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Thread: Covid Kick Up the ....

  1. #1
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    Covid Kick Up the ....

    My thirty something son in law, who has had all his jabs and is normally as fit as a fiddle, doing running, snowboarding, cycling etc., has caught Covid. He is wiped out at the moment and is either in bed, or on the sofa, depending on the time of day/night. Hacking cough, temperature, sore throat and total fatigue, together with brain fog and headaches. Take care folks. The jabs may help but it is still a proper ba*****!

  2. #2
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    I flew out from the UK at Bristol Airport earlier today. No one was wearing a mask until they boarded the plane. In Spain they had police on duty to make sure you kept it on.

    If the Brits can't be bothered with just the common sense precautions, what do you expect.

  3. #3
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    Can't argue with that.

    Sorry to hear, hope he's feeling much better in a few days' time.

  4. #4
    Grand Master Onelasttime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick P View Post
    I flew out from the UK at Bristol Airport earlier today. No one was wearing a mask until they boarded the plane. In Spain they had police on duty to make sure you kept it on.

    If the Brits can't be bothered with just the common sense precautions, what do you expect.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tixntox View Post
    My thirty something son in law, who has had all his jabs and is normally as fit as a fiddle, doing running, snowboarding, cycling etc., has caught Covid. He is wiped out at the moment and is either in bed, or on the sofa, depending on the time of day/night. Hacking cough, temperature, sore throat and total fatigue, together with brain fog and headaches. Take care folks. The jabs may help but it is still a proper ba*****!
    Parents have it 89 and 83 , no issues whatsoever- Mum says they’ve had worse colds

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick P View Post
    I flew out from the UK at Bristol Airport earlier today. No one was wearing a mask until they boarded the plane. In Spain they had police on duty to make sure you kept it on.

    If the Brits can't be bothered with just the common sense precautions, what do you expect.
    In France at the moment- no masks whatsoever- so not just the Brits. No big deal anyway…. Live with it

  7. #7
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    I had it a month ago (56, I’m a runner and warm weather cyclist) and I have had worse hangovers, no more than a cold.

    There does still seem to be some evil strains out there though.


  8. #8
    Master Iceblue's Avatar
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    Jab or no jab bad or not bad it’s a lottery in my opinion how each person will be depending on the strain

  9. #9
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    I just think if affects people in different ways and if you are unlucky in a bad way. I ended up being "relieved" I'd had it (the Xmas 2020 Kent variant) as for me I'd had worse colds and the unknown was gone. It did mess up that Xmas for the family though and my wife was wiped out Xmas day.

  10. #10
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    On day 7 and now fine after 6 days of a bad cold and generally feeling crap.

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  11. #11
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    Covid Kick Up the ....

    My 14 yr old unvaccinated daughter had it and didn’t have any symptoms whatsoever. She only took a test because one of her friends had it and messaged her.
    My 74 yr old double vaccinated and boostered father has had it for two weeks and he needs help getting out of bed to go to the toilet. It has really hit him hard.
    It’s a lottery.

  12. #12
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    Agree with the lottery comment.

    I am just coming out of a dose - lasted 4 days and felt like a mild flu. I caught it from my wife and it lasted 8 days for her, with some different symptoms.


  13. #13
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    Viral illnesses can affect people very differently, we shouldn’t be surprised that Covid infections follow this pattern.

    Being fully vaccinated makes overwhelming good sense, its no guarantee against becoming ill with Covid but it loads the odds heavily in favour of suffering only mild illness.

  14. #14
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reecie View Post
    I just think if affects people in different ways and if you are unlucky in a bad way.
    I'm surprised that so many people still don't realise this. My parents have just had it, Mum didn't bat an eyelid whilst Dad has been wiped out. A couple of very active and normally healthy colleagues have taken months to fully recover. The risk of death may be very low with the success of the vaccine rollout, but it's still something best avoided.
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  15. #15
    Master beechcustom's Avatar
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    It's long been recognised that one's reaction to the virus is something of a lottery. Most people are ok but some poor sods aren't and will actually die from it. The great British public know this but still chose to swan around like maskless entitled morons even back when the bodies were piling up and a vaccine was a pipe dream. The stakes literally couldn't be higher but people still decided that they would rather endanger the lives of their fellow citizens than follow the very basic and reasonable safety guidelines. This is the most depressing thing about the whole affair for me. The great British public are mostly selfish idiots.

  16. #16
    Master gerard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post
    I had it a month ago (56, I’m a runner and warm weather cyclist) and I have had worse hangovers, no more than a cold.

    There does still seem to be some evil strains out there though.

    Like you, I had it 4-5 weeks ago. Just a bad head cold, still worked from home through it. Must be the Norfolk strain!
    However, I have to say I feel very tired now. Not sure if that is a hangover from COVID or my recent fishing trip which was pretty hard core. Others in the office who had it around the same time report similar tiredness.
    Two of my staff who are early 20s really suffered from it....much worse than us middle aged cronies.

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onelasttime View Post

    Well credit where it is due, you have come up with a GIF that is original and not a copy of someone else's. Possibly your IQ has notched up a point but well done anyway.

  18. #18
    Master Thewatchbloke's Avatar
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    We had it at christmas 2020, the missus coped admirably, more like a heavy cold for her and was over it in a few days. It (literally) nearly killed me and I was as fit as a butchers dog prior to that.

    It gave me a new perspective on what the important things in life are and reaffirmed that good diet and exercise is one of the most important. Had I not been fit and healthy I wouldn't be here now.

    I hope your son in law improves soon.

  19. #19
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    The problem with this is that wearing a mask (mainly) protects others.
    Therefore you are asking vulnerable people to remove themselves from society (even more so that they already are) for what is at best a small inconvenience to yourself and you base that on a political decision from a morally bankrupt government whose health policies during this pandemic already sentenced thousands of people to death.

    (Sorry, this was a response to Christian's post but it seems he deleted it)
    Last edited by Saint-Just; 6th April 2022 at 09:25.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  20. #20
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick P View Post
    Well credit where it is due, you have come up with a GIF that is original and not a copy of someone else's. Possibly your IQ has notched up a point but well done anyway.
    Having someone with your demonstrated intellect judge other people's IQ is exquisite.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  21. #21
    The lottery analogy is right.

    I had it a couple of weeks ago - had 3 days where I was exhausted, hacking cough, headaches etc. but had recovered within a week and feeling ok now, bit tired but that's normal for a 50 year old!

    My partner was 3 days behind me and although she's no tested negative she's not feeling good at all still, fore throats, fatigue, chesty, headaches

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    The problem with this is that wearing a mask (mainly) protects others.
    Therefore you are asking vulnerable people to remove themselves from society (even more so that they already are) for what is at best a small inconvenience to yourself and you base that on a political decision from a morally bankrupt government whose health policies during this pandemic already sentenced thousands of people to death.

    (Sorry, this was a response to Christian's post but it seems he deleted it)
    I picked up a Hungarian lady the other day in my taxi and she told me all restrictions are lifted over there. No masks, nothing, so the UK is not alone in dropping requirements.
    How many other countries have dropped masks as well I don’t know as I haven’t checked.

  23. #23
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaytip View Post
    I picked up a Hungarian lady the other day in my taxi and she told me all restrictions are lifted over there. No masks, nothing, so the UK is not alone in dropping requirements.
    How many other countries have dropped masks as well I don’t know as I haven’t checked.
    You are correct. But to me that doesn't change anything: if I am likely to be in close proximity with other people I'll wear a mask. Not for me, for them; because I don't know how vulnerable they may be; one of my neighbours, for example, had a kidney transplant a long time ago. You'd never know from seeing him but his immune system is suppressed to avoid complications.
    It is more common courtesy -I should say humanity- than anything else.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  24. #24
    Grand Master Onelasttime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    If I am likely to be in close proximity with other people I'll wear a mask. Not for me, for them; because I don't know how vulnerable they may be;

    I'm curious. Will you be doing this for the rest of your life? What do you think might make you stop wearing a mask at all times in the proximity of others?

  25. #25
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    The problem with this is that wearing a mask (mainly) protects others.
    Therefore you are asking vulnerable people to remove themselves from society (even more so that they already are) for what is at best a small inconvenience to yourself and you base that on a political decision from a morally bankrupt government whose health policies during this pandemic already sentenced thousands of people to death.

    (Sorry, this was a response to Christian's post but it seems he deleted it)
    Sorry, deleted because after posting I thought the mask thing was a bit derailing!

  26. #26
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onelasttime View Post
    I'm curious. Will you be doing this for the rest of your life? What do you think might make you stop wearing a mask at all times in the proximity of others?
    If you want to stick to those principles, then you must have to make this a lifetime choice. There will always potentially be someone who is vulnerable to a respiratory disease.
    Last edited by Christian; 6th April 2022 at 13:03.

  27. #27
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    I’ve had it twice in 6 weeks, first time was like a mild cold at first, went back to work after testing clear and found myself struggling to get my breath, desk job but on the phone constantly. Had to go home and take a few more days, hadnt realised during isolation how shallow my breathing had been. Second dose caught from the wife after a trip to London a few weeks later was much worse, struggled to sleep despite being dog tired constantly, constant coughing and sneezing, chest felt like it was in a vice and every single movement felt like my joints were full of glass shards. Eased after 7 days but has left me constantly tired and with asthma like symptoms. Basically just worked and slept for the last week. Easing slowly but today is my first day off and I’ve no energy at all. Triple jabbed and early 50’s
    Last edited by ktmog6uk; 6th April 2022 at 11:49.

  28. #28
    Grand Master dkpw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaytip View Post
    I picked up a Hungarian lady the other day in my taxi and she told me all restrictions are lifted over there. No masks, nothing, so the UK is not alone in dropping requirements. How many other countries have dropped masks as well I don’t know as I haven’t checked.
    Funny that, both countries being run by populist, right-wing idiots.

    Yes, it's a lottery. A friend of mine picked it up in Rome, and had to be oxygenated in hospital for a couple of days. Now fully recovered but his wife had no symptoms, his son was okay and his daughter poorly for a week.

    He was very careful but it still got him. As the OP wisely says, please be careful for yourself and others.
    Last edited by dkpw; 6th April 2022 at 12:17.

  29. #29
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    Some people are badly affected by covid and some hardly notice it but that is not the point. The point is that covid is still disruption businesses and the hospitals are overloaded.

    If the simple act of wearing a masque makes life less risky then there is really no argument for not continuing to wear them.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onelasttime View Post
    I'm curious. Will you be doing this for the rest of your life? What do you think might make you stop wearing a mask at all times in the proximity of others?
    Exactly- it has to stop sometime. In France at the moment, no masks at Gatwick, masks on plane although if you are eating bizarrely the virus knows this and won’t transmit so no mask. No masks at Lyon airport and no masks in resort.

  31. #31
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    I'm triple jabbed but I had Covid last month for the first time and felt really ropey for about 10 days.

    I was still up and about indoors and took Dot out for walk but as I said to my wife, I wonder how I would have been without the vaccinations?

    A frightening thought.

  32. #32
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    Me mid 50's, wife mid 40's, child 10 all had it late January, all unvaxxed. Child had scratchy throat, wife tired for a day, me feeling like a mild hangover with a bit of torso myalgia.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C View Post
    I wonder how I would have been without the vaccinations?

    A frightening thought.
    You will never know. You may have been no worse, you may have been much worse. I’ve had three doses but don’t know if I’ve ever had the virus. I’ve had colds etc. but nothing serious. If affects everybody in different ways.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceblue View Post
    Jab or no jab bad or not bad it’s a lottery in my opinion how each person will be depending on the strain
    100% agree.

    I got it back in November, was double jabbed, it wasn't too bad like a bad cold and temperature for two days and was right as rain third day. Fourth day lost taste and smell and developed an annoying cough and both those lasted for well over 6 weeks which was no fun whatsoever.

    The wife caught at same time as me and was almost identical in how it played out but my teenage daughter who was unvacinated at the time had mild symptoms for three days and was totally fine soon after that.

    Currently people I know are suffering quite badly despite being triple jabbed, so as you say a complete lottery.
    Last edited by tango; 6th April 2022 at 15:30.

  35. #35
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    My brother and his partner are both 75 and triple jabbed. She regularly attends hospital for her cancer treatment and has to test beforehand. A couple of weeks ago she tested positive so my brother tested too. He was also positive. Neither had any symptoms whatsoever. He is not the healthiest of specimens so, as has been said, people vary widely in their response and it is difficult to predict how a given individual will be affected.

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  36. #36
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Triple jabbed and I caught it a few weeks back. A proper flue feeling but nothing more than that. I had planned to tear down the inside of holiday home - just in that week. Well, that was not a success. Now, 3 weeks later, I'm still not back on track: quickly tired. But not as bad as last week and the week before; I'm making progress. On the good side: sleeping goes well, very well.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkpw View Post
    Funny that, both countries being run by populist, right-wing idiots.
    Could you take this nonsense to the Bear Pit please? Thanks

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by craig1912 View Post
    Exactly- it has to stop sometime. In France at the moment, no masks at Gatwick, masks on plane although if you are eating bizarrely the virus knows this and won’t transmit so no mask. No masks at Lyon airport and no masks in resort.
    At the moment more people in the UK are infected than ever before according to the ONS (unless that's changed over the last couple of days, I haven't checked), so this isn't the time. We may hope that the likelihood of passing on the virus will diminish, therefore it's not necessarily a lifelong commitment.

    Your comment about eating and wearing a mask betrays a lack of understanding suffered, alas, by many. Wearing face coverings is not intended to prevent the transmission of infection in all circumstances. It just helps to wear them where it's practicable, and when you are trying to introduce food to your mouth with a fork, clearly it isn't.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    At the moment more people in the UK are infected than ever before according to the ONS (unless that's changed over the last couple of days, I haven't checked), so this isn't the time. We may hope that the likelihood of passing on the virus will diminish, therefore it's not necessarily a lifelong commitment.

    Your comment about eating and wearing a mask betrays a lack of understanding suffered, alas, by many. Wearing face coverings is not intended to prevent the transmission of infection in all circumstances. It just helps to wear them where it's practicable, and when you are trying to introduce food to your mouth with a fork, clearly it isn't.
    I note you say “this isn’t the time” but it is. Most people have stopped wearing them, we are probably at the peak so infections will start doing down.
    My comment on the plane was a little tongue in cheek, but wearing a mask on a plane when I didn’t wear one on the train getting there, the taxi,the restaurant and both airports and taxi at the other end is pointless. Those that want to wear a mask can wear one and I would suggest those most vulnerable wear a suitable mask to protect themselves.

  40. #40
    I’ve had every jab going and had come to the conclusion it’s a case of if not when. Sure enough I came down with Covid about 6 weeks ago, having previously tried to kid myself I’d already had it/was immune etc. I’m fit and healthy, but spent pretty much 10 days in bed, I was positive for 16 days and 6 weeks later I still don’t feel quite over it. My wife who is 5 years older than me was virtually unaffected, and my youngest son who has Downs and a heart condition thankfully was ok. The way your body responds to this seems almost random - it’s nothing to be smug or relaxed about. That being said, I don’t always wear a mask now - having be previously been firmly been in the mask wearing camp. You can’t spend the next 20 years masked you can you? I will say I live in a rural area - if I lived in London and was using the tube etc, I’d definitely be wearing a mask!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
    I’ve had every jab going and had come to the conclusion it’s a case of if not when. Sure enough I came down with Covid about 6 weeks ago, having previously tried to kid myself I’d already had it/was immune etc. I’m fit and healthy, but spent pretty much 10 days in bed, I was positive for 16 days and 6 weeks later I still don’t feel quite over it. My wife who is 5 years older than me was virtually unaffected, and my youngest son who has Downs and a heart condition thankfully was ok. The way your body responds to this seems almost random - it’s nothing to be smug or relaxed about. That being said, I don’t always wear a mask now - having be previously been firmly been in the mask wearing camp. You can’t spend the next 20 years masked you can you? I will say I live in a rural area - if I lived in London and was using the tube etc, I’d definitely be wearing a mask!
    As an aside a colleague commented that being jabbed was obviously a waste of time. My conclusion is somewhat different. Having been so unwell I wonder if I’d be here at all if I’d avoided vaccination. Everyone has their own opinion!

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  42. #42
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaytip View Post
    How many other countries have dropped masks as well I don’t know as I haven’t checked.
    Full on mask mode still here in PT. Mandatory indoors and they won’t let you in a supermarket / shop without one. Getting a bit relaxed in restaurants when eating outside but need one when going inside. 100% compliance even with the youngsters. I wonder what will happen when the Brits come down for their vacations? I suspect the rules will change, but for now - people wear masks in towns / crowded paces outdoors like farmers markets etc. Just a way of life now. Hasn’t stopped the spread though - most people we know have had it, often when travelling back from UK or from kids in school spreading to family.

    We don’t think we’ve had it (still free tests available) - but keep our immune systems boosted eating healthy foods and supplements daily. This helps with any illness.

    “ Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.” HHGTTG

  43. #43
    Grand Master dkpw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    Could you take this nonsense to the Bear Pit please? Thanks
    That was a trap. And you fell right into it. Heffalump.

  44. #44
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craig1912 View Post
    I note you say “this isn’t the time” but it is. Most people have stopped wearing them, we are probably at the peak so infections will start doing down.
    My comment on the plane was a little tongue in cheek, but wearing a mask on a plane when I didn’t wear one on the train getting there, the taxi,the restaurant and both airports and taxi at the other end is pointless. Those that want to wear a mask can wear one and I would suggest those most vulnerable wear a suitable mask to protect themselves.
    I don't think you'll ever convince those that believe masks should be worn forever more, you'll just get a response that even by following the law you are selfish for not voluntarily wearing one. Don't try and use logic either...I know people that still wear a mask when walking in the doorway of a restaurant only to be sat a couple of metres away from that door inside and not wear one for 90 mins whilst at the table. Only response you'll get is that it's not hard to wear a mask so why not.

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    Covid Kick Up the ....

    Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
    You can’t spend the next 20 years masked you can you? I will say I live in a rural area - if I lived in London and was using the tube etc, I’d definitely be wearing a mask!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    For what reason would you wear one if you were on the tube?
    I ask because I’ve picked up many customers who have told me they will continue to wear a mask even after the requirement has been dropped because they don’t want to catch covid. Yet they are wearing the surgical type or cloth type. Neither of which will help stop them catching covid.
    Last edited by jaytip; 7th April 2022 at 15:05.

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by tixntox View Post
    My thirty something son in law, who has had all his jabs and is normally as fit as a fiddle, doing running, snowboarding, cycling etc., has caught Covid. He is wiped out at the moment and is either in bed, or on the sofa, depending on the time of day/night. Hacking cough, temperature, sore throat and total fatigue, together with brain fog and headaches. Take care folks. The jabs may help but it is still a proper ba*****!
    Update. He's tested negative today but is very fatigued and feels like c***! It has certainly knocked the stuffing out of him. Take care all.

  47. #47
    My 11yr old lad tested positive Wed night, snotty and full of cold. Be interesting to see if the rest of us get it. 9yr old daughter had it in Nov, the rest of us swerved it. Then wife and i both tested positive new years eve/day, too close together to have caught it from each other, so assume we both got it at the same time. As we hadn't been anywhere together since before Xmas, we blamed it on our son bringing it home from school and being asymptomatic, but maybe not as he has it now

  48. #48
    Lying in bed writing this with 2nd dose of CV, first infection was last Oct. It hasn't been quite as bad as the first time but still headaches and totally exhausted. I really hope this is the last time, i'm done with CV now, totally fed up now..Been out last week and its amazing how many people think this is over...its not - keep hand washing and wearing a mask, it cuts down cases.

  49. #49
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    I’m amazed that I managed to dodge it for so long being a taxi driver but it’s finally caught up with me.
    Feels like a really bad head cold.

  50. #50
    Grand Master Onelasttime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brighty View Post
    My 11yr old lad tested positive Wed night, snotty and full of cold. Be interesting to see if the rest of us get it. 9yr old daughter had it in Nov, the rest of us swerved it.
    Exactly the same scenario as us - daughter first last year and we dodged it. Then the boy caught it four weeks ago. This time it ripped through us and 24 hours after he tested positive we were all laid up. Good luck.

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