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Thread: are not alone with TZ!

  1. #1
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    7,051 are not alone with TZ!

    So who on TZ-UK is having to self-isolate? Here is a thread for us! Only positive posts please (no, the toilet roll zombies are not coming to get us). We can self-isolate together! (Erm, that sounds wrong).

    I’ve chosen to isolate myself from the family as I’ve just picked up the in-laws from the airport, they are back from a Hawaiian cruise cut short by recent events (!). They’ve been though 4 airports to get home. Whilst they seemed fine, I’m going to self-isolate for 5 days just in case [I’m working from home now anyway].

    I’ve got my work’s laptop, a copy of Alex Ferguson’s Autobiography, and a bottle of Old Pulteney malt. Plus a jar of pickled eggs. I could get used to this!

    If you are self-isolating I hope you are feeling physically and mentally well....we’re in this together!

  2. #2
    I live alone and am about to start working from home tomorrow for a long period! As I can't socialise, guess I will effectively be self-isolating to some degree whether I like it or not :). On a positive note, will go for lots of runs and try and help elder people in the community.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using TZ-UK mobile app

  3. #3
    Master unclealec's Avatar
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    I'm quite lucky. I am currently engaged in building a new workshop; I can go on site in my own transport and work in splendid isolation. I am currently machining a set of four bi-fold doors.
    Also, I can travel to my club water and within 20 minutes fish in splendid isolation, in spectacular scenery, not a soul in sight, and hopefully a tasty fillet or two as a healthy bonus.

    I agree that the banter on TZ will prove invaluable over the coming weeks.

    I do miss the local though, and it has only been two days!

  4. #4
    Master ditchvisitor's Avatar
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    Wife has bad dry cough and a temperature so that’s me stuck for 14 days!

  5. #5
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    London, UK

    During an incident last year someone coughed in my face. 4 days later I had a cough, temp and coughing up bits Im sure are supposed to stay in situ.

    So the symptoms which are now no where near as bad as they were make me very popular at work and on aircraft.

    Last few days isolation, more tests but strangely enough non for corona..

    I’m reliably informed the next shortage will be for masking tape !

  6. #6
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    I need to get my eyes checked. I could have sworn you said this was the self-loathing thread.

    I'm not personally self-isolating yet, but with 2 kids in school, a wife that works at the hospital, and a close friend that works at Tesco, it's surely only a matter of time.

    Slightly OT ... Can you buy shares in Netflix? Might be a good punt, all things considered.

  7. #7
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    I have two more days to go.

    Fortunately I have been able to keep working via email and on line video conferencing. I cant do everything this way though and my other work is piling up!

    It's not been too bad but I note that Mrs V and I have been getting gradually more abrasive with one another.

    If I lived on my own, self isolating would be no problem at all as I avoid social interaction other than with my family. However this is the longest I've spent in a confined area with another person that I can ever remember!

    I do hope that I don't have to repeat it anytime soon.

    Oh, and by a complete stroke of luck Mrs V bought an enormous pack of toilet rolls via some internet deal in January.

    Keep you chin up folks.


    Sent from my SM-G970F using TZ-UK mobile app

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    West Sussex
    Just under the magic 70 but prone to chest infections: hospitalised twice recently, so I am in the 12 week self-isolation team.

    My wife has given up her voluntary job and we are lucky enough to have a garden project which will take up a good deal of our time as long as the weather holds. I also plan to become an expert at 13 move Tai Chi and improve my Spanish. Our daughter and 2 grandchildren are in lock-down in Castellon near Valencia. We missed being stuck in Spain by one day so count ourselves lucky.

    Interesting times!

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    ...We can self-isolate together! (Erm, that sounds wrong).

    ...Plus a jar of pickled eggs...!
    I hope you'll be keeping the windows open.

    A have a couple of friends and a work colleague self isolating, all on 14 day stretches. Thankfully I don't feel the need to.

  10. #10
    Craftsman canuck's Avatar
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    I’m other-isolating. The wife just got back from London and is under a 14 day order... so I’m isolating with kids at my parents house. The wife on the other hand just finished day one and is stir crazy already I think.

    Mobile companies here are waving all data overages for clients which will likely come in useful.

  11. #11
    Master raptor's Avatar
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    Kids and wife at home
    I have to work a couple of hours at the office but compulsory 8sqm between staff at all times. Most of them work from home
    Elderly contact is a No no

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Another TZ household in self isolation Day #3 as wife and son temp and cough. Thankfully their symptoms are mild and currently I am asymptomatic.

    WFH relying on ropey 4G data connection......

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  13. #13
    Master jools's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    So who on TZ-UK is having to self-isolate? Here is a thread for us! Only positive posts please (no, the toilet roll zombies are not coming to get us). We can self-isolate together! (Erm, that sounds wrong).

    I’ve chosen to isolate myself from the family as I’ve just picked up the in-laws from the airport, they are back from a Hawaiian cruise cut short by recent events (!). They’ve been though 4 airports to get home. Whilst they seemed fine, I’m going to self-isolate for 5 days just in case [I’m working from home now anyway].

    I’ve got my work’s laptop, a copy of Alex Ferguson’s Autobiography, and a bottle of Old Pulteney malt. Plus a jar of pickled eggs. I could get used to this!

    If you are self-isolating I hope you are feeling physically and mentally well....we’re in this together!
    You are Cool Hand Luke and I claim my five pounds.

  14. #14
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    It's been forced upon me as I live in France

    But a mate arrived back from the uk yesterday laden with goodies I'll probably need a bypass operation when they let me out again

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk280 View Post
    So who on TZ-UK is having to self-isolate? Here is a thread for us! Only positive posts please (no, the toilet roll zombies are not coming to get us). We can self-isolate together! (Erm, that sounds wrong).

    I’ve chosen to isolate myself from the family as I’ve just picked up the in-laws from the airport, they are back from a Hawaiian cruise cut short by recent events (!). They’ve been though 4 airports to get home. Whilst they seemed fine, I’m going to self-isolate for 5 days just in case [I’m working from home now anyway].

    I’ve got my work’s laptop, a copy of Alex Ferguson’s Autobiography, and a bottle of Old Pulteney malt. Plus a jar of pickled eggs. I could get used to this!

    If you are self-isolating I hope you are feeling physically and mentally well....we’re in this together!
    Based on the situation you describe you are doing the right thing and have my respect - well done.

    I hope that many people will be as sensible as you.


  16. #16
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    Based on the situation you describe you are doing the right thing and have my respect - well done.

    I hope that many people will be as sensible as you.

    Thanks Brian, part of me thinks I’m being massively over-cautious, but better safe than sorry. It was a breezy drive from the airport with the windows part down!

    Stay safe folks; and time flies - we’ll be looking back at all this soon enough!

  17. #17
    Master woodacre1983's Avatar
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    Well I am on the verge. Got 5 kids all still in school and nursery atm. Being told to expect them to be off school as of end of the week.

    Being self employed with most of my work coming in through an after school club, which after the advice from Boris on Monday all cancelled me until further notice, I’m home and almost isolated.

    Working with children and having met a wide variety of parents plus the job being a job that involves a lot of close contact I have took the decision to stop all contact with anyone who maybe at higher risk.

    But even with a bottle of single malt and my watch and strap collection the boredom is still immense! TZ is a lifeline!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #18
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Day 3 for me - started with sore throat etc. Not sure if it's just a seasonal head cold or the CV. Matters not really, I need to keep out of circulation until I shake it off.
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  19. #19
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    I’m avoiding all social contact, and if I do go out, it’ll be on my own, on my bike around the N Wales mountains. Take my own drinks and sandwiches...

    In the meantime, I found this at the bottom of a wardrobe...👍

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
    I’m avoiding all social contact, and if I do go out, it’ll be on my own, on my bike around the N Wales mountains. Take my own drinks and sandwiches...

    In the meantime, I found this at the bottom of a wardrobe...

    If I could I probably would!

  21. #21
    I had a contractor in our office (in Belfast) test positive last week... then 3 of my staff with symptoms. They're on self isolation as am I for being in contact with them. Asides from that, my other half has a long list of underlying conditions so I'm in a paranoid/high alert state. If I get this in our house we're in trouble...

    Having a 14 year old at school was my biggest worry - you know what kids are like - I told him to be careful, wash hands etc but was basically given the "you're a boomer" response.

    Luckily, the school has pulled the plug last night on them all.... Year 8-10 are at home now and they're gearing up to use Google Classroom to deliver classes. I look after multiple school websites for a number of special schools here in NI - they've all pulled out with severe fears over the health risk to those vulnerable kids.

    I get the feeling they all know of imminent country wide closure. We're ok with our lad in 3rd year (year 10) but this will be tough for GCSE / A Level stage students.

  22. #22
    Anybody who is self-isolating but still needs to go shopping would be well advised to avoid Costco.

    I had to go to my local branch this morning to order some tyres for my son's car, and the queue to get in was at least 100 metres long. I just told the bloke on the door that I was going to the tyre department and walked straight in.

    The world's gone mad.

    I'm self-isolating from now on, and getting Ocado to deliver.
    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  23. #23
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    Day 1

    It’s a novelty for the kids today. We are choosing to self isolate as my wife has a big operation in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed that it goes ahead. Our meeting with the consultant tomorrow is now over the phone to avoid the risk of going to St. George’s.

    Until then we are planning out the days and trying to get out and get some exercise. We are lucky to live next to a big park.

    I expect the garden will look nice this summer. Gardening will be P.E. this week.

    Take care TZers.

  24. #24
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditchvisitor View Post
    Wife has bad dry cough and a temperature so that’s me stuck for 14 days!
    Hope it's nothing serious for your wife Mike.

    Lynn and I are both self isolating. Me as an over 70 recovering from a knee replacement and Lynn as she's asthmatic, (and almost 70!).

    Been trying to contact sky to cancel sports and probably movies, (we hardly watch movies), but they're not taking calls. Tried ordering food from Sainsbugs but no dates available, same when we tried Morrisons so sorting out food looks like it's not going to be easy - at least in the short term.

    Lots of things to keep me occupied though - watching golf videos and practising chipping in the back garden. Got a few jigsaw puzzles to go at, and then there's my 'den' and all my fishing tackle to sort out so could keep myself busy for a while at least. Maybe time to dream up some new recipes too - even if we can't get the ingredients!

    Take care all.
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Backward point View Post
    Anybody who is self-isolating but still needs to go shopping would be well advised to avoid Costco.

    I had to go to my local branch this morning to order some tyres for my son's car, and the queue to get in was at least 100 metres long. I just told the bloke on the door that I was going to the tyre department and walked straight in.

    The world's gone mad.

    I'm self-isolating from now on, and getting Ocado to deliver.

    I just tried to log on to Ocado's website. To be informed that I was number 15024 in a "virtual queue" of 15024.

    I may starve...
    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  26. #26
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backward point View Post
    I just tried to log on to Ocado's website. To be informed that I was number 15024 in a "virtual queue" of 15024.

    I may starve...
    McDonald's are still open .

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  27. #27
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg View Post
    McDonald's are still open .
    Drive Thru or delivery only!

    I'm defo gonna lose weight

  28. #28
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backward point View Post
    I just tried to log on to Ocado's website. To be informed that I was number 15024 in a "virtual queue" of 15024.

    I may starve...
    Now closed for maintenance.
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  29. #29
    Master woodacre1983's Avatar
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    Word seems to be getting through to people now, was messaging someone who works in our local they was busier than normal Monday a bit quieter Tuesday etc and last night had one regular in all night... people are taking notice finally.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  30. #30
    I'm in the 12 weeks of isolation group, taking this very seriously indeed.

    Mrs Gyp is due to return from Egypt on Monday. I'll make sure I'm in a different county before she arrives

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