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Thread: TZUK Running Club

  1. #901
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    Quote Originally Posted by FK77 View Post
    Thanks mate. Already got a charity place (rolled from 2020) but before today I’ve never won anything that involves luck so I’m chuffed. Will still do my fundraising but without the added pressure of hitting the target.
    Great news - I always find that I need a target a bit down the line to remain properly focussed in my training. With the latest crackdown I have decided to bow out of both the 5km track race at Harrow School, and the cross country at Merchant Taylors this weekend.

  2. #902
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrzej View Post
    Great news - I always find that I need a target a bit down the line to remain properly focussed in my training. With the latest crackdown I have decided to bow out of both the 5km track race at Harrow School, and the cross country at Merchant Taylors this weekend.
    Yes, while I ran my first 2 marathons recently (end September and early November), I won't be able to maintain that level of fitness for an entire year. Especially now that I haven't been going above HM due to the weather/suffering from a cold. I think autumn is probably the best time to run a marathon compared to spring. Not too warm, not too cold and the bulk of training is over the summer months. For a spring marathon, most of the training would be in winter. Let's see what happens to my London Marathon ballot entry. Will have to choose one as obviously I can't do it on 2 consecutive Sundays lol. Might also consider an ultra next year.

  3. #903
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    Quote Originally Posted by FK77 View Post
    Might also consider an ultra next year.
    There are a few local ultras to us, and starting at more sensible distances like 50km. Then we have one member who does a lot of the centurion runs - and that is miles, not kms (must be nuts - or of course married and cannot afford a divorce).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FK77 View Post
    Might also consider an ultra next year.
    There are a few local ultras to us, and starting at more sensible distances like 50km. Then we have one member who does a lot of the centurion runs - and that is miles, not kms (must be nuts - or of course married and cannot afford a divorce).

  4. #904
    Master MakeColdplayHistory's Avatar
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    Does anyone here use the Garmin Coach?
    Does it stop logging a run at the end of the planned workout time/distance?

    I started it this morning and did the benchmark run. I'd left my car in town last night so picking it up this morning was the perfect opportunity. I did the warm up 2mins, run 5 mins, cool down 2 mins and still have a couple of hundred metres to the car so carried on. When I got to the car I stopped my watch or thought I had but I actually restarted it. It must have stopped itself at the end of the 9min baseline run.
    I've had a quick look online and can't find out if this is standard behaviour or just for the benchmark run. My first training run is 5.87km 'easy' on Boxing Day. If I run 3km out and 3km back, will it keep recording or 'rob me' of 130metres?

  5. #905
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    I have to admit to myself I've become a runner this year. Not a good or quick runner, but I am a runner.

    I started running in 2017 when I realised how stupidly unfit I'd become after running to catch a train. I did the Couch to 5k programme (which I think is excellent), but then struggled to keep going out and running. My work at the time always sent a team for charity to the Dam to Dam run in Amsterdam, and each year early in the year there would be a call for volunteers, so at the start of 2018 I put my name down as a way of giving myself a goal to train for. I stuck to the training and did the run in September 2018, with a time I was happy with. In the process I went from "I hate running" through "I don't mind running" and ended up on "I quite like running."

    I upped my monthly mileage through lockdown, and I don't doubt it helped keep me on an even keel mentally. I like the headspace I get while running, and it's a good tool for burning off annoyance and frustration for me. In 2019 I ran a total of 559km according to Strava. This year I am 9km short of 1500km and in the process of psyching myself up to go out and get over the line. I'm definitely fitter now than I have been in years.

    A couple of days ago I signed up for the ballot for a place on a half-marathon in October (the day after my 50th birthday, actually), which will be the longest distance I've done (I have no interest in marathons or longer runs, but I do fancy trying a half). I'm looking forward to a deferred 10k in May that I hope goes ahead. So, I guess I have to admit to myself that I'm a runner, not just someone who goes out and runs.
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  6. #906
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave E View Post
    (I have no interest in marathons or longer runs, but I do fancy trying a half)
    LOL! We'll see. When I was recovering from a knee injury in 2019, I discovered that I could actually run more than 5k (ran 10k with a group by chance, perfect weather and totally flat terrain helped). I started doing 10k's once a week. One day my physio decided to advise me about training & strength building for longer distances. I interrupted her to tell her "I have neither time nor interest in anything more than 10k". She gave me a very strange look but didn't say anything. I didn't get it at the time but I fully understand her reaction now. One evening I decided to run home from work so went straight from 10 km to 10 miles. Made it a weekly thing then. Another evening a few months later I didn't stop at home and made it a half marathon. Not the right kind of jumps obviously. This year I trained for a marathon and ran 2 (both solo unfortunately). Now considering advancing to an ultra next year. It's a bit like watch collecting - I remember proudly declaring not too long ago: "I am a one watch guy". I have more than one now :)

    Well done on ~1500km. I ran a 'non-standard' distance (17k) today to close my running year with 1750km. Happy New Year!

  7. #907
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    2020 has been a remarkable year. Difficult at so many levels. Started running around end-March with lockdown, and found it liberating. It gave me some sanity at what was a very difficult time. The glorious summer really helped, and a few gentle runs rapidly became my regular escape to reality and adventure outdoors. Finished 2020 today with a HM although it was freezing at minus-2C. Brings the year total to 2,091km or about 1,300 miles. Running has transformed me and given back so much more than ever expected. Addicted and hope to keep up fitness levels next year. Happy new year!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #908
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    At the risk of tempting fate I’m about to enter the new year with a pair of fully functioning knees and ankles! First time for a good few years....approx 30 if I’m honest. Getting my right knee fixed in February proved to be a master- stroke, took several months to heal properly but it got there eventually.

    Like old tyres with a limited amount of tread left, my legs need to be used carefully, but it’s good to be able to put the shoes on and do a few miles. 63 next Monday, but still in there swinging.

    Targets for 2121........get out there 2/3 times per week and run for 30+ mins, times and distance don’t matter but a sub 23 mins parkrun would be nice. Heavily padded shoes + ibuprofen help!

  9. #909
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post

    Targets for 2121........get out there 2/3 times per week and run for 30+ mins, times and distance don’t matter but a sub 23 mins parkrun would be nice. Heavily padded shoes + ibuprofen help!
    That will be properly impressive for the new 160-170 yr old age group!

    All I have to say is be really careful out there all as it's really very slippery under foot! Last night's run became a bit of a crawl in places but better that than anything broken.

  10. #910
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    Targets for 2121........get out there 2/3 times per week and run for 30+ mins, times and distance don’t matter but a sub 23 mins parkrun would be nice. Heavily padded shoes + ibuprofen help!
    Good luck, I am trying to get going again after giving up a couple of years ago with knee pain, but I'm more of a cyclist these days so have kept my fitness up that way. It was really frustrating as I was about two weeks away from a half and looking for about 1h45m which would have been a PB by a decent margin.

    Anyway this year I have entered a duathlon, not sure what I was thinking! (Other than I have always been at my fittest doing cross training).

    The 45k bike ride isn't an issue the 10k run before and the 5k run after are!

    Done a few 5ks that have been ok, the problem being as I'm aerobically fit I go faster than I should then regret it the next day or even the day after (DOMS...)!

    My knee pain is inflammation of the bursa on the inside rather than structural so is manageable by stretching and icing when sore so hopefully it'll go ok.

  11. #911
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    Main target for 2021 will be getting an age related 80% for 5km. Three days ago I managed 78.75, so it is finally within grasping distance.

    Otherwise my event targets are that I have qualified to represent GB at European Duathlon Championships in Romania in July, then World Championships in Holland in September. So everything should be structured to those, albeit with having to do qualifying races for 2022 along the way.

    With two serious hamstring injuries this year, I still managed to run 2,330 km, albeit with 4 months of shuffling round, and a lowest month of 50km. Cycling only 4,200 Km, so need to up that a fair bit.

  12. #912
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrzej View Post

    Otherwise my event targets are that I have qualified to represent GB at European Duathlon Championships in Romania in July, then World Championships in Holland in September. So everything should be structured to those, albeit with having to do qualifying races for 2022 along the way.
    Congratulations, Andrzej!
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  13. #913
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave E View Post
    Congratulations, Andrzej!
    And a half marathon is only twice what you ran yesterday! It is just 4 parkruns, without even needing a warm up/down. I may go for one is 2021, but as I never pay attention to my surroundings, could well be an airfield one, or Eton Dorney as nice and flat, though everyone says that they are boring!

  14. #914
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrzej View Post
    And a half marathon is only twice what you ran yesterday! It is just 4 parkruns, without even needing a warm up/down. I may go for one is 2021, but as I never pay attention to my surroundings, could well be an airfield one, or Eton Dorney as nice and flat, though everyone says that they are boring!
    I'm not that bothered by my surroundings either, my runs are generally just multiples of the same 2.6km loop through the village here. I know I can get to the 10mile mark and still have 'gas in the tank', so I'm confident in managing a half. Need to keep training to be able to do it comfortably though!
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  15. #915
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    Not sure why haven’t really come across this thread before,

    But I’m fairly ish big runner I compete in obstacle races such as tough mudder, Spartan etc and in 2019 qualified for the world championships!

    This yeah done a lot more training and longer distances, because I’m heavy (15 stone) a lot of gym work I struggle with fast pace (24min 5k) but all of these are off road on trials or worse.

    But longer distance is where I seem to be able to push and do well.

    This year now have some goals to qualify again for ocr world championship and also qualify for worlds toughest mudder both would mean racing abroad if I do

  16. #916
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    Quote Originally Posted by strell View Post
    Not sure why haven’t really come across this thread before,

    But I’m fairly ish big runner I compete in obstacle races such as tough mudder, Spartan etc and in 2019 qualified for the world championships!

    This yeah done a lot more training and longer distances, because I’m heavy (15 stone) a lot of gym work I struggle with fast pace (24min 5k) but all of these are off road on trials or worse.

    But longer distance is where I seem to be able to push and do well.

    This year now have some goals to qualify again for ocr world championship and also qualify for worlds toughest mudder both would mean racing abroad if I do
    Where in the world and what time of year are these sorts of championships held? Winter?

    Never done one and wouldn’t mind but I dislike the sort of corporate group aspect of it/or I assume it to include anyway.

  17. #917
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chinese_Alan View Post
    Where in the world and what time of year are these sorts of championships held? Winter?

    Never done one and wouldn’t mind but I dislike the sort of corporate group aspect of it/or I assume it to include anyway.
    America is ocr world champs and same for tough mudder but this year Spartan one is in Dubai.

    There not super corporate as in theory still very small athlete base

    Yeah Oct-November are the times

  18. #918
    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    Well guys we had a fairly active TZ Cycling Club that still remains live on Strava so I have set up the TZ UK Running Club for those who are interested.

    Aim is to gain motivation and strength through unity with likeminded members and will be invite only so the link below should work or PM me and ill add you by your Strava name
    Request to join sent via Strava.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

  19. #919
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    Just about completed RED (run every day) January - in fact my "streak" is now 43 consecutive days running. So February 1st will be a day off-not even a gentle bike ride!

    Using periodisation training, this is currently my baseline with easy and steady runs - so December and January will give me approx 500 km. February will start building longer and harder runs - and hoping that there will be some races by April / May.

  20. #920
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    Yesterday was my 5th consecutive weekend of running a half marathon. I have finally given up looping around the same short route to make bigger distances and now exploring new areas. Yesterday’s route was very hilly (274m total elevation gain according to my app but probably a little less in reality). That and the fine snowflakes getting blown into my eyes by the strong, bitterly cold wind throughout the run made it quite tough and relatively slow.

  21. #921
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    Oh and I didn’t get through London marathon ballot so signed up for their virtual marathon. Attempting to run 2 marathons 7 days apart will be interesting ...

  22. #922
    Got my email telling me I was successful in the London Marathon ballot.

    Need to get my running back on track! Been minimal since my September 2019 bike crash.

  23. #923
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    Due to injury and COVID I had a long lay off, 8 weeks

    Then a friend from work asked me to join a charity challenge

    As a group of 10 we are cycling (5 people) and running(5 people) a total 1722 miles to raise money for BEN. This distance represents the distance between race tracks in the U.K. and Ireland

    BEN is a great charity that supports those associated with the automotive industry in their times of need. They do great work and a number of friends of mine have benefited from their support

    It’s made me go from 5km since end Nov to a total of 63km since Friday and I’m going to push to break 120km in the 9 days

    Out at 5.30am for a snowy 11km this morning

    If anybody would like to support the cause my fundraising link is below



  24. #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by SydR View Post
    Got my email telling me I was successful in the London Marathon ballot.

    Quote Originally Posted by mk2driver View Post
    Out at 5.30am for a snowy 11km this morning
    A pre-work 11km run for me too this morning. Managed to avoid falling (just about) a couple of times! This was my 3rd snow run this winter but by far the slipperiest.

  25. #925
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    Been finding hillier routes over the last couple of weeks to challenge myself after plateauing a bit. Definitely beneficial. I didn’t have time to explore today so ran my weekly HM on the same old route. It has some gradients but not as taxing as what I have been exposing myself to recently. Did it in 1:34:43 which is about 3 minutes quicker than my previous best! This was despite the bitterly cold strong wind today.

  26. #926
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    The furthest I have run in one go is 13km, I’m going to try to do at-least 15km today. Any tips?

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  27. #927
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    Quote Originally Posted by s1wnw View Post
    The furthest I have run in one go is 13km, I’m going to try to do at-least 15km today. Any tips?

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

    Don't stop !!

    I am no expert but I would start steady, find a rhythm and listen to some good music (preferably with a matching beat to your cadence ?)

  28. #928
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    In addition to the advice already given, don't forget to hydrate at regular intervals. "How frequently" would depend on your need and speed but don't leave it until too late.

  29. #929
    Master andyjay's Avatar
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    Restarted running today after a long lay off (August last year) due to a pain in the arch of my foot, seems to be a bit better than when I stopped, but it is still there so I will give it a rest for a few days then try again. It doesn’t seem to comply with any of the ailments commonly online, but feels more like a muscle knot high in my arch, yet when I dig thumb into it, I can’t find anything that causes any pain, so am a bit of a loss what to do it!

    Bit difficult prepping for triathlon when swimming pools are closed and running is very limited!

  30. #930
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    Good to see some runners here. I'm currently doing 4-5 short runs a week and am just looking to get back into the habit. Looking to keep the pace easy and my heart rate down for a few weeks.

    My problem is that my head always thinks I'm faster than my legs do

    Sent from my POT-LX1 using TZ-UK mobile app

  31. #931
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    Quote Originally Posted by andyjay View Post
    Restarted running today after a long lay off (August last year) due to a pain in the arch of my foot, seems to be a bit better than when I stopped, but it is still there so I will give it a rest for a few days then try again. It doesn’t seem to comply with any of the ailments commonly online, but feels more like a muscle knot high in my arch, yet when I dig thumb into it, I can’t find anything that causes any pain, so am a bit of a loss what to do it!

    Bit difficult prepping for triathlon when swimming pools are closed and running is very limited!
    Hope you recover soon - that is a long time out.
    Hillingdon Tri has been keeping weekly Zoom meetings, various "virtual" events and a couple of Zwift events a week. Hopefully the British Triathlon webinar on returning to activity next week will give us something to build on!

  32. #932
    Master andyjay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrzej View Post
    Hope you recover soon - that is a long time out.
    Hillingdon Tri has been keeping weekly Zoom meetings, various "virtual" events and a couple of Zwift events a week. Hopefully the British Triathlon webinar on returning to activity next week will give us something to build on!
    Thanks, the first thing I would like is the pools to open. I miss swimming!

  33. #933
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    Quote Originally Posted by FK77 View Post
    In addition to the advice already given, don't forget to hydrate at regular intervals. "How frequently" would depend on your need and speed but don't leave it until too late.
    I managed it, just a fraction over 15km, felt good, I am knackered now though, I did it at an average of 5.33 minutes per KM. my normal 5km time is around 26 minutes so not too bad. I can def go quicker.

    Plan is now to do a half marathon distance this summer.

  34. #934
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    Well done sir !

    That’s a good effort.

  35. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by s1wnw View Post
    I managed it...
    Well done!

  36. #936
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    Since going back to full time studies in 2021, and with winter in full swing, I have struggled to maintain mileage each week and have somewhat fallen off the horse. But today’s Spring-like conditions encouraged a longer run into town - although I really struggled the last few kms. Fantastic weather all the way!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  37. #937

    TZUK Running Club

    Did my first run today in 12 weeks and the longest, since fracturing my pelvis in 3 places in September 2019, at 10k.

    Road out was a reasonably constant incline of between 3 & 8% into a headwind before I turned about and headed back.

    Felt like hard work, and I missed my notional target time by less than two minutes, but I finished and am pleased I did. Got a long way to go though should London Marathon go ahead on October 3rd.
    Last edited by SydR; 21st February 2021 at 19:45.

  38. #938
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    Got my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine yesterday evening and woke up with a headache, mild body ache/fatigue and a very sore arm this morning. Typical side effects apparently. It was quite a mental struggle to take paracetamol and head out for my weekly half marathon but in the end glad I did and managed to maintain my streak. At 1:44 it was slightly slower than some of my recent efforts but not bad at all considering how I was feeling and also that I got lost a few times. Been trying to explore new routes almost every run this month.

  39. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by spareparts View Post
    Very nice! Last year I ran past this thrice during my first marathon and several other times while training for it.

  40. #940
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    Great run there and well done.

    I’m fortunate that I live in a wonderful part of the country with a nature reserve literally on my door step. Since Christmas I have discovered the delight which is XC and this morning was just perfect.

    I enjoy my road running but trail running on open wet land is just wonderful.


  41. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by FK77 View Post
    Got my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine yesterday evening and woke up with a headache, mild body ache/fatigue and a very sore arm this morning. Typical side effects apparently. It was quite a mental struggle to take paracetamol and head out for my weekly half marathon but in the end glad I did and managed to maintain my streak. At 1:44 it was slightly slower than some of my recent efforts but not bad at all considering how I was feeling and also that I got lost a few times. Been trying to explore new routes almost every run this month.
    Yes - I had my shots 2 weeks ago and the first night was sleepless and spent wrestling with flu-like symptoms. Took one week for the arm to return to normal! 1:44 is great. My best HM is 1:48.

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  42. #942
    Master pacifichrono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post
    Great run there and well done.

    I’m fortunate that I live in a wonderful part of the country with a nature reserve literally on my door step. Since Christmas I have discovered the delight which is XC and this morning was just perfect.

    I enjoy my road running but trail running on open wet land is just wonderful.


    I know what you mean. Nature is a great running partner...this was me on one of many Sunday mornings last year in a nature preserve within the City of San Diego. Health issues prevent me from continuing my ritual.

  43. #943
    Grand Master Carlton-Browne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spareparts View Post

    I realise that Boris bikes are a bit heavy but most people should be able to cycle one faster than that.

  44. #944
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacifichrono View Post
    I know what you mean. Nature is a great running partner...this was me on one of many Sunday mornings last year in a nature preserve within the City of San Diego. Health issues prevent me from continuing my ritual.

    Site thing it is great and not good to hear health is preventing...


  45. #945
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlton-Browne View Post
    I realise that Boris bikes are a bit heavy but most people should be able to cycle one faster than that.
    Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing against cycling or cyclists and have actually been considering getting a bike through cycle to work scheme for the last 2 years myself. Just posting this for humour.

  46. #946
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    i agree trail running can be fun, not the cleaning of shoes bit though!

  47. #947
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    I think I'll stick to road running. Rainy runs are annoying enough on pavements/tarmac. Splashing in a few puddles yesterday caused a tiny leaf and a speck of dirt to stick to my shin and calf respectively and I couldn't wait to get home and clean up. I won't be able to deal with that amount of muck!

  48. #948
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by s1wnw View Post
    i agree trail running can be fun, not the cleaning of shoes bit though!


    Great one buddy.

    Hopefully out again Sunday for me, road tomorrow for 10-12 miles


  49. #949
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    TZUK Running Club

    Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post
    i agree trail running can be fun, not the cleaning of shoes bit though!

    Great one buddy.

    Hopefully out again Sunday for me, road tomorrow for 10-12 miles


    I might need to take this up, my joints don’t really like road running much these days - any trail running shoe suggestions?

  50. #950
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhilT View Post
    I might need to take this up, my joints don’t really like road running much these days - any trail running shoe suggestions?
    My trail shoes are Asics Fujitrabaco and Salomon Speedcross 4 - both bought from here at half price of new

    The Speedcross come up small, so go up a size

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