We got one for my ( then, 2 years ago ) 11 year old, iPhone 6, I don't think a Phone a few generations old will cause her embarrassment, it will be the norm rather unless she has to be at the top of the 'bragging rights' pile, my son would love a newer phone but seeing as he treats it like crap and has needed screens etc theres no chance. The restrictions and filters you can set upon are pretty good, and of course set up app purchases to login overtime with you as the password holder. Insist its conditional on you knowing the screen lock pass code so you can periodically check the numerous watsapp group chats for shady stuff.
So far so good.
I say iPhone as thats what we have and its easy to link our iTunes and cloud for control, I expect if you have android and a Play account you can do the same. Its a added phone to the wifes Vodaphone account so we can see usage etc