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Thread: CCTV or burglar alarm - which is better?

  1. #1
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    CCTV or burglar alarm - which is better?

    Would a common-or-garden burglar be deterred more by a burglar alarm or CCTV cameras?

    Cost-effectiveness is a consideration too: clearly monitored services provide more security, and a combination of both would be best (along with a temperamental Rottweiler). But if spending a couple/few hundred on defending your typical suburban home, which would you choose?

    Wireless, hard-wired, cameras on the eves or indoors looking out, mobile phone app?

  2. #2
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    It's mainly around making your house less attractive to being burgled than your neighbours as told to me by the police when we got burgled. So probably the alarm (though most people ignore one that has gone off), CCTV they all wear caps and hoodies anyway so it is debatable. But if you leave your windows open then either way you are more likely than someone with locked windows. But if you have both and a few doors along doesn't guess who is probably more likely to be targetted all things being equal.

  3. #3
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    Apparently, on the Vine show recently a former bobby stated that police won't even investigate a burglary unless you have cctv evidence for them to work on. They'll just give you a crime number so you can claim on insurance. Not sure I believe it, especially as he could not possibly speak on behalf of all UK police forces and their commissioners. My other half is getting the jitters so I'm intent on getting basic cctv. to calm her down. Maybe the retired bobby now works for a cctv firm!

  4. #4
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    Funny you mention that ALindsay - it was listening to that show that prompted this thread - though I don't know which route to take.

    We've had alarms in a couple of houses over the years and both ended up ceasing to work properly and not being used.

  5. #5
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Get Both.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  6. #6
    Having recently been burgled, the Police stated that the best deterrent was CCTV.
    However, I disagree. I have a couple of friends with CCTV systems, one overt and one covert.
    The guy with overt CCTV has a nice house, easily woth a million. He and all his neighbours regularly (at least once a month) record people wandering around at night trying the doors. They are wearing hoodies & masks and do not care about the CCTV.
    The guy with the covert CCTV has had his shed broken into and a load of tools stolen. He also had someone flytipping on his drive. In both cases the CCTV was good enough that the culprits were immediately identified. The copper attending the shed break in knew the offender by name.

    So, in my opinion, if they can see the CCTV it's useless. It isn't a deterrent, it just means they wear masks. If they can't see the CCTV, then clearly it will make no dfference as to whether you are burgled, but it might help catch the burglers.

    Personally, I have now installed a self built alarm. There's a visible, lit up siren box. There can be no doubt that the system is powered.
    I used a mobile phone module on the main alarm box, it will send a text to me if the alarm is triggered. I'd like to install some indoor recording cameras too. The ultimate goal is that the system will send a text message, and I can go online and view the cameras. If there's really someone there I can call the police and ask them to attend (to ensure everyone's safety as I'll already be in the car on my way home!)

  7. #7
    Both , being burgled is a horrid experience and you can never have enough deterrents.

  8. #8
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    Having moved to a small cul-de-sac of 5 houses, ours was the only one without a burglar alarm so we had a non-monitored one. Also a ring door bell but no CCTV

  9. #9
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Both. Alarms are easier these days and cheaper as there are wifi options. Just avoid ADT as their monthly subscription is silly.

    Same applies with cameras. CCTV doesn’t need to be what it was. You can have it all going to a central hub with wires or you can have them plugged into the wall with Wi-Fi. With the Wi-Fi option the storage can be as easy as £50 per year for unlimited cameras and just add them when you want them.

  10. #10
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    Alarms are good as long as they are serviced regular and visible, ours went faulty the other week and kept going off, believe me it was deafening, ( we do have it serviced ), also make sure it notifies you or someone on the list if it does go off, we have one that lights up like a xmas tree at night showing that it is fully powered and working, I'd also go for PIR lights, it's just another deterrent, if they're going to break in they will, just make it harder for the scumbags.
    A good dog is also a bonus, we only have a standard poodle but when he barks you'd think it was something a lot bigger.
    As has been said cctv doesn't seem to put them off as they all wear hats and face coverings, but I suppose its another tool to use against them.
    Just make your house as secure as possible, good locks, good windows etc etc

  11. #11
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    We have an alarm on a service contract which has door, window and movement sensors. Uses mobile signal or landline to dial us if it goes off. Has battery backup. The app linked to it will show where it was triggered.

    We have Arlo and Ring cameras, and Ring doorbells. The Ring cameras and doorbells are good for the ability to speak through them and hear as well, and notify us by phone. Also can be viewed on the mobile. The Arlo are quicker with getting the recording to our mobiles pretty much instantly.

    OTT? Maybe, but I hate burglars with a passion and would do anything to stop them.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  12. #12
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    Recently installed Eufy cameras for my now single sister-in-law and they’re quite impressive. Motion detection with alerts to your phone, two way voice etc. for very humble money

  13. #13
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    We have both.
    Additionally those stick on sensors on downstairs doors/windows that sound if any vibration occurs. They are really loud and anyone close up to doors/windows cannot fail to see them.

  14. #14
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    Additional thought - we have lamps dotted around the house plugged into smart plugs which we programme to switch on/off while we are away. This makes the house look occupied even when we are away.

  15. #15
    The building in which I live has CCTV both externally and internally in, common areas, and the system was upgraded only last year.

    I therefore don't routinely bother with CCTV, but have one camera I can activate remotely if I get an alert from my alarm.

  16. #16
    Craftsman Adge's Avatar
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    CCTV so you can watch the burglars steal all your nice things

  17. #17
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    Just got a wired cctv system for a friend and quite impressed with the thing, good image quality, you can set it to recognise cars and humans only so next doors cat or trees in the wind don’t set it off, you can obscure some of the image if it overlooks somewhere it shouldn’t and will send alerts to your phone if it senses a car or human where they shouldn’t be.

  18. #18
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    I have those chuffing great security lights which are triggered by heat or movement. We've had folks wander onto the driveway and turn around and walk away when the mahoosive lights come on. I did clear them with my neighbours, before fitting and they said that they were fine with them, as they benefit from the effect. Any system isn't foolproof but "lurkers" and burglars do not like bright lights!

  19. #19
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    In my neck of the woods crooks have a device that knocks out Wi-Fi and renders cctv redundant .

    Sent from my iPad using TZ-UK mobile app

  20. #20
    Good outdoor lighting, CCTV, and common sense re. keeping doors and windows closed is a good option IMO. An alarm is a bonus.

    A lot of burglaries are either targeted and planned (so they know when you’re in or out, what cars come and go, what doors or windows to target, and know you have something worth taking), or they’re chancers.

    For the former there’s bugger all you can do, if somebody wants to come in they’re coming in. They know what they want.

    For the latter, visible CCTV and lighting that puts them on display is a good deterrent. Avoid making entry easy and they probably won’t want to spend a lot of time hanging around, they’ll go elsewhere.

  21. #21
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    My takeaway from this if you live in a high crime area is visible working alarm as a deterrent, hidden cctv for if they do break in and the police need evidence.

  22. #22
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    One thing you should do is upgrade all external door locks to 3 star, and eurocylinders to anti-snap types. Even as I type this, a queue of TZ-UKers is forming to recommend Ultion brand locks.

    You could also fit hinge bolts and concealed security bolts to external wooden doors.

  23. #23
    Craftsman Adge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitz View Post
    In my neck of the woods crooks have a device that knocks out Wi-Fi and renders cctv redundant .

    Sent from my iPad using TZ-UK mobile app
    In today's world, they would never suspect footage to be backed up physically on a harddrive in the house also... So unlikely they would search for such a device. Maybe consider this in the event this happens?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Adge View Post
    In today's world, they would never suspect footage to be backed up physically on a harddrive in the house also... So unlikely they would search for such a device. Maybe consider this in the event this happens?
    Wireless cameras wouldn’t do then.

  25. #25
    Master j0hnbarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogthrob View Post
    One thing you should do is upgrade all external door locks to 3 star, and eurocylinders to anti-snap types. Even as I type this, a queue of TZ-UKers is forming to recommend Ultion brand locks.

    You could also fit hinge bolts and concealed security bolts to external wooden doors.
    I have fitted Ultions before!

  26. #26
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    There was a spate of burglaries down our road. Our Doberman has the run of the house when we’re out. We have not been burgled.

  27. #27
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogthrob View Post
    One thing you should do is upgrade all external door locks to 3 star, and eurocylinders to anti-snap types. Even as I type this, a queue of TZ-UKers is forming to recommend Ultion brand locks.

    You could also fit hinge bolts and concealed security bolts to external wooden doors.
    I fitted anti-snap Euro locks ages ago but those Ultion do look tempting........
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  28. #28
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    Combination of alarm & cameras, make your home less appealing to chancers.
    Replaced my front door with a Solidor with Ultion, swapped all the other external barrels for Ultions & added the LocLoc handles.
    Added Hikvision system to see anyone approaching front & back doors & front, back & side of house.
    Smart water stickers on all rear windows.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    I fitted anti-snap Euro locks ages ago but those Ultion do look tempting........
    They are good, I upgraded mine when having a new door fitted, one of my mates is in the trade and swears by them.

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