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Thread: Time for another tattoo (II)

  1. #51
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdh1 View Post
    I had that Welsh railway station done the length of mine.

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  2. #52
    Master Templogin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggertech View Post

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    We have a WINNER!!

  3. #53
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Templogin View Post
    We have a WINNER!!
    Old ones are the best.

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  4. #54
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    Any suggestions for who in the UK does high quality watercolour style work like Chen Jie? Chenjie.newtattoo

  5. #55
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    New one.. Tattooed the "words" my 5 months old daughter utters when she sees / needs me.

  6. #56
    Ah, tattoos. I really like the old sailor tattoos/old school stuff. I don’t get why the “traditional places” changed from legs, back, chest to hands and neck as a place for a first tattoo - seems a bit too much “in your face”. But each to their own of course, that’s only my opinion.
    I have about 30 different artists on me from all over and loved working with most of them. Some more memorable, some less. Few years ago, I’ve found my absolute favourite guy. He’s been tattooing for about 20 years now and what he does is very special to me. I highly recommend checking his work:
    My back piece done few years ago here:

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  7. #57
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    I have a couple (done in middle age) and while I have no regrets I am very happy with them I’m vehemently against my 18 year old’s desire to get one as it could impact career options and increase the chance of future regret.
    A few years of consideration would probably see multiple changes in placement and design (and they may have gone out of fashion in the meantime!)

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  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halitosis View Post
    I’m vehemently against my 18 year old’s desire to get one as it could impact career options and increase the chance of future regret.

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    Chance or regret....yes possible

    Career Options! Those of us over 40 say are of a generation that thought so but its a very widely accepted norm now for the under 30’s who will occupy middle a senior management now and shortly, I read somewhere recently that they did not decrease but could increase image and perception in some trades or careers. Bottom line when I am employing is the ability not the look otherwise we would be discriminating.

    Not all Air Hostersses are under 30 and fit as anymore and fattism, racism, sexism are all equally as bad as letting a tattoo jade your perception.

  9. #59
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PawG View Post
    Ah, tattoos. I really like the old sailor tattoos/old school stuff. I don’t get why the “traditional places” changed from legs, back, chest to hands and neck as a place for a first tattoo - seems a bit too much “in your face”. But each to their own of course, that’s only my opinion.
    I have about 30 different artists on me from all over and loved working with most of them. Some more memorable, some less. Few years ago, I’ve found my absolute favourite guy. He’s been tattooing for about 20 years now and what he does is very special to me. I highly recommend checking his work:
    My back piece done few years ago here:

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    I´m curious, what statement or idea does that represent...if you don´t mind me asking.

  10. #60
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magirus View Post
    My LUDO/LLANDUDNO tattoo hurt a bit.
    I'm saving up for a Llanfair PG one.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    I´m curious, what statement or idea does that represent...if you don´t mind me asking.
    You mean my back piece?
    So, the guy who did it is originally an abstract painter. As he then moved into tattooing, he started doing sort of objects with abstract meaning quite often. This is one of them I guess. The “meaning” if you will, is up to you. So, what does it represent in your eyes? (I don’t know if you can quite see it on the photo but there’s a pulse line coming out of the meat grinder)

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  12. #62
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    Career Options! ... Bottom line when I am employing is the ability not the look otherwise we would be discriminating.
    Fully agree, though I have direct personal experience to the contrary. I worked for a U.S. based cruise line and in the first stage of recruitment candidates were asked about having any tattoos and immediately rejected. I’d hate for my son to miss out on such an opportunity.

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  13. #63
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PawG View Post
    You mean my back piece?
    So, the guy who did it is originally an abstract painter. As he then moved into tattooing, he started doing sort of objects with abstract meaning quite often. This is one of them I guess. The “meaning” if you will, is up to you. So, what does it represent in your eyes? (I don’t know if you can quite see it on the photo but there’s a pulse line coming out of the meat grinder)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Life can sometimes feel like a meat grinder would I suppose be the obvious take away. Initially I thought the figure was falling down into it, looked at again I´m not so sure that perhaps he isn´t emerging and heading upwards, it´s a little ambiguous which allows for a more optimistic, heroic interpretation even, never let the buggers grind you down... and that the choice of direction can be the individuals. Also a reference to the idea of ascension, perhaps. OR he´s so busy looking upwards, towards higher matters he´s fallen in to the grinder...this is similar to the message/image used to represent the Fool in the tarot deck, the ´fools´ so busy looking upwards he fails to see the cliff edge, in this case the meat grinder.

    Could be I´m way the heck over thinking it, simply a warning to avoid processed meat. which was why I was curious as to your, the artists thoughts on it.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by PawG View Post
    You mean my back piece?
    So, the guy who did it is originally an abstract painter. As he then moved into tattooing, he started doing sort of objects with abstract meaning quite often. This is one of them I guess. The “meaning” if you will, is up to you. So, what does it represent in your eyes? (I don’t know if you can quite see it on the photo but there’s a pulse line coming out of the meat grinder)

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    I suspect the questioner was interested in what it meant to you given you chose to have it permanently on your back.

    I've no plans to get a tattoo but if I did it would have to be a top quality one that meant something to me that I'd be happy to have for the rest of my life. As has already been said, I have yet to think of anything appropriate but I've certainly grown to respect the artistry involved and the choices of others. Luke Sayer would be top of my list if I did ever think of something

  15. #65
    I really don’t ‘get’ the whole tattoo fascination - just from a visual perspective I don’t find them attractive, never have. Seems I’m in a minority - I was on the beach near where I live recently and I must have been almost the only un- inked person over about 25 I saw. What I don’t really understand (about myself) is that I’ve always been relatively flamboyant in terms of my dress sense, and personal style, yet tattoos just don’t seem to figure in that at all - where other far more conservative friends and colleagues are tattoo fans. If I wanted to make a personal statement I’d wear it proudly in the way I dress, not hidden - but permanent - on my skin. I do wonder if they’ll go out of fashion but not any time soon by the looks of it. Absolutely no criticism of those who choose to have tattoos, just offering a different view from the ‘totally don’t understand’ side!

  16. #66
    For me and some older, a tattoo is a personal thing and has meaning/represents something. Sometimes a lot of thought goes into them and other times it’s a quick decision based on an idea.

    I never understood why some people just get one for the sake of it, but as a form of self expression, or as a memory or significant event I think they can be quite powerful and empowering for the individual.

    I’ve never regretted mine, and I’d have had a lot more done by know if there was a local artist I trusted.

    I love seeing good tattoo work and appreciate the time and effort some pieces take, even when they aren’t to my taste.
    It's just a matter of time...

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halitosis View Post
    Fully agree, though I have direct personal experience to the contrary. I worked for a U.S. based cruise line and in the first stage of recruitment candidates were asked about having any tattoos and immediately rejected. I’d hate for my son to miss out on such an opportunity.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

    Not a company I would want to work for then if they are that way inclined, same type of people who put No Blacks, No Irish on their doors years back no doubt

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripley;[URL="[URL
    tel:5518629[/URL]"]5518629[/URL]]Any suggestions for who in the UK does high quality watercolour style work like Chen Jie? Chenjie.newtattoo
    I follow a few tattooists on instagram and met a few women tattooists from Briar Rose Tattoo when they visited the lady who was doing my upper arm sleeve at the time. One or two of the artists from Briar Rose specialise in watercolour designs and they do look fantastic but I’ve always wondered about how the colours would age.
    Maybe a question for Tony, how long has your better half had her watercolour tat Tony and how has it faded? (not asking for pics by the way) My missus fancies getting one.

    Incidentally I’ve a few tats and not really had many times when the pain has not been bearable but my upper arm tat was a coverup, 3 sessions 18 hours in total and goes round under my arm and up my collarbone. Now if I’m going to have that again I’m having done under general anaesthetic!

  19. #69
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    Not a company I would want to work for then if they are that way inclined, same type of people who put No Blacks, No Irish on their doors years back no doubt
    Dunno that it's quite the same thing really...tattoos are a choice being born black, Irish or simply born, not a choice.
    Last edited by Passenger; 31st August 2020 at 11:08.

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey;[URL="tel:5518949"
    5518949[/URL]]Not a company I would want to work for then if they are that way inclined, same type of people who put No Blacks, No Irish on their doors years back no doubt
    To be fair many international travel companies have a no (on show) tattoo policy because many cultures, Japanese for instance, find them offensive.

    The classic post by soundood springs to mind when he was interviewing a prospective employee. Lol!

  21. #71
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    in the 1880s, a tattooing craze developed in elite society after it became known that various members of the nobility and royalty, both male and female, had acquired tattoos, including Edward, Prince of Wales and Prince Albert Victor, his eldest son.
    But personally I love a bit of working class jewellery and don’t go around criticising those who keep their body’s plain and unmarked so take a slight offence at anyone who would judge or dislike those who do. You have one body and one journey and the irony of people who say ‘I’d never get a tattoo they are ugly or I don’t like them on people etc is often countered by them determining their own perception of beauty and looks, they are often stuck up and prejudice in other ways too.

    I am sure if I said I don’t like that overweight person or that smoker or that drinker it would be offensive! Read the book not the synopsis

  22. #72
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigvic View Post
    I follow a few tattooists on instagram and met a few women tattooists from Briar Rose Tattoo when they visited the lady who was doing my upper arm sleeve at the time. One or two of the artists from Briar Rose specialise in watercolour designs and they do look fantastic but I’ve always wondered about how the colours would age.
    Maybe a question for Tony, how long has your better half had her watercolour tat Tony and how has it faded? (not asking for pics by the way) My missus fancies getting one.

    Incidentally I’ve a few tats and not really had many times when the pain has not been bearable but my upper arm tat was a coverup, 3 sessions 18 hours in total and goes round under my arm and up my collarbone. Now if I’m going to have that again I’m having done under general anaesthetic!
    She's had it for about 4 years now, Vic, and I can't say that it's faded noticeably.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by PawG View Post
    Ah, tattoos. I really like the old sailor tattoos/old school stuff. I don’t get why the “traditional places” changed from legs, back, chest to hands and neck as a place for a first tattoo - seems a bit too much “in your face”. But each to their own of course, that’s only my opinion.
    I have about 30 different artists on me from all over and loved working with most of them. Some more memorable, some less. Few years ago, I’ve found my absolute favourite guy. He’s been tattooing for about 20 years now and what he does is very special to me. I highly recommend checking his work:
    My back piece done few years ago here:

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    Surely you would get more enjoyment out of that as a painting on the wall? Unless you live in a house of mirrors that is

  24. #74
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    in the 1880s, a tattooing craze developed in elite society after it became known that various members of the nobility and royalty, both male and female, had acquired tattoos, including Edward, Prince of Wales and Prince Albert Victor, his eldest son.
    But personally I love a bit of working class jewellery and don’t go around criticising those who keep their body’s plain and unmarked so take a slight offence at anyone who would judge or dislike those who do. You have one body and one journey and the irony of people who say ‘I’d never get a tattoo they are ugly or I don’t like them on people etc is often countered by them determining their own perception of beauty and looks, they are often stuck up and prejudice in other ways too.

    I am sure if I said I don’t like that overweight person or that smoker or that drinker it would be offensive! Read the book not the synopsis
    Similar to how the modern craze which has made them ubiquitous, was largely fuelled by the expansion of Celebrity, more TV channels hence more diverse content and of course the 'me to' social media effect.
    Surely if you're confident enough to get ink done and wear it for life, then the views of others shouldn't matter to you...the ink is part of your identity, unique message to the world, armour even, you're a badass dude, no...just a thought.
    Last edited by Passenger; 31st August 2020 at 11:38.

  25. #75
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    [QUOTE=bigvic;5518952]I follow a few tattooists on instagram and met a few women tattooists from Briar Rose Tattoo when they visited the lady who was doing my upper arm sleeve at the time. One or two of the artists from Briar Rose specialise in watercolour designs and they do look fantastic but I’ve always wondered about how the colours would age.

    Thanks Vic, I’ll take a look at Briar Rose

  26. #76
    Master Thewatchbloke's Avatar
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    Nothing polarises opinions like a tattoo. Apart from a Rolex!

    Speaking personally, I love to see a well conceived, designed and executed tattoo or two. Or more.

  27. #77

    Time for another tattoo (II)

    Double post.
    Last edited by PawG; 31st August 2020 at 14:15.

  28. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Life can sometimes feel like a meat grinder would I suppose be the obvious take away. Initially I thought the figure was falling down into it, looked at again I´m not so sure that perhaps he isn´t emerging and heading upwards, it´s a little ambiguous which allows for a more optimistic, heroic interpretation even, never let the buggers grind you down... and that the choice of direction can be the individuals. Also a reference to the idea of ascension, perhaps. OR he´s so busy looking upwards, towards higher matters he´s fallen in to the grinder...this is similar to the message/image used to represent the Fool in the tarot deck, the ´fools´ so busy looking upwards he fails to see the cliff edge, in this case the meat grinder.

    Could be I´m way the heck over thinking it, simply a warning to avoid processed meat. which was why I was curious as to your, the artists thoughts on it.
    Very interesting perspective. The avoiding processed meet too haha
    It could also mean something like the meat grinder is a corporation and (the pulse line coming out) the guy is just a number. Basically symbolising the “rat race”.
    To me it is sort of like owning a painting. With this artist, I basically said he can do one of his drawings on my back. And we’ve arrived at this together.
    From the technical point of view it is also a “hats off” to the traditional style of tattooing (the meat grinder) - thick outline and bold shading... but the guy in a suit is done in a more gentle/modern/realistic type of way. So, there’s a mixture of styles.

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  29. #79
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PawG View Post
    Very interesting perspective. The avoiding processed meet too haha
    It could also mean something like the meat grinder is a corporation and (the pulse line coming out) the guy is just a number. Basically symbolising the “rat race”.
    To me it is sort of like owning a painting. With this artist, I basically said he can do one of his drawings on my back. And we’ve arrived at this together.
    From the technical point of view it is also a “hats off” to the traditional style of tattooing (the meat grinder) - thick outline and bold shading... but the guy in a suit is done in a more gentle/modern/realistic type of way. So, there’s a mixture of styles.

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    Yup definitely get this idea, the daily grind, the corporate rat race.
    I can also see what you say about the two styles.

  30. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Unique message to the world, armour even, you're a badass dude, no...just a thought.

    Like every Harley rider thats a Solicitor or banker, buying the lifestyle

  31. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by bigvic View Post
    To be fair many international travel companies have a no (on show) tattoo policy because many cultures, Japanese for instance, find them offensive.
    When I read that last comment I was quite surprised, having photographed a Japanese girl who’s body was heavily adorned with tattoos, quite stunning ones at that. But then thinking about her she was a very confident person so perhaps the offensiveness matched her persona.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  32. #82
    Craftsman leo1790's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PawG View Post
    Ah, tattoos. I really like the old sailor tattoos/old school stuff. I don’t get why the “traditional places” changed from legs, back, chest to hands and neck as a place for a first tattoo - seems a bit too much “in your face”. But each to their own of course, that’s only my opinion.
    I have about 30 different artists on me from all over and loved working with most of them. Some more memorable, some less. Few years ago, I’ve found my absolute favourite guy. He’s been tattooing for about 20 years now and what he does is very special to me. I highly recommend checking his work:
    My back piece done few years ago here:

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Love this

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  33. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy;[URL="[URL
    tel:5519160[/URL]"]5519160[/URL]]When I read that last comment I was quite surprised, having photographed a Japanese girl who’s body was heavily adorned with tattoos, quite stunning ones at that. But then thinking about her she was a very confident person so perhaps the offensiveness matched her persona.


    Possibly slightly older Japanese society associate tattoos with the Yakuza gangsters. Not someone you’d want to bring home to meet your mother!

    By the way, photos or it didn’t happen... ;-)

  34. #84
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    Like every Harley rider thats a Solicitor or banker, buying the lifestyle
    Not really I think tats are more profound personal and permanent, can Or should be at least. Just my view

  35. #85
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Both of mine have been added to over the years and by the same dude....

    Quote Originally Posted by Velorum View Post
    Mine took 2 sittings and was an adaptation and extension to a cheapo one that I had done on impulse in the States

    2 hours each sitting

    I thought that I was going to pass out after an hour with the 2nd one

    The most painful bits were near the armpit, the top of the shoulder and the shoulder blade itself where there isn'y much flesh over the bone - the actual tattoo is more extensive than I can capture in the photo

    I am thinking of having another one done next year to mark a significant event that occurred this year - however, getting an appointment this year is very difficult. I had to wait 2 months to have the one above done pre-covid!

  36. #86
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    Hoping to get more soon. I like the pleasure pain thing.

  37. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by bigvic View Post
    Possibly slightly older Japanese society associate tattoos with the Yakuza gangsters. Not someone you’d want to bring home to meet your mother!

    By the way, photos or it didn’t happen... ;-)
    No can do, it was a private commission so the originals go to the client. What I might have is an uncommissioned one somewhere, will see if i can find it.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  38. #88
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    This probably came from here, but still makes me smile ..

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  39. #89
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    I got 2 when I was 16 years old in Singapore, then no more until about 43 years later. Seem to get a new one every 3 months and now have kanji’s, 3 dragons, 3 koi, 2 snakes, 1 tiger, 2 illustrative pieces representing my kanjis, one oriental lady, a piece of a chart of Japan with compass and anchor, and cherry blossoms to join various pieces. You may have guessed I have an affinity with Japan having spent time there.
    My next one is booked for November and yes it is an addiction.

  40. #90
    PawG would love to see your others if they are of the same quality as your back.

  41. #91
    Master studly's Avatar
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    Roses, tribal tattoos and lions?

    Banksy would be proud.

    Does anyone have any flaming skulls or barb wire?

  42. #92
    Master Templogin's Avatar
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    You could be the first!

  43. #93
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    If you have Amazon Prime, the series 'Ink Master' is pretty interesting - on one level it's a cut throat reality TV survival of the fittest gameshow on another level it's an interesting guide to different tattoo styles and what makes a good tattoo good and a bad one bad. I put up with the former to watch the latter.

  44. #94
    Master sweets's Avatar
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    Having reached 50 last year with no ink on me whatsoever, I have come to the conclusion that getting anything now would very much be in the "following the herd" category, and look a lot like trying too hard.
    It's quite fun being in the minority on the beach now, almost everyone has some ink, somewhere visible.
    If I was to relent, I think it would probably be within the area of a pair of shorts, for me, and not visible to anyone but the missus.

  45. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Funnily enough, I absolutely love women with tattoos - the more the better
    Agreed... with W W on each arse cheek.

  46. #96
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toad monitor View Post
    Agreed... with W W on each arse cheek.
    I knew there was something missing from the 'Buns' thread!

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  47. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggertech View Post
    I knew there was something missing from the 'Buns' thread!

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    Not seen it! must investigate.

  48. #98
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alas58 View Post
    I got 2 when I was 16 years old in Singapore, then no more until about 43 years later. Seem to get a new one every 3 months and now have kanji’s, 3 dragons, 3 koi, 2 snakes, 1 tiger, 2 illustrative pieces representing my kanjis, one oriental lady, a piece of a chart of Japan with compass and anchor, and cherry blossoms to join various pieces. You may have guessed I have an affinity with Japan having spent time there.
    My next one is booked for November and yes it is an addiction.
    I just make do with wearing a Seiko.

  49. #99
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toad monitor View Post
    Not seen it! must investigate.
    It's an educational thread in the boys room.

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  50. #100
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    Tony, I share a fear of needles - last holiday injection the nurse had me sit for 30mins in the reception before driving home; my light blue shirt was dark all over with perspiration due to the nerves.

    Even typing this my hands are all clammy! Fair play to be able to get multiple ones done. I just couldn’t go through with it, the pain, fear & then paying for it!!

    That last design looks great though. I do start to feel that when we go on holiday I am the minority without any ink at all. Some people have spent small fortunes on it I’m sure.

    Good luck.

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