I earn less than 25k, and I have never earned over £30k. I gave up working 5 days a week to go down to 4. The loss of income was relatively small, and I appreciate a 3 day weekend every week. I live in an extremely low crime area well within my means surrounded by excellent neighbours. I am in a good relationship, have a good view from my house and few worries. I also have few assets, no house or car, and a new SMP300c was a stretch financially. I have little interest in foreign holidays as I find heat difficult, a shame as I enjoy the travelling part. I have no debt. Everything that I have to pay for is in credit.
Years ago when I lived in an area where there was a large mix of incomes, I was aware that I had the lowest income. Almost every other family would have a new car on the drive, whereas we had a battered old Mk2 Escort. We would go out in it every weekend. Neighbours would often openly admit that they envied how happy we were together despite not having a pot to pee in. There’s more to wealth than money.