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Thread: Does Wearing Your Rolex Make You Feel Different About Yourself

  1. #151
    Some members need to step back and take a long hard look in the mirror. Some of you show despicable attitudes and behaviours at times.
    Last edited by Jon Kenney; 29th October 2015 at 05:42. Reason: Irony!

  2. #152
    Dirboxden the harsh/sad reality is that you have to be very careful what you post on this forum.

    I dont necessarily mean in regards to grammar/spelling etc but just as important is the content, i have lost count at the amount of times i have wrote lengthy posts only to delete them after careful consideration

    The above is especially true when replying to the posts that upset/rile you, replying emotionally and without consideration is exactly what they are aiming for and it will inevitably fuel their fire

    One thing i will say is you do need a thick skin around here, dont expect it to be like most other forums where everyone is friendly but this actually, in my opinion this is not a bad thing as advice/opinions can/will be given truthfully and without fear of upsetting feelings

    I know that my posts are mainly unintelligent rambles (this has been made painfully clear in the past)!but i hope the above makes some sort of sense and helps to avoid losing someone from the forum with obvious enthusiasm for watches

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    Dirboxden the harsh/sad reality is that you have to be very careful what you post on this forum.

    I dont necessarily mean in regards to grammar/spelling etc but just as important is the content, i have lost count at the amount of times i have wrote lengthy posts only to delete them after careful consideration

    The above is especially true when replying to the posts that upset/rile you, replying emotionally and without consideration is exactly what they are aiming for and it will inevitably fuel their fire

    One thing i will say is you do need a thick skin around here, dont expect it to be like most other forums where everyone is friendly but this actually, in my opinion this is not a bad thing as advice/opinions can/will be given truthfully and without fear of upsetting feelings

    I know that my posts are mainly unintelligent rambles (this has been made painfully clear in the past)!but i hope the above makes some sort of sense and helps to avoid losing someone from the forum with obvious enthusiasm for watches
    i know your right and what youv said is very ture, look i like a bit of banter the same as the next man but there's banter and then theres just going out your way to try and be cleaver at someone else expense and its that i cant stand, ok i know i can get wound up now and then but its not like im picking on them, but im not going to get sucked into it any more, if someone has a dig at me ill just laugh with him,
    believe it or not i really like the forum, i even like the people and the knowledge they have, i love looking at the photos, iv even bought 2 watches from SC in as many weeks myself,

    so i dont want to get banned either, i think it best i keep it claim people mite find my a nice guy if they gave
    Last edited by dirboxden; 28th October 2015 at 08:23.

  4. #154
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    OP, I’m not great at golf, but I like to play.

    When playing, I really have to take my time and apply a lot of thinking and effort, or I play so badly - I look a fool.

    It’s the same with life on a forum. If you’re not that good at posting, you just have to take your time, or it just becomes drivel.

    I’ve not read any of your posts really and accordingly I certainly don’t have an angle on you or your personality but just reading that above isn’t good.

    Like the golf - take some time and present it well, or maybe forums are not for you?

  5. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    +1..........I'm far too polite to point out his lack of typing skills/literacy/both but there's clearly a lot of room for improvement. If he can't be bothered to check what he's written why should anyone be bothered to take it seriously?

    The OP seems to be contradicting himself on this thread, arguing for the sake of arguing.

    Surely not?

    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    im not a bad or looking for a argument type of guy
    Aren't you?
    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    your an idiot do you know that, i bet all your mates take you for a right mug,
    Of course you're not

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob-vicar View Post
    Surely not?

    Aren't you?

    Of course you're not
    what are you doing rob apart from making yourself look a fool of course, members of the forum are not bothered about us going at it,
    and nor am i to be honest so just knock it on the head now see we can all just get along. is that to much to ask really

  7. #157
    I agree wholeheartedly. A long way to resolve this would be for you to stop the personal insults, for example:
    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    sorry did you missing the message before that, hang on ill get you a spoon you can eat his ars
    your some sort of div i ask a simple question and im to petrified, your an idiot i meet the guy and already bought a watch from him
    whats there to be petrified about...your a plank
    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    is this forum just full of spastics
    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    your an idiot do you know that, i bet all your mates take you for a right mug,
    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    when your not acting so much of a plank
    Quote Originally Posted by dirboxden View Post
    what are you doing rob apart from making yourself look a fool of course,

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob-vicar View Post
    I agree wholeheartedly. A long way to resolve this would be for you to stop the personal insults, for example:

    to be fair rob iv only ever said these things after iv been abused, its not like i just start insulting people im not like that but i cant get like that when i get wound up.
    i hold my hands up and say i can push it but you know iv taken my fair share of stick

    so im sorry

  9. #159
    Master Anygreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post

    How this thread has strayed ...

    Just read through, made me think of 'rola cola' lol

    Coat on heading out the door

  10. #160
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Tokei View Post
    As I slide on that Sea Dweller bracelet, caressing its 904L steel, feeling its brushed curves, I begin the anticipation. What will today hold ? Which famous person will have the pleasure to meet me ? How can today possibly beat yesterday's achievements ? Can I, once again, justify sporting the Triplock crown ? My reverie snaps back to the present. I instinctively feel for that special area. I twist. I pull. I avoid writhing - my touch is practiced. Exquisite. Never clumsy. I gaze at those Mercedes hands. Aloof, they stare back at my Honda face. I turn, turn, and keep turning. Building a tension, ever tighter. Turning, twisting. Feeling that shy resistance but pushing through, onwards, firmly, surely, more and more until ... ooh, and we're there. Together. One final, gentle turn as I push it in. Sub mission accomplished.

    Now, the day may begin. Only Rolex can do this.
    LOL Shouldn't it be rather Suzuki face?

  11. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Tokei View Post
    As I slide on that Sea Dweller bracelet, caressing its 904L steel, feeling its brushed curves, I begin the anticipation. What will today hold ? Which famous person will have the pleasure to meet me ? How can today possibly beat yesterday's achievements ? Can I, once again, justify sporting the Triplock crown ? My reverie snaps back to the present. I instinctively feel for that special area. I twist. I pull. I avoid writhing - my touch is practiced. Exquisite. Never clumsy. I gaze at those Mercedes hands. Aloof, they stare back at my Honda face. I turn, turn, and keep turning. Building a tension, ever tighter. Turning, twisting. Feeling that shy resistance but pushing through, onwards, firmly, surely, more and more until ... ooh, and we're there. Together. One final, gentle turn as I push it in. Sub mission accomplished.

    Now, the day may begin. Only Rolex can do this.
    I've Never Fancied a Rolex....Until Now.

    HaaayWoood !!! .......

  12. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by monogroover View Post

    Rush drummer Neil Peart wrote this about his material possessions, years ago:

    "As a general thing, I try to avoid talking about the material things I have been fortunate enough to acquire, not wanting to seem to brag - and definitely not wanting to arouse in others the evil worm of envy. One psychologist theorized that the possession of material things was a prop to make you feel good about yourself—but I thought that theory went two words too far. For me, owning a fine car, a fine watch, or a fine set of drums just makes me feel good, period".
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGrumpy View Post
    I thought he was going to say something really interesting there.....but then he didn't....
    Perhaps his point was that some things are best left unanalysed.

    Doing so risks both eviscerating a little oasis of joy and revealing so much about a man's character as to be imprudent.

    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Errr, sorry - wrong forum
    Last edited by forpetesake; 28th October 2015 at 11:07.

  13. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Tokyo Tokei View Post
    As I slide on that Sea Dweller bracelet, caressing its 904L steel, feeling its brushed curves, I begin the anticipation. [...]
    I'll admit to cracking a grin at the comic relief from the pedantry and bickering.

    Quality post; thanks for that. :)

  14. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by burnsey66 View Post
    OP, I’m not great at golf, but I like to play.

    When playing, I really have to take my time and apply a lot of thinking and effort, or I play so badly - I look a fool.

    It’s the same with life on a forum. If you’re not that good at posting, you just have to take your time, or it just becomes drivel.

    I’ve not read any of your posts really and accordingly I certainly don’t have an angle on you or your personality but just reading that above isn’t good.

    Like the golf - take some time and present it well, or maybe forums are not for you?
    Ha. Being crap at golf is clearly = a learning difficulty, recognised as a disability and covered by the equalities act.

    Dyslexics should stay off forums, people with speech impediments shouldn't attempt public speaking, paraplegics should stay away from buses and trains, or like, jobs and stuff.

    Unless they're prepared to take their time, and apply a lot of thinking and effort to be less disabled.

    There are tools people with dyslexia can use to check their spelling and grammar, but for some, just reading back through what you've written to make the highlighted corrections would be a difficult task in itself, and it just isn't necessary to expect somebody to make that much effort on a bloody watch forum, where their posts are entirely legible as they stand.

  15. #165
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    Having revisited this thread I've now seen the OP's admission that he suffers with dyslexia.

    Had I been aware of this I most definitely would not have commented on the quality of his posting. I thought the standard of his posts was due to lack of care and I made the assumption that he couldn`t be bothered to use punctuation etc. Based on his admission, this is unlikely to be the case and I apologise for making what now seems like an inappropriate comment.

    I`ve no wish to join the 'grammer police', others do a far better job than I could, but a reasonably well-constructed post will always come across better than a hasty rant. That's the point I was trying to make; even if folks don`t agree with what you're saying there's more chance of a reasoned debate if it appears that the poster's thought about what's being said and tried to express themselves carefully.

    No point in trying to reply to the OP's response to my last post; I`ll put him on my (very short) ignore list.


  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikokiller View Post
    Dyslexics should stay off forums, people with speech impediments shouldn't attempt public speaking, paraplegics should stay away from buses and trains, or like, jobs and stuff.

    Unless they're prepared to take their time, and apply a lot of thinking and effort to be less disabled.
    Bit unfair, not like someone can think themselves a new set of legs.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikokiller View Post

    Dyslexics should stay off forums, people with speech impediments shouldn't attempt public speaking, paraplegics should stay away from buses and trains, or like, jobs and stuff.

    Unless they're prepared to take their time, and apply a lot of thinking and effort to be less disabled.
    I hope you are being ironic, but I fear you aren't. If you aren't, you really are a repulsive person.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janesy B View Post
    Bit unfair, not like someone can think themselves a new set of legs.
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGrumpy View Post
    I hope you are being ironic, but I fear you aren't. If you aren't, you really are a repulsive person.
    I can clearly see he is sticking two fingers up at the people who think you can just correct your disabled behaviour/affliction, suggesting we accept people for who they are, and not expect them to adjust to our world just for our sake.

    and I thought it was a cracking post, stating the ridiculous to be understood.

  19. #169
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Why stick two fingers up at people trying to help. I simply suggested that there are computer programs that can check spelling and grammer etc and that they may be useful to him, especially as people on here were being rather unkind.

    I have been involved in workplace disability assessments and one of the key things is to try and establish any kind of reasonable adjustment that eases the individuals situation and generally makes things better for them in a helpful and non-condescending way.

  20. #170
    Grand Master SimonK's Avatar
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    Interesting to see people who profess to be fully-abled when it comes to written English commenting on the spelling and grammar of others when they themselves can't, apparently, spell the word grammar.

  21. #171
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonK View Post
    Interesting to see people who profess to be fully-abled when it comes to written English commenting on the spelling and grammar of others when they themselves can't, apparently, spell the word grammar.
    Clearly a dig at me. I have never professed to be fully-abled when it comes to written English. In fact when I started school in 1966 the Government of the day had introducted ITA for primary schools, a form of English with joined up letters and no silent letters at all - sort of like US English. It was abandoned around 1971 and I was left virtually being unable to read and write at 9/10 years old. I have always struggled with spelling and still suffer from word blindness to some degree, but I put the effort in and even went to night school to get through my English O Level, which I was very proud of at the time.

    So suffering to some degree myself, if I can share any of the things that help me with others then I will.

    I would prefer to do that than take cheap snipes at people who make mistakes.

    Link below on ITA for anyone interested:
    Last edited by Wallasey Runner; 28th October 2015 at 21:40.

  22. #172
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    All internet browsers have spell checkers too.

  23. #173
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    I thought Simon was having a dig at me..........I spelt it wrong too! Spelling isn't my strongest suit but I do try hard.

    Last edited by walkerwek1958; 28th October 2015 at 22:20.

  24. #174
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    I thought Simon was having a dig at me..........I spelt it wrong too! Spelling isn't my strongest suit but I do try hard.

    We will share the dig together - maybe Simon prefares saturation bombing to a sniper riffle after all.

    Where is the OP tonight - the place seems quiet without him.

  25. #175
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Well well, look what I found - I suspected the OP username was a typo?.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_in_the_UK View Post
    Well well, look what I found - I suspected the OP username was a typo?.
    I knew it was a typo/ wrong, hinting to him that Eddie could fix it for him

  27. #177
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    Funny though.

    The window sill pics remind me of when he posted about the Tudor and from the picture style it was an obvious member here...

    I must admit - that forum Chris linked to is a bit of fun isn’t it

  28. #178
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnsey66 View Post
    Funny though.

    The window sill pics remind me of when he posted about the Tudor and from the picture style it was an obvious member here...

    I must admit - that forum Chris linked to is a bit of fun isn’t it
    Very good tip about the banana, though.

  29. #179
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Is there a theme appearing here?

    Seems to be very up on fakes/clones?

  30. #180
    Master Mouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_in_the_UK View Post
    Well well, look what I found - I suspected the OP username was a typo?.
    Blimey........... it's mind boggling!

  31. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
    Very good tip about the banana, though.
    It wouldn't work with me. There's never a banana in my house.

  32. #182

  33. #183
    Master DB9yeti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_in_the_UK View Post
    Well well, look what I found - I suspected the OP username was a typo?.
    Well, that escalated quickly...

    "do you know what d***head, iv not whined once about anything what the f*** is wrong with you all lot, i came on here uploaded a few images and asked a few questions and thats whining...get a grip of yourself you f***ing idiot, iv been nice and friendly and all iv been is abused by retards...well one or two were nice enough...i mean f*** me"

    You tell 'em Dirtbox!

  34. #184
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    You come round here, giving it Charlie big potatoes. ....
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  35. #185

  36. #186
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Where's andrew dawson when you need him ?
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  37. #187
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    god forbid I decide to come onto a forum with something to hide, or alternative agenda....ohh wait

  38. #188
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Sorry I tried to help him now, clearly his vocabulary is better than I thought.

  39. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by Janesy B View Post
    Bit unfair, not like someone can think themselves a new set of legs.
    That was exactly my point. I shouldn't have to explain this.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrGrumpy View Post
    I hope you are being ironic, but I fear you aren't. If you aren't, you really are a repulsive person.
    Crikey. The irony couldn't have been very much more clearly signposted. I genuinely wouldn't have anticipated any more than, say, one in a thousand people could have failed to spot it.

    But two came along at once...

  40. #190
    It's 2015, and people are still using the same username on every bloody forum they join. I despair.

  41. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikokiller View Post
    But two came along at once...
    So, I was right then. Again. Excellent.

    Anyway, seems the OP is a disgrace in general, not just in grammatical terms.

  42. #192
    Master Bloobird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Kenney View Post
    Some members need to step back and take a long hard look in the mirror. Some of you show despicable attitudes a behaviours a times.
    This. The OP is trying to contribute. Jumping on his case because of his dyslexia is out of order. Stalking his other forum accounts is just a bit sad, especially as it has no bearing whatsoever to the thread.

    Back on topic...

    I'm happy to admit that wearing my Rolex makes me feel different about myself. It's the same as any of the nice things I've treated myself to over the years. I've worked hard and that's enabled me to buy some of the things I like. It's a reward for working hard and being good at what I do, and that feels good. It's not the only reason I work hard, in fact it's not the main reason I work hard: the main reason I work hard is for my family. Much like everybody I expect.

    I've loved watches for many years and still get lots of pleasure from wearing my cheaper watches (which easily outnumber my expensive ones) but it's not the same thing as wearing something you always promised yourself.

  43. #193
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    Just to get the thread back on track NO I am a superior being regardless whether I wear a Rolex or not, Thank You!

  44. #194
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    Maybe he's trying to contribute, but he's going about things in a strange way.

    OK, he may be dyslexic to some degree, we don't know, but the quality of his posts seems variable to say the least.

    His tendency to rant and accuse folks of picking on him isn't in doubt. I reckon he could start a row in a phone box.

    Best to ignore him.

    Last edited by walkerwek1958; 29th October 2015 at 00:14.

  45. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_in_the_UK View Post
    Well well, look what I found - I suspected the OP username was a typo?.

    That went well for him. Must be something in the air just now.

  46. #196
    How far did you read in to the Warlords thread? Not too far, I'd imagine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloobird View Post
    This. The OP is trying to contribute. Jumping on his case because of his dyslexia is out of order. Stalking his other forum accounts is just a bit sad, especially as it has no bearing whatsoever to the thread.

    Back on topic...

    I'm happy to admit that wearing my Rolex makes me feel different about myself. It's the same as any of the nice things I've treated myself to over the years. I've worked hard and that's enabled me to buy some of the things I like. It's a reward for working hard and being good at what I do, and that feels good. It's not the only reason I work hard, in fact it's not the main reason I work hard: the main reason I work hard is for my family. Much like everybody I expect.

    I've loved watches for many years and still get lots of pleasure from wearing my cheaper watches (which easily outnumber my expensive ones) but it's not the same thing as wearing something you always promised yourself.

  47. #197
    Master Bloobird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdh1 View Post
    How far did you read in to the Warlords thread? Not too far, I'd imagine.
    Not too far tbh. I see some dickhead got into him for his spelling within about 5 posts though. I'd rather judge the goings on in this thread by what I've seen in this thread though, ta.

  48. #198
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    Come to think of it, I do feel different wearing a Rolex. I wonder if some of my less fortunate friends will think I'm a knob.

  49. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by Itsguy View Post
    Come to think of it, I do feel different wearing a Rolex. I wonder if some of my less fortunate friends will think I'm a knob.
    :) - it's got to be one of the top 10 thoughts when you notice a Rolex on someone's wrist, surely?
    It's just a matter of time...

  50. #200
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    does not work

    Tried it, feel the same.
    Must be a fake Rolex!

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