I am struggling a bit and feel very stupid.

I have a NAS installed (Netgear) but I am not using it for a thousandth of what I could so I had decided to look into it a bit more. I can see it on my Finder (all-Mac house), and put files on it.
But I tried to go into Readycloud.
I hadn't gone there for so long that my account needed to be updated. Followed a fairly useless series of trial and error to find which email had been used: I have tried them all and nothing.
I then thought that, whilst unlikely, I was well capable of not having set it up in the first place. So I thought I could just create a new one.
My initial attempt at getting the NAS discovered by Readycloud failed, but they provide a useful little app (Netgear RAIDar) that soon found it. All was good again.

Until that is it asked me to log in into my IP address. And this is where I am: I have no idea of what the username should be (I've tried loads) nor the PW.
And to make matters worse, after a while the system tells me that password recovery has not been set on the device and that it is not available.

... --- ...


(and please speak to me using simple words )