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Thread: Buying a Birth Year Watch???

  1. #1
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    Buying a Birth Year Watch???

    Where did this idea spring from? Was it from our friends across the pond ? Call me stupid but I just don't get it?

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    Last edited by tswatch66; 12th January 2017 at 13:43.

  2. #2
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    I don`t get it either, I really don`t. I`d never heard of it till a few years back and I laughed when someone suggested it. However, it does seem to have caught on with some folks.

    I grew out of birthdays when I stopped getting a cake with candles on, but some folks like to make a big thing about them, even when they're adults. Maybe it's a similar thing?


  3. #3
    I dont know answer, but i did buy a Breitling B1 off SC, only to find out the bracelet was not only produced on my sons year of birth but also the week of his birth.

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  4. #4
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    Silly if you ask me.

  5. #5
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    It's not an absolute necessity that all things are got by all people at all times.

    I assume that people have them as part of their collections because a) they can and b) they want to.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    It's not an absolute necessity that all things are got by all people at all times.

    I assume that people have them as part of their collections because a) they can and b) they want to.
    c) another excuse to buy another watch!!

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  7. #7
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Ive got a couple

    It was no big deal - just a bit of fun

  8. #8
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    I can suggest a few reasons, I don't know if they are the answer:
    - People often buy watches to mark a major life event, a significant birthday, or a marriage. Why not one to mark your birth?
    - If you've decided you like vintage watches from a particular period and have a few to choose from with different years, the one with your birth year might stand out, all other things being equal. There's no reason any year in that time period would mean anything to you personally, apart from that one, which seems unusually important.
    - Perhaps we are attracted to designs that relate to our first experiences of watches as young children, they would almost become archetypal watches for us, and become the meaning of the word 'watch' deep in our minds. Certainly I'm attracted to watches from the late 60s and early 70s. It might be a conincidence, but it could be a very particular and personal kind of nostalgia linked to our earliest experiences.
    - And finally, any excuse to buy another vintage watch!

    I actually have two birth year watches. It wasn't particularly intentional, but it does give them a little extra something, the thought that they've been around for the same time as I have and are still going strong. It makes them very slightly more interesting compared to a watch from another similar year, and that might be enough to drive something like this, and is something you might mention when taking about it or posting on a forum.
    Last edited by Itsguy; 12th January 2017 at 14:20.

  9. #9
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velorum View Post
    It was no big deal - just a bit of fun

    I've got an Omega made in 1961 and a Novus marked for 1962, either could have been sold in my birth year ('62).

    Would I have bought either if I didn't like them? No, of course not, but the fact that they've been ticking away as long as me gives them a little 'something' for me.

    Do I think everyone needs a birth year watch? No, only if the idea appeals.

    I can't understand why people even remark on it, really.

    I could just as easily say "Buying a Rolex???? Why do people do it? I don't get it!" - But of course, in reality, I presume they like the watches, so bought one...


  10. #10
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    It also extended to the Speedy Tuesday limited edition this week with people trying to get the number for the year of their birth.

    I was '61 baby and tried originally to buy a decent bottle of wine, but it turned out to be one of the vintages of the century in Bordeaux, so prices are crazy. Later I looked at Sports Rolex or a Speedmaster, but it is all gilt dials and pre-moon stuff and again prices are totally out of reach.

    Given up on the whole birth year thing now.

  11. #11
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wallasey Runner View Post
    It also extended to the Speedy Tuesday limited edition this week with people trying to get the number for the year of their birth.

    I was '61 baby and tried originally to buy a decent bottle of wine, but it turned out to be one of the vintages of the century in Bordeaux, so prices are crazy. Later I looked at Sports Rolex or a Speedmaster, but it is all gilt dials and pre-moon stuff and again prices are totally out of reach.

    Given up on the whole birth year thing now.
    When I first got interested in watches, it was through the Breitling Cosmonaute.

    It came out in 1962 and they are the most sought after (and expensive). I was prepared to spend the money, but I prefer the white sub dials (the early ones are all black), so I have a '67.

    I don't get hung up on 'birth year things', I have a 1969 car, not a '62, although I wouldn't say no to the gift of a 250 GTO or even a nice E-Type coupe if any wealthy sort is feeling generous

    I can't see the appeal of an expensive birth year bottle of wine, though, it'll either be vinegar or drunk once and gone - A watch (or a car) can give years of pleasure.


  12. #12
    Master JackW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsguy View Post
    If you've decided you like vintage watches from a particular period and have a few to choose from with different years, the one with your birth year might stand out, all other things being equal.
    Exactly. This is the reason why I have a 1980 Seiko 6309. I've had five or six of them, but this is the one that's staying. As others have said, it's not a big thing.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bravo View Post
    c) another excuse to buy another watch!!

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    When you put it like that it makes more sense!

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  14. #14
    It kind of makes sense to me if you're buying a vintage watch from a particular era. Say I was in the market for a vintage sub 5513, there are plenty available from 1966 - '84. I was born in '79 so a watch from that year has more significance to me than say one from 1981.

  15. #15
    Journeyman Halfling's Avatar
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    I like the idea tbh. Watches are emotive things, to many of us anyway. We choose them because they strike a chord. We like them. We see a beauty in a particular watch that others may not. I have yet to buy a birth year and I doubt I ever will but, the idea just adds a bit of fun to the mix.
    I'd be more likely to buy a Hamilton Intramatic '68 (my year) I saw yesterday on Worn and Wound. Not so much a birth year watch but one that tips it's hat to that era.

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  16. #16
    Craftsman Roy_Drage's Avatar
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    Buying a Birth Year Watch???

    Very good question, I've got a couple of Vintage Gillette razors from my birth year and quarter (how Gillette dated them) just because I could. It's my 50th this year and last night was idly browsing some very nice 1967 Speedmasters

  17. #17
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    It's not a big deal but it's kind of interesting, a bit like watching a film that was set around the time you were born - it brings it home to you how things have changed in your lifetime. I have two birth year watches and I've enjoyed owning them.

  18. #18
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    Just a bit of fun and perhaps an excuse to buy another watch.

    I have a birth year watch; I had a choice of a few so bought the one with my birth year ... why not.

  19. #19
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    I like the idea, as you age it comes along for the ride,we are all different, 68 5513 anybody?

  20. #20
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    Nothing to get really OP. If you had a choice between 2 watches that you like, dated one year apart, assuming conditions are the same, would you not go for your birth year? Conversation starter if nothing else: "how old is it?" "As old as I am" :-)

  21. #21
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tswatch66 View Post
    When you put it like that it makes more sense!
    Sure you're on the right forum if you need an excuse?


  22. #22
    Master daveyw's Avatar
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    We don't need excuses here- we make them

  23. #23
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Its interesting to hold something in your hand that is the same age as you and reflect upon life events and your own mortality.

  24. #24
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    I like the idea of a BY watch but only if it falls into the right category of vintage watch I want. I'd like a red sub but there isn't one for me. Still might pick up an AP 5402 one day.

  25. #25
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velorum View Post
    Its interesting to hold something in your hand that is the same age as you and reflect upon life events and your own mortality.
    Especially if the watch is old and knackered.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wallasey Runner View Post
    Especially if the watch is old and knackered.
    I'm old and knackered but I prefer my watches to be in better condition! Still not convinced on the BY bit but as has been said it's just a bit of fun so why not.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velorum View Post
    Ive got a couple

    It was no big deal - just a bit of fun
    Agreed. I fancied a Submariner and thought why not look for a birth year/older model as I don't really like he newer fat lug models and I found this 16800 from 1980 and absolutely love it.

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  28. #28
    Master Skier's Avatar
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    I have no idea where it came from and I can honestly say that my decision to buy one came from within, I'd never heard about it previously. I have a birth year Speedmaster, a 1964 Ed White. Around 5 years ago I came across the best example I had seen for sale; it was in Como, Italy and so I made a weekend of it and bought it (and got a boat trip on Lake Como with the seller). It came with box but no papers. It was a bit of fun and has proved an amazing investment though it will never be sold in my lifetime.

    Don't worry about 'getting it,' you don't have to. I don't 'get' Patek Philippe (with one exception), reality TV and many other things and don't give them a second thought. I think it's great that people have such a wide range of tastes, it keeps things interesting.
    Last edited by Skier; 13th January 2017 at 10:13.

  29. #29
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    Some people think it is a bad idea because you can end up paying a premium to get a birth year example. If you are after a vintage model it can vastly limited the available models on the market and may mean only poor examples are for sale.

    But I like the idea and will be adding a birth year watch to my collection in the future. I guess you have to be patient and wait for the right one to come up and be in a position to purchase it straight away!!

  30. #30
    I'd rather have a watch from around my 18th, 21st, 40th, or one of my kids birthdays - I think that's were some ideas have come from, buying a watch for a child's birth and then extrapolating that to themselves.
    It's just a matter of time...

  31. #31
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    I am also thinking to buy something from my birth year ('82), preferably a two tone datejust as they re pretty common, cheap and easy to find in decent condition.

  32. #32
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    I bought a watch from my birth year. Bulova Deep Sea.
    The reason was, that I was looking to get this particular model anyway. It was only made in that style for a few years so when one came up that was the right price and condition and my birth year it just seemed right.

    I also got a CWC G10 for my lad for his 16th from his birth year. Just because they're easy to date and fairly plentiful so it was fairly easy to source.

  33. #33
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    Not a birth watch but about a year ago I had been looking at Atmos clocks for about 6 months, I came across one where the seller, who services them for a hobby, had it listed and said that on inspection of the bellows unit it had the date 22-12-60 etched inside, this was the date the bellows unit had been made so pointed to the approximate date the clock was assembled.
    Well, that was the day I was born, it actually ticked all the boxes on condition, price etc and that was just the icing on the cake, I bought it and it is an amazing time piece.
    If you are not familiar with them then look up

    " Jaeger le Coutre Atmos Clock ".

    No winding, no batteries, they work on atmospheric pressure changes.

  34. #34
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    I keep thinking about a birth year watch. In some ways it was a good year for analogue watches (first year of the automatic Daytona and Chopard Mille Miglia I believe) but on the other hand, it seems to be the time when most people bought a Casio or some other digital creation which haven't dated well and nothing interesting pops up on Ebay listings with the date.

    I don't want another version of a watch I already have, can't afford a 1988 Daytona of any material as there seems to be a significant premium and don't like the '88 Mille Miglia either. I keep thinking about a Datejust 16233 as I believe they were released in/around 1988 but not many from that year available.

    Other suggestions gratefully received!

  35. #35
    I guess it also helps if you are young ;)
    It's just a matter of time...

  36. #36
    Journeyman submorstua's Avatar
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    It's certainly a silly thing. I'd rather have one to remind me of more recent important dates in my life.

    However if I had one from near my birthday, I would probably mention in conversation that it's my age. Often our watches are conversation pieces, so in that sense it makes sense.

  37. #37
    One of my military time piece I own is from my birth year. since it's military, it has the year stamped on the back.

    I think it's kinda cool. growing old with the watch from the same year you both were "born".

    true lifelong companion.

  38. #38
    Craftsman chard101's Avatar
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    Like Velorum said it is a bit of fun. I don't have one yet purely because if not seen any that I really like and I'm not going buy one for the sake of it.

    The idea of having a watch made the same year as me does appeal to me though.

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  39. #39
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    I swing between liking the idea and not.
    I almost bought a birth year sub a few years ago but then thought my parents would never have been able to afford one at the time so didn't, in hindsight seeing how prices have risen wish I had.
    Keep playing with the idea of getting my son a birth year Sub lv and giving to him on his 18th but the 2003 model is getting increasingly expensive, but speaking to him he'd rather choose his own watch than inherent one on his 18th.

  40. #40
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wallasey Runner View Post
    It also extended to the Speedy Tuesday limited edition this week with people trying to get the number for the year of their birth.

    I was '61 baby and tried originally to buy a decent bottle of wine, but it turned out to be one of the vintages of the century in Bordeaux, so prices are crazy. Later I looked at Sports Rolex or a Speedmaster, but it is all gilt dials and pre-moon stuff and again prices are totally out of reach.

    Given up on the whole birth year thing now.
    That's why I bought a Timex and a Smiths

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by tswatch66 View Post
    Where did this idea spring from? Was it from our friends across the pond ? Call me stupid but I just don't get it?

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    You don't need to get it. Some people like to some people don't, why does it matter?

  42. #42
    Grand Master SimonK's Avatar
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    Birth year? Pah, amateurs - I have a silver-cased Smiths wristwatch hallmarked for my birth year and birth town.

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