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Thread: Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Hi gents,
    I know this stuff comes up often but I've not found anything in the search, and I'd much rather listen people on TZ than just randomly google.

    o has anyone got any suggestions of questions to ask at an interview?

    Bit of background which may or may not be relevant.
    I have worked at this company before (as assistant to this position) about 5yrs ago as a student intern.
    I have been in a non relevant project management job for the last 12months & trying to get back into Automotive Engineering.

  2. #2

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Just to check - you're going for the job, but want questions for you to ask the interviewer?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by notenoughwrists
    Just to check - you're going for the job, but want questions for you to ask the interviewer?
    Yep, is that wrong?
    In the past I've always been asked is there any questions you would like to ask us/about the role?

  4. #4

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Hi gents,
    trying to get back into Automotive Engineering.

    Why ????

    I spent years in the Oil & Gas industry then about five years in Aerospace, gave that up and took the jump into automotive, possibly the worst move I have ever made. You were driven like a dog for buttons and in comparison QA/QC was abysmal, everything was about numbers rather than quality. Got out about 9 months ago an that was about the best thing I ever did.

  5. #5
    Master london lad's Avatar
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    Suffolk U.K.

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Hi gents,
    I know this stuff comes up often but I've not found anything in the search, and I'd much rather listen people on TZ than just randomly google.

    o has anyone got any suggestions of questions to ask at an interview?

    Bit of background which may or may not be relevant.
    I have worked at this company before (as assistant to this position) about 5yrs ago as a student intern.
    I have been in a non relevant project management job for the last 12months & trying to get back into Automotive Engineering.
    I'm no expert and a bit out of date but I was always impressed when applicants asked about their prospects say 3 or 5 years down the line.

    Make sure you have read the recruitment advert and any correspondence thoroughly and don't ask questions that have already been answered in them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by BondandBigM
    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Hi gents,
    trying to get back into Automotive Engineering.
    Why ????

    I spent years in the Oil & Gas industry then about five years in Aerospace, gave that up and took the jump into automotive, possibly the worst move I have ever made. You were driven like a dog for buttons and in comparison QA/QC was abysmal, everything was about numbers rather than quality. Got out about 9 months ago an that was about the best thing I ever did.
    Fair point, and one which I've heard a few times, but my experiences, admittedly limited have been the different.
    Granted the 2 Auto companies I started out in (one of which is who the interview is with), didn't offer the best remuneration, but they were nice places to work with very fair expectations etc...
    Perhaps its because I've spent my time since in smaller companies.
    TBH what I really want is just to get back into to real engineering discussions and stop wasting half my day fixing printers, changing light bulbs, etc....

  7. #7

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Just checking I'd got the jist of it!
    As a potential employee, I'd be interested in where the company was heading, how it had fared between your internship and now, it's plans for future growth and your own potential for development within that (recognised quals, promotion, pay structure). The usual stuff.
    You'll need to word that into your own questions as you see fit, but it is what I would ask, and what I would hope a potential employee would ask (having interviewed a few people myself).

    Good Luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    I'm glad that you're taking the time to prepare some questions beforehand. All too often I meet candidates who are ill-prepared and have nothing to say or ask me and it doesn't score them any points.

    Try to ask questions that are pertinent to the position. I know that sounds obvious but without knowing more about your background or what the role entails, I can't give any specific advice.

    You should also ask them where they see you in five years. This shows them that you're interested in growth opportunities and you can judge by their answer if they have prospects for you or not.

    Remember that you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Always a good source of anything to do with interviews is

    Tells you what questions you will be asked, and why - as well as what questions to ask.

    It is a great website for anything to do with business.

  10. #10
    Grand Master gray's Avatar
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    A list of potential questions is Ok but play it by ear. They may not be relevant after the info share and may not be appropriate depending on how the interview goes. Thought dump...

    What's the culture like in the team/office?

    Are there any opportunities for advancement (in the coming years)?

    Does the company support additional educational qualifications/training/membership of professional organisations?

    How well is the business performing?

    Has the company made any redundancies in the last 12 months?

    Is this a new position or a replacement? Why new? Who would I be replacing? Why did they leave?

    What are the main objectives for the role/team/department/organisation?

    What are the main challenges for the role?

    What will I spend most of my time doing? How are my duties split up?

    Who makes the tea :wink:

    Doyawanna buy a watch :wink:

  11. #11
    Master Shakespeare's Avatar
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    In a previous role (I was an IT consulting practice manager) and was heavily involved in recruiting into the firm I worked for, interviewing and assessing both experienced hires and grads. I attended a Targeted Selection training course (a nice addition to the cv and a certificate to show off in my downstairs loo!) which covers how to interview based on competencies, behaviour and experiences. PM me if you would like some info but there is plenty to google.

    Do your prep on the role, the company background - history, key financial data, markets, competitors etc. Know your cv inside out (print a copy if necessary) and prepare yourself for what will probably be a competency-based interview structure.

    Questions you might want to ask:
    I find that questions that show your interest in the firm and its people are good. Ask about personal/professional development, ie what does the company do to develop its people? Training, mentoring, industry accreditation, membership of professional/industry bodies etc.

    Ask your interviewer why he/she is there. What attracted them to the company? What keeps them there? What have been their career highlights?

    A few qualification questions are also good: Is my profile/background typical of the type of person you employ? Which particular points on my cv helped me to secure an interview? What would the next steps be if I am successful at this stage?

    Also, look up your interviewer on Linked In so that you can get a snapshot of their profile/background/previous jobs.

    You might also find that a book like this invaluable: ... 853&sr=1-1

  12. #12

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    "What does "good" look like to you?"
    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  13. #13
    Master london lad's Avatar
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Is it a large or small company?

    If its a larger company and your interviewer is an employee rather than the boss then don't come across as too ambitious and become a threat to him.

    If it's the boss or owner you are talking to, ask about wages but don't ask about holidays or sick pay, get the job offer first!

    Don't get the job then talk yourself out of it! Watch out for 'buying signs' and if it's going really well shut up!

    Listen more than you talk and talk even less if the interviewer is 50+

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Cheers everyone,
    Looks like some good advice in there and a few laughs too.

    Position is an Applications Engineer.
    Or Technical Sales Support to those who don't know.
    I've always been a technical support to the commercial department, whether in Sales or Procurement.

    I'm feeling the pressure, as I really want this one, & feel I should get it given I've worked in the company & department before.
    But then I also feel I do my best work under pressure so maybe it's a good thing. :wink:
    I am looking forward to it, I suppose that says a LOT? :)

  15. #15

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Whats the turn over of staff like.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Cheers again gents,
    Just received an email informing me that a further person will be joining the interview with reference to a different position, having seen my CV.
    Having read the new position profile, its a related position, so I'm taking it as great news. :)

    I'll update you all tomorrow.
    Thanks again.

  17. #17
    Master Omegary's Avatar
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Hi Paul, I can't offer anymore sage advice other than what's already been mentioned so I'd just like to wish you good luck for tomorrow. I'll have my fingers crossed for you. What time's your interview?


  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    11.15am, so I should be back on here to report by lunchtime.

    I've since found out that this is the first of a 2 stage interview process, however, If I can get through the first stage I will be more confident as the second interview is with someone who knows me well from my previous stint, so If he's prepared to see me then it must be on?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Hi everyone.
    Well what can I say?
    They were tough but fair.
    I think it went OK so we'll see what happens in the next few days.

    Cheers again everyone. :)

  20. #20
    Master london lad's Avatar
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Fingers crossed for you!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Hi everyone.
    Well what can I say?
    They were tough but fair.
    I think it went OK so we'll see what happens in the next few days.

    Cheers again everyone. :)
    So what did you ask? :D

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Quote Originally Posted by colin
    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Hi everyone.
    Well what can I say?
    They were tough but fair.
    I think it went OK so we'll see what happens in the next few days.

    Cheers again everyone. :)
    So what did you ask? :D
    Sorry Colin only just saw your reply.
    A few of my questions were covered by them asking me/explaining them without prompt during the interview.
    However, we had quite a lengthy discussion with regards to how these positions work.

    Cutting a long story short they are restructuring the department as I know it.
    - One is very customer focused being the customers & sales teams technical voice within projects.
    - The other is the other face and the Technical face to the customer of the specific product development team.

    Subtle but interesting differences.

    Here's hoping.
    They said they would be back to me within a day or 2.

  23. #23
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    Re: Interview on Tuesday, What questions to ask?

    Right so after chasing them for an update I received a rather strange email?

    Cutting it short I didn't get the jobs in question, but they have recommended me for a third position and would like to offer me a final interview for this position.

    The difficult bit comes next as the third position is;
    1). A lower level role.
    2). Not what I consider myself to be good at.
    So the heart says tell them to bu99er off and move on.

    BUT... I was made redundant from my last engineering role in early 2010. So I took a low paid project management (non engieering) job to get me by for a few months. I've been struggling to get back in since and this seems to be a OK opportunity.

    So do I?
    1). Stick my neck out. I know what I'm good at and keep looking?
    2). Go for the lower level role as my way back in and stick it out for a year or 2 before looking for internal promotion?
    3). Any other ideas?

    Confused in Manchester. :)

  24. #24
    Master Omegary's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Personally I'd take the third job, if it's offered to you, and either:

    1. Look for promotion within the company
    2. Look for another job elsewhere whilst working if none is forthcoming

    Things are very slow out there (as I'm discovering), so it's better to at least have a job and an income, even if it's not your ideal role.


  25. #25
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    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    I second the above post. Just take the job and look for something that suits you better. Not much of a consolation, I know, but it's better than no job at all.

  26. #26
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    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Sorry to hear you say that Gary, keep going and something will come up.
    Even if it's not quite what you expected. lol.

    Thanks again.
    I know that's the real answer, and they do like to promote people from within.

    I'm just really mad, that they've got it so wrong.
    The level/money thing doesn't bother me much, but I just know I'm better suited to the previous role. :evil:

    ps. It's not offered yet, but final interview.

  27. #27
    Master london lad's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Take the job,. ALWAYS take the job!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Quote Originally Posted by london lad
    Take the job,. ALWAYS take the job!
    True, but then it's that kind of thinking which got me into this mess in the 1st place.

  29. #29

    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    You might want to consider the approach that we use when coaching people on how to communicate with their customers. Also have a regular stream of interns that are coached to use the technique for interviews.

    Basically , do not talk about what you can do and what you need. People get bored with this and are not really interested anyway. What they want to know is how they will benefit from you. Spin your questions and statements so that they are aware of the benefits of having you on board.

    Not " I am punctual" but " you will not be let down by me" etc. Obviously not all your questions can be "you" focused and some will still be about you. Been told that the ratio should be about 3 you to 1 me.

    Give it a shot.

  30. #30

    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Depends what you mean by 'not what I consider myself to be good at'.

    I'd say if you wanted to progress and get a different internal position and you're no good at the current one you might find it difficult unless you can show your expertise in the other areas somehow.


  31. #31
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    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloke
    Depends what you mean by 'not what I consider myself to be good at'.

    I'd say if you wanted to progress and get a different internal position and you're no good at the current one you might find it difficult unless you can show your expertise in the other areas somehow.

    I understand your point, and think I will be fine.
    The new suggested role, is a straight engineering role.
    What I meant is that I have always been the one who sits between the engineers and other stakeholders. e.g. technical sales support, or Tech buyer.

  32. #32

    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Quote Originally Posted by garylee
    You might want to consider the approach that we use when coaching people on how to communicate with their customers. Also have a regular stream of interns that are coached to use the technique for interviews.

    Basically , do not talk about what you can do and what you need. People get bored with this and are not really interested anyway. What they want to know is how they will benefit from you. Spin your questions and statements so that they are aware of the benefits of having you on board.

    Not " I am punctual" but " you will not be let down by me" etc. Obviously not all your questions can be "you" focused and some will still be about you. Been told that the ratio should be about 3 you to 1 me.

    Give it a shot.
    Really good advice.

    I'd personally take the lower role as long as you are confident you can do a good job (or at least appear to be doing a good job :wink: )
    Also, in my experience there are often new opportunities a short time (3-12 months )after a re-structure as things are ironed out.

  33. #33
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    Re: Interview Tues, What Q's to ask? -UPDATED, WITH NEW DILEMA?

    Quote Originally Posted by RoyalVilla
    Quote Originally Posted by garylee
    You might want to consider the approach that we use when coaching people on how to communicate with their customers. Also have a regular stream of interns that are coached to use the technique for interviews.

    Basically , do not talk about what you can do and what you need. People get bored with this and are not really interested anyway. What they want to know is how they will benefit from you. Spin your questions and statements so that they are aware of the benefits of having you on board.

    Not " I am punctual" but " you will not be let down by me" etc. Obviously not all your questions can be "you" focused and some will still be about you. Been told that the ratio should be about 3 you to 1 me.

    Give it a shot.
    Really good advice.

    I'd personally take the lower role as long as you are confident you can do a good job (or at least appear to be doing a good job :wink: )
    Also, in my experience there are often new opportunities a short time (3-12 months )after a re-structure as things are ironed out.
    Cheers, both of you.
    That's a different way of looking at things that I like.

  34. #34
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    Re: Interview Tues...-UPDATED, FINAL INTERVIEW FRI 30TH

    Ok, final interview confirmed for next Friday (30th).
    Here's hoping. :)

    Thanks again for your help so far gents.

    ps. I'll be wearing the Speedbird III.

  35. #35
    Master gregory's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues.. -UPDATED, FINAL INTERVIEW FRI

    I have just passed an interview and start my job Monday.. and while I was unemployed inbetween I volunteered myself up for an interview course.

    They will ask you at the end if you have any questions.

    It is classed as lacking in imagination if you leave that question opportunity blank.

    The guy who took the course also said the simplest and best question you can ask is "have I answered all your questions satisfactorily, or is there anything you would like me to go back over and clarify."

    Another thing is to NEVER mention money, and other factors similar, when in a job interview. You are after the job, and not the cash for your watch fund (apparently)! :lol:

    A massive question that you are quite often asked is this..

    "What is your greatest weakness?"

    Be prepared to give an example (real or made up) of something that you USED to be weak at (within reason.. not that you were a thief but aren't any more :shock: :lol: ), and give examples of how you turned it around. They will usually ask you how you would combat your weakness.. but if you can get in "my biggest weakness WAS" and then tell them what you did to combat it, you are, in effect, turning a volatile and difficult question around to be in your favour.

    ^^ Expect this question to be asked. You are really on the spot if asked this one. If you already have an answer ready, you are away and up and running.

    ALWAYS try and give examples.. and don't be afraid of saying.. "for example...."

    When asked about yourself, don't go into your personal life. I didn't. Tell them about your skills, etiquettes, qualities.. things that are relevant to the position. Quick learner.. blah blah blah.

    The will possibly ask you.. "Why should I hire you?" Don't be cocky, but be confident with nice humility. A good answer is "I am here because I believe I am the best person for the job."

    Not too much on buzz words, but just tell them what they want to hear.

    They will also ask why you left your last job. I was there for 25 years.

    My interview was like going to an exam, but somebody had given me the answers first. I was given a list of 10 questions likely to be asked at an interview. They asked 7 of them. One after another. Classic template interviewing.

    And don't believe that smart casual is the way. Shaven (unless you have a full beard.. that is acceptable), suit, shiny leather dress shoes, tie, smart hair. The works.

    Not too much (if any) aftershave. No cigarette breath. Not even coffee breath.. which can be overpowering.

    But the suit really is a clincher. People expect it of you. Don't leave anything to chance..

    Good luck. :)

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Re: Interview Tues.. -UPDATED, FINAL INTERVIEW FRI

    just ask them the usual

    Are inter-office affairs frowned upon or actually banned under your contract

    Do they employ any university interns? Are they impressionable?

    Is it office to rate women out of ten or is there another marking scheme to be used instead

  37. #37
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    Re: Interview Tues.. -UPDATED, FINAL INTERVIEW FRI

    Thanks Gregory, that's just the sort of thing I was after.
    Don't worry about the dress front, I tend to go smarter all the time, "dress for the job you want..." and all that.

    Vortex, Errrr think I'll skip those but you did make me :lol:

  38. #38
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME


    Well Gents, the results are in.

    Just had a call from, the HR lady who's been looking after me and I'm in.

    If anyone needs me I'll be in Sales Corner! & I may be some time!!! :)

  39. #39
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    My house (unless I'm out).

    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME


  40. #40
    Master Omegary's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Fantastic news Paul, huge congratulations and I hope your new job goes well.


  41. #41
    Join Date
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    Dublin, Ireland

    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Congratulations, I remember reading this a couple of weeks back, so good to hear you did the business.

  42. #42
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Cheers everyone, & thanks again for all your help.

    Now the fun of letting the current boss know I'm off.
    Maybe wait till tomorrow (for the paperwork), he's not in the best mood today. :evil:

  43. #43
    Grand Master Dave E's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME


    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Cheers everyone, & thanks again for all your help.

    Now the fun of letting the current boss know I'm off.
    Maybe wait till tomorrow (for the paperwork), he's not in the best mood today. :evil:
    As someone who works in recruitment, let me give you the advice to ALWAYS wait for the paperwork. Then read it. Only then resign from a current position.
    Dave E

    Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

  44. #44

    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Congratulations. As for tendering your resignation, wait for the paperwork, make sure it is all correct and signed then offer your resignation.

  45. #45
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave E

    Quote Originally Posted by paulpsz008
    Cheers everyone, & thanks again for all your help.

    Now the fun of letting the current boss know I'm off.
    Maybe wait till tomorrow (for the paperwork), he's not in the best mood today. :evil:
    As someone who works in recruitment, let me give you the advice to ALWAYS wait for the paperwork. Then read it. Only then resign from a current position.
    I am allowed to buy a "new job" new watch without the paper work though??? :wink:

  46. #46

    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    I am allowed to buy a "new job" new watch without the paper work though??? :wink:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: congrats m8 well done

  47. #47
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    That's great news - well done (and good post from Greg regarding interview techniques)!

    And wait for the paperwork!!!!

  48. #48
    Craftsman and6868's Avatar
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    Re: Interview Tues. -UPDATED, FINAL OUTCOME

    Congratulations on your new appointment and thank you all for your contrubutions on this amazing thread. It has been a very informative read from start to finish.

  49. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    UPDATE - 2 Years on

    Afternoon Gent's,
    I always like it when there is an outcome to these type of threads.
    Thanks to all those who contributed & as I know a few of you were interested at the time, here's whats happend since.

    As you may recall, in late 2011, I accepted a posistion that was a little below where I would have liked to be, but concluded it was better to get my foot in the door.

    6 months on, I'd clearly made some impact and an opportunity came up to take over my current project rather than supporting.
    Another 6 months on and another opportunity & suddenly I was the lead Intergration engineer for my customer, across 2 different engines we support.
    So not a bad firsty year overall?

    Anyway another year on & due to other demands our team requires a new Programme Manager & I've been approaced as a shortlisted replacement.
    Just been for the second interview this morning, using the above tips once again & everythings looking promising.

    So - Morale of the story, get your head down, don't be afraid to upset the applecart if you can stand by your principles & you will make an impact & therefore progress. Really looking forward to the next chapter.

  50. #50
    Join Date
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    Budapest, Hungary, Earth
    Great to hear about the final outcome.
    I had a final round an interview for a sales/account manager position two weeks ago (actually it was more of a presentation in front of two directors and the VP about the company and product portfolio in english, which isn't my native language), so I'm more than aware of the challenges and pressure associated with job interviews. I will also use some of the excellent advice given earlier in the thread.

    Congrats OP!

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