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Thread: I hate my cat !!!

  1. #1
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    Dreich Scotland

    I hate my cat !!!

    I've got two cats, a brother and sister that are now 17 years old.

    The boy is deaf as a post and his back end is pretty knackered after getting into an argument with a car so he walks like he's permanently drunk and howls his head off when he's hungry of just bored and regularly pukes where the fancy takes him (last time was on my laptop :evil: ).

    The girl is a lot more spritely but has taken to performing her toilet actions wherever she want's if she deems the litter is not clean enough, she prefers to situate it where you are gauranteed to stand in it. Recently I have been greeted with explosive diarrhoea to cap things off so she's been to the vets and is a bit better and I'm a lot poorer :( .

    Now I can cope with all this, BUT, I was lovingly hand feeding the little scrotes tonight to help fatten them up, when I dropped a bit of corned beef. I went to pick it up at the same time as the girl did and she managed to bite right through my finger in two positions.

    Some choice words were uttered at the top of my voice as the pair of them scattered and the dog headed for under the stairs. It's amazing how much a bite can make you bleed, it went everywhere, not helped by my man habit of grabbing any cut and squeezing the death out of it

    So now I'm sitting typing with one hand and resting my throbbing, completely disinfected finger and I'm sure she has a smile on her face sitting on the window looking at me all innocent like :evil: :evil: :evil:


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  2. #2
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Yup. That sums them up beautifully. Mine's 13 now and goes outside to eat grass then comes in so she can vomit in peace. Highly vocal when she's hungry then doesn't want the food I put down for her.
    Watch that bite; cat spit is full of nasties.

  3. #3

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Cooking Fat :blackeye:

  4. #4
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Aye Simona, you never were any use with the pussy :lol:

  5. #5
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    Dreich Scotland

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    Mine's 13 now and goes outside to eat grass then comes in so she can vomit in peace. Highly vocal when
    Yup, both mine used to do that, now they have a snif out the open window and go back to bed :roll:

    Quote Originally Posted by GraniteQuarry
    Aye Simona, you never were any use with the pussy :lol:
    You should know darling !!! :twisted:


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  6. #6

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WORKSIMON
    So now I'm sitting typing with one hand and resting my throbbing, completely disinfected finger and I'm sure she has a smile on her face sitting on the window looking at me all innocent like :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  7. #7

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    I desperately (not really) searched in your post for a reason (any reason at all) to keep one (let alone two) of those creatures, but I failed.

    *shudder* I detest cats.

    As for cats and nasty; check out Toxoplasmosis. Yuck!

  8. #8
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Doncaster, UK

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Ironically I taught a 13 year old lad once who was blind in one eye through catching that from dog muck. Not a nice thought.
    You're either a pet keeper or you're not and there's no explaining one to the other.

    A friend has one of these with coeliac disease. It stands about three feet high at the shoulder. Imagine that with projectile diarrhoea... :(

  9. #9
    Grand Master
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    you have my sympathies, funny though! :D
    my 13 year old mog (ktmog) had a habit of sitting on my laptop keyboard if she deems i am not either paying her enough attention, feels like a feed, or just just feeling ornery.

    and as for catty farts.... :shock:

  10. #10
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    Dreich Scotland

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    Ironically I taught a 13 year old lad once who was blind in one eye through catching that from dog muck. Not a nice thought.
    Well the amount of blood I squeezed out and the fact that I soaked it in anti-bak I doubt I would get anything (hopefully :shock: )

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    You're either a pet keeper or you're not and there's no explaining one to the other.
    Would not be without mine, my dog has only left my side for three days in 10 years and although the cats have lost out to him and my daughter they are a pair of loving little sods :D


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ktmog6uk
    you have my sympathies, funny though! :D
    my 13 year old mog (ktmog) had a habit of sitting on my laptop keyboard if she deems i am not either paying her enough attention, feels like a feed, or just just feeling ornery.

    and as for catty farts.... :shock:
    Our two 12 year olds do exactly the same!

    Can't help but love them though.


  12. #12
    Master johnbaz's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Damn- Ours went missing a week ago and it's upset the household no end :(

    Even though he was a fecking nuisance occasionally he was a brill moggy, when the missus held him, he would gaze into her eyes, when she stroked him then stopped, he would touch her face for more attention...

    here he is in nuisance mode while i was trying to read up over on British Blades...

    He actually moved in this shot!!

    The woven mat that he's laid on here used to be his 'wrassling' partner, he would run into the conservatory and attack it, dragging it on top of him, biting it and generally beating it up until he ripped out the centre (killed it dead :lol: )
    When he stretched out across the mat, he almost touched both sides, the mat is 40" diameter :shock:

    He's a bit of a....erm, wide cat too

    I hope he comes back soon as he's missed :( (even though he can be a bleedin' nuisance :D )

    John :)

  13. #13
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    Dreich Scotland

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    John, he's probably taking a holiday with one of your neighbours thats been supplying him with extra food, hopefully he will be home soon :)


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  14. #14
    Master johnbaz's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WORKSIMON
    John, he's probably taking a holiday with one of your neighbours thats been supplying him with extra food, hopefully he will be home soon :)

    Cheers Si

    I hope he does come home soon as the wife has been on sentry duty all week (at the back door every hour through the night looking for him :cry: )

    Hope the throbbing subsides soon :wink:

    Rgds, John :P

  15. #15
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Check local sheds and garages John, one of our cats was locked in a garage for 4 days a few years ago. Neighbour had been working in the garden, left the garage door open, moggy wandered in and found a bed and then he locked it up with moggy inside. This was a regular garage, the type full of junk which never houses a car so he didn't go in every day.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  16. #16

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    The former matrimonial cat did a runner from the cattery while we were on holiday a couple of years ago. We had a call from the cattery while we were away, which took the enjoyment out of the holiday somewhat.

    On our return we set about searching the locality, which was extremely rural, but with a couple of busy main roads and an electrified railway line between the cattery and home. Many evenings and weekends were spent tramping the countryside and lanes, and everybody within a five mile radius knew what he was called.

    The ex made some "Wanted" posters which were duly nailed to telegraph poles etc, and put some notices in the local free papers. Two months after he went AWOL we received a call from a lady who said that a friend of hers had noticed one of the ads in the paper and that she had been feeding a stray cat which appeared to match the description. This was not the first such call that we had received, but I went to see the lady and lo and behold, found a rather slimline version of our errant moggy.

    He was 15 at the time, but had survived relatively intact - obviously helped by this very kind lady, and probably others, who had taken pity on him. After several visits to the vet, he regained his fighting weight and is still around, though now feeling his age.

    Having looked on local maps and Google Earth, we had mistakenly worked on the theory that cats have some form of homing instinct, and based our search on the area between the cattery and home. He was recovered from the opposite direction, so his internal compass was almost exactly 180 degrees out. Nevertheless we were grateful to find him - by far the worst part is not knowing what's happened to them, and you inevitably think and fear the worst.

    So have faith - they're very resilient creatures, even if some of them can be a bit dim. Hopefully, he's just got himself shut in somewhere, and will turn up dishevelled and hungry soon.


    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  17. #17
    Grand Master SimonK's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    I love cats and will be catsitting for a friend next week, I can't wait.

    This guy (not me, and I presume not Simona either) has it down to a T. ... re=channel ... re=channel

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    Ironically I taught a 13 year old lad once who was blind in one eye through catching that from dog muck. Not a nice thought.
    You're either a pet keeper or you're not and there's no explaining one to the other.

    A friend has one of these with coeliac disease. It stands about three feet high at the shoulder. Imagine that with projectile diarrhoea... :(

    We had one of those and it once needed it's anal glands squeezing. Took 3 of us to hold him while the vet did it - the smell :pukeleft:

  19. #19

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced.

  20. #20
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Doncaster, UK

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    I feel faint..

  21. #21

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    I hate one of my cat's even more at the moment. She has just dragged her ar$e across the cream carpet to get of a little bit of poo stuck to her...the smell and the mess is something to behold!

  22. #22

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Cant see the appeal one bit.
    Messy, expensive, disgustingly repulsive acts at times.

    Worse than some of my old g.f's, and some were nuts too!

  23. #23

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    John, I hope he's back soon & making life hell as usual!

    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    Check local sheds and garages John, one of our cats was locked in a garage for 4 days a few years ago. Neighbour had been working in the garden, left the garage door open, moggy wandered in and found a bed and then he locked it up with moggy inside. This was a regular garage, the type full of junk which never houses a car so he didn't go in every day.
    A little story if I may:
    Years ago we'd had friends staying one weekend & they returned home having left her contact lenses in our bathroom. Sooner than post them back I elected to deliver the lenses as I would be in their area during the coming week. It was a vile night when I drew up on their drive and, as they weren't at home, I jumped out the car, popped the container through their letter box and jumped back in. Five minutes later I'm making 'swift' :wink: progress down the A303, pitch black & driving rain, when something lands on my head & face........ how I corrected the swerve of the car I will never know, but at one point I was nearly broadside to the road and my heart was going like a jackhammer. Their effing cat had jumped into my car through the door whilst I was posting the lenses and unbenownst to me must have settled down in the back, then decided to come and say 'hello'!

    So back we go and the cat was dumped unceremoniously onto their drive. Driving home I had a bizzare thought: that if I'd crashed & died the cat would probably have climbed out of the wreckage unharmed & made it's way back home. The cause of my crashing would never be known & I guess the assumption would have been I'd fallen asleep at the wheel...........

    Cats: ninja killers.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  24. #24
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    One shouldn't laugh - but it was well told!

  25. #25
    Master Steve748's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    We were having an extension built on the side of our house and the builders were over running and had not finished when we were due to go on holiday for two weeks.
    The builders promised faithfully they would feed and look after the cat and when we returned there was a scruffy note that said 'sorry cat gone last Saturday, don't know where it is'
    I spent all Saturday (a week later than the note) looking for her but no sign anywhere. Sunday I went to the local paper shop to get the paper and on the door was a picture of our cat with a 'found' headline and a phone number.
    I went back home phoned up and it was a house at the end of the street about 750 yds away. I went to the house and she was sitting on the window sill and when she saw me she did a sort of double take in the way only cats can.
    I knocked on the door and the woman opened the door and I called out the cat's name and she ran out of the front room into the hall and straight up the stairs.
    I had quite a problem convincing the woman it was our cat, that had turned up in her garden, wet through, looking a bit thin and meowing constantly and now trying to make it difficult for me to pick her up.
    My wife then decided she should get out of the car and help me get her cat back!
    The following year it was back to the cattery for her.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    We moved onto a part-built estate in Glossop about 10 years ago and our two cats befriended the various builders working on the remaining unfinished homes.

    One evening at around 7.30 we get a knock on the door and it's one of the builders returning our cat, it has obviously been asleep in his van during day and he'd driven home to Oldham without noticing it until he stopped.

    Nice of him to return her (some would have kicked it out in the street and said no more).

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Our cats are allowed a lot of things. They can go out when they want, can sit on the table (when we have no guests), get fed whipped cream on their own saucer, sleep on our bed and when it's cold outside, in it. One thing they have learned to never do though: walk on a computer keyboard. The youngest one (12 though) goes out to catch a mouse for breakfast when she feels her food is not served fast enough, and then brings her meal into the house with her where she eats it smack next to the dinner table or, better still, next to our bed. Crunch, crunch, little cracking mouse bones, and then one has to clean the remains off the floor. Punishment for not getting up early enough to serve madam her Whiskas or whatever.
    Tip: if you want cats, get females. They are cleaner and don't venture too far. Tip 2: ensure you have a tile floor, never carpet...
    Wonderful animals though. And they keep mice and little rats under control, which is important in a rural setting.

  28. #28
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Mine brings mice in to play with. Sometimes they live with me for a week before either they die of playing or I manage to catch them. I had a field vole I called Squeak who lived under the fridge and fed out of the cat's dish whilst the cat watched. I finally caught it in the milk bowl, four legs in the milk but back arched up to keep it's stomach out of it. I put a magazine over the top of the bowl and dispensed vole and milk at the bottom of the garden.
    Then of course there came the disinfectant cleaning...
    My last cat brought birds in and ate them like sticks of rock, leaving pinion feathers and feet for me to clean up.

  29. #29

    Re: I hate my cat !!!

    Cats are cool.
    They dont need walking.
    Feed themselves for a day or two.
    DOnt need to pick their poo up in a plastic bag when out in the road.
    Dont swim in the canal etc
    Mine is a lovely little thing - she's super intelligent and flits between my property and the GF (over the road) and folllws me around Pied Piper fashion.
    She pops into the odd neighbour's house for a few mins - just to look i reckon, but loves being on top of the shed in the sun.
    Voles - she loves them.
    Birds - she loves them.
    Kills little in reality though - and gets a good kick in from one or two other cats on her patch, but never any serious damage.
    Eats like a horse - looks small (all the others are Toms) and still very kitten like.
    Wouldn't have a dog - too much responsibility and binding.

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