Sitting outside my local chip shop with my mates, 3 young lads turn up asking for a lift, upon me saying i can't be bothered they decide that maybe a smack round the head will make me change my mind :lol: WRONG when i turned on them cocked and ready to kill all bloody 3 of them they ran!!! i chased after them, and even waited for them to regroup but they wouldn't fight like :(
Police called, ambulance for my slashed ear and all three locked up in a cell :) good old police huh, actually rather impressed with them TBH :D plus they guy who came to take the statement was a very nice chap, not patronising at all (which makes a change)
Thought i'd share the attitude that most of the inhabitants of sunderland share :D
(off to bed now like, statement, hospital and all that shite, man i'm knackered!!!)