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Thread: Mask exemption cards/lanyards....

  1. #1
    Master flame's Avatar
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    Mask exemption cards/lanyards....


    Currently being sold on ebay etc....anyone else got an issue with these being retailed by anyone that fancies it ?

    Minimum ebay should be pulling them from sale IMHO.

    Perhaps I'm just being over sensitive & living in Tier 4 ?

    Best Neil
    Last edited by flame; 20th December 2020 at 22:06.

  2. #2
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    Disgraceful really but there is a whole market of “couldn’t give a shit” out there

  3. #3
    My wife and I both tested positive on November 16 after my wife complained of feeling "strange", after less than two weeks I felt 95% ok but my wife was scarily ill before she had to be hospitalized for a couple of days, dident eat a scrap of food for two weeks and has only started to improve in the last five days, still feels ill, struggles to breath normally, tires in no time etc etc but improving, you don't realize how bad it is until you have actually seen what it can do first hand.

    The powers that be should make it law that masks must be worn by all at all times when out of your own home and in the presence of others the masks might not be the perfect solution but I think it makes others feel a little more secure.

    If for what ever medical reason you feel you can't wear a mask then other work rounds need to be found, personally I don't think there should be any exceptions when mixing with others.

  4. #4
    I can’t understand how you can be that ill to a point that you are unable to walk around a shop with a mask on. If you’re that bad then you should be at home rather than opening yourself up to the virus.

  5. #5
    Master RJM25R's Avatar
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    You can print an exemption card from .gov.Uk

    Quote Originally Posted by Franky Four Fingers View Post
    I can’t understand how you can be that ill to a point that you are unable to walk around a shop with a mask on. If you’re that bad then you should be at home rather than opening yourself up to the virus.
    What about exemption because of medication??

    Well enough to work, pay tax and NI and not be furloughed but can’t wear a mask.

  6. #6
    It’s a tricky.

    Some people have a valid medical reason for not wearing a mask and some people claim they do but perhaps they could wear one.

    I work in a clinical health environment, I always wear my mask all the time in the environment as these are the very most vunrable people and I have too, it’s not optional.

    I have had a few people really struggling to cope, who ask if they can remove it, the answer is always from me yes, of course you can, it’s there choice.

    I get asked regularly at work am I bothered by having to wear a mask and PPE. My answer is definitely no. , I am protecting you and it’s not optional for me.

    It’s a nasty virus, it’s everywhere out there, you can not see it.

    some people i know through my work with have had it and been very ill. Some have had it and been absolutely fine.

    A few have not made it out the other side and are no longer with us.

    It’s crazy times for sure.

    Absolutely not bothered by people wandering around with there lanyards and no mask, I am not there to judge their reasons.
    Should you where a mask in my opinion, absolutely if you can, you should.

    Stay Safe.

  7. #7
    As you have no right to ask why someone is not wearing a mask, at least a badge will give a clue, of course there will be low life’s out there

  8. #8
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    There are some very valid reasons for not wearing a mask - whether that is medical, or caring reasons.

    When I am out and about on my own, I will always wear a mask, but when I am with my eldest son, then I typically don’t. This is because he is severely autistic, non verbal and he relies on facial expressions and I believe (although don’t know for sure as he can’t tell me) lip reading to some extent. If I wear a mask with him, he can get upset, but more often than not will rip it off my face continually, or end up slapping / hitting me in the face.

    When this all started, there were a few people that made comments or even wouldn’t allow us in their establishment, but recently people are more understanding. He also uses a wheelchair much of the time (this is because he refuses to walk, or does the exact opposite and runs off, and would run straight into a road), which probably makes it more obvious to those enforcing mask wearing - along with the flower lanyard.

    There do seem to be a lot of people that aren’t wearing masks - not many of these are wearing a lanyard, but you never know whether they have a good and valid reason, or if they are just being selfish. I am sure there are a fair few of the latter, but as said before, you never know.

  9. #9
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    With the exception of the poster above (thank-you for your candour btw), I am genuinely struggling to think of any medical condition that would mean you can’t wear a mask. They don’t limit oxygen etc!

    And I say this as someone who had relatively severe asthma as a child.

    Can someone help me out? Any medics wish to comment?

  10. #10
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianw View Post
    As you have no right to ask why someone is not wearing a mask, at least a badge will give a clue, of course there will be low life’s out there
    I personally don’t think you need a right to ask someone. It’s a perfectly legitimate question to ask someone.

    If they told me to F off and mind my own then fair enough but it’s still ok to ask.

    Of course there are WAYS to ask and ways that will get your face punched.

  11. #11
    Master PhilipK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flame View Post
    Currently being sold on ebay etc....anyone else got an issue with these being retailed by anyone that fancies it ?

    Minimum ebay should be pulling them from sale IMHO.
    They have no legal significance, and anybody can print their own, so I can't see any problem at all with them being sold on eBay. Not everybody has a printer, and very few buyers would have the ability to make their own lanyards.

  12. #12
    Master Franco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    With the exception of the poster above (thank-you for your candour btw), I am genuinely struggling to think of any medical condition that would mean you can’t wear a mask. They don’t limit oxygen etc!

    And I say this as someone who had relatively severe asthma as a child.

    Can someone help me out? Any medics wish to comment?

    The single most common reasons are claustrophobia and anxiety disorders (particularly panic attacks). Most respiratory diseases, and even COPD are not incompatible with wearing an ffp2 for 20-30 mins. There is form of eczema/dermatitis in a few individuals which is related to wearing masks for prolonged periods of time.

  13. #13
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    Super tricky moral dilemma this.

    If someone has asthma etc I would expect them to be the first to need a mask, but the mtagrant example above is something that would be really upsetting and we need to be mindful of people’s circumstances.

    I think the flip side to those who can’t wear masks is to give others more space. I was in a hospital car park this week wearing a mask and a chap was smoking and seemed to be blowing his smoke casually upstream from a couple getting a disabled person into the car, who clearly were unhappy but too polite to say anything. Likewise I saw someone coughing and spluttering around Asda the other day with no mask on and not covering his mouth which really riled me if each cough is, in essence, “firing bullets” at the food on the shelves.

  14. #14
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    Sunflower lanyards are made by a private company. I’d always assumed it was a charity

  15. #15
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    1. The amount of people who genuinely can't wear masks is so small as to be insignificant.

    2. The amount of people who just don't want to wear masks, and will use any excuse not to is significant.

    3. The amount of people with below average intelligence is probably similar to 2.
    Last edited by oldoakknives; 21st December 2020 at 09:15.

  16. #16
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    It's a tricky one, we ask everyone not wearing a mask when entering our shops to put one on. Roughly 98% apologise profusely and immediately put one on, 1% show an exemption badge and if it's deafness related, we ask if the customer would like ours lowered for lipreading purposes and 1% blatently refuse. I ask these to wait at the door and serve them outside. Thankfully, up until Saturday evening, no massive arguments.

    Don't get me started on hand sanitizer...grrr. We own a card and gift shop as well as a chocolate and sweet shop, both involve a degree of picking up and examining. Roughly 50% apply the sanitizer at the door as a matter of course, but the other 50%...'would you mind?' If I had £1 for everyone who said, 'I've just applied it in the car' I'd have a full set of Timefactors watches. The upside of this policy; our regular customer's comment how much safer they feel in that environment.

    With Saturday's announcement we have yet again closed to casual callers and reverted to Click N Collect and home delivery for the forseeable, stay safe, sanitize and wear a mask.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by NickD View Post
    It's a tricky one, we ask everyone not wearing a mask when entering our shops to put one on. Roughly 98% apologise profusely and immediately put one on, 1% show an exemption badge and if it's deafness related, we ask if the customer would like ours lowered for lipreading purposes and 1% blatently refuse. I ask these to wait at the door and serve them outside. Thankfully, up until Saturday evening, no massive arguments.

    Don't get me started on hand sanitizer...grrr. We own a card and gift shop as well as a chocolate and sweet shop, both involve a degree of picking up and examining. Roughly 50% apply the sanitizer at the door as a matter of course, but the other 50%...'would you mind?' If I had £1 for everyone who said, 'I've just applied it in the car' I'd have a full set of Timefactors watches. The upside of this policy; our regular customer's comment how much safer they feel in that environment.

    With Saturday's announcement we have yet again closed to casual callers and reverted to Click N Collect and home delivery for the forseeable, stay safe, sanitize and wear a mask.
    Sanitizer in large stores (with separate in/outs) annoys me. Usually available on way in but on way out - nothing. We’ve done shopping so can sod off.

  18. #18
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    With the exception of the poster above (thank-you for your candour btw), I am genuinely struggling to think of any medical condition that would mean you can’t wear a mask. They don’t limit oxygen etc!

    And I say this as someone who had relatively severe asthma as a child.

    Can someone help me out? Any medics wish to comment?
    I'm glad you can't think of any cases, but, as just one example, a lot of people suffer severe anxiety - I don't mean people who are a 'bit worried' - and wearing a mask can exacerbate that to the degree where they physically can't breathe, become dizzy, vomit, etc.

    Of course, those people should be prisoners in their own home, that will help their mental health no end, but we don't bother counting people who die WITH anything other than COVID anymore...

    I have no time for people who don't wear masks because they "Don't want to" - I don't want to, but I do for the reassurance of others, but I also accept that there are people for whom wearing a mask is a medical/mental/physical impossibility.

    And as for 'the science', when the PM stands up and says that Virus has changed in the last 24 hours and the two supposedly top scientists in the country do nothing to correct this crass lie, you'll forgive me for being a little sceptical about the 'facts' we are given.

    Everyone should wear a mask when in close proximity to others, if they can, and most do but they should stop assuming everyone who doesn't is an inconsiderate moron.

    Last edited by snowman; 21st December 2020 at 09:07.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    With the exception of the poster above (thank-you for your candour btw), I am genuinely struggling to think of any medical condition that would mean you can’t wear a mask. They don’t limit oxygen etc!

    And I say this as someone who had relatively severe asthma as a child.

    Can someone help me out? Any medics wish to comment?
    I consider myself reasonably fit for my age - regularly do 50-70 mile bike rides. I have mild (ish) asthma which is controlled by a daily inhaler. I occasionally wear P2 dust masks for work when undertaking surveys and they definitely do restrict breathing which on occasion triggers my asthma. I don’t get anxious about my asthma but many sufferers do and it’s a well know trigger. HTH.

  20. #20
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    I've noticed a growing number of people in my local supermarket who don't wear masks, including a family (mum, dad & two kids) wandering around without masks. I did wonder whether it may be medical reasons until I heard them speak to each other. A Mark Twain quote came to mind.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by broxie View Post
    I've noticed a growing number of people in my local supermarket who don't wear masks, including a family (mum, dad & two kids) wandering around without masks. I did wonder whether it may be medical reasons until I heard them speak to each other. A Mark Twain quote came to mind.
    Yes, what's the chance a whole family is medically exempt?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franky Four Fingers View Post
    I can’t understand how you can be that ill to a point that you are unable to walk around a shop with a mask on. If you’re that bad then you should be at home rather than opening yourself up to the virus.
    Absolutely. In Turkey, if you go out,you MUST wear a mask, no exceptions. Last week I went past a tube station, four LTF staff standing chatting by the barriers, young man went past them with no mask on, and not one even politely asked him why.

  23. #23
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    I had cancer treatment in the last 18 months and am in remission. A few weeks ago, I was on the train and some uni age kids came and sat in the seats behind me and were chatting in fairly loud (aerosol spittle sort of way) without masks. I turned round and asked them to put their masks on as the purpose was to protect me, they appeared to have no idea and their behaviour following was as if I had aggressively bollocked them, not politely asked them to do what was right.

  24. #24
    The thing is, the vast majority of non mask wearers are using the stupidity exemption. They are too thick to have to wear a mask. It is a fair bet that these people aren't required to follow any of the other covid rules either and will be fully exercising their rights to do whatever they please.

    The good news is that the intellectually challenged are easily identified and avoided by their lack of mask, or by wearing a mask under their noses.

  25. #25
    2. The amount of people who just don't want to wear masks, and will use any excuse not to is significant.
    Is it? Seems like a tiny percentage to me, I was in Tesco earlier today, pretty busy but I only saw two people without a mask. One was on the phone and one other (quite elderly and hugely obese) who proudly pulled out a lanyard just as I was walking in.

    So perhaps 2 or 3% Though the fat old lady did cause me to question why she hadn't tried to get there during OAP hour when she'd surely been safer.

    Is it so much worse in your area or are you just making sweeping generalisations?
    Last edited by kace; 21st December 2020 at 13:49.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franky Four Fingers View Post
    I can’t understand how you can be that ill to a point that you are unable to walk around a shop with a mask on. If you’re that bad then you should be at home rather than opening yourself up to the virus.
    100% with you on this,if you can breath then your ok to wear a mask,if not dont venture out if your that bad.Yes they make you feel a little warm but not to the point you really cant wear one imo.
    Witnessed this in Kefalonia airport when a guy right at the front of the queue and holding everyone else up initially,ignored signs and the staff,as we got right upto him and the staff still asking him to put a mask on they eventually took him back onto the apron with the Police,we left what happebed to him I dont know!.

    IMO its just those types looking for confrontation over their rights with a couldnt care less attitude about other peoples health.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by kace View Post
    Is it? Seems like a tiny percentage to me, I was in Tesco earlier today, pretty busy but I only saw two people without a mask. One was on the phone and one other (quite elderly and hugely obese) who proudly pulled out a lanyard just as I was walking in.

    So perhaps 2 or 3% Though the fat old lady did cause me to question why she hadn't tried to get there during OAP hour when she'd surely been safer.

    Is it so much worse in your area or are you just making sweeping generalisations?
    Any number is significant, IMHO - it only takes one person in a relatively confined space (shop/airport/train etc.) to infect many people and for the infection to spread exponentially.

  28. #28
    If my 94 year old grandma with bad asthma and a heart condition can wear a mask then there really is no excuse. If you really don't want to wear a mask then use a face shield instead.

  29. #29
    If we now have some new hugely contagious super covid the only way to get the R number down will be to have tighter controls until the vaccine roll out is complete. Part of that could be the enforced (and policed) wearing of masks in public.

    It seems to me that the only way to police that effectively would be to draw up a set of water tight rules and issue official lanyards to those who have a medical excuse.

    Like the blue badge it doesn't need to tell anyone anything about you, just that you have a valid reason not to wear one. There isn't a privacy issue here, the people are already outing themselves as having a disability by not wearing a mask.

  30. #30
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    Police, companies and generally any officials are so scared to call out anyone. And to be fair I would too, the media like to jump on instance where they get it wrong.

    There’s the general belief that society is good and things like mask exemption won’t be abused. Unfortunately, I’m not so sure.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by guinea View Post
    If we now have some new hugely contagious super covid the only way to get the R number down will be to have tighter controls until the vaccine roll out is complete. Part of that could be the enforced (and policed) wearing of masks in public.

    It seems to me that the only way to police that effectively would be to draw up a set of water tight rules and issue official lanyards to those who have a medical excuse.

    Like the blue badge it doesn't need to tell anyone anything about you, just that you have a valid reason not to wear one. There isn't a privacy issue here, the people are already outing themselves as having a disability by not wearing a mask.
    At our local Tesco there are often more none blue badge holders than holders in the disabled parking bays but no one is prepared to say anything for fear of all sorts of things :(

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.chef View Post
    If my 94 year old grandma with bad asthma and a heart condition can wear a mask then there really is no excuse. If you really don't want to wear a mask then use a face shield instead.
    What use is that?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    I'm glad you can't think of any cases, but, as just one example, a lot of people suffer severe anxiety - I don't mean people who are a 'bit worried' - and wearing a mask can exacerbate that to the degree where they physically can't breathe, become dizzy, vomit, etc.

    Of course, those people should be prisoners in their own home, that will help their mental health no end, but we don't bother counting people who die WITH anything other than COVID anymore...

    I have no time for people who don't wear masks because they "Don't want to" - I don't want to, but I do for the reassurance of others, but I also accept that there are people for whom wearing a mask is a medical/mental/physical impossibility.

    And as for 'the science', when the PM stands up and says that Virus has changed in the last 24 hours and the two supposedly top scientists in the country do nothing to correct this crass lie, you'll forgive me for being a little sceptical about the 'facts' we are given.

    Everyone should wear a mask when in close proximity to others, if they can, and most do but they should stop assuming everyone who doesn't is an inconsiderate moron.

    I think there’s a degree of inconsideration here, my opinion on this is quite bull nosed but I don’t really care.

    We’re told we have to wear masks by law when entering in to establishments, we’re placed under all kinds of restrictions which collectively effect everyone. I’m of the opinion that if this is so important there should be no exceptions and no other person should be able to spread the disease easily to anyone else.
    If due to anxiety or a mental health issue you’re unable to wear a mask where there are a lot of people ie in a food store etc then don’t go in there. Why should people be put at risk? I was under the impression that the use of a mask was predominantly to stop you from infecting other people and wasn't that effective at protecting your from other people.

  34. #34
    Sadly, it’s not ‘the survival of the thickest’ is it?!?

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