Quote Originally Posted by markbannister View Post
Remember Watneys Red Barrel?
Watneys Red Barrel you say...

............and once a week there's an excursion to the local Roman Ruins to buy cherryade and melted ice cream and bleeding Watney's Red Barrel and one evening you visit the so called typical restaurant with local colour and atmosphere and you sit next to a party from Rhyl who keep singing 'Torremolinos, torremolinos' and complaining about the food - 'It's so greasy here, isn't it?' - and you get cornered by some drunken greengrocer from Luton with an Instamatic camera and Dr. Scholl sandals and last Tuesday's Daily Express and he drones on and on and on about how Mr. Smith should be running this country........

...no not at all.

Quote Originally Posted by Suds View Post
Think I would panic buy Double Diamond if I ever saw it again
Ran a pub for a while back in the day and Double Diamond was extremely popular. CAMRA was about then and we kept some 'real ales', which people with long beards, wearing hand knitted wooly jumpers, would come in and slowly sip a half of. Usually on the Folk music club nights.