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Thread: The motivation weight loss thread

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian View Post
    Weigh in today. 1lb loss which feels a bit disappointing as I've put a lot of effort into the gym in the last week. Still at least it's a loss and I feel much healthier and active. On a positive more people seem to notice the change in my body shape.

    Might seem a bit strange, but coming here and recording my results once a week seem to help.
    Even a 1lb loss is a positive thing. Don't knock it. Exercise can be a double edged sword. It helps burn off calories BUT it also promotes muscle mass. Since I started really pushing the exercise thing a few years ago (I try every morning at least 50mins on the rower) my weight has gone up. However, as you say, you do feel healthier and you can run up those stairs without feeling dizzy now, and you're body shape improves ;-) I'm at 12'4" which hasn't really moved for a couple of weeks but at least it's not gone back up which, again, is a positive. Light evenings are helping now. Get home early from work (I start before 7am) and then a couple of hours in the garden/orchard/field. In the winter those couple of hours would have been spent moping around the house being tempted by bread and butter - I love bread and butter :-(

  2. #202
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    My son´s ok again, so am cycling down and back twice a day.
    The summer heat is coming fast now. Well over 30 degrees C. in the shade when I went to collect him.
    Going back up the slopes to the farm is ever so heavy but more rewarding still. Steadily losing weight and improving strenght/condition.

    Had green asperges baked in soja sauce with lean minced meat and paprika today. Apart from loads of fibres and diuretic, ever so tasty.
    Yoghurt and fresh cranberries tonight. Man those cranberries taste good.

    The resident female wants to go to the nudist beach again this weekend.
    Went out and bought folding beach beds. Not suffering the sand everywhere drama again.
    I will have a juice day tomorrow to celebrate that comfort and put the motivation to good weight losing use.
    Looks like I will be 1,5 kilos down this week!! making:

    so that is nicely on course for;

    When I went into the green a gf bought me an earring and pierced a lobe to fit it. Suits me well I agree, but no more holes to fit jewelry, no matter which weight goal I reach!!

    Next weekend, if I can keep up the 1,5 kilo down trent, will shop for some new summer pants and a shirt or two.
    When I hit the goal I will buy myself an AeroLeathers jacket.

    The REAL reward however is for myself obviously. Not just for feeling/looking better and being more heathy but it is so much lighter on my knackered hips. Quite stupid really to allow the weight to creep up.

    Meanwhile the hay has been cut and hopefully soon packed. Hauling it off the land and stacking it under roof will be another great job. Already ordered an extra truck load.
    Looking forward to it. It is a megaheavy job but real rewarding when the hay is under roof and the HHHHHOT bath afterwrds is soooo relaxing.

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    If you’re adding an exercise regime then don’t look at any scales for a month or two as you’ll be gaining lean muscle and losing fat so it might be appear the same figures, go purely on clothes fit and energy levels. When you’re down take a drink or do something do not let it get into your head and start eating junk as a ‘only the one'
    This would be my biggest advice. Taking weekly photos is a great way to see improvements.

    Two years ago my wife and I found out we were having twin girls. At the time I was 16 stone. My goal was to be a healthy Dad that would set a good example for my girls growing up. I am now 12.3 stone.
    This was achieved with a complete lifestyle change. I had a meal plan set up and I stuck to it. It seemed crazy at the time as I was eating more than I had ever eaten in a day. The difference was it was all good food; good carbs, good fats, no processed foods. I was eating the correct food to fuel my body for the workouts I was doing that day. I was also learning about nutrition which benefitted me the most as I was then mindful of what was going into my body.

    Workouts were mainly 15/20min HIIT workouts and/or weight training. I was doing these before work, which was a big commitment as I was getting up at 6 instead of 7:15.

    To track my progress, as mentioned above, I took weekly photos. After 4 weeks I saw very little difference and I was ready to jack it all in. How could I be working out that much at eating from a plan and not get results!! This all changed on week 5. After just one more week I could see a massive difference. It was worth it!

    I then had another problem. Seeing my improvement in a photo then became quite addictive and I just wanted to see more and more results and I was in danger of going too far. Luckily my wife helped me overcome this and I now maintain my weight and not try to loose it.

    I now have a lot energy to play with the kids, sleep better and am more productive at work.

    Sorry for the essay. I just wanted to demonstrate that I (a normal guy that didn't subscribe to any diet plans or pop any pills or paid anyone hundreds of pounds for them to give me 'the secret weight loss method') have done it. With a lifestyle change and self taught nutrition knowledge I done it.

    You have to want to do it a commit yourself. With this, anyone can do it!

  4. #204
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    Some great comments/ideas today- thank you everyone 😎

  5. #205
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    having lost the best part of 3 stones since the end of January, I'm finding I now fit the trousers I bought nearly 3 years ago, that, even at the time, were pretty ambitious!
    My waist size has dropped 2 trouser sizes at least.

    That's a huge inventive to keep it going.

  6. #206
    Craftsman jamesianbriggs's Avatar
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    I've just finished reading this and it's great.

    The Starting Strength website is also great (where this originated) but if you're over 40 then this has it all in one place and a huge amount of detail.

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  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesianbriggs View Post
    The Starting Strength website is also great (where this originated) but if you're over 40 then this has it all in one place and a huge amount of detail.
    I am over 60 and the approach mentioned by Taylor works just fine; eat less/more heathy and burn more; make it behavior.

    The sudden and unexpected fad of the nude beach was a bonus in awareness and motivation as I had already lost the bulk of the excess bulk. Seamless tan is like a new paint job on a well used car.

    In that perspective I am almost happy with the bales now packed on the land thus the prospect of hauling them under roof. Tomorrow is another beach day apparently, so I am hauling some bales/ass this afternoon :-)

  8. #208
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    I started the year with great results, but for the last 6-8 weeks I haven't had a single white carb or had anything sweet and I walk 10000 steps a day. I was swimming but broke a rib so haven't been for 3 week. I've put on .3 kg :(

    Still I'm positive as my blood sugar seems to have dropped significantly (I was diagnosed as diabetic in Feb) so that is really encouraging.

  9. #209
    Craftsman jamesianbriggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huertecilla View Post
    I am over 60 and the approach mentioned by Taylor works just fine; eat less/more heathy and burn more; make it behavior.

    The sudden and unexpected fad of the nude beach was a bonus in awareness and motivation as I had already lost the bulk of the excess bulk. Seamless tan is like a new paint job on a well used car.

    In that perspective I am almost happy with the bales now packed on the land thus the prospect of hauling them under roof. Tomorrow is another beach day apparently, so I am hauling some bales/ass this afternoon :-)
    If you're hauling bales of hay around all day then a strength training programme is probably a lot less relevant for you than it would be for the average sedentary sixty year old!

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  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesianbriggs View Post
    If you're hauling bales of hay around all day then a strength training programme is probably a lot less relevant for you than it would be for the average sedentary sixty year old!
    Strength training is totally irrelevant for me yes.

    Just moved 35 times 40 kilos 50 yards. About half in the wheel barrow, the rest by hand. Getting up early as I want to reorganize the barn = moving some 20 x 40 more in the cool of the morning. Shower, enjoy a rest/ coffee and off to the beach.

    The bales now are a challenge because it is a whole lot in very little time. For the rest of the year it is just a few bales daily. Chopping down trees and making them into firewood is the year round harder work. We only use wood as heat source and though we live in the south it gets pretty cold at 850 metres high. Last week a 2 foot thick one was blown over and took the telephone lines out. Took the chainsaw to it and carted the hearth lengths home. Will split them later on with a sledge hammer and wedges.
    All in all you wrangle the wood a handfull of times.

    In the light of this topic, loosing a bit of weight ´frees´ strength you already have and all the fat you shed you can haul as load whereas the excersize gives you more strength adding more load hauling potential.
    My daily routine keeps my strength up and the extra cycling/walking burns more energy, builds extra condition.
    Sailed past the 1,5 kilos this week btw.

  11. #211
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    All the hay under roof!
    The harvest from the land had to be loaded onto the trailer and the extra truck load was conveniently in front of the barn.
    As it make no sense to start under the blazing sun, the plan was to start at 19.00 leaving not a lot of time before dark.
    The weather forecast for today was rain so we really wanted it under roof.

    The contractor had sent two sturdy blokes!!! A younger one of 25 and an old bloke of 35 ;-)
    Still quite hard work though and we were truely knackered.
    Ever so satisfying and I am mighty pleased that the three of us kept up.

    Woke up without a fever today and .... a clear blue sky of course.

    To keep the resident female motivated, accompanying her on her daily walk in a moment.
    Would have liked to go cycling but my son is still knackered from the Sierra Nevada hike he said. Hmmmm. So I walk to motivate his mom, but he does not cycle to motivate me. Right. Better motivate myself and take the thing out later. It is for myself after all anyway.

    The heavy duty excersize always slows down my intestines it seems, no matter how much water I drink. As it is not dehydration, ´enjoying´ some laxating tea now before walking to kick start the bowl movements :-)

    Will down a large glass with ZeoBent when I get back from the walk.

    Wishing you happy motivation too guys!!

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimyu View Post
    I started the year with great results, but for the last 6-8 weeks I haven't had a single white carb or had anything sweet and I walk 10000 steps a day. I was swimming but broke a rib so haven't been for 3 week. I've put on .3 kg :(

    Still I'm positive as my blood sugar seems to have dropped significantly (I was diagnosed as diabetic in Feb) so that is really encouraging.
    As I mentioned in an earlier post, please don't let the scales determine your progress. As you are more mindful of what goes into your body now and you are keeping your steps up, there is a good chance you are building muscle which weighs more than fat.

    Take photos for progress. There is a reason 'The Body Coach' call scales the sad step.

  13. #213
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    Weigh in day 2 lbs loss. Very pleased.

    Been a disciplined week and put a lot of effort in the gym. Can notice change in body shape now and am building muscle as I've added in weights.

  14. #214
    Master Thewatchbloke's Avatar
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    Today is exactly 1 year since I started exercising regularly again and I've lost 22kg since the start of my journey. I now have the same waist measurement as I had when I was 18 and I'm 56 next month. I feel great, I'm lean, have muscle definition again (even a six pack!) and have never felt better. There's been no aches or pains since I started which is great 'cos I'd normally suffer a couple of back or neck spasms (a few days of intense discomfort) each year. 30 mins every morning when I wake and 45 mins in the evening 4 or 5 times a week whilst I catch up on the boxed sets. What's not to like?

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thewatchbloke View Post
    Today is exactly 1 year since I started exercising regularly again and I've lost 22kg since the start of my journey. I now have the same waist measurement as I had when I was 18 and I'm 56 next month. I feel great, I'm lean, have muscle definition again (even a six pack!) and have never felt better. There's been no aches or pains since I started which is great 'cos I'd normally suffer a couple of back or neck spasms (a few days of intense discomfort) each year. 30 mins every morning when I wake and 45 mins in the evening 4 or 5 times a week whilst I catch up on the boxed sets. What's not to like?
    That sure is reason to feel GREAT!
    If only....

    I am beyond that point I am afraid. My body shape is, at 60, not going to be the shape it had 40 years ago. Never mind how much I train, how many hay bales I haul and chuck or I fu... euh exercise for half an hour in the morning hour in the evening. The muscle tone, skin elasticity is not the same and fatty tissue is not distributed as evenly under the skin either.
    At 18 I was still developing. From 25 to 35 I was very fit and trim for racing. Was 76-78 well muscled, lean kilos at 185 cms. of height.

    If I go back to the same weight I had back then, to the same waist, I will have skinny arms/legs and an emaciated looking face.
    I still have some very nice leather jackets from that era which I would LOVE to wear but it just is not going to happen. It is like my hair. I still have some covering all of my scalp so have nothing to complain about, but it is thin and white, nothing like the thick, wavy mass I had back then.

    It is simply different and has it's own charm.
    Akin 20 year old girls versus 40-50 year old women. The latter are nowhere near alike yet when well maintained and aged well, ever so attractive. Imo a LOT more attractive.

    But, congrats that you have managed to get back to 18 y.o. shape

  16. #216
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    Congratulations indeed!

    I know what you mean about body shape. Diet and exercise I may but I cannot get rid of that extra fat around the middle. In fact all that seems to have happened is I've built up my stomach muscles underneath the fat and that's had the effect of pushing my stomach out even more :-(

    Liposuction maybe?


    Quote Originally Posted by Huertecilla View Post
    That sure is reason to feel GREAT!
    If only....

    I am beyond that point I am afraid. My body shape is, at 60, not going to be the shape it had 40 years ago. Never mind how much I train, how many hay bales I haul and chuck or I fu... euh exercise for half an hour in the morning hour in the evening. The muscle tone, skin elasticity is not the same and fatty tissue is not distributed as evenly under the skin either.
    At 18 I was still developing. From 25 to 35 I was very fit and trim for racing. Was 76-78 well muscled, lean kilos at 185 cms. of height.

    If I go back to the same weight I had back then, to the same waist, I will have skinny arms/legs and an emaciated looking face.
    I still have some very nice leather jackets from that era which I would LOVE to wear but it just is not going to happen. It is like my hair. I still have some covering all of my scalp so have nothing to complain about, but it is thin and white, nothing like the thick, wavy mass I had back then.

    It is simply different and has it's own charm.
    Akin 20 year old girls versus 40-50 year old women. The latter are nowhere near alike yet when well maintained and aged well, ever so attractive. Imo a LOT more attractive.

    But, congrats that you have managed to get back to 18 y.o. shape

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    Liposuction maybe?
    Nah, the risks are not nearly worth such a none to light operation. Also; these individual things make you you imo.

    I have broken my nose twice and it is a bit crooked on the bridge but it does not impair my breathing so no way it gets ' corrected'.
    Ripped up my left eyelid/eyebrow when 17 and the resulting damage makes it droop a bit. It is starting to limit peripheral vision to the left and THAT makes me contemplate having it cut and stitched up higher. Should be possible with local aneastesia no?!

    Back to the shape shifting; call it wabi-sabi :-)

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor View Post
    As I mentioned in an earlier post, please don't let the scales determine your progress. As you are more mindful of what goes into your body now and you are keeping your steps up, there is a good chance you are building muscle which weighs more than fat.

    Take photos for progress. There is a reason 'The Body Coach' call scales the sad step.
    You are of course correct, but it is nice to see the scales move in the right direction especially when you are just swinging under/over 100kg...

    Just got back from my first swim in a month and feeling good though and took my new steinhart GMT for its first swim :)

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimyu View Post
    You are of course correct, but it is nice to see the scales move in the right direction especially when you are just swinging under/over 100kg...

    Just got back from my first swim in a month and feeling good though and took my new steinhart GMT for its first swim :)
    I fully understand. Whatever drives and motivates you.
    Great news about the swim!

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  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by 72bpm View Post
    I think we could form a support group here! I'm just in the "overweight" category. BMI 24.4. 3 years ago lost 9 Kg through dieting and illness! Honestly, never felt better. Over the last 3 years gradually gained it all back. I make sure I have a low carb medium protein breakfast and a (very) large salad with fruits for lunch, dinner, standard indian! I find I lose a kilo a week. It should be easy but my lack of will power and love of food comes in the way!
    Determined to lose a stone my end of April. Let us all motivate and help each other and see how we get on. Yes We Can!
    After a few false starts in March. Started a serious effort 3 weeks back. Doing well (I think) lost 2.5 Kg so far. Despite pigging out the bank holiday weekend. Diet is usually a decent breakfast of 1 egg, mushrooms 150 to 200 grams and fruits. Lunch is a VERY large salad with beans and more fruits. Dinner is a curry - minus the rice and roti, fruits. Weekend I take a day off but with greatly reduced quantity of food. To put it in perspective half of what I would eat pre-diet! I must say it is very rare I get hunger pangs. Cautiously optimistic. Plan is to get down to 63 - 64 Kgs. Will keep you all posted.
    Last edited by 72bpm; 2nd June 2017 at 22:32.

  21. #221
    A little update

    I am now at my target at SW (in fact 1lb under) so 3stone 1lb, that means I am free every week (which was good motivation, because i am tight) it has taken 3.5months total

    I am just over 13stone now and feel like carrying on, I am not struggling with it and dont ever remember being in the 12's I have work to do this summer to tone up a bit

    SW start charging again when you drop more than 3lb from your target weight so the last few weeks I have been adding ballast, wearing jeans/belt instead of jogging bottoms, heavier tops, watches, change in my pockets etc, when i start carrying lead weights in my undercrackers I may stop going :)

    My OH and family are all concerned about me losing more, I understand it takes time to adapt to my weight loss but I am enjoying feeling better and want to take this opportunity to get to my optimum weight, at 6'2" I am not sure where that is but I am not 'thin'

    Will see how it goes

  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    My OH and family are all concerned about me losing more, I understand it takes time to adapt to my weight loss but I am enjoying feeling better and want to take this opportunity to get to my optimum weight, at 6'2" I am not sure where that is but I am not 'thin'
    Fantastic news and a huge congrats!

    Your OH and family will naturally be concerned due to the huge change in your appearance to what they are use to. I found that losing weight can be very addictive once you start seeing results but my wife had to rein me in a bit.
    Be sure to question yourself every now and again "am I at a stage that I will be happy to maintain from now on?" If the answer is no then carry on as long you carry on feeling healthy in yourself and you are happy. If the answer is yes, then you have a while new challenge of changing your food intake and exercise to maintain your weight, which I find the hardest.

    Although you want to keep loosing weight, be sure to pat yourself on the back for what you have already achieved. It's easy to underappreciate your achievements if you're always striving for that next goal.

    That's a crazy rule at SM. Be sure to stick to wearing big divers watches and stay away from titanium or any small vintage pieces

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  23. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    A little update

    My OH and family are all concerned about me losing more, I understand it takes time to adapt to my weight loss but I am enjoying feeling better and want to take this opportunity to get to my optimum weight, at 6'2" I am not sure where that is but I am not 'thin'

    Will see how it goes
    Congratulations - your "genetic potential" or whatever my trainer called it is your height in cm - 100. So you are 188 cm = 88 kg. This assumes about 8-10% body fat so add about 5 - 10 kg of muscle and you will be about there (depending on body-fat)

  24. #224
    I would also ignore your family if you are happy - in 6 months they will be asking you for weight loss advice...

  25. #225
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    At 6'2" I'd say you don't have much more to lose to be at your optimum weight.

    Well done again!

  26. #226
    Thanks all :)

  27. #227
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    A bit stuck at the same weight whatever I do. Only a few days but still; I WANT TO SEE THE SCALES DROP!!!

    At 1.85 I want to reach 85 kilos and am stuck at the threshold of 90. It is a psychological, motivational barrier.
    I cannot eat any less so... more exercise it is. Cycled my son to school this morning, did the farm routine and going out for a larger round after coffee. Quite a challenge as there is no round possible without serious inclines over here. No gears, no brakes on my 1900 replica racer bike. But hey, I want to loose weight so why complain about the extra effort.
    Not getting on the scales till the weekend and will be cycling to no end: I WILL go under the 90. Period!

  28. #228
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    ...and then you crash through the barrier.

    Hauled 25.000 kilos of hay bales under roof and kept up the cycling; lost a kilo and a half!

  29. #229
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    36 degrees Celsius in the shade, absolutely sweltering under the sun.
    Hard to spend energy through excersize.
    Getting up extra early to do the mileage on the bike. Even so it is hot as the wind is warm.

    VeryVERY hard to keep it up. Just hanging on under the 90 kilos. It is ever so inviting to poor myself a ccccold refreshing ginger ale in the shade on the terrace...

    How are you guys doing?

  30. #230
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    Ordered a takeaway last night AND a few drinks as well. My excuse is wife and son are away to India for a brief holiday.
    Should have stayed strong. Just 2 more Kgs to my target weight. It will just take little bit longer. I have come to the conclusion losing weight is not the problem keeping it off is!

  31. #231
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    Reverted back to using my fitness pal. I had hoped that my initial success with this app would mean that I would have more of a feel for portion size and healthy eating commensurate with stable weight. I was wrong. Back once again to tracking calories in calories out.bit of a pain but it works!

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  32. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by 72bpm View Post
    Ordered a takeaway last night AND a few drinks as well. My excuse is wife and son are away to India for a brief holiday.
    Should have stayed strong. Just 2 more Kgs to my target weight. It will just take little bit longer. I have come to the conclusion losing weight is not the problem keeping it off is!
    Stay strong its just one day, right if off and start again

    My thinking is that to lose it and keep it off you need to think long term, no point having short term goals and reverting back to old habits, for me at least it was/is a huge lifestyle change and the bad days are inevitable

    I am at my target weight now but I am still doing/eating the same as I was when trying to lose (although a little more and a bit less strict) some weeks I may gain and most of the time I lose a little, eventually I will get the balance right

  33. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by 72bpm View Post
    Ordered a takeaway last night AND a few drinks as well. My excuse is wife and son are away to India for a brief holiday.
    Should have stayed strong. Just 2 more Kgs to my target weight. It will just take little bit longer. I have come to the conclusion losing weight is not the problem keeping it off is!

    A mistress/lover would do it. Keeps your mind off eating AND costs quite a bit of energy. VERY motivational too: ´mine´ sent me a video of me a year ago and lycra cycling trunks. I am quite resolved to stay even stricter still :-)

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    Motivational link

    The 5 kilos I can still shed are a bit ´compromised´ in that I am building up muscle too. As such shedding 5 will be quite a bit more in fat.
    At the moment I must, based on calory intake/used, still be dropping >1 kilo of fat per week but my weight is going down by less than a pound only.
    That would mean 12 weeks to go still....
    On the bright side is that it will be my set routine life style by that time!

  35. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    Stay strong its just one day, right if off and start again

    My thinking is that to lose it and keep it off you need to think long term, no point having short term goals and reverting back to old habits, for me at least it was/is a huge lifestyle change and the bad days are inevitable

    I am at my target weight now but I am still doing/eating the same as I was when trying to lose (although a little more and a bit less strict) some weeks I may gain and most of the time I lose a little, eventually I will get the balance right
    Thank you for your encouragement. Absolutely, I think any diet should be test against the principle - Can this be done lifelong? If the diet passes then it will be OK. All I'm trying to do is eat sensibly, meaning no snacking no eating rubbish and eating less! If I get hunger pangs I snack on some fruits always carry an extra banana & an apple in my rucksack. I've always loved food and and have overate my way through life. After hitting the 40s + and watching most of my friends lose weight I felt it was time to lose some weight. Luckily I'm not too overweight so 7 Kg loss should do it. Idea is to get my BMI in the middle of the range. Then work on strength building and improving cardiovascular endurance.

  36. #236
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    Was on a lower calorie intake for two days and then went down with a summer cold. Frustrating

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  37. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeepie View Post
    Was on a lower calorie intake for two days and then went down with a summer cold. Frustrating

    Medical definition of ´summer cold´: A popular term for hay fever. Although the symptoms of a "summer cold" may be similar to those of a real cold, the term "summer cold" is a misnomer. Unlike a real cold, it is not caused by a virus but by allergy. It is therefore also called allergic rhinitis, a runny nose due to an allergy.

    Good luck with that. Unfun and rather thwarting outside excercise indeed.

    Ate normal this weekend, just not copiously, to give the system a boost and material for muscles.
    Starting Monday I have upped the ante on the excersise and drop by at the municipal open air swimming pool when it opens for public hours. Hardly if any visitors than, so ideal to get some swimming done. Quite pleasant too; walk about 2 kms. to the pool, shower, do some laps, shower, rest and warm up in the sun, repeat and walk home.
    Getting up early to do the cycling before the heat and walk/swim before ´lunch´; feels a good spread of muscle use.

  38. #238
    Grand Master andrewcregan's Avatar
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    I had put a tiny bit of podge back on following a holiday, visiting family and then family visiting us.
    As tomorrow never comes, once my family flew home, I was straight into healthy eating/increased exercise mode.
    3 weeks later and I have shifted 10lbs / 4.5kg. Just put your mind to it, and have a bit of self control/discipline.

  39. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewcregan View Post
    3 weeks later and I have shifted 10lbs / 4.5kg.

    If only...
    I am calculating with 2 months for that.
    Got a wild party coming up in 3 weeks but 2 kilos tops I think.
    Marginal gains phase for me. Building up as much muscles as shedding fat. Not lowering the numbers on the scale much.
    Swimming is a good example. Doing arm/shoulders a power of good but you do need your energy intake so it is more a shape shifting conversion than weight loss. Still good though!
    Crossing fingers that the new bicycle, opening up larger routes, will be another impulse.

  40. #240
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Driffield, UK
    Despite the thread title I seem to have lost my motivation :-( Too many crap things going on in my life at the moment. I've hit 12'6" and I wanted to get down to 12'.

  41. #241
    Master senwar's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by solwisesteve View Post
    Despite the thread title I seem to have lost my motivation :-( Too many crap things going on in my life at the moment. I've hit 12'6" and I wanted to get down to 12'.
    Don't let it get to you - at best just maintain around.

    I got down to 12st 2lb about 4yrs ago, and desperately wanted to see 11st something (I started off just under 18st gulp). I didn't get below 12 then hovered around 12st7 - 12st10 for a year or so. Sadly I lost all motivation and let things get the better of me when moving house 2yrs ago and now weigh 15st 10lb. I just can't shift it (well i suppose I could if i didn't make excuses). But its bloody heartbreaking getting so close then letting yourself down later.

    I keep looking at this thread and thinking come on now, others can, you can etc (and I've done it before). But I've no idea why I can't

  42. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by jeepie View Post
    Reverted back to using my fitness pal. I had hoped that my initial success with this app would mean that I would have more of a feel for portion size and healthy eating commensurate with stable weight. I was wrong. Back once again to tracking calories in calories out.bit of a pain but it works!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Something else you might find helpful is to take a photo of your meals and snacks and upload them to instagram or twitter or similar - it's something we do with our athletes frequently and there are studies showing how effective this technique can be in helping accountability.

  43. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashtennisguru View Post
    Something else you might find helpful is to take a photo of your meals and snacks and upload them to instagram or twitter or similar - it's something we do with our athletes frequently and there are studies showing how effective this technique can be in helping accountability.
    Great idea. I'll try that too - thanks so much.

  44. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashtennisguru View Post
    Something else you might find helpful is to take a photo of your meals and snacks and upload them to instagram or twitter or similar - it's something we do with our athletes frequently and there are studies showing how effective this technique can be in helping accountability.
    Good reality check that.
    The trick ones are the little snacks though. They do add up.

    This morning both the resident female and I went out early for a morning excersize to beat the sun heating things up too much.
    She walked 12 kilometers, I cycled 17. Only 17 because I am still adjusting to the new bike.
    She was/is rather pissed off that she took three times as long yet the app says she spent only two thirds of the calories.
    Cycling, if you push yourself, really is effective.
    Swimming even more so but that is way less practical unless you have your own pool. Speaking of swimming, we aim to be in the municipal pool at 13.00 and get some laps in before it gets too crowded.

    As to the scales. For the moment I am not giving importance to the readings as I know I am converting fat in muscle. The shape shifting is notable in how my clothes fit. Very motivating that!

    What the scales ´should´ read is a bone of contention anyway. Not only do the various target/ideal weight calculators give widely varying numbers, the different women in my life are worse still. From ´I don´t really notice; I love you the/any way you are´ to ´WOW your man boobs have shrunk; only a good handfull now´...
    Bottom line it means I will get to what I myself am most happy with and that is a fair bit of effort away still.
    So, cycling/swimming, no soft drinks/alcohol, eating a bit less and more sensible for some time yet. Good chance it is becoming part of the life style.

  45. #245
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    I was about 220lbs at one point and at 5'10" I looked and felt pretty fat. When my second kid was on her way I decided to sort myself out - wanted to be around for the long haul for both of them, if I could. For me it was a mix of building muscle and cutting down massively on carbs. It was a lifestyle change and I quickly found that I felt better when my blood sugar levels weren't peaking and crashing all the time. I did use a personal trainer for a couple of months and then took on gym twice a week on my own. I really enjoy it now - a great way to vent when I need to and energising rather than exhausting. I'm now 176lbs - about the shape I was in my late 20's. I'm 52. My diet is still low carb but I eat any and all veggies and a plenty of fish and chicken. I don't eat a lot of red meat. Probably the hardest part has been lunches - really quite hard to buy ready-made stuff that isn't very heavy on carbs - bread, rice, pasta, spuds. And I still drink booze when I want to but usually avoid beer and cider...

    From what ive heard, permanently low carb diets aren't for everyone. Some folks don't respond to it in the same way and need to instead focus on low fats. I believe one can now get DNA testing which gives decent pointers on that, amongst other things.

  46. #246
    Some other little fat loss hacks for those that are interested...

    a) Drink a glass of lemon water first thing each morning - good for the immune system and can kick start the metabolism
    b) Swap your teas and coffees for green tea - green tea has a thermogenic effect
    c) When you're not drinking green tea drink ice cold water (ideally charcoal filtered)
    d) Spice up your diet - capsaicin has a thermogenic effect
    e) Take cold showers (like turn the dial waaaay down!) - cold thermogenisis activates brown adipose tissue and it burns through the white adipose tissue normally found around your tummy. Plus, cold thermogenisis has numerous other health benefits - hormone function, improved sexual performance, lowers blood sugar, can fix thyroid issues, enhances immune function and improves deep sleep quality to name but a few.
    f) Set a timer on your phone to go off hourly and on the timer do 15 body weight squats or 10 press-ups or burpees or similar - by the end of a typical working day you'll have done over 100 squats or 80ish press-ups. Set similar challenges - every time you open the fridge do 15 squats or hang a pull up bar above the kitchen door and do 3/4/5 pull ups each time you go through.

    These obviously are the icing on the cake and require the main bulk of your fat loss regime to be on point (diet) - doing these whilst eating 4000 calories of KFC a day is unlikely to see you shred!

  47. #247
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    Nov 2013
    Weigh in Monday AM - 65.9. Despite (homemade) chicken biryani and 4 whiskies (Glenfiddich 18 YO just in case anyone wants to know!) Nearly there, 65 was my (self appointed) target. Hoping to get down to 63 by the middle of August. Then starts the bigger challenge - keeping it off! I now sort of know what to eat and what to avoid, more importantly how much to eat! Especially of the not so good stuff - rice, wheat. Not much of a sweet tooth, stopping sugar in my coffee > 23 years ago. I will probably fluctuate between 63 - 64 Kgs. Much better than 70 Kgs I started with.
    Thanks to all here for putting this idea in my head.

  48. #248
    I just read this whole thread start to finish whilst demolishing a tub of Ben & Jerry's phish food. Oh, the irony.

    All jokes aside, I seriously need to pull my finger out. I've never been the smallest guy, but ballooned since I stopped training shortly after my daughter was born. I'm seriously bloody fat now, well the wrong side of twenty stone, and I feel it.

  49. #249
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by khumzi View Post
    I was about 220lbs at one point and at 5'10" I looked and felt pretty fat. When my second kid was on her way I decided to sort myself out - wanted to be around for the long haul for both of them, if I could. For me it was a mix of building muscle and cutting down massively on carbs. It was a lifestyle change and I quickly found that I felt better when my blood sugar levels weren't peaking and crashing all the time. I did use a personal trainer for a couple of months and then took on gym twice a week on my own. I really enjoy it now - a great way to vent when I need to and energising rather than exhausting. I'm now 176lbs - about the shape I was in my late 20's. I'm 52. My diet is still low carb but I eat any and all veggies and a plenty of fish and chicken. I don't eat a lot of red meat. Probably the hardest part has been lunches - really quite hard to buy ready-made stuff that isn't very heavy on carbs - bread, rice, pasta, spuds. And I still drink booze when I want to but usually avoid beer and cider...

    From what ive heard, permanently low carb diets aren't for everyone. Some folks don't respond to it in the same way and need to instead focus on low fats. I believe one can now get DNA testing which gives decent pointers on that, amongst other things.
    Also it is expensive in my opinion, £ 3 to 4. A salad takes me 5 min to make, as a compromise I use store bought dressing, not the best but I only use a tablespoon or so. Occasionally make my own, a large batch to last me a few days. Always have fruits in my bag banana, apples make it point to carry a medium takeaway container of fruits as well. The 4 PM hunger pangs are the worst so the banana/apple helps!

  50. #250
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by senwar View Post
    I keep looking at this thread and thinking come on now, others can, you can etc (and I've done it before). But I've no idea why I can't
    Ive been there many times before and I'm sure most of us have. I was there when I started this thread. I'm now over 2 1/2 stone down but it's taken months.

    I think it's hard to get motivated until you can see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel - that may be a couple of lbs, or a good exercise session. Take small steps, commit to say 3 days and see how you feel then. Start today and commit until Friday morning and see how You feel when you wake up Then?

    I'm about to go on a two week med cruise (which is what made me commit in the first place), enjoying that, compromising, upping the exercise and undoing any damage will be the really test for me.

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