Looking for a little advice on getting an appropriate driver without having to remortgage...

I'm a high handicapper in my mid 50s and haven't carried a driver in my bag for decades as any attempt to use one proved disastrous. I recently bought a 5 wood with a lite / senior flex shaft that has proved to be my most reliable/accurate club so I use it off the tee with greater accuracy than anything before.

A custom fitting would no doubt help, but I don't want to mislead or waste the time of a golf pro or shop when I have no intention of spending many hundreds on the latest and greatest - I intend to buy a used club.

So is anyone aware of whether pros/shops/driving ranges offer a 10 minute swing assessment for a fee and a little advice on what club might be best for my swing? I'm not after a lesson - of which I've had many over the years. Or should I just take a punt on a 3 or 4 year old high loft lite flex driver?
