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Thread: Luis Suarez Contempt

  1. #1

    Luis Suarez Contempt

    What the hell is wrong with the man has a chance to put the whole Evra race incident to bed with a handshake ( which had apparently been discussed at Liverpool and agreed ) decides hes above the club and shuns Patrice Evras olive branch handshake pre match how difficult would it have been for him to do? Hes not only let himself down but also the game of football which has had a lot of bad press recently regarding racism. Kenny Dalglish allegedly missed the incident due to a Wenger moment :shock: Kenny stated last week that Suarez should never have been banned even though he admitted his guilt Liverpool football club dont deserve the way their name is beeing dragged through the dirt due to the contempt of one player and the subsequent misguided loyalty shown. I am a Man Utd fan but firstly a football fan and this incident saddens me. :cry:

  2. #2
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    As a Man U fan - you have a very short memory - think Rio, Rooney, Giggs and of course Cantana. Have you also forgotten the "problems" between Arsenal/Man U in the pass - which broke out into brawls?? At least Suarez did not hit anyone.

    "He who is without sin", blah, blah, blah.

    Also where in the rules does it say one player HAS TO shake hands with another player - Did not Wayne Bridge refuse to shake Terrys hand - did you get all pissy about that??

    Suarez is a douch - but then so are many of the Man U players. As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.


    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  3. #3

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Sorry Andy I thought I posted this in the G&D not the Bear Pit :lol: Did you have to use youre step ladder to get on your horse.

  4. #4
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    We're glad he's gone. Not a popular person on the Dutch fields.


  5. #5

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Groovy Greg
    What the hell is wrong with the man has a chance to put the whole Evra race incident to bed with a handshake ( which had apparently been discussed at Liverpool and agreed ) decides hes above the club and shuns Patrice Evras olive branch handshake pre match how difficult would it have been for him to do? Hes not only let himself down but also the game of football which has had a lot of bad press recently regarding racism. Kenny Dalglish allegedly missed the incident due to a Wenger moment :shock: Kenny stated last week that Suarez should never have been banned even though he admitted his guilt Liverpool football club dont deserve the way their name is beeing dragged through the dirt due to the contempt of one player and the subsequent misguided loyalty shown. I am a Man Utd fan but firstly a football fan and this incident saddens me. :cry:
    Luis Suarez was found guilty of racially abusing Evra. He has served his 8 game ban so really that should be the end of the matter.
    Suarez obviously does not like Evra and refuses to shake his hand. This to me is no big deal, he does not have to shake his hand. Why did Evra feel the need to grab his hand and make a big deal of it?
    Why was Evra dancing up and down right infront of Suarez after the game had ended.
    He showed himself up for the man he is, a first class w*****, the man has no class and is a complete tool.
    Remember LFC beat MU two weeks ago at Anfield, were Dirk Kuyt scored the winner, no one ran up to Evra and did what he did yesterday.

  6. #6

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    The silence from LFC speaks volumes and the void is being filled by more and more bad press by the media and Man U. They have handled it terribly from start to finish. Don't get me wrong, Man U (SAF and Evra) have fuelled the fire with their actions but LFC could have ended it with an apology instead of the ridiculous t-shirts and comments. Kenny is sounding more and more of a buffoon in the media. He could actually learn a lot from SAF, although I appreciate that might grate some people. LFC's publicty team need sacking.

    Anyway, it could have ended yesterday and now it will drag on into next season and beyond.

  7. #7
    Master Mark020's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by thieuster
    We're glad he's gone. Not a popular person on the Dutch fields.
    Not all Dutchies are glad he's gone...

    Quote Originally Posted by thieuster
    Not a popular person on the Dutch fields.
    Correct. He's a bit a bit strange in his head....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    I will start off my saying I'm a man united fan.

    From what I have read the handshake was agreed by both parties prior to kick off and plays a part in the FA's Respect campaign.
    I can understand why Rio removed his hand in support of Evra.
    Evra's post match celebrations were overly animated and Fergie saying Suarez could have started a riot so could Evra. I think the FA will need to intervene ASAP and stamp some authority on the situation before it gets out of control.

  9. #9
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Theres was a rumour going around the old trafford dressing rooms that Evra was picking his arse prematch , maybe Suarez got wind of this.

  10. #10

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by amar7274
    Quote Originally Posted by Groovy Greg
    What the hell is wrong with the man has a chance to put the whole Evra race incident to bed with a handshake ( which had apparently been discussed at Liverpool and agreed ) decides hes above the club and shuns Patrice Evras olive branch handshake pre match how difficult would it have been for him to do? Hes not only let himself down but also the game of football which has had a lot of bad press recently regarding racism. Kenny Dalglish allegedly missed the incident due to a Wenger moment :shock: Kenny stated last week that Suarez should never have been banned even though he admitted his guilt Liverpool football club dont deserve the way their name is beeing dragged through the dirt due to the contempt of one player and the subsequent misguided loyalty shown. I am a Man Utd fan but firstly a football fan and this incident saddens me. :cry:
    Luis Suarez was found guilty of racially abusing Evra. He has served his 8 game ban so really that should be the end of the matter.
    Suarez obviously does not like Evra and refuses to shake his hand. This to me is no big deal, he does not have to shake his hand. Why did Evra feel the need to grab his hand and make a big deal of it?
    Why was Evra dancing up and down right infront of Suarez after the game had ended.
    He showed himself up for the man he is, a first class w*****, the man has no class and is a complete tool.
    Remember LFC beat MU two weeks ago at Anfield, were Dirk Kuyt scored the winner, no one ran up to Evra and did what he did yesterday.
    They all behave like this because they are all spoilt egotistical pr!cks who haven't ever had to grow up and all like to try to add to any drama. Look at me! Look at me!
    Pratts the lot of em.

  11. #11
    Master scarto's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Giggs sleeps with his brother's wife for years and is cheered to the echo still by so-called 'football fans first'....Suarez declines a handshake and is the ultimate villain.

    Don't you love such mixed-up morals? :lol:

  12. #12
    Master scarto's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by amar7274
    Quote Originally Posted by Groovy Greg
    What the hell is wrong with the man has a chance to put the whole Evra race incident to bed with a handshake ( which had apparently been discussed at Liverpool and agreed ) decides hes above the club and shuns Patrice Evras olive branch handshake pre match how difficult would it have been for him to do? Hes not only let himself down but also the game of football which has had a lot of bad press recently regarding racism. Kenny Dalglish allegedly missed the incident due to a Wenger moment :shock: Kenny stated last week that Suarez should never have been banned even though he admitted his guilt Liverpool football club dont deserve the way their name is beeing dragged through the dirt due to the contempt of one player and the subsequent misguided loyalty shown. I am a Man Utd fan but firstly a football fan and this incident saddens me. :cry:
    Luis Suarez was found guilty of racially abusing Evra. He has served his 8 game ban so really that should be the end of the matter.
    Suarez obviously does not like Evra and refuses to shake his hand. This to me is no big deal, he does not have to shake his hand. Why did Evra feel the need to grab his hand and make a big deal of it?
    Why was Evra dancing up and down right infront of Suarez after the game had ended.
    He showed himself up for the man he is, a first class w*****, the man has no class and is a complete tool.
    Remember LFC beat MU two weeks ago at Anfield, were Dirk Kuyt scored the winner, no one ran up to Evra and did what he did yesterday.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. :thumbright:

  13. #13
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Suarez, Can't stand the man. Grade A plonker and is everything that is wrong with football.

    Anyone remember his handball against Ghana and the celebration he did when they missed the penalty. ... ata_player

  14. #14

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Can't be doing with the whole BS around football these days (well for quite a few years now to be honest) and this proves again what a divisive and rotten sport it's become now.

    I'd like to see today's Premiership players taking a leaf out of the book from the Rugby Union boys....where (to the most part) they respect each other and the authority that is the referee/regulatory bodies.

  15. #15
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Firstly, cards on the table... I'm an Man United fan, but I have an enormous respect for the history and acheivements of Liverpool; I consider United, Liverpool and Arsenal (in that order) to be the only big clubs in the Premiership - the rest are either Johnny-come-latelys financed by sugar daddies, or simply smaller clubs who occasionally have a good run. I don't hate any other club simply because they are successful or their manager is outspoken. Make what you will of that, but there it is.

    But onto the Evra/Suarez issue... Liverpool deserve better that this. They cocked up big time with their defence of Evra after the FA found him guilty - if they had simply said that the player made a mistake not knowing his words would be interpreted in a manner unused to someone from his culture but he'll serve the ban and then get on with his football all would be well. But no, the tee-shirts, Dalgleish's continued public defence of the indefensible and the club's official public stance have all been a massive own goal. Then yesterday's refusal to shake hands simply re-opened the situation.

    Best he can do is just shut up and get back to being a top class striker.


  16. #16
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth-W
    Can't be doing with the whole BS around football these days (well for quite a few years now to be honest) and this proves again what a divisive and rotten sport it's become now.

    I'd like to see today's Premiership players taking a leaf out of the book from the Rugby Union boys....where (to the most part) they respect each other and the authority that is the referee/regulatory bodies.
    it'll happen to rugby sooner or later, as soon as big money hits a sport it goes downhill from there.

    Money is what has spoilt football, can't stand the game now.

  17. #17

    Luis Suarez Contempt

    I thought Kenny's comments after the match were worse than Suarez not shaking hands. Liverpool are not doing themselves any favours. Also I love how they are still defending Suarez despite being found guilty, and also having just banned FOR LIFE a fan who racially abused a player.

    Evra - bit of a cock, however he'd already jumped around all the other sides of the ground. After what Suarez has been found guilty of I'd be prepared to let Evra rub his nose in it a bit. Not like he was going doing this in front of the Liverpool fans.

    Footballers are tools yet football is still a better game than Rugby. Haven't seen any blood capsules on a football pitch either...

  18. #18
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

  19. #19
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    I think this has all been blown out of proportion.

    A player does not have to shake anothers hand. Just like Rio did not shake suarezs, and just like Bridge did not shake Terrys!

    Evra made it a bigger issue than need be, grabbing his arm and then celebrating (trying to antagonise) suarez.

    Best part of it all was when evra went to smash suarez, but done Rio instead.

    To me, suarez has not done anything wrong as you don't have to shake hands. It's the aftermath and reaction of others players that have made this an issue!

  20. #20
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

    I never said he was not a great manager, however he is still a douch bag.

    Personally I think Brian Clough was a better manager given he won back to back European Cups - unless Fergie has done that - oh wait a minute - no he has not yet.


    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  21. #21
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

    I never said he was not a great manager, however he is still a douch bag.

    Personally I think Brian Clough was a better manager given he won back to back European Cups - unless Fergie has done that - oh wait a minute - no he has not yet.

    Whats a douch bag?

  22. #22
    Master scarto's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmerjammer
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

    I never said he was not a great manager, however he is still a douch bag.

    Personally I think Brian Clough was a better manager given he won back to back European Cups - unless Fergie has done that - oh wait a minute - no he has not yet.

    Whats a douch bag?
    I think it's an Americanisation for an enema piece of equipment? Basically it describes Baconface pretty well as it's full of faeces. :wink:

  23. #23

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    I'm a Liverpool fan.

    Regarding the handshake business.....from what I understand it was only decided that the teams will be lining up for the opposed to the QPR-Chelsea match where both teams decided in advance they wouldn't (condoned by the FA). This doesn't mean Evra and Suarez will shake each others hand.
    Given the acknowledged awkwardness of the whole situation one of them should've put their hand out distinctively for the other to shake it or John Terry did in the JT v Wayne Bridge non-handshake. Suarez did put his hand out well in advance of Evra as he walked until it was eventually shaken by De Gea (who then tried to push it towards Evra). Why didn't Evra reach for that hand instead of holding his in a position where Suarez would've had to over do the gesture to meet it. Instead Evra played the victim straight to the cameraman.

    I'm surprised Dalgleish 'didn't know' if the handshake had taken place until told by the Sky reporter after the match, I'm sure someone would've mentioned it at halftime or as the players were walking off after the was clearly a known issue in advance given the various camera angles that had been set up....but I do think it is entirely possible for someone standing on the touchline to not see if a hand is shaken by someone with their back to them and in a line of other players too.

    I haven't read the 115 page report that the FA produced about the case but judging by various peoples' opinion that have read it I would say it's not so clear cut that Suarez should just accept the FA's verdict and move on even though as someone that doesn't know all the facts I can see it would make everything a whole lot simpler if he'd just gone through with the handshake.

  24. #24

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

    I never said he was not a great manager, however he is still a douch bag.

    Personally I think Brian Clough was a better manager given he won back to back European Cups - unless Fergie has done that - oh wait a minute - no he has not yet.

    It's tricky to judge who is the best manager because you could say that any team that is capable of winning the European Cup one year should really be capable of doing it the next year too although Clough's achievement at least shows that the first win was not a fluke. What makes Ferguson the candidate for best manager is that he has created winning teams over such a long period.

  25. #25
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark020
    Quote Originally Posted by thieuster
    We're glad he's gone. Not a popular person on the Dutch fields.
    Not all Dutchies are glad he's gone...

    Quote Originally Posted by thieuster
    Not a popular person on the Dutch fields.
    Correct. He's a bit a bit strange in his head....
    A football player biting the ear of an opponent on a Dutch field is a shame for football. No matter what his club colours are. Watch this after 0:06 sec, Suarez in the middle, wearing the white 'n' red jersey...


  26. #26

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    I'm a die hard Liverpool supporter and I'm not happy at all with Dalgleish, the club is bigger than him and Suarez, a club like Liverpool should demonstrate dignity in situations like this, yet the whole thing has been handled unprofessionally from top down. And Dalgleish was a boyhood hero as well, it's all very bad for the club.

    Suarez is a dick and should be sold.

  27. #27

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Daveya.
    Suarez is a dick and should be sold.
    I think he just needs to be better managed. I know SAF said he shouldn't play for Liverpool again but you could say that about Rooney when he treated Man U with contempt over his wage demands

  28. #28
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

    I never said he was not a great manager, however he is still a douch bag.

    Personally I think Brian Clough was a better manager given he won back to back European Cups - unless Fergie has done that - oh wait a minute - no he has not yet.

    Fergie is the greatest - its a fact, no other football manager in British history has acheived the level of success of Fergie. You get to the top by being tough. All of the name calling - douche, bacon, whatever is only resentment coming from teams or supporters of the teams that he constantly beats to be in the postion that he is.

  29. #29

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    At last, an apology.

    Hopefully that's a line drawn under it and both clubs will move on.

  30. #30

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Evra had no intention of shaking his hand. Suarez fell for it.

    Anyway, wasnt like he kungfu kicked a fan or anything.....

  31. #31

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Rubbish, Evra put his hand out.

  32. #32

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by taz417
    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth-W
    Can't be doing with the whole BS around football these days (well for quite a few years now to be honest) and this proves again what a divisive and rotten sport it's become now.

    I'd like to see today's Premiership players taking a leaf out of the book from the Rugby Union boys....where (to the most part) they respect each other and the authority that is the referee/regulatory bodies.
    it'll happen to rugby sooner or later, as soon as big money hits a sport it goes downhill from there.

    Money is what has spoilt football, can't stand the game now.

    Very much doubt RU will ever stoop to the levels we see/hear day in, day out in Football now.

    It's just a totally different mentality for RU.

  33. #33
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Personally I have always thought all that hand shaking rubbish before a game is just that........rubbish. It also gives an opportunity for some point scoring as we have seen now and in the past.

    It's FA inspired claptrap to try and show sportsmanship when in fact there is not a lot left with all the diving, brandishing of imaginary cards etc etc.

    But of course it is all OK if you've shaken hands previously. :roll:

    The whole thing is just so much pony IMO.

    In the recent past players just used to run out and get started.

    What's wrong with that?

  34. #34
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it

    I never said he was not a great manager, however he is still a douch bag.

    Personally I think Brian Clough was a better manager given he won back to back European Cups - unless Fergie has done that - oh wait a minute - no he has not yet.

    Fergie is the greatest - its a fact, no other football manager in British history has acheived the level of success of Fergie. You get to the top by being tough. All of the name calling - douche, bacon, whatever is only resentment coming from teams or supporters of the teams that he constantly beats to be in the postion that he is.

    Location - North West :wink - now is that a clue :D

    You can worship the great Sir Alex if you wish, you can have him as your role model, fair enough, it your choice. however it will not change my personal feelings towards him..

    Sir Alex is to football what Don King is to boxing.


    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  35. #35

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by clockwatcher
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg
    As for Sir Alex - perhaps the biggest douch of them all.
    The best manager in British football history. Fact. Get over it
    Most successful does not always equal best,


    For full public disclosure an Ipswich Town fan, yes I know.

  36. #36

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Liverpool FC need to act quickly before the club becomes a laughing stock and the business/brand is even more degraded.

    I heard on the radio both the player and the manager have apologized to Evra and Manchester Utd today for the failure to shake hands and the manager's conduct after the match.

    The player needs to be dropped from the first team squad and sold in the summer.
    The manager needs to be replaced immediately, he has shown appalling judgement and appears to be a combination of being out of his depth and senile.
    He seems stuck in a time warp of 30-40 years ago when racism was tolerated.

    It is time for the owners of Liverpool FC to act.

  37. #37

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    As a Liverpool fan I must say the Liverpool Hierarchy have mismanaged this from the start and and Ayres should step down and return to his previous position the commercial director.

    yesterday's fiasco proved how poor the Liverpool PR machine has been since Day 1 and Daglish and Suarez have been hung out to dry by the club.

    I note Brian Barwick joined the club in an advisory capacity and no doubt the grovelling apologies issued today have his stamp on it. A pity he was not involved earlier.

    Of course hardly any notice paid to Ferguson stating Liverpool should never play him again or Evra trying to provoke another response at half time but hey the mancs are whiter than white in the medias' eyes and Liverpool are all that is wrong in football.

    Will the F.A. charge for Utd for failing to control their players in the tunnel and Half time? or maybe an F.A charge for Rafael and Evra for incitement at the final whistle? more likely an FA charge for Suraez for not shaking hands (of course no mention of ferdinand not offering his hand)

    Anyway Ferguson will get his wish - Liverpools only genuinely world class player will be heading for the exit door the moment the transfer window opens in the summer.

  38. #38

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Can you imagine any American sports team continuing the employment of a Suarez or a Cantana

    This incident just highlights the rotten state of what is supposed to be our national game.

    Isn't the word professional supposed to mean something

  39. #39
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    I heard on the radio both the player and the manager have apologized to Evra and Manchester Utd today for the failure to shake hands and the manager's conduct after the match.
    Strictly speaking, they've apologised for their conduct yesterday, not specifically to any person or entity.

  40. #40

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Suspect the context of the FA trying to address racism has been a little lost in the personalisation of the issues. It may be worth considering that as a larger issue and Evra / Suarez as a sideshow illustrating the point. Perhaps the various incidents (Terry/ Suarez/ recently banned Liverpool supporter etc) should draw us back to the need to challenge racism wherever it exists.

  41. #41
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    I'd be rather surprised if it had been lost.

  42. #42

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Lost in the sense that today's debate and comment focuses on the behaviour of club and players, but seems not to mention the issue driving it...

  43. #43

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob
    Quote Originally Posted by Daveya.
    Suarez is a dick and should be sold.
    I think he just needs to be better managed. I know SAF said he shouldn't play for Liverpool again but you could say that about Rooney when he treated Man U with contempt over his wage demands
    or Cantona jumping into the crowd!
    or Roy Keane deliberately ending another professionals career!
    - far more serious actions than failing to shake someones hand. funny, i don't remember Mr Ferguson taking the same moral high ground then...

    and just putting yourself in Mr Suarez's shoes for a moment, if you felt you'd been stitched up, banned from playing for 8 games and your name soiled for evermore as a racist, if you felt you'd been so unjustly dealt with, all based on the word of someone that had been abusing you in much the same way, would you have shaken his hand??

    i know i wouldn't have.

    that said, he shouldn't have misled the club or Dalglish into thinking he was going to.
    perhaps then the FA, for what good they are, would have scrapped the handshake the same as they did for the QPR vs Chelsea game...

  44. #44
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by Hubs
    Lost in the sense that today's debate and comment focuses on the behaviour of club and players, but seems not to mention the issue driving it...
    Maybe we listen to different radio stations and read different papers - it's been practically inescapable over the last few weeks - as a subject, not as a series of discrete incidents. The coverage today probably reflects that it primarily relates to an instance of stupidity rather than to the original incident itself, although the two are clearly and rightly linked as far as the player and club go.

  45. #45

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Dalglish needs to resign because of his incompetence, if he will not resign he needs to be sacked, his conduct, judgement and decision making from the start have been disgraceful.

  46. #46

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Why do people condon Suarez's actions by bringing Man Utd's history up?

    Suarez was found guilty of racism. If that happened to me and I truly wasn't a racist, my behaviour would be angelic.

    I would be going out of my way to publicly distance myself from my alledged crime and would definitely shake the hand of Evra.

    Suarez's behaviour just underlined his guilt in my eyes. Those that think Evra is a fault for moving his hand away, or even worse, is guilty of assault for grabbing his arm abviously did not see the same clip I did.

    Evra was the better man on the day and Suarez and Liverpool FC should be ashamed of themselves. I'm glad they've been forced to apologise, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

    (I support no English football teams)

  47. #47
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by nesima
    Dalglish needs to resign because of his incompetence, if he will not resign he needs to be sacked, his conduct, judgement and decision making from the start have been disgraceful.
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    You truly are a giant of debate - not.

    About as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest! :wink:
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  48. #48
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    Feb 2012

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    It takes a lot for a Leeds fan to feel any empathy towards Man Utd but Suarez managed that feat. Petty, small minded and now dragging the name of a great English footballing institution through the mud. Interesting to see he didn't actually apologise for the original act, but for his failure to shake Evra's hand. Whilst he may be talented he is a real liability for Liverpool imho.

  49. #49
    Master scarto's Avatar
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    May 2011
    London, UK

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Let's put it into context. Suarez feels he is innocent and the only evidence against him was Evra's words. In spite of this he has been vilified in the media and had a lengthy ban. Why then should he shake hands with Evra?

    All this fuss over a handshake?

    Evra yesterday grabbed his arm and made a show for the cameras / went in with a dangerous tackle that tried to take Suarez out (failed and almost broke Ferdinand's neck)/ went to find Suarez at half-time to remonstrate...and then finally, deliberately danced in front of Suarez at the end of the match to provoke a reaction. And people still claim Evra has the moral high ground? Strange.

  50. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    A little fishing village on the banks of the mersey.

    Re: Luis Suarez Contempt

    Quote Originally Posted by scarto
    Let's put it into context. Suarez feels he is innocent and the only evidence against him was Evra's words. In spite of this he has been vilified in the media and had a lengthy ban. Why then should he shake hands with Evra?

    All this fuss over a handshake?

    Evra yesterday grabbed his arm and made a show for the cameras / went in with a dangerous tackle that tried to take Suarez out (failed and almost broke Ferdinand's neck)/ went to find Suarez at half-time to remonstrate...and then finally, deliberately danced in front of Suarez at the end of the match to provoke a reaction. And people still claim Evra has the moral high ground? Strange.
    +1 and i'm an everton fan.

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