Quote Originally Posted by blackal View Post
You are AliExpress and I claim my £5................
I can only dream
Quote Originally Posted by Yeti View Post
I work for myself and put myself under a cloud of pressure having to always find the next deal.
From what your describing you guys seem to also have a lot of pressure! I’m not sure I could survive in a world where if I don’t hit the targets set from someone above me I don’t get the bonus..must be nerve racking. But then I suppose you (presuming) city boys are on a decent basic?
Out of interest..and going off an a slightly different angle…what is a decent wage nowadays up town? £100k/£150k per year? Less/more?
Ha, I'm not on that kind of money at all. You need actual qualifications to make that much! I'm just a lowly account manager. For context my bonus was 59% of my total pay for 2021 (including my Feb 22 payment for Q4-2021). I would happily take a pay cut to go into a basic only role and never think about commission/bonus ever again. My pension would also be much better as a result.