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Thread: Coffee addiction - Is it dangerous?

  1. #1
    Journeyman thaiman's Avatar
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    Coffee addiction - Is it dangerous?

    After reading the other thread about alcohol consumption, I was feeling pretty good about myself, rightly or wrongly, I don't need alcohol to have fun.
    Then I start to think about my addiction, .....hello my name is Thaiman and I am a coffeolic.

    Today I think I might drink at least 12 - 15 cups of coffee and I was very busy today. On average I could hit 20 cups a day! How bad is that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I’m sure it is dangerous in excessive amounts but don’t you just build a tolerance to it anyway?

    Do like my nespresso machine though 👍

  3. #3
    Master pacifichrono's Avatar
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    I'm no doctor.

    I believe drinking that much caffeinated coffee stimulates the cardiovascular system, resulting in higher blood pressure and a higher heart rate. These can significantly increase your risk of a heart attack and/or stroke.

    I strongly recommend you consult with your doctor/physician to discuss your coffee and caffeine intake, and to be checked for cardiovascular functioning.

  4. #4
    Master raptor's Avatar
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    Is your nervous system and blood pressure ok?

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaiman View Post
    After reading the other thread about alcohol consumption, I was feeling pretty good about myself, rightly or wrongly, I don't need alcohol to have fun.
    Then I start to think about my addiction, .....hello my name is Thaiman and I am a coffeolic.

    Today I think I might drink at least 12 - 15 cups of coffee and I was very busy today. On average I could hit 20 cups a day! How bad is that?
    I believe you could be constantly “in the fun zone”

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  6. #6
    Grand Master number2's Avatar
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    Is it dangerous?

    What do YOU think?
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  7. #7
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    If I were you I'd stay away from Java variety.
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  8. #8
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    Not sure but there is an old adage of 'everything in moderation'. 20 doesn't seem very moderate. I used to drink between 6 and 8 but I've knocked it down to more like 3 now. Feel the same

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  9. #9
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    I have a gastroenterologist in the family who says that 6 coffees a day is good for the gut.

  10. #10
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    Yes, surely 15-20 is not good. Are these kettle made or do you buy them from a coffee shop? As above, moderation is the name of the game. Must be better for you than 20 beers a day though on the positive note!

  11. #11
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    20 cups a day? Your teeth must be a lovely colour

  12. #12
    Master Franco's Avatar
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    There is a number of diseases (mainly gastrointestinal and cardiovascular) where the patient is asked to avoid caffeine.

    But, like good red wine, a moderate consumption has positive effects on the mood and global health of individual.

    This paper I think pointed in that direction:

    Franco ( with a large cup of moka at the moment)

  13. #13
    Sounds a huge amount of coffee to me. Six a day gives me problems. Zero a day gives me other unpleasant problems, at least on a short term basis. I can't see the amount you drink being good in the long term, I would just recommend cutting it down slowly not suddenly.

  14. #14
    Master -Ally-'s Avatar
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    I think you might have bigger issues.

  15. #15
    I'm on 2-3 a day from a Tassimo machine. Am I an addict?

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  16. #16
    I drink about 4 a day using my nesspresso machine in our shop. Purple capsules.
    2 capsules each cup.
    I’d say over 10cups a day is a little too much

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by jpjsavage View Post
    I'm on 2-3 a day from a Tassimo machine. Am I an addict?

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    I think it depends on whether or not you can have a normal functioning day without them.

    Adrian Chiles has just recently been talking about his alcohol addiction, he said he didn't drink large volumes but a day wouldn't go by without him having at least one drink.

    If you can go without coffee for a couple of days I'd say you're not an addict.

  18. #18
    Master Spencer Lee's Avatar
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    Caffeine can stimulate dopamine release in the brain. It improves your mood and stabilises your emotions in the short term; a 'feel good' chemical and because it feels good, you want more. The more you have, the more of a tolerance you create which means to get that 'hit' you need more. The more you have, the higher your tolerance builds and you need even more.

    It also stimulates the release of adrenaline. This gives us a boost of energy and we switch on and focus but this should only be a short term thing. The more coffee you have the longer it lasts and sometimes you can become fidgety and jittery, increase your heart rate and your mind can race; it can make you anxious.

    Caffeine is good in moderation, there are a whole host of benefits such as improving memory and cognitive function. It is an anti-inflammatory and a mild pain killer and is an anti-oxidant that can kill free radicals in the body. It can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes but this is when it is consumed in moderation.

    Did you know excessive consumption can decrease bone density and increase the chances of Osteoporosis?

  19. #19
    Most ‘real’ coffee increases cholesterol levels.

    Not instant or filtered through paper.

  20. #20
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    I’m mildly addicted to coffee, I drink around 6-8 cups/day and I miss it if I don’t get one every couple of hrs. My definition of a ‘ cup’ is a large mugful, can’t stand short measures. My definition of coffee is a good quality instant, make it fairly strong with a generous splash of milk. Can’t stand all this expresso/americano/moka business, keep it simple.

    I drink too much coffee, I drink too much beer.........not much hope for me f I believe all I read.

  21. #21
    Wow, 20 cups.

    I drink two cups if working in the office and 3-4 if working from home from a bean to cup machine.
    Last edited by eagletower; 5th September 2018 at 09:47.

  22. #22
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Hell op if I drank as much coffee as you I'd be vibrating/ bouncing off the ceiling.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisparker View Post
    I think it depends on whether or not you can have a normal functioning day without them.

    Adrian Chiles has just recently been talking about his alcohol addiction, he said he didn't drink large volumes but a day wouldn't go by without him having at least one drink.

    If you can go without coffee for a couple of days I'd say you're not an addict.
    That's good. Can definitely go without!

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  24. #24
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    I need a pot of tea when I get up, two or three cups at least and then follow it with a strong coffee. The tea wakes me up, but I need that strong coffee for a morning fix and wouldn't do without it. During the day will only drink two or three cups of coffee compared to about 8 cups of tea.

    Like Paul, cup = a big mug.

  25. #25
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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  26. #26
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    On a busy work day I might drink 4-5.

    I'm no expert but 20 sounds like a lot of cups of coffee, you must be weeing for England!

  27. #27
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    If you reduce your coffee intake, it might be better for your health, but it might mean you post less on online forums.

    It's a difficult decision.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaiman View Post
    After reading the other thread about alcohol consumption, I was feeling pretty good about myself, rightly or wrongly, I don't need alcohol to have fun.
    Then I start to think about my addiction, .....hello my name is Thaiman and I am a coffeolic.

    Today I think I might drink at least 12 - 15 cups of coffee and I was very busy today. On average I could hit 20 cups a day! How bad is that?
    12-15 coffee's a day, if you need scraping off the the ceiling I know a fella with some nice kush.

  29. #29
    Craftsman Robti's Avatar
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    I have 4 or 5 fresh ground coffees in the morning with 18g dose which is probably 1 1/2 spoonfuls of instant per cup, but don’t have any more all day and only a couple of cups of tea maybe

  30. #30
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    OP I would seriously look at cutting down your consumption.

    There have been multiple studies of moderate caffeine intake being beneficial. IMO moderate would class as 1 - 2 cups a day.

    There's a pretty long list of the negative effects of excessive coffee intake. If you do decide to cut back, make sure you do it gradually as drastic cut backs will most likely lead to headaches and fatigue

  31. #31
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    I have a gastroenterologist in the family who says that 6 coffees a day is good for the gut.

  32. #32
    I don't know how you fit in 20 cups a day. Presumably you don't sleep, because you're permanently wired. If you do manage to sleep you must be averaging a cup every 45 minutes. That's an awful lot of time kettle boiling, pouring, stirring, drinking and pissing. The for the few minutes in every hour you're not holding a cup, your work rate must be phenomenal (as you might expect with someone with caffeine for blood).

    Normal tasks like driving, playing golf, watching a movie or going for swimming must be difficult with all the coffee breaks too.

  33. #33
    Journeyman thaiman's Avatar
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    Oh! and I thought may be there will be a few more people like me in a forum! It seem that I am the only one.

    I run a pub / restaurant so coffee machine is always on at a touch of a button, a min or two later and it's done. May be I should start to drink less although there is no sign of anything bad happening to me (just yet anyway).

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    If you reduce your coffee intake, it might be better for your health, but it might mean you post less on online forums.

    It's a difficult decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by -Ally- View Post
    I think you might have bigger issues.
    And this.
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  35. #35
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    When working as a hotel general manager the easy availability of strong coffee meant I would consume at least 12 mugs a day. Probably nearer your twenty.
    The only problem I found was I would get terrible headaches on my day off due to not drinking coffee from when I got up. This was solved however by ensuring I started the day with a very strong coffee, followed by many more.

  36. #36
    Grand Master Daddelvirks's Avatar
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    Good stuff, coffee, but aren't you permanently located on the toilet?
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  37. #37
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    Could you not switch to decaf? I love coffee and drink 5-10 cups a day but usually stick to decaf where possible.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Daddelvirks View Post
    Good stuff, coffee, but aren't you permanently located on the toilet?

  39. #39
    Craftsman Nuisance Value's Avatar
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    A good friend drinks a lot of coffee, similar to yourself and he also has tinnitus. The first question the doctor asked him when investigating his tinnitus was "do you drink a lot of coffee?" Apparently there is a link but then I'm no doctor.

    Personally, I drink 3 max and never after noon.

  40. #40
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuisance Value View Post
    A good friend drinks a lot of coffee, similar to yourself and he also has tinnitus. The first question the doctor asked him when investigating his tinnitus was "do you drink a lot of coffee?" Apparently there is a link but then I'm no doctor.
    Perhaps his percolator was very loud.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaiman View Post
    Oh! and I thought may be there will be a few more people like me in a forum! It seem that I am the only one.

    I run a pub / restaurant so coffee machine is always on at a touch of a button, a min or two later and it's done. May be I should start to drink less although there is no sign of anything bad happening to me (just yet anyway).
    Until your heart explodes!

  42. #42
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    I've been bothered by recurring water infections and when I saw the urologist last week I asked about coffee. I have one cup of pod coffee a day. He looked at me as if I'd been imbibing anthrax, and very reluctantly agreed it was only a very small risk and he had one cup day himself.

  43. #43
    Craftsman Nuisance Value's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post
    Perhaps his percolator was very loud.
    Hehe.. case closed!

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  44. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    I have a gastroenterologist in the family who says that 6 coffees a day is good for the gut.
    Good to know, as that is my only vice!

  45. #45
    Journeyman thaiman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuisance Value View Post
    A good friend drinks a lot of coffee, similar to yourself and he also has tinnitus. The first question the doctor asked him when investigating his tinnitus was "do you drink a lot of coffee?" Apparently there is a link but then I'm no doctor.

    Personally, I drink 3 max and never after noon.
    Holy cow, that's scary! I love music and couldn't imagine listening to Chopin with high frequency buzzing in my ears. Actually, today, I make myself aware not to just keep drinking coffee like water I also told my staffs not to automatically re-fill my cup. No bad craving so far well until now I am talking about it

  46. #46
    I lost count how many coffees i had a day (i mean triple espressos each time) as the company I worked for at the time had, lets call it, 'dysfunctional workplace dynamics' and an restaurant grade itallian espresso machine in the kitchen.

    already suffering from hyperthyroidism I guess it was not a good combination

    my teeth suffered most - they stained like crazy - but I found the coffee used to relax me - without it i was a nervous wreck so it was an addiction of sorts

    anyhow long story short - had radiation for the hyperthyroidism, changed jobs, took up cycling, had another kid, cut down to just 3 coffees a day no more - very rarely less - each a good mugful of bean2cup triple espresso with a splash of water

    no milk - its bad for you and its for baby cows...

    next to cut down on sugar I almost have the coffee without sugar now
    Last edited by Xantiagib; 6th September 2018 at 08:20.

  47. #47
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    That seems excessive.

    I stopped drinking milk about ten years ago and, because I can’t drink black tea, I switched to coffee. My office at the time had a few French presses that were in constant rotation. Always thick and strong.

    I could easily drink six cups of tea during the work day, and four more before/after work. When I tried drinking this much coffee I thought I was having a heart attack.

    Cut back to two (very good) cups a day and it’s plenty. One in the morning and one after lunch. Just like when I quit smoking it has given me a much more delicate palate and I can actually taste coffee now.

  48. #48
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    Due to temporary gastric issues, I stopped coffee for a while - went 'cold turkey'! Christ on a bike, I was properly ill for 3 days with withdrawal symptoms! sweats, shakes, mood swings, etc. That showed me exactly the effects it was having on me. I'm drinking it again now, but max 2 large, strong coffees a day.

    As for tinitus, coffee makes it worse for me, as does a high sugar intake.

  49. #49
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    I average between 10-15 a day. I drink lavazza short shots from a machine.
    I dont find that it has a "bouncing effect" anymore but does wake me up more than not having anything would in the morning.
    I can say with certainty though that if I haven't got a couple of mugs down me within 1-2 hours of waking then I end up with a headache like a knife through the head.

    Best way ive found to deal with it is to drink the bloody stuff as soon as I wake up.

  50. #50
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    Going by the number of coffees people drink per day I need to drink more. I found 3 is max for me

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