb (87.5kg) with a BMI of 26 (overweight). My ideal weight is 12st 7lb (79kg) so 18lb or 8.5kg to lose. I'm going to start some cardio regularly and some weights in the house.

    A typical day of food for me is:

    Breakfast: flat white with sugar and cereal with milk.

    Lunch: sandwich in a bun or wrap, home made. Bag of crisps.

    Tea: could be some kind of chicken with rice or chips. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: a chocolate bar every day. A couple of biscuits sometimes.

    Alcohol: One measure of spirit with a mixer every week night and three or four of those on weekends.

    I don't think I eat very much for a bloke. What do you lot think?

    I'm thinking of changing the above to:

    Breakfast: 'healthy' cereal with milk.

    Lunch: Tuna, tomato and onion salad or flavoured chicken breast.

    Tea: Chicken or fish with rice and / or veg. Jacket pots with a filling (tuna or cheese and beans).

    Snacks: No crisps and max two chocolate bars a week.

    Alcohol: None Monday to Thursday and as I am now on weekends - I have to have something to look forward to and enjoy!

    I'd love to get your thoughts on any of this please? Am I about to set off doing the right things?

    One thing you may not have considered could be stress.

    There are many videos and podcasts from Peter Attia who is a doctor but this 7 min clip from a Joe Rogan episode 5 years ago explains is simply enough for me

    Worth considering but an interesting listen either way

  33. #1233
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    Quote Originally Posted by boring_sandwich View Post
    Been following a 90% carnivore diet but adding eggs, dairy and small amounts of green veg.

    Started beginning of June this year weighing 106kg, I am currently 82kg.

    Energy levels are through the roof walk so doing lots of walking averaging 12-15 miles a day with ease.

    Have had 3 blood tests checking cholesterol etc and everything is perfect, it’s even knocked 3 years of my bio age!

    It has been the best thing I have done, never once felt hungry and just feel constantly amazing.
    24kg in 3 months - that is astounding, well done!
    Last edited by Estoril-5; 6th September 2023 at 12:07. Reason: typo

  34. #1234
    Ive lost 3.2 stone since mid Jan and proper proud of myself. Moobs and belly just about gone. I look half decent now in slim fit stuff. Energy levels are better etc etc
    Im 55, 6ft and currently at 13.10. I just need a bit more off the chest and belly.

    The science is easy, its the putting it into practice thats difficult. Its all a mind game, the trick is re-training your brain.

  35. #1235
    Master Maysie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Middle of Nowhere (UK)
    Quote Originally Posted by boring_sandwich View Post
    Been following a 90% carnivore diet but adding eggs, dairy and small amounts of green veg.

    Started beginning of June this year weighing 106kg, I am currently 82kg.

    Energy levels are through the roof walk so doing lots of walking averaging 12-15 miles a day with ease.

    Have had 3 blood tests checking cholesterol etc and everything is perfect, it’s even knocked 3 years of my bio age!

    It has been the best thing I have done, never once felt hungry and just feel constantly amazing.
    I hope you have your own loo at the bottom of the garden!

    Amazing weight loss. Well done.

  36. #1236
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    New Year bump.

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