Quote Originally Posted by CardShark View Post
There were a few of us wondering how long the Rich Energy/Haas relationship would last given the more than slightly dubious RE background. I thought the partnership would last the season tops, it appears I was wrong.

RE have terminated their contract due to Haas under performing, according to the energy drink "company". Sure, Haas have been rubbish of late, however RE loosing their court battle ref their logo and then being ordered to disclose full details of their production runs, finances and so on has got to be the steer here.

Let's see if they're able to strike up a sponsorship deal with another team in the future, after all they were touting for Force India in its entirety before Stroll Snr stepped in...
Is the correct answer, surely. There appears to be some sort of rift between William Storey and his fellow investors in Rich Energy, and I suspect that this is only the beginning of the unravelling of what appears to be a company with no product, but a knack for generating publicity and media coverage from thin air.

It is believed that Haas can continue to function without the "sponsorship" of Rich Energy, and hopefully they will. If reports are to be believed the cars will run at Silverstone with Rich Energy branding, because it's too late to remove it before the event, though not the logo which was the subject of the recent court case, which was removed from the cars, team uniforms and everywhere else before the last race in Austria.

It has to be said, sadly this sordid affair is more interesting than most of the races so far this season.