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Thread: Smokers - the greatest invention ever in history, ever, ever

  1. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by the big fella View Post
    Sorry but if you can go 9 days without a ciggie then you can quit without any problems at all .
    That's a bit simplistic - if that was the case then you'd expect few people to go back smoking after a few weeks off them.

    My experience every time I gave up was that the first couple of days were hell, but the next 2 weeks were OK as it was front and centre in my mind that I was giving up. But then the novelty and feel-good factor wore off, and there I was back on the smokes.

    You're correct, nicotine is addictive, but (in correct amounts) it's not what kills you.

  2. #552
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    A little fishing village on the banks of the mersey.
    I suppose your right but your problem is you'll have to charge it up every 8 days to get ready for the urge.
    Seriously though if it keeps you off the ciggies then why not .
    Last edited by the big fella; 10th April 2014 at 21:41.

  3. #553
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    Quote Originally Posted by the big fella View Post
    I suppose your right but your problem is you'll have to charge it up every 8 days to get ready for the urge.
    Seriously though if it keeps you off the ciggies then why not .
    Yeah, as I've admitted to myself, all I've done is swapped one habit for another. But I've never given up smoking for more than 3 months before, so I'm happy enough to continue vaping.

  4. #554
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    Oh, am I completely off the mark then? I've recently started smoking a pipe and am thoroughly enjoying it. The different tobaccos, pipes and people are most enjoyable and today I even shared a pipe or two with some like-minded individuals in an indoor (yes, indoor) smoking lounge at the Cuban Cigar Club in Newcastle before I wandered off to catch my train.



  5. #555
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I needed to stop smoking tobacco because I have COPD and my lungs are wrecked. Since I started vaping 14 months ago, my breathing has improved significantly but I suspect I've replaced one habit with another, albeit one which is less damaging.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  6. #556
    Journeyman stevoknevo's Avatar
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    Bought a Totally Wicked ego three weeks ago today to see how I got on with it and have had one fag since (my mate took me out in his Jag XFR with S pack, 560bhp & 500ft/lb! ) Ordered a Vamo V5 mod today with a Kanger tank, can't wait until it gets here

    Never thought such a simple device would get me off the smokes, and I have tried oh so many times. What a revelation these things are

  7. #557
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    *Edited as the post referenced was deleted*
    Last edited by Rob777; 28th April 2014 at 20:24.

  8. #558
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Very interesting and worth watching:

    Seems they really are much, much better than fags.

    So why the calls to ban them eh?
    So clever my foot fell off.

  9. #559
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    There's lots of hysteria about it all, and I think a big part of it is because people largely enjoy using them, rather than suffering through other replacement therapies like tablets / patches / inhalers etc. And you never know who is lobbying against them.

    The main concern I would share with the "nay" crowd is that some dodgy labs could add way too much nicotine into the liquid, which could indeed be incredibly dangerous/fatal.

    Admittedly there are a few unknowns about it all, but what are the odds that they could be even a fraction as dangerous as cigarettes?

  10. #560
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Very interesting and worth watching:

    Seems they really are much, much better than fags.

    So why the calls to ban them eh?
    Think its more to do with the lack of regulation.

    I've been on and off the fags for years ; whenever stress hits I'll be honest cigs have gotten through some tense times. I'm far more mellower when I'm smoking.

    I'm ordering a vaper ; probably some big fancy thing. I figure if I can't beat the fags for long enough this as an alternative is pretty much harmless.

    I'm reminded of "Sam Slade" from "Robohunter" in 200ad and his electronic robotic cigarette "stogie".

  11. #561
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I've ordered this one from Fasttech in Singapore -

    Trackable mailing is included in the price and the PayPal conversion came out at £16.32, which keeps it below the £18 limit for customs.

    Don't explore the website, it will cost you money, especially the LED torches (I ordered 4 x 450 lumen Cree zoom torches for £15.92 as well).

    The only negative is the time from order to delivery, I'm still waiting after 3 weeks although tracking shows that it's now in the UK.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  12. #562
    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    I've ordered this one from Fasttech in Singapore -

    Trackable mailing is included in the price and the PayPal conversion came out at £16.32, which keeps it below the £18 limit for customs.

    Don't explore the website, it will cost you money, especially the LED torches (I ordered 4 x 450 lumen Cree zoom torches for £15.92 as well).

    The only negative is the time from order to delivery, I'm still waiting after 3 weeks although tracking shows that it's now in the UK.

    WOW, I could spend all day looking through that site, cheers Eddie!

  13. #563
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  14. #564
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post

    You are Dr Who, those are sonic screwdrivers, and I claim my five pounds.

    (Actually, the one on the left is very steampunk!)
    So clever my foot fell off.

  15. #565
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    Fine looking collection there sir. What Mod is that one in the middle?

  16. #566
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Very interesting and worth watching:

    Seems they really are much, much better than fags.

    So why the calls to ban them eh?
    It's all here

  17. #567
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fifer View Post
    Fine looking collection there sir. What Mod is that one in the middle?
    That's a ZMAX v3. I paid £75 for that in the UK last year but you can get it for less here:

    I've bought a few things from this site and not been disappointed.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  18. #568
    Quote Originally Posted by ewan.w View Post
    Hi all

    What a fascinating threead

    I was wondering if any of you had quit cigs and later taken up e-cigs as opposed to substituting one for the other as Eddie has done.


    I've done exactly that.
    I used to be a fairly heavy smoker and quit cold turkey when I was 30 (used an inhaler to help and this was just before the smoking ban)
    After about 3 or so years I started having the occasional ciggie when I had a few drinks / went on a stag / special occasions etc.
    I have no intention of ever taking up smoking again, but was ok with having the occasional social one (quite surprised I was able to do this as I have a fairly addictive personality!)
    My wife wasn't too happy about this though, so when I read about e-cigs I thought I'd get one to pacify the OH on those occasions when I'd had a drink and fancied a crafty fag.
    I now use the e-cig fairly regularly now, but always with 0% or very low nicotine. I've got a new habit but it must be more about the old smoking associations (comfort through inhaling) than the actual nicotine. Also, the different flavours can be quite nice.
    I still have the occasional ciggie on a lads night out (don't tell the wife!) but this is less than before (both ciggies and lads nights out!)
    If I thought the e cig was doing me any harm I could stop using it no problem - lets hope it's not!

  19. #569
    I've got a BNIB Kanger Mini ProTank II spare here if anyone wants to buy it?

  20. #570
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    More positive common sense:

    I think any arguments against e-cigs are really going to struggle to have any credibility.
    So clever my foot fell off.

  21. #571
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    The Welsh government wants to restrict their use in public places, because of fears they normalise smoking.
    When I read arguments like this, the only conclusion I can make is that there is serious lobbying from tobacco companies going on behind the scenes.

  22. #572
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eoin View Post
    When I read arguments like this, the only conclusion I can make is that there is serious lobbying from tobacco companies going on behind the scenes.
    My interpretation precisely.

    There is no remotely credible reason for restricting or banning them, other than economic.

    I really think the suggestion that they "normalise smoking" is utterly clutching at straws.
    So clever my foot fell off.

  23. #573
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    Probably correct about the tobacco companies but also I suspect it would be wrong to under-estimate the inability of the anti-smoking lobby to accept that the rise of the e-cigarette is actually a victory for their campaign, not a defeat... If I were a tobacco company, apart from looking forward to increasing prices in those developing parts of the world where smoking remains pervasive, as the incomes of their populations rise, I would also be stockpiling branded vaping gear and juices, ready to release them into the market once it is clear vaping is catching on - their control over the high street distribution points will then give them a decent advantage when they enter the market, as they surely must. The problem for them of course is that the flavour of cigarettes is less of a selling point in the juice world.

  24. #574
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    I wonder if/when the likes of Nicorette will get into the market, given that someone who vapes is likely to use an eCig for longer than someone who uses their gum / patches / inhaler thingy that looks a little like a lady's sanitary product.

    I totally accept that there are lots of unknowns about vaping - but surely even the worst case scenario would be that it's far less dangerous than smoking. There are, of course, real risks like dodgy batches of juice that have a dangerous level of nicotine, but I'm talking about if you were to compare a cigarette and an eCig both performing as designed. Saying it's better to go cold turkey is just stating the bloody obvious.

  25. #575
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    Ben using a friends vaper and I have to say I get as much enjoyment out of it as smoking real cigarettes , seriously these things are great.

  26. #576
    Master MerlinShepherd's Avatar
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    A question to the several members who vape, what would you recommend as a decent (certainly better than entry level) setup?

  27. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by MerlinShepherd View Post
    A question to the several members who vape, what would you recommend as a decent (certainly better than entry level) setup?
    I've been using this setup the last while. No mess, no arsing about with rebuilding wicks and all that stuff.


    Battery: (any 510 threaded battery with a decent output should be fine)

    And these are the disposable atomisers it uses. I've had very few duds so far, and getting a week's use from each one:

  28. #578
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MerlinShepherd View Post
    A question to the several members who vape, what would you recommend as a decent (certainly better than entry level) setup?
    There's a lot of stuff to look at here:

    Shipped from Singapore (not very fast but acceptable) and all prices include shipping. I've had 3 orders from them now without problem.

    I ordered one of these but you'd need more bits if you're not already vaping.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  29. #579
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    Quote Originally Posted by MerlinShepherd View Post
    A question to the several members who vape, what would you recommend as a decent (certainly better than entry level) setup?
    You could do a lot worse than a NatureVape kit. The microcoils last for ages (Mine still going strong after 3months) and it's a doddle to rewick with cottonwool. Whip out the old wick dryburn the coil to burn off gunge rewick and its like new.

    If you fancy something a bit more involved, building your own coils etc. there are plenty of options. Building coils is not rocket science. It can be as simple as winding some kanthal wire 3 or 4 times round some silica wick to micro coils nano coils and beyond. As simple or as complicated as you like. I love my Fakirs TroyX attomiser on FX22 mod.

    It's a versatile wee thing which can be used as a direct dripper or with supplied extension tube (as above) used with some filler to hold about 4ml of juice. As shown I have an IMR18350 3.7V High Drain LiMN Battery installed. This thing pretty much lives in my shirt pocket.

    You might find these videos helpful. I know I did.

  30. #580
    Master MerlinShepherd's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your suggestions guys. I guess it's a little bit of a learning curve... I'll think of something.

  31. #581
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    Haven't had a proper cigarette for over a week but have sent off for a JAC Vapour 510 Manual 650mah kit to get me going.

    Looking forward to the experience.


  32. #582
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Finally some common sense over the WHO nonsense:

    There is no remotely sensible reason to discourage e-cig use.

  33. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Finally some common sense over the WHO nonsense:

    There is no remotely sensible reason to discourage e-cig use.
    Couldn't agree more - and this week marks a year for me of vaping instead of smoking (in part as a result of this thread, so thanks). Saving a fortune and feeling great.

  34. #584
    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Finally some common sense over the WHO nonsense:

    There is no remotely sensible reason to discourage e-cig use.
    Common sense indeed
    Not been a smoker since May last year.
    It's crazy the mis-information and spin that goes on with vaping, all from the government and/or tobacco companies I assume.
    "There is no remotely sensible reason to discourage e-cig use" Tell that to the government who face losing huge amounts in tax revenue, a lose that would affect the current party in charge, in exchange for a public health/nhs saving years down the line when they won't be in power to benefit from it. Or the big tobacco companies, also losing money hand over fist, who have huge lobbying budgets and a large supply of brown envelopes. That's who will be behind all the anti vaping stuff.

    just today a colleague asked if I'd had any of my devices explode lately. My reply was 'no, when was the last time you're mobile phone or torch exploded', he looked confused and said 'but ecigs explode, it's on the news'


  35. #585
    Can't wait for Eddie to give up vaping! I am straight round to his bin LOL. Some superb looking kit there.

  36. #586
    Master adzman808's Avatar
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    Well, I've been vaping now for nearly 2 years.

    Not completely cigarette free, a few drunken times, and (this is perhaps hard to explain) a few times with people who I've known for years and years and ended up doing it 'for old times sake'

    the most important thing (for me) is that the times I've had a cigarette, I haven't felt any compulsion to start with the cigarettes again the day afterwards

    Gear wise, I had a variable W & V device, which really made vaping suit my tastes. Sadly it suffered one to many falls to the floor and became unreliable.

    I replaced it with a itaste 134, which hasn't had many drop tests... But seems built like a tank and is imo easier to set up than the digi display device I had before

    tank wise, I was struggling a bit... The itaste one had great flavour, but I found the hit a little poor and the 'juice' managed to get to my mouth one to many times (one is too many times, and it happened more than once)

    I also had a gawd knows the true brand.... Perhaps a rebranded evod or kanger <sp?> that had a great hit, mades loads of vapour, but made a noise like static and with my juice choice (more on that below) coils were only operating at their peak for about 4 days, it was also very thirsty and the mouth part (drip tube?) wasn't removable to be cleaned.

    Yesterday I received my naturevape midi tank, well early days, but so far I'm very impressed, I would of liked to have seen a threaded top section, rather than relying on clamp load from the bottom fitting, but if it doesn't leak, then fair play. So far this tank seems to combine all the things I liked from the other 2 tanks, but with no static noise and a removable mouth piece. Time will tell.

    earlier in this thread I complained that vaping was irritating my nasal lining. I switched juice to a 50/50 pg/vg mix and this seems have completely fixed that problem.

    Since commencing vaping I've felt appreciably better health wise, not waking up coughing or getting out of breath so easily (although I've never been to a gym in my life, so I'm not trying to pretend I'm fit!!), if I laugh at something it doesn't end in a coughing fit, my sense of smell is better, my fingers and teeth aren't yellow. Also if for whatever reason I can't vape for an extended period of time (flight, meeting etc) yes I get a nicotine craving, but the insane rage that used to accompany being deprived of cigarettes simply doesn't manifest itself (or I've chilled out in my older age!)

    It is clearly all good.

    Recently we've moved to Portugal. Cigarettes here are €4.10 for 20. Smoking isn't at all demonised. Nearly everyone you see seems to be smoking. The local shopping centre has a smoking room, generally you can't smoke inside, but you can smoke on railway platforms, bus stops etc.

    it would be so easy to go back to smoking, but I've absolutely no desire to whatsoever.

    With vaping, I just don't feel like I'm denying myself something I want to do, it doesn't feel like I've given anything up.

    If you don't want to smoke AND don't want to not smoke, then I can't recommend trying vaping enough.

    sorry for the long post!

  37. #587
    Some superb Pro vaping posts on here! I class my case as very unusuall, Without boring you with details after a few heart attacks and hospital stays I stopped smoking ( 10 per day ) and have not had a cig for Ten Years, HOWEVER it has driven me mad and not a day has passed when I have not missed a cig especially if I see one, I have thought about E cigs many times but have managed to keep off up to about a fortnight ago, We were at a country fair and what should I see at my feet ---- an as new E lite cig, I took it home where it sat staring at me for a day or two , It proved too much and I think finding it was an Omen LOL After a good wipe with surgical spirit I longingly puffed on it! It was an absolute revelation it was a menthol tip but after nothing I think it was the equiv to a fluffy little cloud with angels perched upon it!. I have since bought two more tips in menthol and have twigged how to fill them My BIG difficulty is trying to just keep to last thing at night it is VERY hard not to get carried away, I do appreciate medical facts are a bit vague and I probably should NOT use one but it's that or real or tranquilliser pills, So at the mo it is the best thing since sliced bread! As a finish if anyone had a spare set up to sell, Cheap as poss just to give me the set up that most of you seem to favour as I can't fathom what to buy from E cig sites, A ready made one would be ideal if I just had to buy carts??. And fluid to complete the setup.

  38. #588
    I might be selling my Provari Mini soon, comes with 4 x AMR Batteries, Nitecore charger and Aspire head!

  39. #589
    Replied to. Thanks for that, Brilliant thread and nice to get replies.

  40. #590
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I've just read on the box of a 30ml container of juice that it's the equivalent of 600 cigarettes. That's £200 of fags for a tenner.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  41. #591
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    @fishman307 - just keep an eye on your blood pressure. Nicotine raises blood pressure, and there's a chance you might consume more nicotine through vaping than if you were smoking. It's very easy to use an eCig constantly over the day, rather than for a few mins at a time like if you were smoking. It's one of the few legitimate concerns that have been raised IMO.

  42. #592
    Quote Originally Posted by Eoin View Post
    @fishman307 - just keep an eye on your blood pressure. Nicotine raises blood pressure, and there's a chance you might consume more nicotine through vaping than if you were smoking. It's very easy to use an eCig constantly over the day, rather than for a few mins at a time like if you were smoking. It's one of the few legitimate concerns that have been raised IMO.

    So true, I got some high level nicotine juice cheap last Christmas and was having the shakes in bed at night!

    Im down to low now and all is good, may even pack it in come new year........... Or maybe not!

  43. #593
    Thanks so much for those comments, To be perfectly honest with myself I am finding it VERY difficult to put down, I do tend to feel bad as normal having had a pacemaker/ deffibrilator fitted and taking many heart stabilising drugs, I do wonder if really I should try and give it up, The biggest problem seems to be I have had to stop taking any Anti Depressants as they are not compatible with other medication, ( about 60 tabs per day inc Morphine and Oramorph) so thanks for the posts they are probably very true, But it does Deff have a relaxing effect, .
    Forgot to add I am using 18 mg Menthol ???

  44. #594
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishman307 View Post
    Thanks so much for those comments, To be perfectly honest with myself I am finding it VERY difficult to put down, I do tend to feel bad as normal having had a pacemaker/ deffibrilator fitted and taking many heart stabilising drugs, I do wonder if really I should try and give it up, The biggest problem seems to be I have had to stop taking any Anti Depressants as they are not compatible with other medication, ( about 60 tabs per day inc Morphine and Oramorph) so thanks for the posts they are probably very true, But it does Deff have a relaxing effect, .
    Forgot to add I am using 18 mg Menthol ???
    Maybe try a lower strength juice - the good thing about menthol is that you should get a good throat hit from it in lower strengths as well.

    I am a big advocate of vaping, but it is a bit of an unknown at the moment. There's no doubt in my mind that it's healthier than smoking and I think there is a lot of baseless hysteria out there about it. But if you have underlying health issues, it's obviously better to err on the side of caution.

    Quote Originally Posted by gilford View Post
    So true, I got some high level nicotine juice cheap last Christmas and was having the shakes in bed at night!
    And you never know exactly how accurate the manufacturers' measurements are either.

    If I could find some low or zero strength tobacco juice that still had lots of flavour and throat hit, I'd be happy - but all the ones I've tried may as well have been water.

  45. #595
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    I didn't realise we had a bunch of vapers on here, I myself quit smoking 5 years back, but was having the odd one with a drink, I was waking up feeling poisoned with the toxins, so started vaping,

    I have been vaping for around 12 months now, using the MVP iTaste V2, with an iClear 30s fitted with 2.1 ohm dual coils, and love it.

    I have tried a tonn of juices, but have settled with the VIP british gold (benson and hedges) 16mg and the VIP pineapple 16mg, here is a pick of mine (box mod)

  46. #596
    Quote Originally Posted by Eoin View Post
    Maybe try a lower strength juice - the good thing about menthol is that you should get a good throat hit from it in lower strengths as well.

    I am a big advocate of vaping, but it is a bit of an unknown at the moment. There's no doubt in my mind that it's healthier than smoking and I think there is a lot of baseless hysteria out there about it. But if you have underlying health issues, it's obviously better to err on the side of caution.

    And you never know exactly how accurate the manufacturers' measurements are either.

    If I could find some low or zero strength tobacco juice that still had lots of flavour and throat hit, I'd be happy - but all the ones I've tried may as well have been water.

    Have you tried making your own juice?

    I make my own and it's a doddle, so much cheaper too (costs me about 50p per 10ml bottle), plus you can make whatever nicotine strength you like (I'm currently on 7.2mg, an easy number to mix using 72mg nicotine base).

    I don't do baccy flavours personally, but there are loads of different ones available, plus if you find the flavour a bit weak, you can just add a touch more concentrate.

    Nicotine strength will have little bearing on flavour and as I said, you can just up the amount of concentrate slightly.

    Reduced nicotine will however reduce throat hit, not something I'm bothered about, but if you are there are ways round it. You can alter the PG/VG ratio to get more throat hit, pg gives throat hit, vg produces more visible vapour. Also there is an additive you can buy called 'bitextra' which apparently ups the throat hit too.

    If you're interest in getting into mixing get yourself here to do a bit of research, or give me a shout and I can let you know the basics. It really is easy, there's only 4 ingredients to mix, nicotine, flavouring, PG & VG.

    Last edited by Brighty; 18th September 2014 at 09:01.

  47. #597
    Master adzman808's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
    I've just read on the box of a 30ml container of juice that it's the equivalent of 600 cigarettes. That's £200 of fags for a tenner.

    I'm not sure how long it would take me to vape through a 30ml container but I suspect less time than it would take to smoke 600 cigarettes...

    Anyone any thoughts on the implications of this?

  48. #598
    Think there's a lot of tosh talked about regarding number of cigs Xml is equivalent to, usually by those little stalls selling cigalikes in shopping centres. You can't really equate number of mg in an amount of juice to number in a cig. I used to smoke 20 a day and now vape about 4-5ml a day, so for me a 30ml bottle lasts me a week which equates, for me, to about 140 fags. Not quite 600, but still silly cheap when I can make a 30ml bottle for about £1.50


    Just found this link
    Bit long winded, but to summarise

    It is possible to give a cigarette equivalency for a given carto, by phrasing it in terms of a user's experience. In other words, you could say, "I used to smoke 15 a day and now I use about 3 cartos a day of X strength, so for me, a carto equals about 5 cigarettes". There is nothing wrong with this approach - whatever numbers are used.

    It is not possible to say this: "We calculated the amounts of nicotine and a carto is equal to n cigarettes". This is impossible to do because we don't know how much nicotine is in e-cigarette vapor. How much nic is in a carto is irrelevant, just as the quantity in a cigarette is irrelevant (18mg). It's how much makes it into the vapor or smoke that counts. That number can be very different from what is in the bulk material.

    Any 'technical' person who makes such a statement as the one above needs to take a course in basic logic. You can't compare a rock and a cupcake in order to derive any usable data. You can compare a pile of tobacco and a container of e-liquid (although such a comparison has no use), and you can compare smoke with vapor (and need to). Since we don't know how much nicotine is in vapor, no proper calculations can be made.

    We do not have the data required in order to compare the nicotine delivered by cigarette smoke and ecig vapor numerically.
    Last edited by Brighty; 18th September 2014 at 10:42.

  49. #599
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    a 30ml bottle of juice lasts me just over a week, and I am a medium vape type of guy, more importantly I can get to the gym every day and feel nothing from it, in terms of breathlessness, its all good here.

  50. #600
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brighty View Post

    Have you tried making your own juice?

    I make my own and it's a doddle, so much cheaper too (costs me about 50p per 10ml bottle), plus you can make whatever nicotine strength you like (I'm currently on 7.2mg, an easy number to mix using 72mg nicotine base).

    I don't do baccy flavours personally, but there are loads of different ones available, plus if you find the flavour a bit weak, you can just add a touch more concentrate.

    Nicotine strength will have little bearing on flavour and as I said, you can just up the amount of concentrate slightly.

    Reduced nicotine will however reduce throat hit, not something I'm bothered about, but if you are there are ways round it. You can alter the PG/VG ratio to get more throat hit, pg gives throat hit, vg produces more visible vapour. Also there is an additive you can buy called 'bitextra' which apparently ups the throat hit too.

    If you're interest in getting into mixing get yourself here to do a bit of research, or give me a shout and I can let you know the basics. It really is easy, there's only 4 ingredients to mix, nicotine, flavouring, PG & VG.

    Thanks Brighty, I did give it a go a while ago using stuff from Inawera. Well, I bought the base liquid and added flavourings to it - didn't do anything more complicated than that. I never got it quite right though, and had to toss out a good few cartos in the process due to some very horrible concoctions. I found the fruit flavours a bit more consistent. I never got into using the right concentrations of PG etc, so I might just give that a go again. Thanks for the link!

    I get 100ml of pre-made stuff for about EUR14 delivered, which isn't too shabby. But the DIY stuff was so cheap, that I think it's worth getting into again.

    Quote Originally Posted by adzman808 View Post
    I'm not sure how long it would take me to vape through a 30ml container but I suspect less time than it would take to smoke 600 cigarettes...
    Yes, I think it's very optimistic. I know I vape a lot, but 600 smokes would be around 2 months' worth of smoking for me. A 30ml bottle wouldn't last me anything close to that.

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