
I require some help and some suggestions. I have spent the last six weeks on bed rest in hospital. As someone who used to play several sports and spend a vast amount of time being active this has had me climbing the walls. At the ripe old age of 33 I have broken my hip, normally I would have been operated on within 24 hours but they found a whole load of tumours in my femur. Anyway after two weeks and two biopsy's these were found to be benign :D All told it has been fairly shite! I've been numbing the pain by preparing for the fact i can't play Rugby and Football and buying stuff for its replacements sports....Hello Mssrs Ping and Ribble! Anyway all this rambling has to lead somewhere and here it is, I love my Whisky and I want to order a special bottle for me to return to when I get out in a week! I want to really focus on the Islay region so has anyone had anything really special of late? I'm setting a two hundred quid limit.

Cheers, Ben.