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Thread: How much are you willing to spend on a family holiday?

  1. #1
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    How much are you willing to spend on a family holiday?

    I'm off to Thailand in August to look at a condo, and if I get it the plan is to spend 5 weeks out there next summer with the family. Now I'm under no illusions that it's going to cost about 5K to have a good "money no worry" holiday with trips to zoos and watermarks etc, and it got me thinking what is the upper limit people are willing to pay for the annual vacation.
    I know there will always be one offs that are super expensive (Disneyland Florida for me in about 6 years when my kids are old enough to enjoy all the amusements) but for now at this time I personally couldn't justify anything over 5k.
    What about you?

  2. #2
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    Family holiday? I'd be prepared to spend one day! Seriously, it just depends on what we fancy and what we can afford.

  3. #3
    Master igorRIJEKA's Avatar
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    As much as it takes!Too much time spending on the f****n job.

  4. #4
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    I don't have kids but we spend easily 3.5-4k on a two week couples break every summer.

    5-6k for 5 weeks sounds like great value!

  5. #5
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    We did Disney etc a couple of years ago and will be going in a year or two again.
    We're looking at one big holiday every two to three years, Disney, Australia and a safari before the kids are too old and don't want to go with us.
    The years between are going to be cheap affairs a couple of small holidays costing as little as possible.

  6. #6
    Master RJM25R's Avatar
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    Its subjective.

    This year we're going to Egypt, 5 star all inclusive and we're staying in a 4 room suite (and there's only me and mrs Rjm) its cost £2500 for 8 days but I'll probably spend very little while I'm away but apart from my mortgage, I have zero debt and we both work and earn good money. It's the most expensive holiday we've ever had.

    Next year we're having our conservatory completely rebuilt so a holiday will be a lot less extravagant.

    When our son was young, and i was earning less than 20k per annum and my wife wasn't working and we had loans, credit cards and other debts we used to go to Lloret de mar or Benidorm for £600.....

  7. #7
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    Just wanted to add the cost of a family should not really matter. Spend what you can afford.

    The important point is that you are enjoying some great time together, whether that be in a tent or in a five star hotel.

  8. #8
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Last Easter we went to Florida and it cost nearly 14k all in. Worth every penny.

    This Easter we went to the Isle of Wight, and it cost substantially less. Was still really good though.

    There are loads of good places to go in the UK.
    So clever my foot fell off.

  9. #9
    We normally take two trips a year abroad and maybe one in the uk. (Me the misses and our 3 year old). Around April time we go to eurocamp in the south of France for a week which time you factor in flights, car hire plus spending money is about £2k. Around June or July we have been going to Greece for the last 3 years. Small island of kos, 5 star hotel great complex etc roughly £3500 with a junior suite which is always nice.
    Contemplating private school for our son so we may have to rethink our summer holiday in the above poster says its all about spending quality time with the family...

  10. #10
    Master Scrubnut's Avatar
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    The short answer is, if I've got it, and I want it badly enough, I'll spend what it takes.

  11. #11
    Grand Master Chinnock's Avatar
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    Spent a fortune going to Disney Florida 2 years ago. Spent a week in Walberswick last year in a lovely cottage. Polarised cost, both fantastic holidays. We timed Disney to ensure all 3 children could get the most from the holiday, and boy did they make sure of that!!
    “Don’t look back, you’re not heading that way.”

  12. #12
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    As much as I can afford, if it's a great holiday.

    The last couple of years, it's been exotic (for us! Cuba and Mauritius/Dubai), expensive holidays and we all enjoyed them both, but we've had cheap, self catering (even caravan) holidays in the past which have been memorable for all the right reasons too (especially in Brittany).

    This year, with a much needed bathroom refit, we're having a cheaper holiday (Guernsey, self catering) - I don't know how good it'll be, but we'll probably enjoy ourselves.

    We often spend more on Skiing holidays, to be fair, but again, we've had some really great, late availability cheap trips where amazing snow has made the holiday outstanding!

    If you know you'll have a great time doing something unique and it costs a bit more, do it, but spending more is no guarantee of a good holiday, imo.

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  13. #13
    Craftsman Zigster's Avatar
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    School holidays are the killer (from a price perspective!) when you have a family.

    My two boys are school age. We've just priced up a week at half-term and we were looking at £3k for the week for a really quite basic flights and hotel package. We're probably going to do something closer to home instead.

    For two weeks abroad in the summer, we're spending about £5k for flights, car hire, villa in the south of France. We could have booked somewhere cheaper but this feels like the right balance (for us) of price and quality.

    yeti mentioned private schooling - the fees are crippling but it does mean you can save quite a bit on holidays by going outside of the State school holidays (assuming you have any money left for holidays).

  14. #14
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    The experience and education of travel is one of the very best ways to spend your money, IMO.

    If I get change from £5k for a couple weeks I'm happy, that's for just me and the missus btw.

  15. #15
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GraniteQuarry View Post
    The experience and education of travel is one of the very best ways to spend your money, IMO.

    If I get change from £5k for a couple weeks I'm happy, that's for just me and the missus btw.
    That's very true, but you don't need to spend a lot to get it.

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  16. #16
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    That's very true, but you don't need to spend a lot to get it
    Agreed, but as has been said, it's all subjective.

    I did most of Europe years ago so it's the long-haul destinations that appeal nowadays, and for two the flights alone will be near a grand in cattle class. Nice hotel and the food/sights and the bills get hefty!

    Must say though, went 2007-2011 without a holiday due to business and house moves, so it all about evens out overall.

  17. #17
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    I think our recent ( 2 weeks ago ) all inclusive for 4 for 1 week to Sharm in Egypt cost just about 1700 quid. Im dreading costing up Disney in a few years time,.....

  18. #18
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    ^^^^ I feel your pain because that is a bridge that I have to cross too.

  19. #19
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    You can't put a price on it - absoloutly priceless
    We like to do a 'biggie' every couple of years with the girls (eldest now 21) took them to California last year (cost around £7k with spends) this is about 1/4 of my salary - my girls still talk about holidays we went on years ago to Florida.
    I always say it's an 'investment' in memories- Mrs Lewie would say I'm 'careful' but not where holidays are concerned.
    At the end of the day you've got to be able to 'afford it'

  20. #20
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    I have to pay about 4K just to get to any mainland with my lot before thinking of where to go!

    I go every two years with the family and normally have a blowout - done Disney, great for the kids but mentally exhausting. We jumped on a really cheap cruise around the Caribbean afterwards which was crazy cheap money (works out cheaper then a hotel with your grub chucked in). Highly recommend this after Disney to chillax

  21. #21
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    About £250

    The cost of a ferry, some diesel and enough for the payage

    I stay with family in France and Switzerland every year... My kids play with all the massed ranks of cousins... I soak up the sun, knock out the odd barbecue, shop at the local markets and have a generally lovely time!!!


    Ps... I may also have a cheeky glass of red (I stay in Burgundy on the French leg of our hols)

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Last Easter we went to Florida and it cost nearly 14k all in. Worth every penny.

    This Easter we went to the Isle of Wight, and it cost substantially less. Was still really good though.

    There are loads of good places to go in the UK.
    Off to Florida this summer, costing around the same money, but there is six of us.

  23. #23
    We (family of 4) did South Africa for 2 weeks during Easter. We are doing a week in Portugal in May half term, and Greece for 9 days in August.

    The total for these 3 holidays including flights, car hire, hotels and spendies will be circa £9k.

  24. #24
    Master jukeboxs's Avatar
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    Anything over £2k and I start to feel uncomfortable (after all, you soon forget your holiday a few weeks after coming back to the grindstone) - for a family of four. This year we looked at Florida (combined with a few days in NY), but I couldn't go ahead as the cost was approaching £4-5k excluding daily expenses. In the end, we opted for south France again, £2k for flights and accomodation - admittedly extra for food, etc. Going to Eurodisney for a week in October, will cost about £2k all in. So, my logic is falling apart already. £2-3k all in per holiday is about my limit. And that's quite generous for a Scot I think!

  25. #25
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    Now that the wife and I are on our own we get two holidays a year. For European holidays I try to limit the cost of each holiday to two weeks wages per head - spending money extra, OFC!! However if it's long haul (we are going to Goa in November) then it will cost more.

    We are fortunate - we both work full time (albeit we both make less than the national average) and we have no mortgage or debts beyond the monthly utilities so we can afford to do it. However I am fearful that the wife's various illnesses will soon become uninsurable (the insurance cost is rocketing every year) so when that happens we will be limited to the UK and Channel Islands


  26. #26
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    Wow, I need to show my wife this thread! Our budgets go waaaay over most of those mentioned above.

    My wife's reasoning is that we work hard all year, earn decent money, and therefore should have holidays in 5* long haul luxury. She happily spends £8-10k on a 10-14 day holiday of pure luxury.
    Personally I've always struggled with the budget, but the holidays are her domain so I let her get on with it.

    Now that we have a child of school age I keep trying to get her to hold back, but the camping trip remains elusive. Also, these days all that seems to be important is a big pool with lots of other kids in it...

  27. #27
    Master KavKav's Avatar
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    In the last year we have done Naples in Florida and Madeira, this year Hamburg and a cottage in Sussex.

    Future plans for the next couple of years include Colorado Springs (sentimental revisit for my wife who was stationed there on secondment to the USAF about 20 years ago), trans-Canada by rail and perhaps Boston and New England.

    Health and finances permitting!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
    We (family of 4) did South Africa for 2 weeks during Easter. We are doing a week in Portugal in May half term, and Greece for 9 days in August.

    The total for these 3 holidays including flights, car hire, hotels and spendies will be circa £9k.
    That sounds like a bargain. Did you visit fam in SA or do a proper holiday?

  29. #29
    For us holidays are always a low priority in that we can always justify spending less. But usually around 2.5k USD is a usual amount for the wife and I for about 7 - 10 days.

    But we usually go away in the country we're in as it's just as enjoyable and we can drive home should we need too :)


  30. #30
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonM View Post
    I think our recent ( 2 weeks ago ) all inclusive for 4 for 1 week to Sharm in Egypt cost just about 1700 quid. Im dreading costing up Disney in a few years time,.....
    You don't HAVE to go to Disneyland/world/depot, you know?

    I was only saying to my wife a few days ago that there's something sinister about the whole way it's promoted - "If you don't take your kids to Disneyland, we'll have Social services on you..."

    Personally, I can't imagine anything more awful than queueing for hours to go on a fairground ride whilst being surrounded by people in cartoon character outfits and thousands of hot, bored kids...

    I like some of the films, but the theme parks and the promotion of them make me very uncomfortable.

    No, I never took my kids, but thankfully they never badgered me to!

    I really don't believe they'd have gained anything in life by us going there

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  31. #31
    We did 3 weeks in Malaysia Easter before last with 2 kids for £3.5k. This year it's a week in France in August for......£2.5k.

    Long haul can bring some economies with timing and climate.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
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  32. #32
    Take the bus or train somewhere and stay in a cheap B&B.
    It's just a matter of time...

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    You don't HAVE to go to Disneyland/world/depot, you know?

    I was only saying to my wife a few days ago that there's something sinister about the whole way it's promoted - "If you don't take your kids to Disneyland, we'll have Social services on you..."

    Personally, I can't imagine anything more awful than queueing for hours to go on a fairground ride whilst being surrounded by people in cartoon character outfits and thousands of hot, bored kids...

    I like some of the films, but the theme parks and the promotion of them make me very uncomfortable.

    No, I never took my kids, but thankfully they never badgered me to!

    I really don't believe they'd have gained anything in life by us going there

    Actually you do have to go.

    I dreaded going. But was so bowled over by it all (I include the whole Universal/Island of Adventure/Sea World/Busch Gardens shebang in that) that we went back two years later.

    Irrespective to what you think of their ads, the reality is something very special. Firstly, nobody is left out; if you're old or disabled, they will move heaven and earth to make sure you have a wonderful time. I like that. Very un-British. Secondly, the place really is a wonderland in a way that defies full description. The characters I personally can do without, and to be honest I only saw a handful of them during our two weeks. We didn't do the parades or the shopping (though Lord knows you can get involved in that if you want to) we did the rides, the fireworks and then more rides.

    I believe that the cloying cheese of the Disney ads does them a disservice in all but one respect; there is a certain magic there and you really will have the memories for a very long time.

    As will the bill.

  34. #34
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corporalsparrow View Post
    Actually you do have to go.

    I dreaded going. But was so bowled over by it all (I include the whole Universal/Island of Adventure/Sea World/Busch Gardens shebang in that) that we went back two years later.

    Irrespective to what you think of their ads, the reality is something very special. Firstly, nobody is left out; if you're old or disabled, they will move heaven and earth to make sure you have a wonderful time. I like that. Very un-British. Secondly, the place really is a wonderland in a way that defies full description. The characters I personally can do without, and to be honest I only saw a handful of them during our two weeks. We didn't do the parades or the shopping (though Lord knows you can get involved in that if you want to) we did the rides, the fireworks and then more rides.

    I believe that the cloying cheese of the Disney ads does them a disservice in all but one respect; there is a certain magic there and you really will have the memories for a very long time.

    As will the bill.
    Fair enough, but I STILL don't need to go

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    About £250

    The cost of a ferry, some diesel and enough for the payage

    I stay with family in France and Switzerland every year... My kids play with all the massed ranks of cousins... I soak up the sun, knock out the odd barbecue, shop at the local markets and have a generally lovely time!!!


    Ps... I may also have a cheeky glass of red (I stay in Burgundy on the French leg of our hols)
    Sounds Awesome that Ben!

    That part of the world really appeals to me.


  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by jukeboxs View Post
    In the end, we opted for south France again, £2k for flights and accomodation - admittedly extra for food, etc.
    Thats sounds very good value for a family of 4 in Aug. How long for?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    You don't HAVE to go to Disneyland/world/depot, you know?

    I was only saying to my wife a few days ago that there's something sinister about the whole way it's promoted - "If you don't take your kids to Disneyland, we'll have Social services on you..."

    Personally, I can't imagine anything more awful than queueing for hours to go on a fairground ride whilst being surrounded by people in cartoon character outfits and thousands of hot, bored kids...

    I like some of the films, but the theme parks and the promotion of them make me very uncomfortable.

    No, I never took my kids, but thankfully they never badgered me to!

    I really don't believe they'd have gained anything in life by us going there

    I could have written that response myself. Fortunately our kids have never been that interested. We tend to do more activity based holidays and having been to Antigua over Christmas we are going on two Neilson holidays in Turkey and Greece. Not cheap but after paying off the mortgage we have splashed out over the last couple of years as we love going away.
    Last edited by craig1912; 1st May 2014 at 21:35.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtKlaus View Post
    That sounds like a bargain. Did you visit fam in SA or do a proper holiday?
    Proper 13 night holiday to Cape Town and the Garden route in Easter school holidays.

    £2,400 flights for 4. £200 car hire. £800 for 11 nights hotels (2 nights on the plane) and all were lovely, and that included 4 nights in Camps Bay and the Waterfront. £1000 spendies including petrol and all sundries.

    South Africa is dirt cheap and we didn't skimp on anything (e.g. £6.50 for a large sirloin steak and £1.50 for a large glass of wine in a nice restaurant). We ate out every lunchtime/evening.

    Total £4,500.

    A properly brilliant long haul holiday for the same as a couple of weeks in the Med, or a weeks skiing. We enjoyed it so much were doing South Africa again next year, but flight prices are £100pp more, so I'll be edging close to £5k for the 4 of us next Easter

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    You don't HAVE to go to Disneyland/world/depot, you know?

    I was only saying to my wife a few days ago that there's something sinister about the whole way it's promoted - "If you don't take your kids to Disneyland, we'll have Social services on you..."

    Personally, I can't imagine anything more awful than queueing for hours to go on a fairground ride whilst being surrounded by people in cartoon character outfits and thousands of hot, bored kids...

    I like some of the films, but the theme parks and the promotion of them make me very uncomfortable.

    No, I never took my kids, but thankfully they never badgered me to!

    I really don't believe they'd have gained anything in life by us going there

    I would never be forgiven by my daughter if we didn't go. She loves EVERYTHING Disney. We can't even go past the Disney shop in St David's in Cardiff without her going in to look around. In fairness to her she doesn't nag for anything in the shop, she just loves to look at the wares.

  40. #40
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto View Post
    Sounds Awesome that Ben!

    That part of the world really appeals to me.

    My kids have been going there since they were born (now 6, 11 & 12)... A couple of years ago the doorbell went and there was an elderly lady at the front gate with her son... She explained that she'd spent summer holidays there as a child with her cousins. We invited them in and served them a glass of wine and she became moderately emotional as she saw my kids and their cousins playing in the same tree she'd played in 60+ years ago

    It's a stunning part of the world... If you want me to share some top tips, just drop me a note!


  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    My kids have been going there since they were born (now 6, 11 & 12)... A couple of years ago the doorbell went and there was an elderly lady at the front gate with her son... She explained that she'd spent summer holidays there as a child with her cousins. We invited them in and served them a glass of wine and she became moderately emotional as she saw my kids and their cousins playing in the same tree she'd played in 60+ years ago

    It's a stunning part of the world... If you want me to share some top tips, just drop me a note!

    Thanks Ben will keep that in mind.


  42. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by stooo View Post
    We did 3 weeks in Malaysia Easter before last with 2 kids for £3.5k. This year it's a week in France in August for......£2.5k.

    Long haul can bring some economies with timing and climate.
    Malaysia trip sounds fantastic value!!!!

    Why is it that the places easiest to reach are the worst value????

  43. #43
    It helped we have family there to get local rates on accommodation and flights. Plus we are hawker food / locals restaurants rather than hard rock / Hilton / western grub which is very expensive.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
    - Bender Bending Rodríguez

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