Quote Originally Posted by hilly10 View Post
Ripped my block paved drive up three years ago and replaced with Creteprint. Why would I do that just fed up of cleaning the weeds and crap every year. I can now do it with my jet wash without the crap going everywhere in 2 hrs we have 80m2

I think block paving looks really nice but I can relate to the hassle of keeping block paving weed free - it's a pain. Be prepared for a lot of work or the use of a lot of nasty chemicals.

Another potential problem in my experience is that if the base isn't done properly, they can settle unevenly in time. We had a house that already had block paving installed and over time there was quite a bit of settlement. But maybe that is an uncommon problem and just a result of poor workmanship.

Our current house has a resin bonded drive, laid around five years ago. Admittedly there isn't a lot of turning on it - just driving on and reversing off - but it still looks like new.