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Thread: Maisy the cat

  1. #1
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    Maisy the cat

    This is our cat Maisy. She's been with us for about 12 years, and is the friendliest cat anyone has met.

    She's lost a lot of weight recently, and on Friday was diagnosed as being very, very poorly with lymphoma. This evening, she makes her final visit to the vets, and we're all in pieces. So just a little post to remember Maisy, and try and help with the sadness. Silly buggers get right under your skin.

  2. #2
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    Bye Maisy, you have been loved.


  3. #3
    Master luckywatch's Avatar
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    Sorry to here it. I have 5 cats and I thought I was losing one last weekend but she is right as rain now. I'm OK when they get a good innings but otherwise its tough. My constant companions. That cat will live on in your heart. God bless.

  4. #4
    Sorry to hear that, Gordon.

    As you say, they get under your skin. I've been the servant to a few cats in my time. Remember the good times.

  5. #5
    Love from Ginger

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear this, sounds like Maisy has had some good times with some good staff!

  7. #7
    Grand Master
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    Feel for you mate, but least you had her for a good stretch.


  8. #8
    Master itsgotournameonit's Avatar
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    So very sad.RIP Maisy.

  9. #9
    Grand Master
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    losing a pet is an awful thing, the bereavement is really as bad as losing a human relative, but remember you have given them a great life and remember them as the healthy happy furbaby you know for years. this lot are all chasing mice and dreamies over the rainbow bridge.

    Starbuck a stray we took in aged about 3, with us 10 years before he left this mortal coil

    katy (ktmog) with us 17 years...

    Finlay we took him in after my wifes sister moved to a non pet property through necessity (this furball vanished on us just over a year ago in the middle of the day, age five, we still haven't a clue what happened to him)

    and the current lady of the house, Rory, aged five, who we took in after my pals infant son turned out to be highly allergic to her, batshit crazy but ultra loving.
    Last edited by ktmog6uk; 9th January 2017 at 18:02.

  10. #10
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Our Luke (don't ask) was diagnosed with the same thing at 2. He went fast, but it didn't make it any sadder.

    The only upside was a quick decision (by my wife and son) to replace him with Freddie (our Bengal/Pixy cross) who has been a complete joy to own.

    I feel your pain, but be comforted in the fact that you provided Maisy a very good life.

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  11. #11
    I'm a big softie where cats are concerned - in fact most animals.

    Had to take our last one to the vet for the final time and my Wife had to go in with him!! Current one seems OK at the moment at age 10(ish).


  12. #12
    Master jimp's Avatar
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    We do love our pets, we have or should i say had 2 cats, molly 8 years old and eddie 11 months, 3 days before xmas me and the guys at work found this kitten under a car bonnet at work, he was very thin under all his fur, vets recons hes about 10 weeks old but not sure, now we have 3!
    hes called ronnie.

  13. #13
    Master Artistmike's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry to hear that, it's so difficult to lose one of the family and pets are no less than that. There are a lot of members on here with animals of one sort and another and we all know just how much they mean to us and what you're all going through. You and your family will be in my thoughts this evening and make me even more grateful for my current pal Alice, also much loved...

  14. #14
    Really sorry to hear this. Cats are wonderful things, it's awful to lose one.

    RIP Maisy.

  15. #15
    Still gorgeous with her big bright eyes...
    Sad to hear of events...
    RIP Maisy...

  16. #16
    Master Dan83bz's Avatar
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    Really sorry to hear that, I've never been a cat lover by whole life, but late Aprilthis last year we took in a couple of abandoned kittens that were left to die in a dry river bed, found them crawling for shade under a rock, blazing sun , whilst biking around there and just could not leave them, took them in with the intention of finding them a good home and one thing leads to they own us , they have such cheeky and rather completely different personalities despite being from the same litter. They can bring loads of joy and laughter as well as mischievousness! Along with some well-worth expenses (spent more on their Robot thing last year than on any watch )

    I'm sure Maisy will be remembered for all the joy she brought!

    A few pictures of our rascals, Corleone & Palermo, both girls (both my wife and I are fans of mob films and we had just watches Godfather II before I found them)

    First one is the very first day I've found them, after giving them a towel wash as they were literally stuck in dirt! Now they're two 9-10lbs happy, cheeky monkeys as I call them! Last photo few days ago, they like to snuggle on the bed these cold afternoons!

  17. #17
    Master j0hnbarker's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about this.

    I had to do something similar in 2011 with my 11 year-old Ragdoll, Mr Victor.

    In the end you know when the time is right to let them go, and hopefully one day if the time is right for you to let another one into your life and begin the adventure again

  18. #18
    They do get right under your skin, Plod (big feet) the first time I cried for a long time.

  19. #19
    Master jukeboxs's Avatar
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    What a glamorous girl she was! Our old boy (Tom) is now 19 yrs, and thin like your Maisy - I'll miss him when he's gone.

    You have my condolences. Do you think you'll get another?

  20. #20
    Grand Master AlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Really sorry you've had to say goodbye to the old girl.

    Sounds like she had a great life though and was lucky to share your home with you.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    I am very sad to hear this. We went through the same thing and it still hurts.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    I feel for you Gordon - absolutely awful.

    RIP Maisy......
    Last edited by GIB984; 10th January 2017 at 00:36.

  23. #23
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your kind words.

    We have two other cats. Tom is a 14 year old ball of black fluff, who is still going strong, although somewhat more slowly than he used to. He still likes to be stroked exactly three times, after which he will attack. The other cat is Molly, a probably four year old semi-feral rescue Maine Coon, that used to live next door to us. She adopted us when they got a labrador. She's is very nervous, and even after a couple years with us is still skittish as hell. In what was an ironic move for Molly, we got a black labrador about 18 months ago. He's called Shadow and is not very bright. He's a young labrador, so that's to be expected. Molly is working hard on moving from showing Shadow healthy respect, to treating him with disdain.

  24. #24
    Master James_'s Avatar
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    Poor Maisy. I bet she has had a great life thought and that's the most important thing.

    I've had 5 pets pass the past 5 years, 4 from illness and 1 went missing. All well over 10 years old. Tippy went missing, Sheba and Cleo from lymphoma, Boab from heart failure and my best pal Jack from a growth on his neck. The fact that they had a good life keeps me from crying but I do well up sometimes (like now).

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Sorry for your recent loss,
    Tom and Molly sound like they will take your mind away from it somewhat

    2016 was a crap year for us,
    in January our 3 year old silver Tabby went out one evening and never returned, Wifey distraught (still is)
    and in August my baby of 16 years left us

    we now have a very pampered rescue cat 'TJ' to keep us company

  26. #26
    My sincere condolences. I love cats. Always have. When we lost our previous two we were profoundly upset. Still think of them now. Having to take a beloved pet for a final trip to the vet should be considered a final act of kindness.

    Our big lad is lying next to me now on the sofa, having a snooze.

    You gave Maisy a good life and she will be with you always. Remember that and remember the sights and sounds of her being with you.

    Really sorry.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Sad news :(

    Remember all the good times and love you had from Maisy.

    Currently got three cats covering 13 year, 3 years and 10 weeks. The 10 week kitten was a result of my daughter doing two weeks work experience in a vets in December......

  28. #28
    Master yumma's Avatar
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    Sincere condolences - I still miss my little Boo; even after 8 years, I love cats.

    Wishing you all the best.

    RIP Maisy.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    It always hurts to lose an animal who has been a member of one's household for a long time. Cats are real individuals with different personalities. Many growing up semi feral there is a lot of suffering amongst them. The ones who are adopted by people are the lucky ones.
    We currently have eight. Oops. Had to raise the youngest one from day 2 (literally) by the bottle as his mother abandoned him. Now four months old and dominating everyone except his grandmother - our cats are a family clan going back to a feral female who brought us her offspring to be adopted, I counted at least 20 offspring in 3 years over the generations before the feral queen mother died, and most died or vanished before we could even adopt them. Presently four of the original group are still with us (genetically speaking, two daughters and two granddaughters of the original first lady), and the only one amongst them who has always been too feral to be caught and sterilized has produced two litters, one of which she abandoned. Hence now the eight, four of whom are very young. Cats everwhere you look. Don't ask about the expense for cat food. Luckily we live in a rural setting and they can go out to play and hunt. Which means frequent crime scenes with remains of murdered rats and blood everywhere. But one can't help to love the buggers anyway.
    We have friends who take care of abandoned cats in a village nearby, they typically take care of between 15 and 20, seven or eight of which really live with them in the house. And thanks to a road next to the house and careless drivers they bury about 30 cats per year. And then see people stopping their cars and throwing out young cats as they know someone in the area is crazy enough to take care of them. An endless caroussel of new arrivals and road kill which is really heartbreaking.
    Anyway, adieu to Maisy from Clochette, Grisette, Pilou, Shadow, Peppo, Sammy, Chanel and Ninja. Clochette is just climbing all over me as I write this...

  30. #30
    Master OldHooky's Avatar
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    Always hard to deal with, however tough we might think we are.

    I came across our adopted cat being mauled by a neighbours dog, which had escaped from their garden 20 houses away and got into our neighbours garden. Our poor old moggy, docile and probably a bit deaf, didn't stand a chance.

    A month later we picked up a couple of kittens, which are now much lover in our busy house and full of character. They don't replace the one gone, but they do fill a house again with love and laughter. Particularly when on the day of their ops, I was told the 4 month old girl... was a boy! :)

    Like everyone, thinking of you today.

  31. #31
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    So sorry to hear about Maisie - I hope you have many fond memories to look back on and smile/laugh/enjoy in time.

    With condolences and very best wishes


  32. #32
    poor maisy and poor you.... we lost ours last easter... similar thing but with kidney failure too... harsh but fair thing to do to end the suffering /Quality of life balance
    Our home was just a house without a cat and we went and got two rescue cats a few months after.

    thank maisy for being there and changing you for the better...
    Last edited by Xantiagib; 16th January 2017 at 23:00.

  33. #33
    Hang in there, hogthrob.

    What a lovely cat. Seems like a platitude, but, time will heal your hearts a little bit. You will always miss her and she will miss you. I think of our lost ones every single day.

    Take care.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    I am deeply saddened by your loss. RIP Maisy.

  35. #35
    Grand Master
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    So sorry for your loss HT. They're family.
    Looks like she had a lovely stretch with you.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Poor Maisy and family x

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