Quote Originally Posted by LuvWatch View Post
Just finished this series and agree with you both, very cinematic a nod to Fleetwood Mac I believe.
I must admit after what I'd read that I thought I would really enjoy this? I've the last episode to watch. I've struggled to get this far but the last two episodes have kept me on side.
Agree it it is beautifully shot with a 70's vibe ..... but as with all musical recreations of the past, the realism leaves a lot to be desired. The actors are good especially Billy Dunne and Daisy, but I don't really believe they are a band, almost like watching the Monkee's in some episodes.
Yes a nod towards Fleetwood Mac, but without the 'real' chaos that musicians cause. For me Pistol on Disney portrayed the disfunction better. Maybe the fictional element of the show, got in the way of portraying the 70's how they really were? Read Debbie Harry's memoir if you really want to get transported back to that era.