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Thread: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Just had a phone call from my mother regarding my younger brother... He's 13 and wanting to go to a concert in London tomorrow (HMV forum) with a friend who is 15 who needs someone to go with.

    She's told him no - he's thrown a strop, and (together with his friends parents) have managed to convince her yes. Apparently he's going with some other kids as well, and will now be getting a lift up there from a parent who will wait around to check they get in okay, then the group will all come back together.

    The website clearly states its for over 14s ONLY so presumably he won't get in and will get a lift straight back. End of.

    But I'm almost FURIOUS my mum has agreed to this. Am I overreacting here or does anyone else think 13 is far too young to be out in London on a Saturday night???

  2. #2
    Grand Master gray's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Way too young and, given his mate is 15, quite possibly illegal - well it certainly contravenes my moral code and sense of what's right.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    As far is it's any of my business, which it isn't, no, he's too young.

  4. #4
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Kids try it on (didn't you?), remember who is the parent ...

    I'd be concern about the coming back as the parent is only waiting to see if they get in - as you're clearly worried arrange to be there to collect him when the gig ends ... If he objects (or agrees and then dodges you to go onto somewhere else) then throw the book at him!

  5. #5
    Master Omegary's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Admittedly it wasn't in London but I started going to concerts at around 12. My best friends older brother was an architect student so was deemed responsible enough to take us both along too. My parents are pretty liberal so didn't bat an eyelid, my best friends parents conversely were very old fashioned and straight laced but obviously gave their consent to the idea.

    Together we went to see Rush on their 2112 tour, Black Sabbath (supported by Van Halen), Rainbow (supported by Saxon) and a plethora of other rock acts at venues all over the North West. Happy days :)


  6. #6
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    I'm beginning to calm down a bit now... I don't really know 100% - but apparently his friends are all good kids and do look after him being the youngest... And he is a good kid really.

    I did say to my mother to begin with if she does say no - there's a chance he will still go... So at least she knows where he is.

    I think to be honest I'm more upset with the fact he won't listen to her (understandable to a point - he is just a kid), and more the fact that she will just give in to him so easily!

    Quote Originally Posted by JeffCansell
    Kids try it on (didn't you?), remember who is the parent ...
    This is very true too... I just worry about him!

  7. #7
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by Omegary
    Together we went to see Rush on their 2112 tour, Black Sabbath (supported by Van Halen), Rainbow (supported by Saxon) and a plethora of other rock acts at venues all over the North West. Happy days :)
    Happy days indeed!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    If the kid is getting dropped off and picked up by an adult, then I'd probably grin and bear it. Better that than have them do it behind your back. I did it when I was 13....


  9. #9
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    My kid brother, who's 14 years younger than me did stuff that I'd never even considered - made me feel like a complete wimp, but the early 90s were a completely different time time to the late 70s - maybe that's the issue here?

  10. #10
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.Ldn
    If the kid is getting dropped off and picked up by an adult, then I'd probably grin and bear it. Better that than have them do it behind your back. I did it when I was 13....

    He's getting dropped off - but coming back on the underground and train (presumably) to a few stops before Brighton

  11. #11
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by paulyg
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.Ldn
    If the kid is getting dropped off and picked up by an adult, then I'd probably grin and bear it. Better that than have them do it behind your back. I did it when I was 13....

    He's getting dropped off - but coming back on the underground and train (presumably) to a few stops before Brighton
    I wouldn't be over the moon about that then either.


  12. #12
    Master Guz's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Just make sure he is picked up at the exit door on the way home. Too many eejits hang about looking to pick pocket phones etc....

    He'll be daughters that age and I've been there. Not saying its right because its a battle you can't win.

  13. #13
    Craftsman will852's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Who is he wanting to go to see?

    The attitudes of the audiences vary greatly.

    I went to see a few bands at around 14/15 with my friends. I was dropped off and picked up by parents though. I think that is a must.

  14. #14
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    I think at his age it is borderline, hopefully with older chums things will be ok if they are sensible.

    One thing I would say, having knackered my own ears, is that earplugs can really help out. Especially for kids ears. I found out too late but if a concert is excessively loud they actually help you hear whats going on rather than having your senses overloaded!

  15. #15
    Grand Master gray's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by paulyg
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.Ldn
    If the kid is getting dropped off and picked up by an adult, then I'd probably grin and bear it. Better that than have them do it behind your back. I did it when I was 13....

    He's getting dropped off - but coming back on the underground and train (presumably) to a few stops before Brighton
    That, my friend, is why to me it is a nono.

    I take my kids to things that they are, according to the "rules" too young to go to. I drive them. Walk them in. Watch it all with them... and we all go home.

    I accept, when I, as the parent, am happy, dropping them off, seeing them in, waiting outside and picking them up to go home.

    I would never, ever in any of my lifetimes drop them of miles from home in a strange territory with other kids I don't know ( or the kids are too, way too, young) to [s:35zswzwi]fight[/s:35zswzwi] find their own way home.

    I am the adult, my rules, my responsibility.

    Your brother, but your Mum's rules, decisions, her responsibility.

    I sense you may become chief chaperone and taxi driver quite soon :)

  16. #16
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    What's the band? I'm leaning towards the thought that you're overreacting and actually being a bit off, but I'll reserve judgement for the moment.

  17. #17
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    This is what he's going to see....

    I can't say I know any of the bands! lol

  18. #18

    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    That link says strictly over 14s only and photographic ID required. Might that not solve the problem?

    When I worked in a music venue (pub, so ostensibly over 18 only) I remember one dad who asked if his 15 year old son could come to see various bands if the dad also came and sat at the back drinking a pint of overpriced bitter and waiting for the godawful noise to stop. This seemed a good compromise to me.

  19. #19
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopdong
    One thing I would say, having knackered my own ears, is that earplugs can really help out. Especially for kids ears. I found out too late but if a concert is excessively loud they actually help you hear whats going on rather than having your senses overloaded!
    Huge +1 to this. I have tinnitus from going to clubs/gigs in my late teen/early 20s. At that time nobody ever suggested wearing earplugs. Haven't been to a gig without them for about 10 years now. You can get flesh coloured foam ones in Boots so no-one can even see you're wearing them. Most gigs are way too loud anyway, and the plugs are like dropping the volume from 10 to about 7. Still nice and loud, but you can actually hear everything rather than the sensory overload of 120dB blasting into your ears.

  20. #20
    Craftsman will852's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    I've seen A day to remember as a support act.

    In my experience the metal bands (and in this case "emo" bands) attract quite friendly crowds. The will always look out for the young'ns and if you ever fall over at a metal gig you instantly have people around you helping you up.

    However, the moshpits are no place for a 13 year old.
    While it's rarely intentional, you do get hurt in them from swinging arms and moshing heads, no matter how big and tough you are.

    I'd make sure he knows that. If you think he's sensible enough to know to avoid the mosh pits and not get involved in things like "walls of death" which bands like A day to remember are very keen on, then I think he'd be just fine.

  21. #21

    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Cool to go to a concert at 13 but surely one of them has a cooler older brother to take them?

  22. #22
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    I started going to concerts at about the same age, but that was during the mid 1970's and times have changed since then.

    I don't see age as being the problem, its the maturity of the kids involved. There are plenty of sensible and mature 13 year olds, and there are plenty of 16 year old twats that get into all sorts of trouble going as far as the local shop.

    If he's a good sensible kid, and his mates are the same, then I'd let him go.

    Whatever you think could happen to him at the concert, could also happen to him at virtually any time or place.

  23. #23
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts


    Sensible post.

    You can be too overprotective with kids and they'll only do it without asking in future if you try the old Victorian Father bit. :wink:

    Nothing too much can happen at a concert and if he is accompanied on the way home on the train or whatever he'll be OK.

    I've got three sons and they all did that type of thing with nary a problem.

    It could be worse, he could be wanting to go to a West Ham game. :lol:

    When I was 13/14 I was hanging around Soho at the weekends..... that could be a bit scary. :shock:

  24. #24
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    thanks for all the input everyone. has helped put my mind at ease for sure :)
    he's gone down there and apparently has gotten in ok. and by the sounds of things his friends will look after him. I had a chat to him today and told him not to lose them and stay sharp! :)

  25. #25
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by paulyg
    thanks for all the input everyone. has helped put my mind at ease for sure :)
    he's gone down there and apparently has gotten in ok. and by the sounds of things his friends will look after him. I had a chat to him today and told him not to lose them and stay sharp! :)
    Nice one........... he'll be on a forum such as this in 30 years time telling everyone about tonights gig - you never forget your first :wink:

  26. #26
    Master unclealec's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C

    Sensible post.

    You can be too overprotective with kids and they'll only do it without asking in future if you try the old Victorian Father bit. :wink:

    Nothing too much can happen at a concert and if he is accompanied on the way home on the train or whatever he'll be OK.

    I've got three sons and they all did that type of thing with nary a problem.

    It could be worse, he could be wanting to go to a West Ham game. :lol:

    When I was 13/14 I was hanging around Soho at the weekends..... that could be a bit scary. :shock:
    I hope that doesn't account for the Speedmaster collection!

  27. #27
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    Quote Originally Posted by unclealec
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C

    Sensible post.

    You can be too overprotective with kids and they'll only do it without asking in future if you try the old Victorian Father bit. :wink:

    Nothing too much can happen at a concert and if he is accompanied on the way home on the train or whatever he'll be OK.

    I've got three sons and they all did that type of thing with nary a problem.

    It could be worse, he could be wanting to go to a West Ham game. :lol:

    When I was 13/14 I was hanging around Soho at the weekends..... that could be a bit scary. :shock:
    I hope that doesn't account for the Speedmaster collection!
    No. :lol:

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    A west ham game now thet could be scary ..but back the topic as it's states strictly over 14s he's wasting his time anyway,
    they will want some sort of id.

  29. #29
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    Re: Young Kids (13) at Concerts

    I went to my first gig on my 10th birthday, albeit with Mum in tow. It was only a year or two later I started going on my own and with friends. My dad is a big music fan and understood how much I loved it (even if he didn't necessarily approve of my taste!) and he used to drive me and friends up from Gloucester to London for gigs. He used to go to a steakhouse for a meal while we were there and then pick us up after. In those days, venues like the Hammersmith Odeon and Wembley Arena would let you in without a ticket near the end of the show, so he used to stroll in at the end see what we were watching. He must be one of the few 75 year olds to have seen the likes of Metallica and Guns N Roses in their prime as a result!

    I used to take it for granted, but it's only now I'm older that I appreciate how much he went out of his way help us enjoy the gigs. I was a very lucky chap. As someone else has said, the crowds at metal gigs may look a motley crew (the Crüe were another of my faves back then :lol: ) but they're generally a good bunch and between the ages of about 13 and 17 some of my favourite memories come from that time.

    I can only talk from personal experience, but growing up watching those gigs meant a lot to me. I think it's a safer environment than letting kids just hang around on street corners too. I can understand why you have concerns, but if you keep tabs on them and make sure they arrive and get home safely, then I don't think it's an issue. I'll be doing the same for my two kids when the time comes.

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