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Thread: Gaming - what's the point? Wasted money on a Christmas Gift!!!!

  1. #1
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Gaming - what's the point? Wasted money on a Christmas Gift!!!!

    Never been a gamer, could never see the point of sitting alone in front of a game when you could be down the pub having a beer and pulling a bird.

    We have a Wii and for Christmas bought my eldest the Lego Harry Potter 5-7 game. We've just spent almost an hour roaming around a park totally unable to see what you have to do to progress. Thus confirming my long held view that gaming is utterly pointless.

    So I went online to find the solution, which I found, then the game couldn't do it as the character couldn't jump high enough to get on the wall to get the blocks you need to proceed.

    So why would anyone want to buy a game that you have to ask people on the internet how to do? Where's the enjoyment in that? What's the point of that?

    I found on Youtube a 1 hour video that shows you how to do the whole game. What's the point of that? Why not just watch that and save your money on buying the game?

    Bless her she lasted longer than I would have before I ripped it from the machine and threw it firmly in the bin. I hate being ripped off and I have been!!!!

    As I've always thought, gaming is an utter waste of time, energy, frustration and blood pressure.

    Going to have a beer to calm down now.


    PS - if anyone can help her with it she'd appreciate it.

  2. #2
    They usually have clues. Like sparkly bits or things that look out of place. So perhaps you need to blast the sandpit and then use the items that you find in there (for example). There's a language that gamers use; I suppose if you've never played any games, it's tricky to understand. But of all the modern games, the LEGO ones are some of the more forgiving.

  3. #3
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    The Wii is great for sports type games, and my kids love Mariocart and FIFA. Oh, and they also really enjoy Just Dance.

    But we tried Sonic Adventure and Back to the Future, and found those types of games to be virtually unplayable with the control system.

  4. #4
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    The Wii is great for sports type games, and my kids love Mariocart and FIFA. Oh, and they also really enjoy Just Dance.

    But we tried Sonic Adventure and Back to the Future, and found those types of games to be virtually unplayable with the control system.
    Agreed Alex. Mine are playing the latest Wii Dance as I type and they love the sports and Mario Cart. Lego Harry Potter might be coming to an SC near you very soon ;)

  5. #5
    My son had Lego starwars on the xbox I found eventually you find what you need to do but I'm sure some things unlock after a set amount of time playing. Either that or I always missed that great big door that takes you to the next level. Have to agree on Wii the best games are family sports ones, try bowling.

  6. #6
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    Feel your pain OP, I have some hours of my life I will never get back "helping" one of my boys with Lego Batman, utter, utter, utter frustration.

  7. #7
    Grand Master mart broad's Avatar
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    Gave up computer games on the Sinclair and have never looked back

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by mart broad View Post
    Gave up computer games on the Sinclair and have never looked back
    You gave up before they started getting really good! I think this is a generational thing to be honest, I'm 35 and love video games however my dad thinks they're a waste of time...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dougair View Post
    You gave up before they started getting really good! I think this is a generational thing to be honest, I'm 35 and love video games however my dad thinks they're a waste of time...
    Same (well, 32), my first computer was an Amiga 500 and I've had a machine from every generation since. I don't get much time these days but I still love it :)

  10. #10
    Master j0hnbarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrBanks View Post
    Same (well, 32), my first computer was an Amiga 500 and I've had a machine from every generation since. I don't get much time these days but I still love it :)
    I'm with the OP, sort of. Some of the newer games I see on telly just look a bit sad and a substitute for engaging with wider society.

    I had an Amiga 600 and from my point of view gaming never got any better than Sensible Soccer. You had to play it with a Zipstick, mind:

  11. #11
    Well I'm 45 and still play games. Started with Pong and Space Invaders to now!

    Don't worry you haven't been ripped off you just can't play it! Games and especially adventure type games like Harry Potter have a certain pattern so the more you play the more you understand. My 6 year old was able to complete it so it can be done.

  12. #12
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    You're obviously crap at gaming! Stick to supping down the local and leave gaming to the 'yoofs'... ;)

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I have always liked gaming but find as you get older, you have less and less time to play!!

  14. #14
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teknicolourfox View Post
    You're obviously crap at gaming! Stick to supping down the local and leave gaming to the 'yoofs'... ;)

  15. #15
    Craftsman Sara's Avatar
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    I had an Amiga 1200 and one of them lovely joysticks too :) I enjoyed James Pond 2:Robocod, Populous (ooo spent hours on that) and of course Lemmings amongst others...!

    My best friends had a NES, I had a Gameboy, it was grand. But I sort of got lost once things went 3D. I could cope with Mariokart on a Nintendo 64, but even GoldenEye was a bit much for me - I much prefer a side-scroller - at least then I know which direction to go in....

    I have just bought a 2DS and loving it, esp the new Super Mario Bros - sidescroller! Run n jump! Whopee!

  16. #16
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    We proper grownups play World of Tanks when the family doesn't demand attention.

  17. #17
    Craftsman Sara's Avatar
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    Oh and Missile Command even stole my time now and again..

  18. #18
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    I have to agree games have become increasingly complex , which demands more time, saying that I have just rediscovered "Super hang on" arcade mode ( :

  19. #19
    I like gaming, don't play very often as not got the time. There are some amazing games out their, like the old style arcade stuff, the modern stuff is all good too. We have a fair few systems and a couple next gen consoles, all good stuff.

  20. #20
    Master Odo's Avatar
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    Have to say I love computer games, back in the day from the original ZX80 up to my current PS3/ Xbox/ Computer setup and all the boxes in between... but I don't think they are suitable for kids below a certain age, some games need a certain knowledge of the genre just to comprehend.

    I have 2 boys and played all sorts of games with them, RPG, FPS etc etc, but the main point was...I played with them, explained the dynamics and process needed to move on and ultimately enjoy the experience.

    I think what I'm trying to say is that if you don't like or get computer games it is difficult to see the appeal for others.

    And when they didn't get it we went to the park with a football :)

  21. #21
    Thomas Reid
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    The last game I played was Adventure on a CDC Cyber (mainframe). "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different." :)

    Best wishes,

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by rfrazier View Post
    The last game I played was Adventure on a CDC Cyber (mainframe). "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different." :)

    Best wishes,
    I seem to remember it was also available on an ICL ME29

  23. #23
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    I finally caved in and bought a WII U after a decade of saying 'nope, no games consoles in this house'.

    Result? Another eighty quid this afternoon on two more controllers (to allow multiplayers) and an entire afternoon of kids giggling as they rocketed Mario Bros around various tracks.

    Far too much fun, Will be rationed.

    Damn it, in my day fun was building dens in the woods and roasting marshmallows.

    I know who will survive the Zombie Apocalypse!

    (and it won't be the ones who instinctively reach for a remote)

    <<Off to sharpen my machete>>

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Beaunidle View Post
    I finally caved in and bought a WII U after a decade of saying 'nope, no games consoles in this house'.

    Result? Another eighty quid this afternoon on two more controllers (to allow multiplayers) and an entire afternoon of kids giggling as they rocketed Mario Bros around various tracks.

    Far too much fun, Will be rationed.

    Damn it, in my day fun was building dens in the woods and roasting marshmallows.

    I know who will survive the Zombie Apocalypse!

    (and it won't be the ones who instinctively reach for a remote)

    <<Off to sharpen my machete>>
    I bought a wii u today with a bit of the kids Christmas money and me topping up the rest, not wired it up yet but we have a wii and it is amazing fun, so mario kart tomorrow.

    Ration my kids on game playing, so they can do normal things too, both are scary good at shooting real targets with real stuff, so we will be all good come zombie time.

  25. #25
    Master Cirrus's Avatar
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    Games never got any better than Lords of Midnight... nicer graphics maybe, but not better ;)

  26. #26
    Whats wrong with a bit of fantasy?

    But only in small doses, i don't agree with hours of gaming.

    But then again we could ask: Watches - Whats the point?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by b11ocx View Post
    I seem to remember it was also available on an ICL ME29
    I proudly wore an ME29 T shirt ( slogan : "The Solution !" ) as a young boy. My dad worked on the ME29 project at ICL.



  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaketheCannoli View Post
    Never been a gamer, could never see the point of sitting alone in front of a game when you could be down the pub having a beer and pulling a bird.
    Ah, the classic misconception that gamers are socially inadequate loners, unable to engage with the opposite sex!

    It is possible to be a gamer, and enjoy the pub and the ladies you know :)

  29. #29
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Wasted money you say? Wait till your kid is old enough for World of Warcraft...

    before I met my wife, I knew nothing about games. She was (and is) a fan of games. From Sim City and Railway Tycoon up to the latest Call of Duty. My sons don't want to admit at school that their MOM is a few levels ahead of them...

    I personally don't like games. First thing I do, is looking for cheat codes. Last time I tried to play a game was more than 10 yrs ago: the first level of Driver started inside an underground garage. You had to get out of the garage within 60 or so seconds. I never managed to complete it. Therefore, I can see you point when you tell about your HP experience!


  30. #30

    Quite correct

    What a waste of your life sat in front of a computer game. But then, saying that - the wife forces me to watch EastEnders which is just as bad if not worse!

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Cirrus View Post
    Games never got any better than Lords of Midnight... nicer graphics maybe, but not better ;)
    A real classic like Elite was.

    But it was beaten by...

    ...Doomdark's Revenge, bigger, more character types and better graphics. Amazing what would fit into 48k!

    Me and my mates spent days planning our strategies and then implementing them

    Still play both on the iPad now and again

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    I no longer play computer games for 2 main reasons:

    1: The chances of me getting near a games console in this house with my 3 boys is next to none!

    2: They do not relax and de-stress me. Quite the opposite in fact and I think I am a much calmer and happier person when I don't play.

    I got a PS2 years ago to play GTA3 and became obsessed with it. If I wasn't at work or sleeping I was playing it (even when I was sleeping I was dreaming about it). My wife bought me GTA5 last year for xmas and it still sits in a cupboard here, seal unbroken.

  33. #33
    I don't think I've played a game since way before my kids were born, and possibly not since the 90's. I wouldn't have the time to read on here if I did.
    It's just a matter of time...

  34. #34
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    I agree that for the most part I found games totally boring and a waste of time. Only games I've ever played are space invaders, sim city and a bit of star wars lego when my son was younger. He's 13 now and is gaming mad - he didn't get it off me that's for sure!

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