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Thread: Which year was the mechanical G10 and the quartz G10 made?

  1. #1

    Which year was the mechanical G10 and the quartz G10 made?

    Since I am new to this forum can I tap your wealth of knowledge please?
    In which year was the mechanical G10 produced. Were there only CWC and Hamilton made.
    Also in which year was the quartz version made. Looking at the MOD specs site it is dated 1980. I had mine first issue in 1982 and it was a quartz. Besides CWC I gather there was also Precista.
    Were these the only manufactures?

  2. #2
    Hi Nimrod

    I can't give you a definitive answer, but the mechanicals from CWC & Hamilton were produced in the 1970's. My Hamilton is a 1976 issue, and my CWC a 1979. I don't remember seeing any with a 1980 or above issue date. There was a 1 jewelled MWC watch also, although there is some debate as to who these were issued to. Ziggy mentions in his book that they were issued to forces stationed in Germany.

    The earliest quartz G10 I own is a 1982 CWC with the thicker case. My Precista is from the same period. I know of no other quartz G10 manufacturers apart from the recent Pulsars.



  3. #3
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I don't think Hamilton and CWC co-existed, or at least not for very long. CWC was allegedly founded by Hamilton's European sales manager when Hamilton decided to withdraw from military watch sales. He saw an opportunity and won the supply contract when Hamilton withdrew.

    Precista also supplied the military with both mechanical and quartz watches, so you could find almost identical mechanical watches with Hamilton, CWC or Precista on the dial. I'm not aware that Hamilton supplied an issue quartz watch but both CWC and Precista certainly did.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  4. #4
    Precista also supplied the military with both mechanical and quartz watches, so you could find almost identical mechanical watches with Hamilton, CWC or Precista on the dial.
    Hi Eddie

    Are you talking about Precista making a mechanical G10 ? If so, do you have a picture, as I've never seen one myself. I know they made mechanical chronographs along with Hamilton, CWC, Lemania etc, but have never heard of a G10 by them. If they do exist, must be a pretty rare British issue watch



  5. #5
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    I had a mechanical G10 Precista about 5 years ago and I think Neil at Chronomaster had one last year. They are certainly not common but I didn't think they were particularly rare either. I could of course have got it wrong, that's not particularly rare either.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  6. #6

    Re year of G10 manufacture

    Thanks for all that info to all. Shame about the Pulsar beeing so naff. There was one on E bay last week but their reputation put me off bidding any more than a 10 pounds for it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The shire of berks
    Quote Originally Posted by Foggy
    Precista also supplied the military with both mechanical and quartz watches, so you could find almost identical mechanical watches with Hamilton, CWC or Precista on the dial.
    Hi Eddie

    Are you talking about Precista making a mechanical G10 ? If so, do you have a picture, as I've never seen one myself. I know they made mechanical chronographs along with Hamilton, CWC, Lemania etc, but have never heard of a G10 by them. If they do exist, must be a pretty rare British issue watch


    A few G10s come up if you do a google pic search for "Precista"

    Here's one

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The shire of berks
    Oops, I've just realised that that one is quartz

  9. #9
    Grand Master
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    Are the Precista more collectable because there are fewer of them?
    Presumably the movements are the same?
    I wont be filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, I am not a number, I am a free man, my life is my own!!!
    Be seeing you
    Toodle pip

  10. #10

    Re what year was CWC quartz made

    I have seen on e bay a while ago 2 CWC G10 quartz for sale. They were both 1980 issue. The first had the old CWC logo and the second had the new CWC logo with the line round it. I gather that 1980 must have been the change over year from mechanical to quartz and they changed the logo that year,. I have never seen a quartz CWC with the old type logo before or since. Anyone else seen these "changeover types" if we can call them that?

  11. #11
    Grand Master abraxas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griff
    Are the Precista more collectable because there are fewer of them?
    They will be soon. :wink:

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  12. #12
    Grand Master
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    Re: Re what year was CWC quartz made

    Quote Originally Posted by Nimrod
    I have never seen a quartz CWC with the old type logo before or since.
    Neither have I.


    Martin ("Crusader")

  13. #13
    Managed to find the two pictures on e bay. hope the link works. If you notice neither of the watches have got a service prefix. I wonder when this strated as they are both 1980 issue. Is it rare to see the quartz version with the old logo? ... tegory=399


  14. #14
    Grand Master
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    12th Century
    Nice find, Nimrod. Looks like the answer to your question, doesn't it?


    Martin ("Crusader")

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