Quote Originally Posted by Thewatchbloke View Post
Took mine for its trip to get serviced and MOT'd on Wednesday. The driest day of the week the weather site said when I booked it which is great because there's two 60 mile round trips to drop off, pick up the hire bike (850GS) and return to collect it.

In over 40 years of biking it was the heaviest rain I've ever ridden in, the bike was spotless when I set off!

Fair play to Rukka gear and Daytona boots though as when I stripped off the only failure was a tiny damp patch on each sock where the boots had slightly let by. I had to remove my glasses on the ride home as the constant misting up of them combined with the torrential rain on my visor and dusk descending meant I was better off seeing relatively clearly but out of focus than seeing nothing at all. The joys of biking.
Just dropped off the Fireblade for it’s MOT, wearing jeans. 5% chance of rain. As soon as I left my garage it started raining! Only spitting but I guess the god of misery is a bit busy to give it his full attention currently.