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Thread: Important notice regarding posting pictures

  1. #101

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    you wrote: "I mean to upload to your own hosting provider or website. As Eddie mentioned and as you discovered, there is a small size limit for attachments added directly to TZ-UK posts. The solution is to link to one's own web-accessible pictures."

    So I have around 7,000 photos and other images of the vintage Heuers on my own website and now I should begin to create a parallel universe of images that have been (a) edited, to reduce the size to come within TZ-UK paramenters, and then (b) uploaded to another location on the internet (or perhaps some area of my website for the TZ-UK photos).

    I appreciate the suggestion, but this is does not seem workable; massive waste of time and bandwidth.


  2. #102
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheDash
    you wrote: "I mean to upload to your own hosting provider or website. As Eddie mentioned and as you discovered, there is a small size limit for attachments added directly to TZ-UK posts. The solution is to link to one's own web-accessible pictures."

    So I have around 7,000 photos and other images of the vintage Heuers on my own website and now I should begin to create a parallel universe of images that have been (a) edited, to reduce the size to come within TZ-UK paramenters, and then (b) uploaded to another location on the internet (or perhaps some area of my website for the TZ-UK photos).

    I appreciate the suggestion, but this is does not seem workable; massive waste of time and bandwidth.

    The forum limit for images is now 1024 pixels wide, which is the maximum resolution for 40% of this forum's users (I can see this info from the stats program I use). If you are already hosting these images on your own website, there is no reason why you can't simply link to those images. If you think it's all a waste of time and bandwidth, then you're not really a team player on this forum, are you?

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  3. #103

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheDash
    you wrote: "I mean to upload to your own hosting provider or website. As Eddie mentioned and as you discovered, there is a small size limit for attachments added directly to TZ-UK posts. The solution is to link to one's own web-accessible pictures."

    So I have around 7,000 photos and other images of the vintage Heuers on my own website and now I should begin to create a parallel universe of images that have been (a) edited, to reduce the size to come within TZ-UK paramenters, and then (b) uploaded to another location on the internet (or perhaps some area of my website for the TZ-UK photos).

    I appreciate the suggestion, but this is does not seem workable; massive waste of time and bandwidth.

    The forum limit for images is now 1024 pixels wide, which is the maximum resolution for 40% of this forum's users (I can see this info from the stats program I use). If you are already hosting these images on your own website, there is no reason why you can't simply link to those images. If you think it's all a waste of time and bandwidth, then you're not really a team player on this forum, are you?

    What a bizarre response!! You've missed the whole point of the discussion. I suggested that it was a waste of time and bandwidth to be resizing images and hosting a parallel set of images -- an original set on my website and another set for use on TZ-UK. It's not "all" a waste of time, but that approach certainly would be.

    I'll stand on my record as a team player in the community of vintage watch collectors, your suggestion to the contrary notwithstanding. I've also enjoyed this forum, other than the rudeness shown in your response.


  4. #104
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheDash
    you wrote: "I mean to upload to your own hosting provider or website. As Eddie mentioned and as you discovered, there is a small size limit for attachments added directly to TZ-UK posts. The solution is to link to one's own web-accessible pictures."

    So I have around 7,000 photos and other images of the vintage Heuers on my own website and now I should begin to create a parallel universe of images
    This seems to imply that you want to post all 7000 images (or a large number of them) to TZ-UK in some form! I'm sure this is not really the case, is it? If you already have your images accessible online you can just tell people to go directly to your site and you need only post a few 'taster' images to TZ-UK.

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheDash
    that have been (a) edited, to reduce the size to come within TZ-UK paramenters, and then (b) uploaded to another location on the internet (or perhaps some area of my website for the TZ-UK photos).
    Addressing each of your points in turn:

    a) As I said, why not create 'thumbnails' for the images that you wish to share on TZ-UK. It's what I do. This is most certainly not a "parallel universe", as you put it. Afterall, you'll only need to do it for images you intend to post on TZ-UK which is likely, on the whole I would have thought, to only be a few.

    I write 'thumbnail' in quotes here because in fact I size the 'thumbnail' right up to TZ-UK's 1024x1000 pixel limit for externally hosted images and then, in the forum post, I make the image a link to the full size image. You can see an example here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=186679 . (Click the Quote button on the post to see how I did it in the soure code, in case you're not familiar with BBCode).

    I usually create my 'thumbnails' manually using but if you really do need to create them en masse just use an automated thumbnail generator. I occasionally use RightThumb ( ) but there are others you could use.

    b) No need to use another location on the Internet. As you say, why not simply use an area of your existing website. It's what I do and it works fine. It's simple and straightforward. You can see the directory layout I use in the example I linked above.

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheDash
    I appreciate the suggestion, but this is does not seem workable; massive waste of time and bandwidth.
    I can tell you that it's entirely workable since it's exactly what I do. It's not a waste of time because it doesn't take very much time and it's not a waste of bandwidth. If anything, it saves bandwidth since most people never bother to click on the full size images if you make the 'thumbnails' big enough (and 1024x1000 max size is usually big enough for most people).

    In short, it's honestly not that big a deal. Unless you really are intending to post all 7000 of your full size images (or a significant part of them) to TZ-UK (which would make no sense since I understand you already have them displayed on your own site) then you just don't need to do all that much editing/thumbnailing. You only need to do it for the comparatively few images you will post to TZ-UK. If people want to see the bulk of your images then they'll simply click on the link(s) to your site and come look at them there.

  5. #105
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    I think there has been a bit of a mix up here, all Jeff was trying to do was find out what the parameters were.

    He was vexed by the message that sometimes pops up saying something like "Unable to determine image size" (for an image within the limit). I get this occasionally, then if I hit the 'post' button again it uploads the post just fine. Maybe it's just a bug, who knows.

    When he said about having to re-create another set of images, he simply meant on his own server not this one.

    PS. Has Jeffs account been wiped - I'm getting nothing when I hit 'profile'?

  6. #106
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by europa
    When he said about having to re-create another set of images, he simply meant on his own server not this one.
    That is what I understood him to be saying. My comments were in that context.

  7. #107
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon
    Quote Originally Posted by europa
    When he said about having to re-create another set of images, he simply meant on his own server not this one.
    That is what I understood him to be saying. My comments were in that context.
    Oh righto - sorry, my mistake.

  8. #108
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by europa
    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon
    Quote Originally Posted by europa
    When he said about having to re-create another set of images, he simply meant on his own server not this one.
    That is what I understood him to be saying. My comments were in that context.
    Oh righto - sorry, my mistake.
    No need to apologise. That is what I understood him to be saying if I understood what you were saying correctly. ;-)

    It seemed to me that Jeff was vexed not only because of the spurious(?) error messages but also (latterly) because he would have to resize his huge collection of hires images to display them on TZ-UK. I was pointing out to him that unless he was seriously intending to post every single image on TZ-UK(!) then it wouldn't be such a big deal as he seemed to think it would be (i.e. he'd only be posting some of his images as he went along, so to speak). According to what he said he clearly already had the resources needed to be able to display a reasonable number of his images on TZ-UK (linking back to his own site for the full hires versions) without having to go to significant extra effort to do so. His concerns (i.e. time and effort to resize images) could all be addressed in a reasonable and practicable manner by technical means available to him for free.

  9. #109

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Thanks to everyone for the good dialog on this issue. I look forward to continued participation on TZ-UK, using primarily the images that I have on my website.

    Thanks again,


  10. #110

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Sure thing. No Problem :)

  11. #111

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures


    Wanted - Damasko DC57

  12. #112

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Thanks for the heads-up! :bounce:

  13. #113
    Join Date
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    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    How about this, Eddie. A new BBCode snippet, which will auto-scale images to max 800px wide. Width will scale proportionally on all recent browsers - if the image is already smaller it won't be enlarged. I've tested it on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE7,8,9

    because the max-width is not specified in the bbcode snippet, but is instead in the replacement html, you can change that max globally without having to update any post content.

  14. #114

    Re: Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Can you please restrict the width of any picture you post to not more than 500 pixels wide. Any wider than this and it affects the formatting of the page.
    If you keep a high res image on your computer and upload it to Photobucket as a copy. . . Photobucket lets you cut down the size as required.

    It's quite easy and other people have covered it in other posts . . .

  15. #115
    Craftsman Sulie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacDeath View Post
    If you keep a high res image on your computer and upload it to Photobucket as a copy. . . Photobucket lets you cut down the size as required.

    It's quite easy and other people have covered it in other posts . . .
    Many thanks, wish I read this before I uploaded my profile pic LOl ...first reply and first day on this site

  16. #116
    Master Plake's Avatar
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    With regards to the new photobucket, it is now massively annoying for those of us using tapatalk as the default settings have changed. When a thumbnail is tapped, instead of opening up a full definition picture as it used to, it instead (very slowly) opens up a photobucket page with a non zoomable picture. I've stopped looking at watch talk and sales corner posts/photos with this setting.

    You can disable this in 2 easy steps:

    1) From your photobucket home page click on "update link options"
    2) Unselect the box that says "Link back to albums" and save.

    Hey presto, loads more appreciative viewers.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Plake View Post
    With regards to the new photobucket, it is now massively annoying for those of us using tapatalk as the default settings have changed. When a thumbnail is tapped, instead of opening up a full definition picture as it used to, it instead (very slowly) opens up a photobucket page with a non zoomable picture. I've stopped looking at watch talk and sales corner posts/photos with this setting.

    You can disable this in 2 easy steps:

    1) From your photobucket home page click on "update link options"
    2) Unselect the box that says "Link back to albums" and save.

    Hey presto, loads more appreciative viewers.
    I agree. I do feel sorry for sellers who don't use the IMG tag, but sometimes I just skip interesting sales posts altogether because I can't see the photos properly. I'm sure people are missing out on a few impulse buyers by posting pictures incorrectly. I use tapatalk pretty much 99% of the times.

    There's a post elsewhere about this too. I may bump it again.

  18. #118
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    Just noticed that a pic from twitter will work - but not sure how long the link will "last".

    Photobucket is currently very annoying!

  19. #119
    Master Yorkshiremadmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shauno View Post
    Just noticed that a pic from twitter will work - but not sure how long the link will "last".

    Photobucket is currently very annoying!
    I will not use photobucket too annoying But on my mac book it's hard to resize, but I've no problems viewing any pictures on here?
    Computers Love em Hate em where would we be without em ;-)

  20. #120
    Craftsman ArghZombies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yorkshiremadmick View Post
    I will not use photobucket too annoying But on my mac book it's hard to resize, but I've no problems viewing any pictures on here?
    Computers Love em Hate em where would we be without em ;-)
    If it's resizing that you're having issues with then just use IMGUR.COM. So much cleaner than photobucket and all those ad-y bloated places. Plus it's free.

    For instance, take one of my pics I have on there:

    You can resize it just by adding a letter to the end of the ID. 't' for tiny, 'm' for medium, 'l' for large and 'h' for huge.

    So to see the medium version of my image: (note the 'm' at the end of the ID).

    Obviously you can wrap it in the [IMG] tags too, to embed them inline.

    Why anyone uses photobucket in this day and age just totally baffles me. It's like hosting your pictures on Geocities or Myspace or something like that.

  21. #121
    Since changing to IPhone 6 , somehow am unable to upload pics to Photobucket with their website. Downloaded the photobucket app and seems there is no way to individually upload pics on PB using the app. Only thing it lets you do is back up the entire photo stream on the PB.

  22. #122
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    30 meters is about the height of the tower of London.
    It's a long way under water.
    Assuming new seals washing up would be fine.
    Even swimming in a pool should be.

    I did once flood a 50m wr casio by timing how long I could hold my breath under water. In fairness the instructions did say the buttons on 50m watches should not be pressed underwater, but it's OK to on 100m watches.


  23. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave S View Post
    30 meters is about the height of the tower of London.
    It's a long way under water.
    Assuming new seals washing up would be fine.
    Even swimming in a pool should be.

    I did once flood a 50m wr casio by timing how long I could hold my breath under water. In fairness the instructions did say the buttons on 50m watches should not be pressed underwater, but it's OK to on 100m watches.

    Why are you posting this on this sticky???

  24. #124
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    That was supposed to go on a different thread. I wondered where it had gone.

  25. #125
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    Newbie need advice please!

    Hello all/Eddie,

    I have struggled to post any images. Can't work it out, which I know makes me a wally as you all seem to manage! I have a SmugMug account where I keep my photos. I can grab the url from there but I can't seem to get the image to work here. Can anyone please help?
    Thanks, Tom

  26. #126
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    You need to put the url between these img]. [img. My photobucket account does it automatically but they are on here somewhere?!!!!


  27. #127
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    Last edited by tom waring; 28th January 2017 at 17:53.

  28. #128
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  29. #129
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    I can't see the pic tom but as you can see if you put your url between [Img] [/Img] it will host.


  30. #130
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    Got it! Thank you for the help.

  31. #131
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    When you make a reply, hover your mouse over the icons to see a description of what each one does.
    The one like a picture – click on it and see what happens.
    In the field presented, paste your photo’s url (web address beginning www. and ending in jpg/jpeg/gif/png), then select the OK button.
    Job jobbed.

  32. #132
    Master dice's Avatar
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    Images are a piece of...easy, when you figure them out. Below is a screenshot of the post as I see it in the editor, before posting.

    And the image goes in, just like this.

    Note that you need to have the image hosted somewhere online first. I recommend imgur, but its your choice.

  33. #133
    Master Pitch3110's Avatar
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    Sorry chaps photobucket is doing my head in so trying Flickr but struggling
    Last edited by Pitch3110; 25th April 2017 at 22:23.

  34. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post
    Sorry chaps photobucket is doing my head in so trying Flickr but struggling
    With Flickr you have to use 'Share' then BBCode link.

  35. #135
    Master Yorkshiremadmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dice View Post
    Images are a piece of...easy, when you figure them out. Below is a screenshot of the post as I see it in the editor, before posting.

    And the image goes in, just like this.

    Note that you need to have the image hosted somewhere online first. I recommend imgur, but its your choice.

    NOW THAT'S a ROLEX I'm now droooling :-P

  36. #136
    Craftsman Oysterman's Avatar
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    I'll give it a go here,

  37. #137
    Craftsman Oysterman's Avatar
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    Just for info ,the above image is the first I have posted using imgur , and I am a complete numpty when it comes to posting pics, if I can do it then it must be straightforward.

  38. #138
    Master Glen Goyne's Avatar
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    Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Photobucket is acting up. See the Friday thread today, everyone is hitting "third party hosting" limits and being asked to subscribe to a paid plan. Is imgur the next best thing?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  39. #139

  40. #140
    Craftsman ChromeJob's Avatar
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    Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by Glen Goyne View Post
    Photobucket is acting up. See the Friday thread today, everyone is hitting "third party hosting" limits and being asked to subscribe to a paid plan. Is imgur the next best thing?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    In a word …*YES.

    Imgur has little text boxes to copy and paste BBcode for a variety of types of forums and web sites. There's even a trick with the mobile app that if you copy the link to the image itself (tap photo to show full screen, the tap/hold to get "share/copy link" URL), then paste into a forum editor, if you append "l" or "m" to the filename, the image will be a "large" or "medium" version of your image, resized at the server. E.g. MYIMAGE.JPG becomes MYIMAGEl.jpg or MYIMAGEm.jpg.

    Photobucket can go bucket themselves. Recnetly when I click a URL link to view an image on the Photophucket site, I've gotten a popup ad that obscures the image, then redirect to a new page for another ad, and then a third popup ad appears on top of that. I never get to see the image! Their advertising has completely overwhelmed and ruined their primary purpose for existing. Screw them. I don't even click the links anymore.

  41. #141
    Master Glen Goyne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeJob View Post
    In a word …*YES.

    Imgur has little text boxes to copy and paste BBcode for a variety of types of forums and web sites. There's even a trick with the mobile app that if you copy the link to the image itself (tap photo to show full screen, the tap/hold to get "share/copy link" URL), then paste into a forum editor, if you append "l" or "m" to the filename, the image will be a "large" or "medium" version of your image, resized at the server. E.g. MYIMAGE.JPG becomes MYIMAGEl.jpg or MYIMAGEm.jpg.

    Photobucket can go bucket themselves. Recnetly when I click a URL link to view an image on the Photophucket site, I've gotten a popup ad that obscures the image, then redirect to a new page for another ad, and then a third popup ad appears on top of that. I never get to see the image! Their advertising has completely overwhelmed and ruined their primary purpose for existing. Screw them. I don't even click the links anymore.
    Thanks. I will try tomorrow. On windows the large adds have become annoying and copy paste always had issues for me as well.

    update: imgur works fine but has no grid view on the website or mobile app. my albums have quite some watch pics and I don't want to scroll through them in nearly full screen mode. Looking further.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Glen Goyne; 2nd July 2017 at 06:54.

  42. #142
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    Just a test to if I managed to post a pic!!
    Last edited by P4u1; 23rd July 2017 at 19:37. Reason: pic didnt load

  43. #143
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    Last edited by Devonian; 23rd July 2017 at 23:04.

  44. #144
    Master seffrican's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glen Goyne View Post
    ... imgur works fine but has no grid view on the website ....
    Um, are you quite sure about that? It was there last time I looked.

  45. #145
    Master Glen Goyne's Avatar
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    Important notice regarding posting pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by seffrican View Post
    Um, are you quite sure about that? It was there last time I looked.
    I will check again. Pretty sure I googled it and found that the feature was removed.

    Update: this is what I get. Max two pics in view allowing me to scroll. A pain with bigger albums.
    Last edited by Glen Goyne; 24th July 2017 at 06:39.

  46. #146
    Master seffrican's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glen Goyne View Post
    I will check again. Pretty sure I googled it and found that the feature was removed.

    Update: this is what I get. Max two pics in view allowing me to scroll. A pain with bigger albums.
    I just checked and I have the grid view on both desktop (Windows 10) and mobile (Android).

  47. #147
    Master Glen Goyne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seffrican View Post
    I just checked and I have the grid view on both desktop (Windows 10) and mobile (Android).
    I have been going through options. Any option you set to accomplish this?

  48. #148
    Master seffrican's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glen Goyne View Post
    I have been going through options. Any option you set to accomplish this?
    No, it's vanilla.

  49. #149
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  50. #150
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