Snootily, I didn't think I'd like the MoonSwatch, having worn a 1969, 321-calibre Moonwatch for years. So I promised my brother in New York that if I could find one here (UK) I'd give it to him.

What an idiot. Found a Moon edition (best one to my eyes) in a Swatch store and wore it a few times before I sent it off. Didn't bond with it at first, but then realised it was the fun but chunky and awkward velcro strap that was irritating me.

Swapped it onto black and Bond NATOs and a Eulit Perlon tropic strap and BOOM. Transformed. You get the perfect case size and fit of the original Moonwatch with the comfort of the NATO, and together they're ridiculously light, if you like that (I do). Head-only the watch is 24g and the Perlon only adds 5g to that (13g for a standard NATO).

And no watch has ever looked better on a Bond NATO, I'd controversially suggest.

Anyway, I'm now suffering a bad case of gifter's remorse, as you can probably tell. I'll do a proper WTB in a minute, but if you have a Moon to move on, hit me up.