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Thread: IMPORTANT: Change of forum ownership

  1. #101
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the years of enjoyment on the forum Eddie and I wish all the best to you and your wife.

    Welcome aboard Philip and hope you enjoy your time looking after the place

  2. #102
    Grand Master
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    Health and happiness first, always.
    Hope your wife gets back to full health soon.

  3. #103
    Master j111dja's Avatar
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    After our chat a few months ago Eddie, I think you have made that all important (and right) decision with forum ownership. I hope this gives you and your wife the time to enjoy yourselves much more than at present. You both deserve it. I think that everyone will concur when I say that you have done one hell of a job here, and I am sure that all that hard work will help this forum move on and improve in to the future. Yes, it will always be your baby.

    The friends I have made here has been incredible over the years, and meeting up with forum members on a regular basis has formed part of my social life for over a decade. It's all based on your hard work so a big thank you from me.

    Philip, may I wish you all the best with forum ownership.
    Last edited by j111dja; 10th November 2015 at 20:21.

  4. #104
    Master grey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    Your PM box must be overflowing Eddie, so I won't add one and will use this thread.

    Thank you.

    For everything. A wonderful forum of course, but also for showing us that a forum can effectively exist with virtually no moderation, and for tolerating our excesses.

    I am delighted to hear that Timefactors grows, and sorry to learn about your wife. I hope that she gets better soon and that you can share the house chores again.

    But I am certainly sad to see you go (at least from the helm of TZ-UK)


    Everything that he says, and also for that illogical but reassuring sense that the whole thing was happening out of Sheffield. Hope all goes well for you.

  5. #105
    Ofcourse, your wife's health and your business come first.
    Thanks for providing a very unique place for years! That cannot be duplicated.
    Good luck to the new owner.
    Ofcourse, people whose post count reaches fifty and can't view sales corner, can still PM Eddie😜

  6. #106
    Grand Master Daddelvirks's Avatar
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    I sincerely hope that this will not be the end of free speech.

    I hate places with ads plastered all over it, and policing WUS style would make me leave, just as I left WUS.
    Not a threat, just someone who likes a moment (or two) away from flashing ads, fake discussions and drivel about what watch to wear when mowing the lawn.

    Let's wait and see, luckily there are always lone fighters that resist all that.

    Got a new watch, divers watch it is, had to drown the bastard to get it!

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    Out of interest, Are you the same Philip that was involved in the VWT4 forum takeover?
    I am the only Philip at Verticalscope.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    All the best for the future Eddie.

    I also use the T4 forum so will watch the takeover with interest.

  9. #109
    I don't know what to make of all this- I'm in shock- like when I first heard Thatcher was no longer in power.......

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Eddie whilst I haven't been a big poster, your forum has provided me with hours of entertainment, thank you.
    All the best.

  11. #111
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Another relative newcomer here wishing you and your wife all the very best for the future.

    This is a fantastic forum that you have built up and I welcome Philip and his team as they take over.

  12. #112
    I guess all things must end. Many thanks for a great forum Eddie, I hope you continue to prosper and that Carol makes a full and speedy recovery.

  13. #113
    Thomas Reid
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    Apr 2004
    Oxford, UK
    Well done that man!

    Many thanks Eddie. It is the only forum I use regularly, although less regularly of late. Of all the ones I've seen, it is the best.

    (I more or less expected this.)

    Best wishes,

  14. #114
    Master Neely8's Avatar
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    Where stercus accidit
    Quote Originally Posted by TZ-Admin View Post
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Philip
    Well, at least you don't post in blue like the other one.

    All the best to you and your missus, Eddie. Thanks for giving us the best forum on the net.

  15. #115
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TZ-Admin View Post
    I am the only Philip at Verticalscope.
    Yep, it was you on VWT4 forum, I thought your opening post looked familiar, now I know why.

  16. #116
    Master Marios's Avatar
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    I for one I'm optimistic that everything will go smoothly.

    Welcome aboard Philip, I think it would be wise to listen rather than talk at this stage :)!

  17. #117
    Master Plake's Avatar
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    Eddie, cheers, good luck.

    Philip, hi and don't **** it up.

  18. #118
    Master Alansmithee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    Yep, it was you on VWT4 forum, I thought your opening post looked familiar, now I know why.
    What happened - did it go down the s**ter?

  19. #119
    Grand Master PickleB's Avatar
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    As this thread is about the change of ownership, I've started another thread in H&V: Swanbourne.

    Philip...can you make it a Sticky thread, please...or maybe Eddie can do it as a final bit of moderation?
    Last edited by PickleB; 10th November 2015 at 20:35.

  20. #120
    Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by TZ-Admin View Post
    I don't plan to get involved in the arguments in the bear . As long as you are not breaking any local laws I am not going to try to stop you.

    The site has had members banned from here in the past. This would lead me to understand that Eddie has on more than one occasion and not often said enough was enough.


    Good answer and a good start. Have you talked to him about his precise rationale?

  21. #121
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alansmithee View Post
    What happened - did it go down the s**ter?
    No, TBH it didn't, there wasn't much change at all, but there was already a moderator team in place there too keep things in check anyway and the topics over there were quite tame compared to some of what goes on around here,

  22. #122
    Master Toshk's Avatar
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    I have only been on the forum for a couple of months now, though feel so grateful for this amazing tool you'd created!

    Many thanks and good luck with everything!
    Please hang around when you can, your knowledge is needed!

  23. #123
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Never had the pleasure of conversing with you Eddie as i've only recently joined, a thanks is in order all the same and hope your missus makes a full and speedy recovery.

  24. #124
    I wish you all the best and thank you for providing a great forum for all these years.
    It will be sorely missed.

  25. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Thank you Eddie and best wishes to you and your wife for the future.


  26. #126
    This is a bit like wandering into the local to find the treasured Landlord has gone and 'new management' is now in control of the pub.

    To our outgoing host, thank you.

    To our incoming management, I hope and assume you have grasped the true sense of the forum and won't change it. Be a real shame for all concerned if it does.

  27. #127
    Al the best to you and your wife Eddie, thanks for all you've done in the past

  28. #128
    Thanks Eddie for creating and maintaining this wonderful forum over the years. Although I visit many websites and forums, this is the only one where I make an account and participate.

  29. #129
    Master MerlinShepherd's Avatar
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    You've done an amazing job Eddie and congratulations are definitely in order for managing to herd such a bunch of nutters and keep this place from meltdown.

    I guess there is always resistance to change, from all parties and all members. Let's all do the right thing and keep supporting and embrace the change.

    So welcome Philip for accepting this chunk of lunacy.

    And Eddie, I think it's great that you're prioritising everything that really matters and wish you well in all that transpires!

  30. #130
    Join Date
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    Big step.
    Family comes first though Eddie, and sadly work comes a very close second for many of us, so I'm sure it's the right choice. I bet it didn't come easy.

    Anyway, you'll be coasting towards a long awaited retirement now, surely? (Philip, I hope you've taken away his "glitch" button?)

    Good to hear you'll still be around. From the little I know of Verticalscope not much will change around here for the members - certainly not in a negative way - but it might take some getting used to for you not having to keep us rabble in line!

    Philip, a very warm welcome.

  31. #131
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks to Eddie for this great forum, I'm not a regular poster but have learnt a lot and enjoyed the banter. Welcome to Philip, you've got a challenge to keep this place exactly like it is now.

  32. #132
    Master jools's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear of your wife's accident Eddie, my very best wishes to you both. Many thanks for TZ-UK, still the only forum I regularly visit.


  33. #133
    Master .olli.'s Avatar
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    All the best to you and your wife Eddie, and thank you for the last few years, it has been a pleasure.

  34. #134
    Master unclealec's Avatar
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    Huge thanks and big respect Mr. Platts. I hope you feel proud of what you have built - you certainly should.
    Best wishes to Carol.

    Hi New Guys - you have something special here; I hope you cherish it as it deserves.

  35. #135
    Master RossC's Avatar
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    The best forum I've come across, and the only one I visit and contribute to regularly.

    Thank you Eddie, for providing the time and effort to make it what it is.

    All the best.

  36. #136
    Sorry to hear about your wife's accident Eddie, anything like that would challenge the best of us. Thanks for founding and running one of the finest forums I've ever been resident on. Despite having a number of hobbies and therefore being a member of a number of forums, this is the one I keep coming back to and call 'home'.

    Kindest regards to you and your good lady wife.

  37. #137
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    Best of luck Eddie and thanks for getting this great forum this far.

    Good luck Phillip also.

  38. #138
    A sad day indeed. All the best to Eddie.

  39. #139
    Join Date
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    Leicestershire apparently!
    You are doing the right thing Eddie, you work to live not live to work.

    I hope your wife gets well soon and that you stay active on the forum.

    All the very best,


    P.S, 10% of the sale of the forum into the fundraiser?

  40. #140
    Welcome Phillip, your job and remit are quite simple, work out, as a good parent does, the timely use of the word "No" and you will have cracked it. I do hope that Timefactors will remain as the clear header on the forum.
    A good and appropriate time to hand over the reins Eddie. I still remember the helpful and informative telephone conversation we had when I was searching for a DA36.[and discussion re Barclays shares] I do however blame you for directing me to this place, which at times resembles an after the watershed soap that a script writers' wet dream is made of!
    To the future, I hope you both enjoy it in good health.

  41. #141
    Master MFB Scotland's Avatar
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    Thanks Eddie for providing a fantastic forum and community.

    All the best for the future to you and yours :)

  42. #142
    Join Date
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    I'm new here, but want to thank you for all your efforts!

    Hope all is well in your new focus in life and that the wife is better soon.

  43. #143
    Master Tim63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweets View Post
    Along with others I'd like to add:

    My gratitude for the (very) benign dictatorship that you have operated in this forum. It is unique, and I hope it remains so, your character is in the fabric of this place.
    My sympathy for the ever-increasing demands on your time.
    My best wishes for your wife's recovery.

    Exactly what he said.
    This is the one and only forum I have joined where I truly felt a connection. I like it here, and hope to stay around for the long haul.

  44. #144
    Master Anygreg's Avatar
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    It's been emotional.

    Thanks Eddie for providing us with a fantastic forum or which it will continue to be due to you input and effort in making this one of the most prized forums on the good ole World Wide Web.

    Wishing you and the family all the very best ...

    'So long and thanks for all the watches'

  45. #145
    Master village's Avatar
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    Any further south and i would have wet feet
    Thanks to Eddie for creating this forum and keeping it the way it is,and best wishes to Mrs Eddie.

    One can only hope that the forum continues to remain pretty much as it is and doesn't become an over moderated advertising hording.

  46. #146
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Dear Eddie, just wanted to say many thanks for your hospitality over the last 7 years, and to wish you and your family and business the very best in the future. Job well done.

    Phillip welcome. You have inherited as great site and membership so please treat both with respect.

    Many thanks

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  47. #147
    Master's Avatar
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    Eddie, thanks for everything...
    Welcome Philip.
    I'm not here as much anymore either but will carry on popping in..... Best, James.

  48. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    Yep, it was you on VWT4 forum, I thought your opening post looked familiar, now I know why.
    I use the same intro for the most part.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marios View Post
    I for one I'm optimistic that everything will go smoothly.
    Welcome aboard Philip, I think it would be wise to listen rather than talk at this stage :)!
    Quote Originally Posted by Plake View Post
    Eddie, cheers, good luck.

    By all means if you have questions or suggestions they are always welcome.

    Philip, hi and don't **** it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by M4tt View Post
    Good answer and a good start. Have you talked to him about his precise rationale?
    Have not got that far just yet. Been busy with engaging you all for the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by gunman View Post
    No, TBH it didn't, there wasn't much change at all, but there was already a moderator team in place there too keep things in check anyway and the topics over there were quite tame compared to some of what goes on around here,
    The only changes I recall where associated to the original owners. One meetup was cancelled, this was due to poor ticket sales. The site store has had some issues but this had to do with the original owners moving buildings and a delay in setting the store back up. Otherwise we are active in working to support the existing moderators.

    Quote Originally Posted by the.admiral View Post
    This is a bit like wandering into the local to find the treasured Landlord has gone and 'new management' is now in control of the pub.
    To our outgoing host, thank you.
    To our incoming management, I hope and assume you have grasped the true sense of the forum and won't change it. Be a real shame for all concerned if it does.
    I am still getting to know everyone. Eddie is still here just not on as often and not he one who keeps the lights on.

    Quote Originally Posted by kevkojak View Post
    Big step.
    Family comes first though Eddie, and sadly work comes a very close second for many of us, so I'm sure it's the right choice. I bet it didn't come easy.
    Anyway, you'll be coasting towards a long awaited retirement now, surely? (Philip, I hope you've taken away his "glitch" button?)
    Good to hear you'll still be around. From the little I know of Verticalscope not much will change around here for the members - certainly not in a negative way - but it might take some getting used to for you not having to keep us rabble in line!
    Philip, a very warm welcome.
    I would much rather talk watches than argue politics any day.

    Quote Originally Posted by jmitch View Post
    Best of luck Eddie and thanks for getting this great forum this far.
    Good luck Phillip also.


  49. #149
    Well, that came as a surprise.

    I can only echo what others have already said, and offer my very best wishes to Eddie and Carol, along with my thanks for having created and nurtured something rather special.

    Philip, welcome. This place is unique, and it sounds as though you appreciate that.

  50. #150
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by farmkid View Post
    I don't know what to make of all this- I'm in shock- like when I first heard Thatcher was no longer in power.......

    But that was a day of deep joy and celebration! ;-)

    This is much more bittersweet.
    So clever my foot fell off.

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