I find it interesting that many famous people are remembered for 'one' watch, so much so that we often refer to that model as theirs. Like the Newman Daytona, JFK's Omega, the McQueen Monaco, the Elvis Ventura, Eastwood's 'Root Beer' GMT, etc.

I'm sure they all owned and wore many other watches, but there is always that one that is synonymous with them.

It got me thinking about my watch collection and what I wear on a daily/weekly basis. I don't feel that any of them are 'mine' or, to put it another way, I don't think anyone I know would say, "Oh, that's 'your' watch."

I have a one year old now, and I'd like for her to grow up and recognise 'my' watch so that one day she might own it and have some attachment to it, or that make/model at least (supposing she actually likes me enough to care!)

With this in mind, I'm planning on selling about 90% of my collection and buying that 'one' watch that's mine and will be my daily wearer for a looooong time.

So, it'd better be a good watch then, hey! I've thought about it for a long time and tried to balance price with emotional attachment vs what I would feel comfortable wearing for most activities.

Eventually, I decided that 'my' watch will be a blue Tudor Submariner from the 80's / 90's.

Effortlessly cool (even if I'm not), subtle but noticeable to other WIS out there and a comfortable wear at 36mm or 40mm. It'd go under a cuff or with a faded T, so suits all occasions, and I don't need to fork out for current Rolex prices (which I can't afford anyway).

I don't even have the watch yet, so I get to enjoy the excitement of the chase for a while as well! One day soon, hopefully.

Sorry for the long post, but it's good to try and articulate and rationalise to yourself why you're doing what you're doing.

Has anyone else come to the same crisis crossroads of variety over a firm favourite timepiece? If you've already taken the path I'm headed down, what's 'your' watch?

Any other 'famous' watches out there that are interesting or surprising?

Now... just need to offload a ton of seikos and Casios Any takers?

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