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Thread: Porsche Centre damaged my car... Updated with the outcome

  1. #51
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    This is why I started wondering if this is just normal and I am being unreasonable.
    Just because it is normal for them doesn't mean it is. I think you were extremely reasonable. If you are prone to empathise I suggest you go there with a friend that will not have the same tolerance as people can be quite adept as exploiting your kindness to short-change you.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    Just because it is normal for them doesn't mean it is. I think you were extremely reasonable. If you are prone to empathise I suggest you go there with a friend that will not have the same tolerance as people can be quite adept as exploiting your kindness to short-change you.
    This is an interesting thing and I've kind of avoided mentioning it, but I have had PTSD since I was a teenager which results in hyper-vigilance and a fairly extreme fight response, which in the past has meant that when angered I would go for maximum devastation. I am also a pretty serious weight lifter, so people usually give me a very wide berth. I've been working very hard (including therapy) to be calm and reasonable, and have got quite good at it. Obviously too good.

  3. #53
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    This is an interesting thing and I've kind of avoided mentioning it, but I have had PTSD since I was a teenager which results in hyper-vigilance and a fairly extreme fight response, which in the past has meant that when angered I would go for maximum devastation. I am also a pretty serious weight lifter, so people usually give me a very wide berth. I've been working very hard (including therapy) to be calm and reasonable, and have got quite good at it. Obviously too good.
    I don't think many of us would have gone physical faced with your situation, but you would probably have a small proportion who would have been "understanding" (to a point) and the (possibly vast) majority would have either bursted out a chain of expletives, or instructed their counsel. In my younger days I would have been part of the first group of this majority, nowadays part of the second.
    I believe that things like delays can be excused in current circumstances.
    I believe sending your classic away like they did, lying about the conditions it was kept in, cannot be excused. Even if your car looks pristine now, how much damage has occurred? will the paint start bubbling in a few months? Did some mice have a go at the loom?
    In the settlement all these possible issues that would only appear a few weeks/months later would be itemised, without prejudice.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  4. #54
    Craftsman Hasan's Avatar
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    So after giving your 930 to a "subcontractor" who is actually doing the work now since they admitted they didn't have the expertise?
    It sounds like you are close to a resolution but I would still make Porsche HQ in Reading aware of your experiences.

    In future, I would maybe investigate having your 930 maintained by someone like JZM (Jonas) or Steve Winter at Jaz Porsche.
    I had 3.0 SC, 3.2 Carrera and 993 all looked after by them.
    It would be a very long drive but it would be worth it.

    Good luck

  5. #55
    All good points, and all of which I've discussed with them at length (hours and hours).

    There is no further damage to the car other than what I listed as not only was I very detailed when inspecting it, my wife was like a hawk! And to be fair to them, their valet guy alerted me to a couple of things before I saw them.

    An outside electrical engineer was called in and he had gone through the electrical system and I was told fixed a number of issues which were age related. The work currently being done is carried out by a mix of their own technicians and outside people coming to them. I have told them that the car cannot leave their premises under any circumstances without my approval.

    I don't want to sound like I am now excusing them, I am not, but after the call on Friday, a call yesterday and a call today again (which was prompted by this thread), I have started to hear a lot more of the kinds of things I wanted to hear, if that makes sense. This includes everything in writing, an admission of responsibility for both damage and the time taken, and a pledge to see it right as fast as humanly possible. All of that is words at this stage, but we have an agreement that I will inspect the cars next week and then when completed, and they will not release them until I am completely satisfied. The manager offered to give me the names of people to contact at both their head office and Porsche UK. There were also mentions of replacing the people involved as well me taking the cars elsewhere, both of which I have declined as they pleaded with me to give them the opportunity to earn my trust back. Maybe I am a fool, but that is what I have decided to do.

    Again, it shouldn't matter, but the manager also mentioned that the people at the dealership get excited at the thought of me coming in as many of them are Marvel fans or have kids who are, so as ridiculous as that may be, it does give me some comfort that I believe this is the last place they wanted to be in (and they are regretting quite a bit of their choices). My 930 has a bit of fame itself now as I post about it on my social media, and people from PCL follow me.

  6. #56
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    On balance I think this is the correct approach and should see things sorted to your satisfaction.

    Sometimes the emotions cloud thought and judgement, but taking counsel and processing things is often a good way to rationalise situations.

    'Hulking it out' would not have been a good situation methinks.
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    The manager offered to give me the names of people to contact at both their head office and Porsche UK. There were also mentions of replacing the people involved as well me taking the cars elsewhere, both of which I have declined as they pleaded with me to give them the opportunity to earn my trust back. Maybe I am a fool, but that is what I have decided to do.

    Again, it shouldn't matter, but the manager also mentioned that the people at the dealership get excited at the thought of me coming in as many of them are Marvel fans or have kids who are, so as ridiculous as that may be, it does give me some comfort that I believe this is the last place they wanted to be in (and they are regretting quite a bit of their choices). My 930 has a bit of fame itself now as I post about it on my social media, and people from PCL follow me.
    It sounds like they are doing everything they can to resolve the issues, you can't really ask for more than that. Good luck and, as an unrelated aside, we are up the road in Menston so will look out for you and your impressive cars!

  8. #58
    Master r.dawson's Avatar
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    I'd been following your Porsche story on social but hadn't realised it was quite that bad.

    Good to hear it's getting sorted. I keep coming back to something we have discussed at work in that for many people, it's never been a more stressful time but a lot of people's coping mechanisms have been removed. The last thing people need is more stress adding to the situation.

    If it hadn't been getting sorted I would have said call the office on apperley bridge. I used to do some work with them a long time ago and they were all good people.

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  9. #59
    Master r.dawson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwillans View Post
    It sounds like they are doing everything they can to resolve the issues, you can't really ask for more than that. Good luck and, as an unrelated aside, we are up the road in Menston so will look out for you and your impressive cars!
    We're just in baildon. Sounds like a group meet at Dick Hudson's is on the cards!

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

  10. #60
    Hi neighbours!

  11. #61
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Not far away in Harrogate - Cayman has now gone, but would love to see the 930 when it returns!.
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  12. #62
    Any time.

    I'm in Ilkley.

  13. #63
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    Just been looking at your Instagram. I'm seriously impressed with your talent.

    Hope you get the cars sorted. I'm also not too far from you - just the other side of Skipton. Going forward you could try Jasmine Porsche in Nelson. Nice little independent with a wealth of knowledge.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    I really hate bringing up my work to achieve special treatment

    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    I was actually so upset about the 930 being damaged and couldn't sleep for two days, so I called my GP to give me something to calm me down. He asked me if I've tried meditation instead! All I could do was laugh.
    Entitled rich man with broken car calls GP for something to 'calm him down'. Not a great use of incredibly stretched NHS resources. Get a grip. And your GP did the right thing.

    All that said, I do sympathise (genuinely, despite my probably harsh response above), but it's just a car and it'll get sorted. What's the worst that could happen here?

  15. #65
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post
    Entitled rich man with broken car calls GP for something to 'calm him down'. Not a great use of incredibly stretched NHS resources. Get a grip. And your GP did the right thing.

    All that said, I do sympathise (genuinely, despite my probably harsh response above), but it's just a car and it'll get sorted. What's the worst that could happen here?
    Maybe if you had lived through a war and had PTSD you would understand that your GP is a good person to call...
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    Maybe if you had lived through a war and had PTSD you would understand that your GP is a good person to call...
    I thought this thread was about a broken down car?

  17. #67
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post
    I thought this thread was about a broken down car?
    a car and its owner. The car didn't call its GP.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  18. #68
    Master r.dawson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post

    Entitled rich man with broken car calls GP for something to 'calm him down'. Not a great use of incredibly stretched NHS resources. Get a grip. And your GP did the right thing.

    All that said, I do sympathise (genuinely, despite my probably harsh response above), but it's just a car and it'll get sorted. What's the worst that could happen here?
    Wow, like I said, in a very stressful time for most people the last thing people need is more stress. It's usually a combination of events that push our mental health to a point we become unhealthy and our NHS is there to help us for whatever causes that.

    Obviously you felt the need to get that comment of your chest, I would ask you, like I would ask anyone, do you think it was helpful in this situation? And do you need to find another way to express yourself?

    Regardless of anyone's financial situation, people's health and situations are relative.

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post

    Entitled rich man with broken car calls GP for something to 'calm him down'. Not a great use of incredibly stretched NHS resources. Get a grip. And your GP did the right thing.

    All that said, I do sympathise (genuinely, despite my probably harsh response above), but it's just a car and it'll get sorted. What's the worst that could happen here?
    Ah, there it is! A man posting on a men's jewellery forum tells another man posting on a men's jewellery forum to get a grip over being upset over "just a car".

    Thank you for your judgment and taking the time to be rude to me instead of just rolling your eyes an moving on.

    As a member of a forum where people regularly discuss things such as expensive watches (including upset over damage and poor service), property, cars, etc., I asked those who might have had experience with such matters on their opinions regarding the issue, as to me it seemed quite extraordinary what has transpired, but was looking for objective perspective.

    Also, if you will take the time to post maybe you could also take the time to read and process when and why the mention of my social media following came into it. It was a part of the conversation over going public and the context of the dealership people actually following me and being aware of the potential reach of the bad publicity. As a member of this forum for a long time, many other members on here have an interest in the work I do and also follow me because of it, so to pretend this wasn't the case would be very odd indeed.

    And as for the final point about the GP. I quite clearly explained that this classic car means a whole lot to me, it is a massive investment for me, and it is unrepeatable as once restored it will never be original again. Not that it's any of your business as you are a rude man, but I am conscious that this is a public forum and for whatever reasons I actually care how I come across to other members, so to summarise:

    As a teenager in Sarajevo, Bosnia I lived through the war until my family and I became refugees and homeless. For a number of years we lived in shelters, and as absurd as it sounds, we cooked grass from the side of the road as we often had nothing. I refused to be a statistic, so I did everything possible to lift myself out of being one and through my art I managed to achieve success. But the scars are deep and some things I have a hard time dealing with. The Porsche 930 was my dream car when I was a kid, before the war, and last year I was able to fulfil the dream of that child. Most people might find it strange, or pathetic, or whatever, but I actually couldn't finish writing that previous sentence without choking up. So yes, it's just an f-ing car, but to me it is a symbol of a life not wasted, so yes, I was very upset to the point that I felt I had to seek professional help.
    Last edited by adigra; 8th April 2021 at 13:27.

  20. #70
    Join Date
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    Porsche Centre damaged my car; looking for a bit of perspective

    Wow, this was a positive thread, and let’s try to keep it that way.

    PTSD is really misunderstood, I used to be a SENCO and lots of our kids who have been exposed to violence and domestic abuse are affected for the rest of their lives. It shapes them and can affect them in every day situations. My wife’s father is Israeli and his parents left Berlin just before the war. I’m sure it’s always affected him (most people think he’s a little eccentric to be polite)

    I think he was playing devils advocate and didn’t entirely mean it. Our GP seem to have employed a crack team of security guards as receptionists who seem determined not to let us speak to a GP, so times are tough.

    I’m not sure of the theory but basically the more stuff we get, we enjoy it less. It’s just more things to think about and stress over. I’ve just bought a new car, not as expensive as the Porsche but I’m not entirely sure the enjoyment I’m getting from it out weighs the freedom of a ten year old car that I couldn’t care less what happen to it.
    Last edited by Rodder; 8th April 2021 at 13:12.

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    Wow, this was a positive thread, and let’s try to keep it that way.

    PTSD is really misunderstood, I used to be a SENCO and lots of our kids who have been exposed to violence and domestic abuse are affected for the rest of their lives. It shapes them and can affect them in every day situations. My wife’s father is Israeli and his parents left Berlin just before the war. I’m sure it’s always affected him (most people think he’s a little eccentric to be polite)

    I think he was playing devils advocate and didn’t entirely mean it. Our GP seem to have employed a crack team of security guards as receptionists who seem determined not to let us speak to a GP, so times are tough.

    I’m not sure of the theory but basically the more stuff we get, we enjoy it less. It’s just more things to think about and stress over. I’ve just bought a new car, not as expensive as the Porsche but I’m not entirely sure the enjoyment I’m getting from it out weighs the freedom of a ten year old car that I couldn’t care less what happen to it.
    I really didn't mean for this to take this direction as the last thing I wanted was to discuss my mental health issues. But I am quite sensitive to the "devil's advocate" type of throwaway comments by thoughtless people who ridicule mental health through saying stuff like "Man up!" or "Get a grip.". It is not only rude and dismissive, it is callous and abusive.

    But out of respect for your and everyone else's considered responses, I will edit my harsh language above written out of anger.

    As for PTSD, I have only really become fully aware of how much it affects me in my 40's as I never before had the time to pause and consider it. It permeates everything and influences everything I do. Some of it quite positive in fact, and some of it negative, but most of it very, very strong.

  22. #72

    Red face

    Exactly - and not jealous tw@ts who just want to vent their venom in frustration at their own inadequacies.

    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post
    I thought this thread was about a broken down car?

  23. #73
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post

    Entitled rich man with broken car calls GP for something to 'calm him down'. Not a great use of incredibly stretched NHS resources. Get a grip. And your GP did the right thing.

    All that said, I do sympathise (genuinely, despite my probably harsh response above), but it's just a car and it'll get sorted. What's the worst that could happen here?
    What a very unpleasant post, from someone who should know better. Maybe it's time to take another break.

  24. #74
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    It's a forum where someone asked "for a bit of perspective" with nothing in the entire thread to allude to an unknown backstory. Forum threads can only be taken in their own context, and it's unfair to expect anyone to know someone's life story and medical record. Replies will be given solely based on the info in the posts.

    As I said, I do genuinely sympathise with your situation OP, and I apologise sincerely (as I always would) for any deeper offence caused by touching of unknown nerves. But in the context of this thread, and the information proffered in this thread, I think the essence of my post still stands. Getting so upset over a car that you'd take up valuable NHS resources to ask for something to calm you down, and then being upset with the advice given, isnt really sensible if you are asking for persepctive (which you did). Had you said in that same post that you have other mental illness, then seeing your GP may have been seen as more reasonable and understandable.

    So, apologies offered, and I hope you manage to stay calm and get your car back fixed. Best wishes.

  25. #75
    Maybe you should take some time to reflect on your choice of words - I'm hoping and guessing you didn't mean to come across the way you did because it gives me the impression of someone who hasn't read between the lines as to how it might be affecting the OP. You don't know what levels of stress he's been going through or any other personal factors which may be magnifying the situation. The forum is great for seeking opinion on various subjects and this is one of those times where support was needed, not a kick in the teeth.

    It's exactly the right reason to approach a GP.

    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post

    Entitled rich man with broken car calls GP for something to 'calm him down'. Not a great use of incredibly stretched NHS resources. Get a grip. And your GP did the right thing.

    All that said, I do sympathise (genuinely, despite my probably harsh response above), but it's just a car and it'll get sorted. What's the worst that could happen here?

  26. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post
    It's a forum where someone asked "for a bit of perspective" with nothing in the entire thread to allude to an unknown backstory. Forum threads can only be taken in their own context, and it's unfair to expect anyone to know someone's life story and medical record. Replies will be given solely based on the info in the posts.

    As I said, I do genuinely sympathise with your situation OP, and I apologise sincerely (as I always would) for any deeper offence caused by touching of unknown nerves. But in the context of this thread, and the information proffered in this thread, I think the essence of my post still stands. Getting so upset over a car that you'd take up valuable NHS resources to ask for something to calm you down, and then being upset with the advice given, isnt really sensible if you are asking for persepctive (which you did). Had you said in that same post that you have other mental illness, then seeing your GP may have been seen as more reasonable and understandable.

    So, apologies offered, and I hope you manage to stay calm and get your car back fixed. Best wishes.
    Not accepted. The way you composed your post was to abuse and degrade, there was no indication you had any other intention but to be rude, as indicated by cherry picking specific elements out of my posts but ignoring others. You are rude and a bully.

  27. #77
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    Not accepted. The way you composed your post was to abuse and degrade, there was no indication you had any other intention but to be rude, as indicated by cherry picking specific elements out of my posts but ignoring others. You are rude and a bully.
    Not worthy of a response, Adi, seriously.

    As an aside, it's never too late to confront (in a professional support sense) emotional/psychological baggage such as that which you must be carrying with you. Just saying.

  28. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane View Post
    Maybe you should take some time to reflect on your choice of words - I'm hoping and guessing you didn't mean to come across the way you did because it gives me the impression of someone who hasn't read between the lines as to how it might be affecting the OP. You don't know what levels of stress he's been going through or any other personal factors which may be magnifying the situation. The forum is great for seeking opinion on various subjects and this is one of those times where support was needed, not a kick in the teeth.

    It's exactly the right reason to approach a GP.
    Thank you Shane. I have actually been very embarrassed by having to call the GP for a variety of reasons, but my wife was very concerned and made me do it. Again, when asking for opinion regarding my own perspective on how a business has treated my property I didn't think I'd have to expose my soul for an internet bully to judge whether my reasons are justifiable or not to contact a medical professional.

  29. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Not worthy of a response, Adi, seriously.

    As an aside, it's never too late to confront (in a professional support sense) emotional/psychological baggage such as that which you must be carrying with you. Just saying.
    Thank you. I think this latest lockdown has been bad for a lot of people and it has definitely made me face my demons. The dismissive response from that GP actually prompted me to speak to another, a good friend, who pointed me in a better, professional direction, which I've been pursuing.

  30. #80
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    Well, there is clearly a lot of emotion going on here. I can only apologise for the offence caused - I am a human too, so I see your upset, and I clearly don't want to sociopathically or deliberately upset another (even though I have come across this way to you), and I do mean that. Obviously had I realised I would have not posted; please realise that I couldnt possibly have known your backstory and if we were standing chatting, I'd have probably said the same to your face but you'd have hopefully recognised it was forum 'banter' (god what an awful word) rather than pure nastyness. It wasn't meant to be as cutting as it came across. I wont change what I said, but I absolutely will apologise for the effect it has clearly had on you. I do hope you get better, as you're clearly very upset, and I hope the car does too! Good luck.

  31. #81
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Well done for apologising, ach. It takes strength to that.

    Don't forget to start the Divorce thread as it will help the forum's collective mental health. I can't start it, I've used up my allocation until 2030.

  32. #82
    I really feel for you, having 2 lovely cars stuck in this situation is terrible. I think I would have lost my cool a long time ago, especially when your prized car came back covered in mud and scratches!

    One of our company owners got a Porsche Macan just before the lockdown from the Leeds dealer, it has done around 2k miles since then and the paint on the front calipers has all faded away. They took it back to Porsche who just dismissed it as wear and tear, it looks terrible and the response they have had from Leeds and Porsche Uk has been very bad. They ended up paying an independent garage to repaint the calipers.

    Hope you get your cars back in good condition.

    As a side note, your artwork on Instagram is outstanding.

  33. #83
    Master r.dawson's Avatar
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    A good lesson that freedom of expression doesn't come with freedom of consequence.

    Mentioning you would have said it to his face or not knowing someone's life or situation is no excuse for behaving that way. And the way you have worded your response suggests you really haven't appreciated the consequence.

    The only way to know if you have, is the way you speak and interact with people in future.

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

  34. #84
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by r.dawson View Post
    A good lesson that freedom of expression doesn't come with freedom of consequence.

    Mentioning you would have said it to his face or not knowing someone's life or situation is no excuse for behaving that way. And the way you have worded your response suggests you really haven't appreciated the consequence.

    The only way to know if you have, is the way you speak and interact with people in future.

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
    Agree 100%. I've mentioned more than once the frequent demonstrations on TZ of a lack of empathy and emotional intelligence; this is a classic example and all to often it's the same people who go blundering in, feet first.

    Think first, type second.

  35. #85
    Master draftsmann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by r.dawson View Post
    We're just in baildon. Sounds like a group meet at Dick Hudson's is on the cards!

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
    By the by, but Mrs Draft’s parents ran that pub when she was born and through her childhood, so that’s where she grew up. Gorgeous part of the world.

  36. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by r.dawson View Post
    We're just in baildon. Sounds like a group meet at Dick Hudson's is on the cards!

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
    Sounds good!

  37. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    Ah, there it is! A man posting on a men's jewellery forum tells another man posting on a men's jewellery forum to get a grip over being upset over "just a car".

    Thank you for your judgment and taking the time to be rude to me instead of just rolling your eyes an moving on.

    As a member of a forum where people regularly discuss things such as expensive watches (including upset over damage and poor service), property, cars, etc., I asked those who might have had experience with such matters on their opinions regarding the issue, as to me it seemed quite extraordinary what has transpired, but was looking for objective perspective.

    Also, if you will take the time to post maybe you could also take the time to read and process when and why the mention of my social media following came into it. It was a part of the conversation over going public and the context of the dealership people actually following me and being aware of the potential reach of the bad publicity. As a member of this forum for a long time, many other members on here have an interest in the work I do and also follow me because of it, so to pretend this wasn't the case would be very odd indeed.

    And as for the final point about the GP. I quite clearly explained that this classic car means a whole lot to me, it is a massive investment for me, and it is unrepeatable as once restored it will never be original again. Not that it's any of your business as you are a rude man, but I am conscious that this is a public forum and for whatever reasons I actually care how I come across to other members, so to summarise:

    As a teenager in Sarajevo, Bosnia I lived through the war until my family and I became refugees and homeless. For a number of years we lived in shelters, and as absurd as it sounds, we cooked grass from the side of the road as we often had nothing. I refused to be a statistic, so I did everything possible to lift myself out of being one and through my art I managed to achieve success. But the scars are deep and some things I have a hard time dealing with. The Porsche 930 was my dream car when I was a kid, before the war, and last year I was able to fulfil the dream of that child. Most people might find it strange, or pathetic, or whatever, but I actually couldn't finish writing that previous sentence without choking up. So yes, it's just an f-ing car, but to me it is a symbol of a life not wasted, so yes, I was very upset to the point that I felt I had to seek professional help.
    Having visited Sarajevo on many occasions, for very short periods indeed (and unsurprisingly not outside the airport....or indeed the aircraft itself due risk of snipers), throughout the conflict, I have great respect for individuals who, through stoicism and strength of character, both survived that environment and now thrive. Well done for doing both.....and well done for earning a few luxuries. Your posts on this thread have been measured and reasonable. I am not sure that I would have been so restrained, so hat doffed....

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  38. #88
    Master r.dawson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by draftsmann View Post
    By the by, but Mrs Draft’s parents ran that pub when she was born and through her childhood, so that’s where she grew up. Gorgeous part of the world.
    I often think of living in another part of the world but really it's a great place live. Dick Hudson's is a great example of why it's so lovely, great pub in a lovely setting that pops up out of nowhere.

    Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

  39. #89
    Hope you get it sorted without further stress. Some people are quick to judge without knowing the full story sadly.

    Your Instagram is amazing too- my sons were mesmerised!

  40. #90
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    Mar 2015
    I can't get my head around the dealership giving it away to some old boy who absolutely trashes the car.
    Like an episode of Fawlty Towers.
    It would belike handing in your Double Red SeaDweller to the Rolex AD to be serviced and they punt it off to some old boy that fixes old clocks.
    Sounds like all's well that ends well though I'd be pushing for that GT allocation now.

  41. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete D View Post
    Having visited Sarajevo on many occasions, for very short periods indeed (and unsurprisingly not outside the airport....or indeed the aircraft itself due risk of snipers), throughout the conflict, I have great respect for individuals who, through stoicism and strength of character, both survived that environment and now thrive. Well done for doing both.....and well done for earning a few luxuries. Your posts on this thread have been measured and reasonable. I am not sure that I would have been so restrained, so hat doffed....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I have a lot of experience with dodging snipers.

    It was a lovely place, and in many ways it still is, but whenever I visit (which hasn't been for a while) there is a great sadness over what could've been. It's a country still very much stuck in a bad place while all of the other ex-Yugoslavian states around Bosnia are leaving it behind.

  42. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt8500 View Post
    Hope you get it sorted without further stress. Some people are quick to judge without knowing the full story sadly.

    Your Instagram is amazing too- my sons were mesmerised!
    Thank you! I'm happy they like it.

  43. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    I can't get my head around the dealership giving it away to some old boy who absolutely trashes the car.
    Like an episode of Fawlty Towers.
    It would belike handing in your Double Red SeaDweller to the Rolex AD to be serviced and they punt it off to some old boy that fixes old clocks.
    Sounds like all's well that ends well though I'd be pushing for that GT allocation now.

    Thank you for saying that as it's been really confounding me as well. And your comparison to the watch is exactly why I assumed people here would understand the situation. The PCL manager did accept that they gave my car to an 82 year old man to test drive around his farm. I must admit, hearing him finally say those words made me feel much better as they seem to have come around to the absurdity of what they've done.

  44. #94
    Sadly not a great update today.

    The service advisor messaged me asking me to confirm which parts I wanted replaced on the 997, after I confirmed, he sent me a photo of another part asking if I wanted it replaced. As there was no other information or cost mentioned, just a phone photo, I asked him what the condition was like. He never replied.

    The service manager then called as agreed to give me an update, but sadly there was no progress to report, just more disappointment. He told me they are focusing on the 997 and have put the 930 in their showroom until that was done. I asked about the clutch issue with the 997, he said they couldn't work on it until the coolant leak is fixed, but no indication when that might be. When I asked why they can't work on the 930 at the same time (as they must be able to handle more than one car at a time at such a large dealership) he dodged the question. When I asked him whether the car was running (as they told me they were testing it last Tuesday) he didn't know.

    I said I wanted to see the cars on Monday, to which he agreed, but asked if I can come in the afternoon so they clear other customers first. I told him I was not even angry any more, just very, very disappointed.

    I tried calling the service advisor (as he gave me his mobile a while ago), he didn't answer. I messaged him two more times asking if the 930 was running, he logged into whatapp, but didn't respond.

    So I decided to call Porsche UK. More I talked more interested the lady on the phone got, especially when I mentioned the damage and the car being sent away. She has created a case and tried calling the dealership while I was on the phone with her, there was no response. A few days ago I wrote a long document detailing everything including names and dates, and she was very interested for me to email it to her. She said she would call me on Monday with an update before I go to see the cars.

    So that's where it's at. There is quite obviously something wrong at the dealership. I am assuming they are over stretched but are trying to keep a lid on it, so doing the usual business as normal, while my cars have become a burdensome side thing. But I don't know. Hopefully Porsche UK getting involved will help.
    Last edited by adigra; 9th April 2021 at 19:49.

  45. #95
    I’m sorry to hear that the saga continues. I’m still very hopeful that you’ll get a positive outcome, but the time and stresses in getting there are another matter.

    All the best
    It's just a matter of time...

  46. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    I’m sorry to hear that the saga continues. I’m still very hopeful that you’ll get a positive outcome, but the time and stresses in getting there are another matter.

    All the best
    Thank you. I am not too concerned about the ultimate outcome. Everything is documented and the cars aren't in a bad state, but that is what makes it all even more baffling. They have an 18 bay service workshop, but can only work on one of my cars at a time after having them this long! There is something really odd happening there. The parts I mentioned he asked me about I discussed at length with the previous service adviser who said they had them in stock. Almost two months later it turns out they didn't even write it down.

    I will update with photos and impressions on Monday, as well as what Porsche UK come back with.

  47. #97
    Grand Master
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You have 2 beautiful cars, and I have the same fear whenever my cars go to Porsche for a service, but far more run of the mill as boxster & Cayman GTS 981’s.

    Something clearly is wrong & admire your patience through this, I think I would have struggled. BMW scratched my old Z4M ‘washing it’ whilst claiming it wasn’t washed by them - handy thing the dashcam. It was just out of winter storage & came back more dirty than it went in. It was the lies that were the worst.

    If anyone is interested in how long a dealer spends washing a car, less than 90s start to finish. Never let them wash it!

    Best of luck for the resolution you deserve.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  48. #98
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    London UK
    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    So I decided to call Porsche UK.
    You have been astonishingly patient. Wishing you a satisfactory outcome asap and with the least possible stress.

    This is just incredible:

    Quote Originally Posted by adigra View Post
    The PCL manager did accept that they gave my car to an 82 year old man to test drive around his farm.

  49. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Mj2k View Post
    You have 2 beautiful cars, and I have the same fear whenever my cars go to Porsche for a service, but far more run of the mill as boxster & Cayman GTS 981’s.

    Something clearly is wrong & admire your patience through this, I think I would have struggled. BMW scratched my old Z4M ‘washing it’ whilst claiming it wasn’t washed by them - handy thing the dashcam. It was just out of winter storage & came back more dirty than it went in. It was the lies that were the worst.

    If anyone is interested in how long a dealer spends washing a car, less than 90s start to finish. Never let them wash it!

    Best of luck for the resolution you deserve.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I have definitely learned my lesson.

  50. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Si View Post
    You have been astonishingly patient. Wishing you a satisfactory outcome asap and with the least possible stress.

    This is just incredible:
    I have lost my patience entirely. I should've contacted Porsche UK sooner, but I suppose the longer all of this went, the worse it looks for them.

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