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Thread: The Kettlebell thread

  1. #51
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Ah right. Doing 100 swings in under five minutes must have a similar effect as there's not much time for rest! Almost did it this morning...

  2. #52
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    That’s good going

    Tonight I did
    Two hand swing 30sec 15 sec rest
    Press ups 30sec 15 sec rest
    Reverse lunge left 30sec 15 sec rest
    Reverse lunge right 30sec 15 sec rest
    Standard row left 30sec 15 sec rest
    Standard row right 30sec 15 sec rest
    Racked squat left 30sec 15 sec rest
    Racked squat right 30sec
    1 min rest
    Repeat 3 times

    Gone from 16kg to 20kg kettlebell. Much harder! With 16kg I could do the 4 times.

  3. #53
    My bells arrive tomorrow - nice beginners start i feel to get in the “swing” of it !

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattH View Post
    My bells arrive tomorrow - nice beginners start i feel to get in the “swing” of it !
    If you are totally new to KB I can recommend signing up to

    for the beginners workouts. slow and steady wins the race, and prevents any injuries!

  5. #55
    Thanks that looks perfect ! 👍

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattH View Post
    Thanks that looks perfect ! 
    I followed his beginners and intermediate pages, he has lots of videos on youtube too. You can buy a workout program from him, but I found enough of his info that he gives for free to help me.

    His Instagram page gives loads of pictorials and workout ideas

  7. #57
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    So my oldest wants to improve her fitness and strength for playing squash.

    Two smaller KBs purchased and we started Sunday morning on the patio in the sun, back to basics.

    Practiced exercises from the link and followed the first circuit through with her. All went well. She was complaining she ached more than ever yesterday!

  8. #58
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    Full body On the Minute Every Minute (OMEM) workout taken and modified from Instagram here

    Start a stopwatch, begin each exercise OMEM. Once you’ve completed the exercise rest until the start of the next minute/exercise.
    Adjust number of reps/sets and/or weight to suit your ability.

    Min 1: 10 Alternating dead cleans and squats.
    Min 2: 10/10 Single arm swings left right.
    Min 3: 10 Seesaw shoulder presses.
    Min 4: 25 Two hand swings.
    Min 5: 10 Alternating Renegade rows.
    Min 6: 10/10 Snatches.
    Min 7: 10 Push ups.

    Repeat 3 to 5 times depending on fitness level.

    As an example I had to dial back some of the reps to 8. Some exercises I required more rest! I did three sets, I was done for as I found it really hard going.

    Example of a renegade row here

    Details of muscles used shown here

  9. #59
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Interesting stuff. Following.

  10. #60
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Good stuff and well done for persuading your other half to do any exercises with weights! I've never got her beyond swimming and yoga...

    I made it to below five minutes for 100 24kg kettlebell swings. Definitely helps conditioning and the get up is a fantastic functional exercise. Not confident in doing it entirely right though....

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by mindforge View Post
    Good stuff and well done for persuading your other half to do any exercises with weights! I've never got her beyond swimming and yoga...

    I made it to below five minutes for 100 24kg kettlebell swings. Definitely helps conditioning and the get up is a fantastic functional exercise. Not confident in doing it entirely right though....
    Not my wife! My oldest daughter. At least your wife does something exercise wise.

    I'll try the 100 in under 5 minutes. How did you go, blocks of 25 with rest?

    I need to practice the Turkish get ups some more.

  12. #62
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Sorry, misread it!

    I have been following Pavel's Simple and Sinister programme, so it's ten sets of ten reps swings in under five minutes, one minute rest, then five get ups on each side in under ten minutes. Repeat daily!

  13. #63

    Will be surprised if I haven't dropped this in the other thread, or this one already.
    But Jesus Christ this is a killer.
    Roughly it's

    10 swings
    1 X exercise (goblet squat)
    15 swings
    2 X exercise (goblet squat)
    25 swings
    3 X exercise (goblet squat)
    50 swings


    Repeat another 4 times for a total of 500 swing's
    Repeat 4 days, take 1 or 2 days off. Start again repeat to 10,000.

  14. #64
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Aha have you tried it? I read about this and was going to start off with that but in the end went for Pavel's Simple and Sinister routine instead, glad I did as it's got the Turkish get up in and also is progressive, whereas that's more of a challenge. Impressive if you do it though!

  15. #65
    Yep I did it a while back, Managed the full 10,000

    It beat the shit out of me but at the end of it I felt awesome

    Started with a 24K bell but by the end I was using a 28 and then a 32 in the final week.

    I often go though phases of doing the 500 swings a session, but its rare i dedicate a month to just that which you have to really.

    Although as its lent tomorrow maybe I can see if I can fit 15,000 in over the next 40 days. give up deadlifting for Lent.

  16. #66
    Blimey - reading this - I am just getting through the beginner workouts... one set at a time 😂

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattH View Post
    Blimey - reading this - I am just getting through the beginner workouts... one set at a time 
    The beginner workouts are the foundation to build upon. They a the most important workouts really.

    Don't compare with others, only compare to yourself. I set a couple of tests that i do now and then, to see how i'm improving. You'll soon work your way up, and be surprised that you require a new heavier kettlebell.

    I've looked at the 10k a month and read very positive results from others. I'd love to do it for one month, great challenge, but it really requires dedicating to a workout almost everyday which i would struggle with due to other commitments.

    I really like the simple and sinister program too, might give that a go come the summer.

  18. #68
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
    Yep I did it a while back, Managed the full 10,000

    It beat the shit out of me but at the end of it I felt awesome

    Started with a 24K bell but by the end I was using a 28 and then a 32 in the final week.

    I often go though phases of doing the 500 swings a session, but its rare i dedicate a month to just that which you have to really.

    Although as its lent tomorrow maybe I can see if I can fit 15,000 in over the next 40 days. give up deadlifting for Lent.
    Ha give up deadlifting for Lent!

  19. #69
    As to not completely beat myself to death right off the bat. I started my 15,000 swings for Jesus this morning with 250 with my 24k and split up 10,15,25,50. + 50 at the end, with the remaining 250 to be finished this evening.

    Other than a few short runs 100% of my training will be this until Easter.

    Will be interesting to see how I get on.

  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
    As to not completely beat myself to death right off the bat. I started my 15,000 swings for Jesus this morning with 250 with my 24k and split up 10,15,25,50. + 50 at the end, with the remaining 250 to be finished this evening.

    Other than a few short runs 100% of my training will be this until Easter.

    Will be interesting to see how I get on.
    should you not be taking the kettlebells to church?

    That's a good idea splitting the 500 during the day, you've got me thinking now.....

  21. #71
    It's just to ease me back into that volume, give it a week and I will be back at the sets of 500.

    Also I know it's a bastardised format and nothing to do with the 10,000 swings as planned by the legend that is Dan John.


  22. #72
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    I only have a 16kg and a 24kg kettlebell, so tried a Turkish getup with the 24kg one today and managed it! Think I will phase it in rep by rep over the next couple of weeks.

    But that means I need to get a 33kg one for swings, £85....

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by mindforge View Post
    I only have a 16kg and a 24kg kettlebell, so tried a Turkish getup with the 24kg one today and managed it! Think I will phase it in rep by rep over the next couple of weeks.

    But that means I need to get a 33kg one for swings, £85....
    Jeez ! That’s a jump from 16 to 24, Well done

    Encouraged by this thread, yesterday’s workout consisted of:
    25 two hand swings
    25 two hand swings
    Turkish Get ups 12kg left and right 5 reps.
    25 two hand swings
    Turkish Get ups 16kg left and right 3 reps. Couldn’t do anymore with good form.
    25 two hand swings
    25 two hand swings
    25 two hand swings
    25 two hand swings
    (100 swings in under 5 minutes with 20 kg KB)

    And suffering today!
    So this has made me reflect on my training. I’ve been concentrating on kinda cardio/metabolic circuits as my goal has been weight reduction. I plan now to start trying to improve my strength. My plan is to alternate sessions between cardio/metabolic circuits and Turkish Get ups/two had swings for strength development.

  24. #74
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Nice, impressive, not surprised you're feeling it...

    I moved straight from 16kg to 24kg as I'm too cheap to buy the 20kg....!

    As well as the Simple and Sinister workouts, I am doing basic strength workouts three times a week, so squat, deadlift and bench. Swings and get ups for me are more for stability, flexibility and resilience, but I reckon if you get them up to 32kg for both you'd be pretty strong!

    Been trying to move to one handed 24kg swings, tougher compared to double handed swings, but can really feel the benefit in grip, forearms and core by trying to stay square on.

  25. #75
    So 2,000 down only 13,000 to go, not done todays lot yet.

    First day was split into 250/250 the rest have all been in 500, due to space I am splitting it up with goblet squats and press-ups.

    24kg bell, feeling it to be honest, but in a good way.

  26. #76
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
    So 2,000 down only 13,000 to go, not done todays lot yet.

    First day was split into 250/250 the rest have all been in 500, due to space I am splitting it up with goblet squats and press-ups.

    24kg bell, feeling it to be honest, but in a good way.
    Impressive... One handed swings or two?

  27. #77
    Mostly 2 handed, in might have switched a couple of time when it was getting a little uncomfortable/bored to keep count, then I went 10/10 before back to double.
    Just to keep the rhythm going and not break up.

  28. #78
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
    Mostly 2 handed, in might have switched a couple of time when it was getting a little uncomfortable/bored to keep count, then I went 10/10 before back to double.
    Just to keep the rhythm going and not break up.
    Switching can make it harder to keep count and rhythm I find.

  29. #79
    Just started the 10,000.

    I only had a16 kg which was a bit “easy” ( relative that is!!)

    So I bought a 20 and 24 on Sunday and used the 24 yesterday.

    Boy that was much harder!! IM away a fair bit over the next few months so won’t be able to keep up to their schedule but will do the 10,000.

  30. #80
    I am still on 2k as last nights training didn't happen, slightly behind schedule but I can catch up of I add another set of 100 to each for the rest of the week I Can be caught up by Saturday at a nice round 5k.

    Leaving me 20 sessions from the 17th march to the 20th April, until I can go back to deadlifting.

  31. #81
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Will be interested to see if all the swings improve your deadlift when you try it again.

  32. #82
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    Afternoon Gents, You've inspired me!
    So much so that I now fancy having a go at swinging a kettlebell around a bit in the name of fitness.
    Please could someone point me in the direction of a good online source for some basic beginner exercises. Showing correct form etc.
    Also, any advice on best type/brand of kettlebell? Or are they all much the same?

  33. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holy Moses View Post
    Afternoon Gents, You've inspired me!
    So much so that I now fancy having a go at swinging a kettlebell around a bit in the name of fitness.
    Please could someone point me in the direction of a good online source for some basic beginner exercises. Showing correct form etc.
    Also, any advice on best type/brand of kettlebell? Or are they all much the same?
    Posts 3, 44 and 57 have all the answers

  34. #84
    Join Date
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    Thank you essexman

  35. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holy Moses View Post
    Thank you essexman
    Actually you’ve raised a good point, when I get time I’ll edit post 1 with links and headings to make this thread more user friendly

  36. #86
    Grand Master
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    Great to see people getting into Kettlebells / Fitness, they have become a little ‘trendy’ but they work and they are fun

  37. #87
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    Friday afternoons workout:

    5 x EMOM 20 two hand swings.
    10 x Alternating TGU.
    5 x EMOM 20 two hand swings.
    10 x Alternating TGU.
    5 x EMOM 20 two hand swings.

    300 swings, 20 TGU total

    EMOM - Every Minute On the Minute.
    TGU - Turkish Get Ups

    The TGU were performed with a lighter (easy) KB as I’ve been concentrating on form for a week or two before moving up the weight.

    The above workout didn’t seems too bad……until Saturday morning, went to spin class all OK, then onto “stretch and define” which was OK until he started some abs exercises, arghhhhh! So those TGUs must have worked my abs well the day before.
    Last edited by Essexman; 18th March 2019 at 13:00.

  38. #88
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Nice! I don't feel sore after the swings and get ups although was feeling it in my forearms after 24kg one hand swings.

    Have noticed lots of carry over to other exercises and movements though, activated glutes from swings help with squats, explosive hinges help with deadlifts and packed shoulders from getups help with bench and press.

  39. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by mindforge View Post
    Nice! I don't feel sore after the swings and get ups although was feeling it in my forearms after 24kg one hand swings.

    Have noticed lots of carry over to other exercises and movements though, activated glutes from swings help with squats, explosive hinges help with deadlifts and packed shoulders from getups help with bench and press.
    In a similar way, I've really noticed my strength increase during yoga classes. I've more control with confidence, and have found in the last month I can attempt more advanced poses that I would never have tried before. A couple of weeks ago I managed a full wheel pose! (my kids call it a bridge).

  40. #90
    I am really really begining to hate the kettlebell swing.

    I can't even remember how many I have done without look at my scribbles on the mirror, but it is really starting to get old. Especially as I guess I have about a dozen sessions left.

    It was even my stupid idea...

  41. #91
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Ha I bet. Have you noticed any improvements? I got a 32kg kettlebell and it makes the 24kg seem light, managing it for single hand swings but grip is the limiting factor at the moment.

  42. #92
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    This drill I found really useful for the getup,

  43. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by mindforge View Post
    Ha I bet. Have you noticed any improvements? I got a 32kg kettlebell and it makes the 24kg seem light, managing it for single hand swings but grip is the limiting factor at the moment.
    Its difficult to say how much i notice much to be honest, the early sets are certainly noticeably easier than the first few. My grip is certainly getting stronger. But with only doing the swings I am not sure how much carry over its going to have .

    I certainly feel better, seem to have lost some weight, few aches and pains but nothing to serious. I tried a few with the 32kg that big bugger is easier than this time last month but not quite there yet.

    24 one handed is noticeably easier.
    Last edited by jordan-arch; 26th March 2019 at 10:39.

  44. #94
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
    Its difficult to say if I notice much to be honest, the early sets are certainly noticeably easier than the first few. My grip is certainly getting stronger.

    I certainly feel better, seem to have lost some weight, few aches and pains but nothing to serious. I tried a few with the 32kg that big bugger is easier than this time last month but not quite there yet.

    24 one handed is noticeably easier.
    Nice. I have noticed that explosively lifting a deadlift is easier and generally seem more stable around the core and trunk. Impressed by the get up as an exercise, but couldn't imagine doing more than one with the 32kg!

  45. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
    I am really really begining to hate the kettlebell swing.

    I can't even remember how many I have done without look at my scribbles on the mirror, but it is really starting to get old. Especially as I guess I have about a dozen sessions left.

    It was even my stupid idea...
    Ha ha ha keep at it, nearly there!

    I really struggle to remember how many reps I've done, I've lost count of how many times I've lost count. Last week doing TGUs had a phone call half way through, came off the call, didn't have a clue how many I'd done, I only had to do 5 a side!

  46. #96
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    Quick question for you guys. When you've gone up a weight did you go up 4kg or 8kg or ?

    I went up a size start of Feb, up 4kg. I now feel the need to go up again, thinking of jumping up 8kg this time round seeing as how quick it's taken to need the next size up.

  47. #97
    Master mindforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Essexman View Post
    Quick question for you guys. When you've gone up a weight did you go up 4kg or 8kg or ?

    I went up a size start of Feb, up 4kg. I now feel the need to go up again, thinking of jumping up 8kg this time round seeing as how quick it's taken to need the next size up.
    Definitely 8. It's a bigger jump but you can work it in gradually and it has the benefit of making the lower weight appear light! There is some researched benefit of bigger jumps, quite apart from saving you money and space. A 16, 24 and 32 should keep you going for some time....

  48. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by mindforge View Post
    Definitely 8. It's a bigger jump but you can work it in gradually and it has the benefit of making the lower weight appear light! There is some researched benefit of bigger jumps, quite apart from saving you money and space. A 16, 24 and 32 should keep you going for some time....
    Cheers for the reply. You've confirmed what I had read. 28kg it is then, roll on next payday.

  49. #99
    I am so fed up of this.

    Scheduled to finish next Thursday for the full 15k.

    I am so fed up of this, easy lost over half a stone on the scales, but certainly looks like a lot more on the gut. Feel a lot better, generally a lot stronger and the times it's taken to do my 500 has dropped quite a lot.

    It is however bloody boring and the next few sessions are beyond a chore. I can't wait to get back to the gym and do something different. The additional 5k seem to be a lot tougher mentally then physically at this point as even though I see the benefits I am struggling to motivate myself to get them done due to boredom of training on my own.

  50. #100
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    My starter set is hopefully turning up this week. I damaged my hand at the beginning of the year so thought I better wait till it was better. Anyway, nothing heavy - set only goes up to 8kg but that should be fine to start with and the lighter ones will be good for the kids.

    Also, there's plenty on this thread to keep me going - I've been dipping into it while I've waited for my hand to heal.

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