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Thread: Masks

  1. #51
    I'm still wearing a mask when I'm in a store, with positive C19 cases as they are I consider it my civil duty to do so - thankfully I've noticed little, if any, change in mask wearing when I'm out.

    My workplace requires me to wear one only under particular circumstances however I keep it on all the time as it's easier. An email was sent out from the site director at the time of the last lifting of government guidelines requesting that all staff still adhere to previously set company guidelines. The standard of mask wearing at work was poor IMO prior to the lift and it's worse now, it's incredibly frustrating though I'm not surprised as the only enforcement I've witnessed is the odd electronic communication, the leadership/management team don't have the b0ll0cks to challenge face to face.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooshabak View Post
    Was watching some scientific professor doing a demonstration a couple of days ago and he said you’d need 15 masks on for it to be effective to stop the particles in the aerosol and even then it would still fly out of all the gaps where it doesn’t seal.
    So all those surgeons wearing masks during operations needn’t bother. Stupid surgeons - the medical profession as a whole are so uneducated aren’t they? - oh, hang on …..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianw View Post
    Business owners can stop anyone they want going into their premises, just as shops can refuse to sell to anyone they want
    Yes, and meantime in the real world? Business owners may want stuff in principle, but in practice? And what of the people to 'enforce' it? There's a particularly nasty video of a tear up in Asda going around at the moment.

    That policy may all be well and good for antique shops in Stow-on-the-Wold.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by adrianw View Post
    I wonder if the place we went to was so bad because it was non food,
    Braintree Freeport/Village is like a pedestrianised high street, unlike Lakeside or Bluewater it's not undercover. I'd guess that the latter two would have a higher level of compliance as they're indoors where as at BV masks can be removed when not in an actual shop - maybe people find it too much of a PITA to put on/take off all the time. I'm not excusing it, just wondering if with the relaxed rules people just can't be arsed anymore.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Common sense will tell you to help protect yourself and others.... yes wear one.
    I'm pleased everyone is wearing them in Aldi and other shops I've been in.
    It's the ignorant who are driving this Covid by not complying.
    Quite, apparently nothing to worry about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Unless you suffer from serious respiratory issues certain flue viruses are just as dangerous.
    A relative at the RVI hospital Newcastle, says it has been blown out of proportion by the media.

  6. #56
    Master j0hnbarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    The fact remains that one cohort could be argued to be putting others at risk; and the other is clearly acting in a way to ensure that it doesn't. You can rationalise it any way that you wish, but it's still a nonsensical position to take given the circumstances.
    You make the point I raised in my first post for me, in that you are not qualified to make that argument, therefore you can have a point of view or make an assertion, but not from a position of informed expertise.

    Because most of us are in that camp, we either have to obey relevant legislation or face the consequences, or choose to adhere to guidance where it is voluntary. It is as simple as that.

    Wherever I have been compelled to abide by the law with respect to Covid, I have, be that mask wearing earlier in the pandemic, not leaving the house except for the reasonable excuses listed etc etc. I recall you taking a more flexible approach in terms of your interpretation of what constituted an essential journey last year, with multiple trips on your bike to the local shops for essential goods. You made it quite clear that you were out for a ride, in spite of that firm legal prohibition. So when you were instructed not to do something, you did it. In the case of mask wearing I now have a choice and exercise it. There is a not very subtle difference there.

  7. #57
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    The thing is that you cannot complain about being judge for not wearing a mask. Those who make that judgment may not be virologists, but people who are (or feel) endangered by your choice.
    That is the problem with mask wearing. If it was just about the (potential) risk you take for yourself there would be no question about your choice.
    The fact is that the (potential) risk you take is affecting others than yourself. This is why others will judge you, and rightfully in my opinion.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  8. #58
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    The thing is that you cannot complain about being judge for not wearing a mask. Those who make that judgment may not be virologists, but people who are (or feel) endangered by your choice.
    That is the problem with mask wearing. If it was just about the (potential) risk you take for yourself there would be no question about your choice.
    The fact is that the (potential) risk you take is affecting others than yourself. This is why others will judge you, and rightfully in my opinion.

  9. #59
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j0hnbarker View Post
    You make the point I raised in my first post for me, in that you are not qualified to make that argument, therefore you can have a point of view or make an assertion, but not from a position of informed expertise.

    Because most of us are in that camp, we either have to obey relevant legislation or face the consequences, or choose to adhere to guidance where it is voluntary. It is as simple as that.

    Wherever I have been compelled to abide by the law with respect to Covid, I have, be that mask wearing earlier in the pandemic, not leaving the house except for the reasonable excuses listed etc etc. I recall you taking a more flexible approach in terms of your interpretation of what constituted an essential journey last year, with multiple trips on your bike to the local shops for essential goods. You made it quite clear that you were out for a ride, in spite of that firm legal prohibition. So when you were instructed not to do something, you did it. In the case of mask wearing I now have a choice and exercise it. There is a not very subtle difference there.
    What utter b*llocks. I made essential journeys in order to get provisions at a time when supermarket deliveries couldn't be arranged when they were needed. Those journeys were compliant with the government guidelines, albeit I used my bike and not my car. As did many others, I hasten to add.

    Your decision is different. You've deliberately elected not to make minor and inconsequential adjustments to your lifestyle for your own convenience, thereby putting those around you, and with whom you come into contact, at risk. So yes - I judge you... you're as selfish as the rest of them. I certainly shan't take your pontificating seriously again.
    Last edited by learningtofly; 25th July 2021 at 16:52. Reason: Typos and further clarity

  10. #60
    It’s an individual’s choice to wear a mask or not, if someone wants to judge them then that’s their choice as well…

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  11. #61
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    Following an article in the news today, I'm wearing one over my anus.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by kace View Post
    Totally agree with this, the majority of mask free people I've seen have been pensioners, now it's fair to say that as I was shopping off peak I was likely to see more 60+ people but the bulk of the 20-60 age group had kept theirs on.

    Think being double jabbed has emboldened quite a few.
    Where I live I'd say its the complete opposite, it's more the younger crowd who I see not wearing a mask...

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Filterlab View Post
    Following an article in the news today, I'm wearing one over my anus.
    As long as you know which end is which

  14. #64
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    Just saying 'mask' covers a lot. The fabric/cotton masks or so-called surgical masks are largely useless in protecting you from inhaling viral particles held within an aerosol spray from someone sneezing indoors or close by. To protect yourself, you need an FFP3/N95 mask with valve for efficient exhalation and properly adjusted for close fit.

    The FFP3/N95 mask will block or decrease the viral load you inhale which is a factor in the severity of COVID infection. If you've been double vaccinated, receiving a reduced number of viral particles may go unnoticed.

    Also you can't be taking on and off and stuffing into pocket and expect any significant benefit.

    Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds
    Last edited by J J Carter; 25th July 2021 at 16:39.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianw View Post
    As long as you know which end is which
    It's easy to tell the masks apart as one has some wind smear on it.
    Last edited by Filterlab; 25th July 2021 at 16:36.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martylaa View Post
    It’s an individual’s choice to wear a mask or not, if someone wants to judge them then that’s their choice as well…

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    Absolutely, it is the choice of an individual to judge them - and stress themselves out to the max over something they have absolutely zero control over in almost all circumstances.

    Where people have the choice, they will make it - whatever they deem it to be - and they'll have ample back up from all kinds of resources, including in this case the rules from the government.

    It is just a fact of modern life there are enormous amount of self centered people out there who will care only about their opinion. Lots of people have done very well in this world out of that philosophy - doing what suits them, their opinion, their outlook.
    Isn't this just a product of our society?

    I will wear a mask, it isn't very difficult (although a tad annoying as I wear glasses). But getting fizzed at those who don't? It's a waste of energy.

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by J J Carter View Post
    Just saying 'mask' covers a lot. The fabric/cotton masks or so-called surgical masks are largely useless in protecting you from inhaling viral particles held within an aerosol spray from someone sneezing indoors or close by. To protect yourself, you need an FFP3/N95 mask with valve for efficient exhalation and properly adjusted for close fit.

    The FFP3/N95 mask will block or decrease the viral load you inhale which is a factor in the severity of COVID infection. If you've been double vaccinated, receiving a reduced number of viral particles may go unnoticed.

    Also you can't be taking on and off and stuffing into pocket and expect any significant benefit.

    Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds
    This was the point I raised earlier in the thread. Surely if people want to be protected they should go for maximum protection. Why bother otherwise? I think some people have now become socially conditioned to wear them and are more concerned about not appearing compliant.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Literally one mile from my house! Most people and places round Ashby do seem to be continuing using masks, as are my wife and me. I've no idea if its due to a relatively small population or not. I've no idea what its like on a night as we've not been to the pubs / ate out yet. Maybe we will a week monday after our 2nd jab. Where are you located?
    Ravenstone - about 3.5 miles to the SE of Ashby. I've haven't been to a pub there since the pandemic started but we'll no doubt do that soon. I like Ashby; love the old-fashioned high street. Nice to see that the businesses there have survived a huge Tesco less than a mile away. Always looks busy when I come through on my bike.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by J J Carter View Post
    Just saying 'mask' covers a lot. The fabric/cotton masks or so-called surgical masks are largely useless in protecting you from inhaling viral particles held within an aerosol spray from someone sneezing indoors or close by. To protect yourself, you need an FFP3/N95 mask with valve for efficient exhalation and properly adjusted for close fit.

    The FFP3/N95 mask will block or decrease the viral load you inhale which is a factor in the severity of COVID infection. If you've been double vaccinated, receiving a reduced number of viral particles may go unnoticed.

    Also you can't be taking on and off and stuffing into pocket and expect any significant benefit.

    Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds
    The main point of them is to protect other people, not yourself.

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by J J Carter View Post
    Just saying 'mask' covers a lot. The fabric/cotton masks or so-called surgical masks are largely useless in protecting you from inhaling viral particles held within an aerosol spray from someone sneezing indoors or close by. To protect yourself, you need an FFP3/N95 mask with valve for efficient exhalation and properly adjusted for close fit.

    The FFP3/N95 mask will block or decrease the viral load you inhale which is a factor in the severity of COVID infection. If you've been double vaccinated, receiving a reduced number of viral particles may go unnoticed.

    Also you can't be taking on and off and stuffing into pocket and expect any significant benefit.

    Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds
    I thought the whole point of mask wearing, even the pale blue surgical type, was to protect others from yourself rather than protect yourself from others?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    The main point of them is to protect other people, not yourself.
    This. Beaten to it!

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    The main point of them is to protect other people, not yourself.
    Exactly this. It's why valved masks are not permitted in certain places, because it doesn't protect those around you, whilst a non-valved mask like a fabric one does.

  22. #72
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    >Why bother otherwise?<

    True, but most people will be unaware that putting a piece of cotton fabric over their face is essentially pointless to protect themselves.

    Even the notion that this reduces infection from people touching face and around eyes has been discounted as risk of COVID infection from contact with surfaces such as door handles is minimal. Washing hands is still a valid thing against other bugs such as Norovirus, of course.

    For obese people, their best option of reducing complications from COVID infection (if not vaccinated) is to lose weight.

  23. #73
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    >I thought the whole point of mask wearing, even the pale blue surgical type, was to protect others from yourself rather than protect yourself from others?<

    Not from where I'm standing. No.1 priority is health of myself and family which starts by not breathing in the aerosol spray produced by others. Reckon I've "done my bit" for society by getting the two AZ vaccinations. Just saying.
    Last edited by J J Carter; 25th July 2021 at 17:02.

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
    Not really. I picked up a curry not long ago and two guys were sat eating at the front nearby - I heard one say "look at this twat with his mask. Just stay home if you're that much of a pussy". Charming.
    Just reply politely, ‘oh this, it’s not for COVID, it’s so I don’t have to suffer your B.O.’

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
    Not really. I picked up a curry not long ago and two guys were sat eating at the front nearby - I heard one say "look at this t*** with his mask. Just stay home if you're that much of a p****". Charming.
    To be fair it is London so that's fairly polite by London standards.

    Not really the fault of the curry house though, just bad customers.

  26. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post
    The main point of them is to protect other people, not yourself.
    The amount of people I’ve seen out walking alone, or in cars alone wearing masks suggests not everyone realises this.

  27. #77
    Master murkeywaters's Avatar
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    Currently at a wedding working and when in the main room with guests I’m wearing a mask, so far though weddings are basically super spreader events from what I have seen.

    A very high up figure in the NHS did say we can all avoid Covid as much as we can but ultimately we are all going to get it at some point, not a case of IF but WHEN..

  28. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Sorry to hear about your colleague. awful.

    I think you'll find that businesses can indeed determine who they allow onto their premises, though, provided that any refusal is not on grounds of sex, race, disability, gender, sexual orientation or religious belief. Whether they choose to or not is another matter, and it's possible that refusing entry to a non-mask wearer could be deemed disability discrimination should that person fall within the mask exemption criteria.
    That certainly didn’t apply to taxi drivers in the borough I worked in. We were told explicitly by our local council that we could not refuse a non mask wearing customer.

  29. #79
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    I don’t wear one where it’s not mandatory although I’m happy to do my own risk assessment and if I’m packed into a tube carriage I’ll put one on because the case rate is high at the moment. I know a lot of people will look down on me for saying I don’t wear one all the time…I’ve even seen people on here post comments that people who don’t wear masks are lower class. Ridiculous.

  30. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by jaytip View Post
    The amount of people I’ve seen out walking alone, or in cars alone wearing masks suggests not everyone realises this.
    Good for them. When they get out of the car, or do encounter people whilst out walking, it's already on and they don't need to remember to put it back on.

  31. #81
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaytip View Post
    That certainly didn’t apply to taxi drivers in the borough I worked in. We were told explicitly by our local council that we could not refuse a non mask wearing customer.
    Yes, I'm sure there are regulations relating to cabbies that doesn't apply to "places of work" in the normal sense of the word. That said, it would be interesting to test what you say in court as I suspect it would be less than black and white in our current scenario.

  32. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
    So all those surgeons wearing masks during operations needn’t bother. Stupid surgeons - the medical profession as a whole are so uneducated aren’t they? - oh, hang on …..

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    That actually isn’t a relevant argument. It is to stop bacteria and also to protect the surgeon.

    It is completely different to using them in a public environment

  33. #83
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    This is a pretty toxic debate to have on a general forum as there are extremes on both sides. It is probably better if it isn’t debated here

  34. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by craig1912 View Post
    This is a pretty toxic debate to have on a general forum as there are extremes on both sides. It is probably better if it isn’t debated here
    Glad I am not the only one who thought this

  35. #85
    Master Chewitt13's Avatar
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    Living in Scotland I can say 90% are still wearing masks, about 3 weeks ago we spent 3 days at the Trafford centre, it was probably 90% the other kids were asking if covid had reached Manchester.

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  36. #86
    I dropped into the local lidl the other evening. It was noticeable the only ones not wearing masks were the younger customers buying cheap booze, unlikely to have had both vaccines if any.

  37. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by hughtrimble View Post
    Good for them. When they get out of the car, or do encounter people whilst out walking, it's already on and they don't need to remember to put it back on.
    Bit daft I reckon.

  38. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by craig1912 View Post
    This is a pretty toxic debate to have on a general forum as there are extremes on both sides. It is probably better if it isn’t debated here
    I started it as an are they, aren’t they, not a should they shouldn’t they, as I thought that one had long gone

  39. #89
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    This did make me laugh...(it's only a meme so I hope it doesn't upset!)...

  40. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
    This did make me laugh...(it's only a meme so I hope it doesn't upset!)...

    We have to wear them in work or if we are in a car with someone, its often a pain taking them on and off all the time (And constantly touching them sort of defeats the object of them) So I have often ended up wearing them when alone in a car. I notice a lot of taxi drivers do too (For obvious reasons)

    Not offended, just pointing out why some people may do it

  41. #91
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert75 View Post
    We have to wear them in work or if we are in a car with someone, its often a pain taking them on and off all the time (And constantly touching them sort of defeats the object of them) So I have often ended up wearing them when alone in a car. I notice a lot of taxi drivers do too (For obvious reasons)

    Not offended, just pointing out why some people may do it
    Absolutely, seems eminently sensible.

  42. #92
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J J Carter View Post
    >I thought the whole point of mask wearing, even the pale blue surgical type, was to protect others from yourself rather than protect yourself from others?<

    Not from where I'm standing. No.1 priority is health of myself and family which starts by not breathing in the aerosol spray produced by others. Reckon I've "done my bit" for society by getting the two AZ vaccinations. Just saying.
    That is entirely understandable in general. The thing is, in a pandemic like the one we have, you have to rely on others to protect you and yours as much as they rely on you and yours to protect them. And to correct what you wrote, it is precisely when you got your 2 jabs that you put your health first, as the vaccine may reduce contagiousness but it certainly doesn’t stop it, whereas it offers excellent protection from a severe form of the disease to the person vaccinated.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  43. #93
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craig1912 View Post
    This is a pretty toxic debate to have on a general forum as there are extremes on both sides. It is probably better if it isn’t debated here
    Yeh - pop on over to the BP and join the COVID-19 thread seems more appropriate. G&D l thought was light banter rather than personal attack?
    “ Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.” HHGTTG

  44. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Martylaa View Post
    Where I live I'd say its the complete opposite, it's more the younger crowd who I see not wearing a mask...

    Well I've just got back from.another trip to the shops and again I'd say it was those over 60 who make up the majority of these mask free.

    I'm not a youngster attacking the old being 50 myself, just observing those around me.

    Despite the new freedom I'd say more than 80%were masked up which has to be good news.

  45. #95
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kace View Post
    Well I've just got back from.another trip to the shops and again I'd say it was those over 60 who make up the majority of these mask free.

    I'm not a youngster attacking the old being 50 myself, just observing those around me.

    Despite the new freedom I'd say more than 80%were masked up which has to be good news.
    on the topic - took a local train trip recently. Olders were wearing masks, almost all 30s and under were not. Quite noticeable divide. Seems like statistically those who are not vaccinated are not wearing masks. May be different elsewhere I guess. M
    “ Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.” HHGTTG

  46. #96
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartynJC (UK) View Post
    on the topic - took a local train trip recently. Olders were wearing masks, almost all 30s and under were not. Quite noticeable divide. Seems like statistically those who are not vaccinated are not wearing masks. May be different elsewhere I guess. M
    No doubt the irony is lost on them.

  47. #97
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    I wont be wearing one unless for work, I also wont be using a chocolate fireguard and want to allow my immune system to do its job whilst using basic hygiene. If you chose to wear one because you have concerns then thats your decision and not one I would or could criticise.

    For the record Ive worked in the 4th highest COVID trust for 18 months, shared a house with Covid patients, had both jabs in January and just had Covid.

  48. #98
    Grand Master MartynJC (UK)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    …,Ive worked in the 4th highest COVID trust for 18 months, shared a house with Covid patients, had both jabs in January and just had Covid.
    Sorry to hear it got you eventually. Hope you’re all well now. All the best and thanks for working on the frontline. Martyn
    “ Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.” HHGTTG

  49. #99
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    I also will be wearing one much less. If I feel the need to protect others I will. Being a glasses wearer I feel I touch my face about 100x more than I need to. Everyone I know are pretty much double jabbed and so am I.

  50. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartynJC (UK) View Post
    Sorry to hear it got you eventually. Hope you’re all well now. All the best and thanks for working on the frontline. Martyn

    Absolutely fine like the majority of my colleagues, family, and friends who have had it. Couple of mates haven’t been so lucky which is extremely sad but realistically you will all get it at some point

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